THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD 17th May, 2015 Reflection: Today the Feast of the Ascension of Jesus, we the people of Holy Trinity Parish are called to discipleship. In Marks Gospel Jesus commissions the disciples to 'go out into all the world & proclaim the good news'. Well who else is going to do this in 2015 if it is not you and me! What is this good news? What is this good news in today’s world? Is it not to love one another?........not judging others? be open and inclusive?.........removing our preconceived ideas?.... accepting that we are all on this earth together and need to help each other out in life in any way we are able? The Good News is about Hope, Love and Forgiveness. We are not on our own, those of us that have faith know and can be assured that the Holy Spirit lives within us and is with us always. Holy Trinity parishioners have also been commissioned by Jesus, to go out and spread the ’Good News’. Our Pastoral plan identifies six (6) ministries that could touch our hearts and inspire or motivate us to become actively involved in servant leadership within our communities and beyond. Remembering that we are supported by the Holy Spirit...and also...each other! Julie Binstead - Holy Trinity PLT Appeal for People in Nepal— your generosity greatly received– MANY THANKS! Last weekend there was a 2nd collection—$11,000 was raised in all three communities for this Caritas Nepal Appeal. Your amazing contribution continues to grow and we will add the appeal amounts from our three primary schools in the next few days thus we will have a final revelled amount next weekend. St. Peter’s masses contributed $7,000, St. Paul’s $3,000 and St. Catherine’s $1,000. This is a wonderful effort, thank you! Chaplaincy Sunday: The presence of Catholic Chaplains is a crucial witness to our faith and our service of love. A vital testimony to the value of life in all its stages. Our parish donation contributes to : ∗ Increased hours in Youth Justice Centres, Parkville and Malmsbury. ∗ More Chaplains in 14 prisons across Victoria. ∗ Increase of 100 hours per week in our major public hospitals and Mental Health. ∗ Increase of 30 hours per week providing hospitality and spiritual support to people living with HIV/AIDS. ∗ Seafarers. We support the endeavours of the Royal Commission to bring healing to the victims of abuse. Church's website: OUR MASS TIMETABLE OUR PEOPLE & OUR CONTACT DETAILS (Subject to change) DAY HOLY TRINITY PARISH WEB PAGE: EMAIL: [email protected] Priests: Michael Sierakowski, Paul Gurry, Clem Cafarella, Cyril Blake Pastoral Associates: Matilde Chia, Margaret Pinzone, Carmel Dyt, Delia Donahoe (OLSH), June Kellar, Liz Liston Catherine Green (Arrowsmith Program) Parish Manager: Libby Thomas St. Paul’s Bentleigh OFFICE HOURS (Mon - Fri) 9am - 3pm 844 Centre Road, East Bentleigh 3165 Ph: 9579 4255 Fax: 9570 4288 122 Jasper Road, Bentleigh 3204 Ph: 9557 1165 Fax: 9503 4575 [email protected] [email protected] Pastoral Associates: Carmel Dyt, Delia Donahoe, June Kellar Liz Liston Secretaries: Marion Quinn Trish Richards Sacramental Teachers Lidia Boschini Betty DeMarco Stewardship Program: Keith Gonsalvez Adult Faith Education: Chris Pearson Pastoral Associates: Matilde Chia 9:15am Communion St. Paul’s 10:00am Mass St. Peter’s 10:00am Mass St. Paul’s 9:15am Communion St. Paul’s 10:00am Communion St Peter’s 10:00am Mass St Catherine’s Thurs 10:00am Mass St Paul’s Fri 10:00am Mass St Peter’s 8.30am Mass St. Catherine’s 8:00am