ST PETER’S LUDLOW and ST ELIZABETH’S CLEOBURY MORTIMER Sunday 23rd November 2014 - 1st Sunday in Advent Mass Times and Intentions Saturday 29 Nov Sunday 30 Nov 10.00am Ferial 6.00pm Vigil 1st Advent November List People of the Parish Deceased Powick & Gibbons Family Cyril Harper November List Priest's Intention Church in Asia 9.00 am St Elizabeth's Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Dec 2 Dec 3 Dec 11.00am 9.30am 9.30am 9.30am Thursday 4 Dec 9.30am Friday 5 Dec 8.00am 10.00am 6.00pm St Peter's Ferial Ferial St Francis Xavier St John of Damascus Ferial St Nicholas Vigil 2nd Advent People of Syria Dan McLachlan Arlette Meyerson Saturday 6 Dec Forgotten Departed George & Ellen 9.00 am St Elizabeth's Sunday 7 Dec Shaffery 11.00am St Peter's People of the Parish MORNING PRAYER: 15 minutes before Mass, each weekday PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Betty Berry, Doug Charlton, Sheila Chick, David Coates, Katie Curtis, Joyce Douglas, Mary Edwards, Tessa and Val Frank, Jacob Hawthorne, Lady Lisburne, Joseph Lupini, Paul McLean, Joseph Mohr, Hugh O'Neill, Mary Nephin, Muriel Powick, Tom Preece, Nora Rouse, Coleen Smith, Bob and Gerry Palmer, Pauline Straughton, David Warr, Maria Weeks, Elizabeth Yates. DIED: Arlette Meyerson ANNIVERSARIES: Anne Pullen, Michael Maddox, James Finnigan, Agnes Fegan, Denis Bromley. OFFERTORY: St Peter’s £592.20 St Elizabeth’s £111.15 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: St Peter's Saturday 10.30-11.00 St Elizabeth's Before Mass (or by appointment) EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Thursday 10-11AM ADVENT: PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD: Today we begin a new Church year with the season of Advent. When as we prepare to celebrate the first coming of God's Son among us, we look forward to his second coming in glory. A season of "joyful spiritual preparation" which will culminate at St Peter's in the solemn and joyful Celebration of Reconciliation on Wednesday 17th December, 7.30pm CONGRATULATIONS to Leila Webster and Sam Ingram who celebrated their1st Holy Communion with us last Sunday. And a huge thank you to Anne Hubard who on our behalf prepared them so well over a period of many months. We are greatly indebted to her. FAITH CAFÉ: Wednesday 3rd December, 7.30pm. St Peter's Parish Centre. We continue our series on Catholic Social Teaching examining what the Church says about the issues of Work and the Economy. CHRISTMAS CANDLELIGHT: Carols and Songs by Bella Acapella, St Peter's, Saturday 13th December, 7.30 for 8.00pm, in aid of Hope House Children's Hospice. Tickets £6 (including refreshments) from Barbara (873048) or Colette (872614) or Hope House shop in town. CHRISTMAS CARDS: 1. Instead of sending individual cards to each other, why not sign the "parish card" at the back of church and make a donation to the SVP? 2. Please consider sending a card to a prisoner of conscience - case studies and addresses at the back of church. ADVENT LUNCHES: Cleobury Market Hall, Fridays 5th, 12th, 19th December, 1.00 - 2.15PM. See poster in the porch. ADVENT QUIET MORNING: Saturday, 6th December, 10am - 1pm, led by Rev. Sue Foster of Tenby at 6 Summerfields (home of Venerable Colin Williams). Details from Pat Helme, 318169. CATHOLIC DIARIES: Are now available at the back of church, £1. There are some spare for those who didn't order. GIFT AID: HMRC has returned £6,9889.77 to St Peter's and £2,254.44 to St Elizabeth's. The Diocese takes a fee for processing the claims. Many thanks to all who participated in the scheme which boosts our income each year. Because of the Parish Lunch COFFEE/ TEA will not be served after 11am Mass this week Canon Christopher Walsh, St Peter’s, Henley Road, Ludlow, SY8 1QZ - Tel 01584 872906 - Website: - Email: [email protected] The Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity (No 234025)
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