Communion St. Peter’s 9:30-10am Reconciliation for children only St Paul’s 6.00pm Mass St. Paul’s 6.30pm Mass St. Peter’s Mass St. Peter’s Mass St. Catherine’s Mass St. Paul’s Mass St. Peter’s Mass St. Catherine’s Mass St Peter’s Tues Sat Primary School Ann Cooper – Principal Margaret Smith - REC 9557 7130 8.30am 9.30am Sun 10.30am 2 Buchan Street, Moorabbin 3189 Ph: 9555 4242 5:30pm [email protected] Pastoral Associate: Margaret Pinzone Primary School Michael Juliff - Principal Secretary: Judi Fisher 9575 0909 Primary School Mrs Maria Angliss– Principal Ms Carmel Donlon - REC 9555 7200 RECONCILIATION: 1/2 hr before each mass Emergency: Please call St. Peter’s and leave a message as we regularly attend this phone—03 9579 4255 COMMUNITY Mon Secretary: Libby Thomas St. Catherine’s Moorabbin SERVICE WEEK COMMENCING 18th May , 2015 Wed St. Peter’s East Bentleigh OFFICE HOURS (Mon - Fri) 9am - 3pm TIME Caritas—Nepal Appeal– SO FAR! St. Peter’s $ 6,684.00 St. Paul’s $ 2,691.30 St. Catherine’s $ 1,027.00 Collections: Last weekend 9th & 10th May 2015 Community Stewardship Presbytery St. Peter’s $5,678 $1,286 St. Paul’s $831.50 $644.30 $706 $452 St. Catherine’s ST. CATHERINE’S NOTICES CONGRATULATIONS Long-time parishioner, Jean Sutton, will celebrate her 90th birthday tomorrow, May 18. We congratulate Jean on achieving this memorable milestone, and offer her our prayers and best wishes for good health and happiness in future years. St Catherine’s Sacramental Program RECONCILIATION Congratulations to Levin Mitchell, Kane Vaughan, Nicholas Carapeto, Ella Susic, Chelsea Blitsas, Laura Smeaton and Chloe Treagus of Year 3 at St Catherine’s who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Saturday, 9th May 2015. ST. PAUL’S NOTICES FIRST RECONCILIATION: Children’s First Reconciliation on the 23rd May. Please continue to pray for them as they prepare to experience God’s forgiveness and healing. We ask our Parishioners who wish to receive Reconciliation to wait until after all the children have been seen. REMEMBERANCE MASS: There will be a Special Mass remembering the first anniversary of Ignazia La Fauci on Monday 18th May at 7.00pm at St. Paul’s Church. All welcome. WEEKDAY MASSES: During the winter months, (June, July and August) the OLSH Sisters have kindly open their doors for Parishioners to join them at the Convent for Mass at 10am on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. (Unless there is a Funeral or otherwise advised) LEGION OF MARY: All Auxiliary members are invited to a Fun and Friendship gathering on the 23rd May from 12.00pm-2.00pm at Rovira House, St. Patrick’s Murrumbeena. GIFT IDEAS: Two more groups will make their Reconciliation over the next few weeks. CONFIRMATION The Year 6 Confirmation candidates will attend the 10.30am Parish Mass on Sunday to affirm their commitment to preparing and making the Sacrament of Confirmation on the 29th May at St Patrick’s Cathedral. The candidates will give out prayer cards and parishioners are invited to take a card to support these ten young people as they continue their faith journey. Please keep these students in your prayers: Mitchell Blitsas, Thomas Folino, Ty Hewett, Thomas Lamb, Daniel Leary, Kiana Lynch, Erin Quinn, Oscar Blanco, Osgar Wardlaw and Benjamin Watterston. Carmel Donlon ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Next meeting on May 25th at 7pm, in the Sweeney Centre at St Catherine’s. All welcome. CRAFTY LADIES Craft Group will meet tomorrow at 1pm in the Sweeney Centre. New members and ideas always welcome. VOCATION VIEW Jesus said to his disciples 'Go into the whole world and proclaim the Good News to all creation.' There are still dark aspects to our world and to our neighbourhood that need the Good News. Answer the call to 'Go and teach all people my Gospel. I am with you always, until the end of time.' Looking for gift ideas for Frist Communions, Baptisms or the sacraments. We have a new catalogue from Christian Supplies which will be left in our Library box which is in front of the Sacred Heart Altar, for anyone who would like to have a look. FEAST OF OUR LADY OF THE SACRED HEART: Associates of our Lady of the Sacred Heart are invited to Mass at 11am followed by lunch at the OLSH Convent on Saturday, 30th May. KAIROS: A new Mothers Day issue No. 8 is available. Please place $2 in the St. Vincent De Paul box. ADORATION: Wednesday 3.00 — 4.00pm Friday 8.15 — 9.15am CAN YOU HELP: Thank you to those who have put their name down on the list. New Rosters will be prepared soon and we are currently Looking for Volunteers for all sorts of things. If you can assist please add your name. The rolls needed are Readers/ Leaders, Offertory/Gift Procession (especially Saturday nights), Computer Operators, Eucharistic Ministers, Communion to the Sick, Alter Society/Cleaning and Sacristan (help with setting up and closing up for Masses), Washing of Linen, Sunday Morning Tea, Counters and Liturgy Group. These tasks are not hard and many hands make light work. Sign up sheets are available in front of Our Lady’s Altar. ST. PAUL’S NOTICES Cont’d CANCER COUNCIL - BIGGEST MORNING TEA: Will be held again this year Tues, 26th May, 10.30am. Please mark this date in your diary and think about who you could invite to share in this morning tea an opportunity for fellowship with our wider community. St. John’s Anglican Church, 624 Centre Rd, Bentleigh or There will also be one held in St. Paul’s Hall, Friday, 22nd May at 9.05am. Hosts: Maria, Mena & Josie. Come along and make your cup count. INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON NOTICE BOARDS • Southern Stars Social Club: Over 28’s Party Night 23/5/15, 8pm Benedict House, St. Benedict’s Parish Burwood. • St. Peter’s Prayer Group invites you to their Healing Mass 25/5/15, 8pm 844 Centre Rd. E. Bentleigh. • Walk for right to be Born 2014, 23rd-25th May & Right to Life: Life Hike 2, Great Ocean Walk 28th-30th May In the Boxes at the doors: St. Paul’s School Newsletter ST. PETER’S NOTICES MEETINGS/FUNCTIONS THIS WEEK Mon. 18th May Wed 20th May Thurs. 21st May 7:30pm St V de P Conference Meeting—Green Room. 8:00pm Charismatic Group—Anchor 4:00pm Sacramental Program— 7:30pm Green Room & Lounge Room Liturgy Team Meeting—Green Room Sacraments This Weekend We welcome the following children: Ava Sy, Bianca Archer, Carmen Poulter & Hunter Thurlow into our community through Baptism. We congratulate Samantha Grant as she receives God’s forgiveness through Reconciliation. Confirmation Our Confirmation candidates have a busy time in the next 2 weeks preparing for this Sacrament. This Thurs., 21st May, Rehearsal at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Fri, 22nd May is Reflection day at St. Peter’s for all Year 6s in Holy Trinity Parish. Pentecost Sunday, 23rd/24th May, candidates are presented to our community at each of our weekend masses. Sacramental Programme 2015 For children NOT attending St. Peter’s Primary School Confirmation Classes Sundays 10-11am, McKenna Centre. (Confirmation, St. Patrick’s Cathedral 29th May, 1st Eucharist Classes commence on Wed. 20th May, 4-5pm, St. Peter’s Church Green Room. Pls ring Parish Office: 9579 4255. Lidia & Betty Loganville Hostel Volunteer Loganville Hostel runs bus outings for our residents once a week, thanks to the help of volunteer bus drivers and jockeys. During May one of our volunteer jockeys is going on an extended overseas break which means we need a new volunteer from June to Dec, once a month - to 12 noon on the first Tues. of the month. Is anyone able to assist? A Current police check is required before starting. (Loganville will pay the cost) Any kind person interested please ring Liz or Luisa on 9579-0784. Thankyou St. Peter’s Cancer Support Group BIGGEST MORNING TEA, FRIDAY, 29th MAY. AFTER 10AM MASS, MCKENNA CENTRE.$5pp, Yes the first little wooden school house was erected in 1865 on Centre Road near the site of the current hospital. We are looking for photographs (and memorabilia) pertaining to the history of the School that we could borrow for the 150th Anniversary. If anyone has any please contact the School Office on 9575 0909. Mass and tour of school will be held on Sunday, 21st June, more details soon Thanking you in anticipation Michael Juliff Congratulations to Theja Tissera on becoming an Australian Citizen St. Peter’s Prayer Group— ” This Promise is for You” Last Monday session on 18th May, in the Anchor, All welcome. Lidia 9578 1962 Healing Mass— Monday, 25th May, 8pm—Fr. Wahid. Raffles. See McKenna Notice Board & Pamphlet Stand • • • • ∗ ∗ St. Peter’s Newsletter: 14th May, 2015 Catholic Archdiocese Parish Update: 13 May, 2015 Heart of Life Spirituality Centre: Sat Reflection Days. The Carmelite Centre Melbourne: May/June timetable 3 Bedroom House Dingley for rent Leanne 9995 2469 Furnished room with private facilities, No Bond or bills, Non smoker, $170 per week. Pls ph 9551 4392. GENERAL NOTICES Mass Count During the month of May there will be a count of those attending masses in our three communities Trinity Parish Youth Group Saturday night disco When: 30th May Where : St Paul’s School Hall Time :7 pm to 10 pm Cost :$12 per head Includes DJ Trent, Nibbles & Desert supplied Get Your Friends together and have a good time Please let us Know if coming 0408381604 or 0423830918 By Txt OK Youth: Pentecost, Sun. 24th May, 3pm Mass, 4:30pm BBQ, 5:30pm Rally Collingwood Town Hall, 140 Hoddle St. Abbotsford. Students: $10. Cathedral Organ Recitals at St. Patrick’s Cathedral Sat. 30th May, 6th & 13th June, 5-5:45pm $10/$5 Sat, 30th May, Mr. Dion Henman Sat. 6th June, Mr Thomas Grubb Sat. 13th June, Dr. Paul Taylor. Anyone interested in Vocations Awareness might appreciate this link in the media: migrants-filling-ranks-next-generation-catholic-priests Probus Club of Moorleigh welcomes new members. For details pls contact John Henderson on 9563 7098 TRINITY BOOK CLUB Thursday 4 June is Trinity Book Club meeting. Nora Webster by Colm Toibin is the book. OLSH COLLEGE REUNIONS—2015 Sat. 23 May – 30th Reunion for the Class of 1985: Email [email protected] and check Facebook OLSH Bentleigh Class of 1985. Sat. 23 May – 10th Reunion for the Class of 2005: At the College 2- 5pm. Contact Catherine (Patterson) Millwood on [email protected]. Facebook OLSH Class of 2005. Sun. 13 Sept. – 20th Reunion for the Class of 1995:U Time 3pm onwards, venue TBA. Email [email protected] with your updated details. Tanya (Robbins) Sawtell and Liz (Telfer) Tregoning. The Aboriginal Catholic Ministry invites you to celebrate the end of 25 years of dedicated service, leadership and achievements of Vicki Clark. Date: Fri. 19th June 2015 Time: 6.30 for 7.00PM Venue: L’Unica Reception & Convention Centre Cost: $75.00 per person (Tables of 10) Bookings Essential: Enq: Lilian P: 9480 3849 or E: [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]> <mailto:[email protected]> Heart of Life Spirituality Centre 96 Albion Road, Box Hill Ph: 98901101 What’s on in June? Saturday Prayer Day with Kevin Messer * Pope Francis, the Poor and Jesus: Seeing people, who belong to the cultures of the poor, through the eyes of personal experience; seeing through the eyes of Pope Francis their role in personal conversion and evangelisation; seeing through the eyes of Jesus in his response in the Gospels; and reflecting in a contemplative way to allow the Holy Spirit to bring to conscious awareness God’s direction for me in my personal response. Saturday June 6 10.00 am – 3.30 pm Cost: $40 BYO lunch Women’s Weekend Blessings: Fri. 29th May, 8pm to Sun Sun 31st May, 3pm. $180, 5 meals, private room, shared bathroom. Pallotti College, McNamaras Rd, Millgrove Facilitator: Lorraine McCarthy, Spiritual Director & UAC formation worker. Contact: Lorraine 0402 217 123 Catholic Theological College Study Philosophy, Biblical Studies, Liturgy, RCIA or Religious Education Winter Intensives: June 29; July 1, 3, 6, 1, 10 + assessment Semester 2 Intensives: 3 Weekends (during Aug, Sept, Oct) All units: 10.00am – 5.00pm Details on College website at Enq: 9412 3333, [email protected] Congratulations and warmest Birthday Wishes to Ralph Sierakowski on his 99th Birthday ST. PETER’S ROSTER PARISHIONERS DATE LECTORS 6.30pm—Drusilla Gonsalvez, Ronald Miranda 8.30am—Judy Bellesini, Margaret Brennan 10.30am—Chris Grafen, Carol Hinschen 5.30pm—Vanita Fernandez 23rd & 24th May PRESBYTERY COUNTERS GRP 1: Barry Linton, Liz Coyne, Brian McKernan, Tina Virgona Sun 24th May THANKSGIVING COUNTERS GRP 7: Ted Palmer, Julian Conheady, Tom & Joan Fennelly, John Suhr Sun 24th May SACRISTAN GRP 5: Nora Atkinson, Cheryl Allman, Loretta Henderson Sat 23rd May FATIMA STATUE D’Lima Family—Vera Street Sun 17th May Aldersey Family—Glenmer Street Sun 24th May June Kellar (Sun) Troy Kuhn (Sun) 17th May 24th & 31st May Betty De Marco (Wed) Carmel Dyt (Wed) 20th & 27th May 3rd & 10th June MOORABBIN HOSPITAL VISIT ST. PAUL’S ROSTER PARISHIONERS DATE Sun 17th May Sun 24th May COUNTERS VOCATIONS / CHALICE Teresa Meyer (Sun) Margaret McGowan (Sun) 17th & 24th May Barbara Fyfe Glynn Mayne (L) (L) Sr. Annabella Sr. Nora (R) (R) (Sat) (Sun) 16th & 17th May Brindyl Madhusudan Patricia Baxter (L) (L) Peggy Davis Heather Aldred (R) (R) (Sat) (Sun) 23rd & 24th May De Losa Family (Sat) Peter Whitelaw (Sun) 16th & 17th May De Losa Family (Sat) Lanh Forrest (Sun) 23rd & 24th May Peggy & Paul Davis (Sat) Saldanha Family (Sun) 16th & 17th May Madhusudan Family (Sat) Maria Demarchi & Angie Jones (Sun) 23rd & 24th May LECTORS COMPUTER OPERATORS: GIFTS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Station 1: Raulston Macedo Station 2: Brindyl Madhasudan Station 3: Peggy Davis Saturday Station 1: Teresa Meyer, Bev Claudius Station 2: Marg McGowan, 2 Volunteers needed, Station 3: Kaye Hoy, Volunteer Sunday May Diana & Garnet Fernandez 17th May Anna Wright-Smith and Anne Marie English 24th May MORNING TEA (HALL) COMMUNION TO THE SICK 1: Annette Clark 2: Gerard Rivalland ST. CATHERINE’S ROSTER 3: Herbert Saldanha PARISHIONERS 17th May DATE COUNTERS Paul & Rita Humphreys, Paul Lynch Mon 25th May ALTAR SOCIETY Pauline Buckley, Mary Gill Sat 23rd May LECTORS 8.30am: Judi Fisher 10.30am: Marta Nowak Sun 24th May EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 8.30am: Bernadette Farrell 10.30am: Frank Gill Sun 24th May COMPUTER OPERATORS 8.30am: Anthony Wrzesinski 10.30am: Garry Clynes Sun 24th May FATIMA STATUE Adams Family Mon 25th May THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD GOSPEL: Mark 16: 15-20 Jesus showed himself to the Eleven and said to them, ‘Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News to all creation. He who believes and is baptised is saved; he who does not believe will be condemned. These are the signs that will be associated with believers: in my name they will cast out devils; they will have the gift of tongues; they will pick up snakes in their hands, and be unharmed should they drink deadly poison; they will lay their hands on the sick, who will recover.’ And so the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven: there at the right hand of God he took his place, while they, going out, preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word by the signs that accompanied it. Did you know?……… You can now view the Parish Bulletin online at ‘’ If you wish to receive the Parish Bulletin, emailed direct to your computer, go to the website; on the right hand side you will see ‘Parish Bulletin Subscription’; enter your name and email address in the boxes provided; and click on ‘Subscribe’. This is a free service. Lord, we commend to you people in need: Those who are sick: St Peter’s: Eileen Ramage, Baby Twins Jonathan & Joseph Finch, Maree Prior, Paul Nielsen, Pat Callanan, Stanley Wright, Doug Willans, Moira Bugg, Simon Trinh, Doreen Brown, Anna Marteon, Peter & Marie Bergin, Sheryl Martin, Pat Huggins, Michael Griffin, Christina Andersen, Sarah, Elisa D’Elia, John Madden, Paul Houston, Rachael Hailstone, Roland Fernandez, Ann Dodd, Merle Milner, Cresencia Elchico, John Jackson, June Jackson, Maria-Elena De Sa, Valmai Rogers, Matt Milanovic, Joan Clarke, Dorotea Moniz, Alfio Pappalardo, Claude Darga, Stephanie & Amelie Francois, Maria Kyunghee Chu, Duncan McMillan, Melissa Jovanovic, Bill Tilley, Dorothy Nolan, Cathy Davies, Guiseppe Mase, Cathy Hogan, Nigel Harbach, Kathleen Murphy, Abby, Jacqui Slattery, Daniel Pintado, St Paul’s: Patricia Briody, Anne Taylor, Elizabeth Wort, Camile Riley, Sharon Boyd, Elisa D’Elia, Tanya Wall, St Catherine’s: Sue Saddler, Paul McKay, Paul Madden, Joan Clarke, Joanne Barry, Robert Boileau, Paul Dwyer, Tony Infanti, Minna Beer, Trenna Scanlon Recently Deceased: St Peter’s: Wendy Sierakowski, Jen Kennedy, St Paul’s: Harry Malatsis, David Matthews St. Catherine’s: Tricia Connors, 1 Month Remembrance: St Peter’s: Giacomo Turcarelli 1st Anniversary Remembrance: St Paul’s: Ignazia La Fauci Anniversaries occurring at this time: St Peter’s: Jack Laragy, Marg Coster, Cheryl Hodgers (18th), Una Fernandes, Con Brady, Jackson Robinson, St Paul’s: Ed Thomas, Paul Morrissey, Peta Walsh, Frank Dewan, St. Catherine’s: Jim Dea, Maria Pinzone, Eileen Connors, Joseph D’Monte, Mariangela Mercuri BULLETIN NOTICES DEADLINES St. Peter’s Trish Richards & Marion Quinn, 9579 4255, [email protected] Thursday St. Paul’s Libby Thomas, 9557 1165, [email protected] Thursday 9am St. Catherine’s Judi Fisher - [email protected] or in letterbox at Presbytery Thursday 9am
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