The Bible as Literature – ENG 300a, WIC, Spring 2015 Please, verify all terms in this handout (used in class and/or in the course book till the last day of lectures and discussions before the final examination). Use, e.g., Encyclopedia Britannica, Funk & Wagnall's New Encyclopedia (=MS Encarta), Encyclopedia Americana (=Grolier), American Heritage Dictionary 4th ed., Encyclopedia Catholica Online, etc. Use all links to widen your search – it is a fast and painless way to be briefly introduced to the main terms, names, dates, and conceptions in any scholastic field. NB: only bold + underlined terms (all of them – used in class lectures) will be used for the final test (some terms appear twice – e.g., Holy Spirit + Spirit, Holy Spirit). The minimal set of terms in any introduction to a scholastic/scientific field is up to 200 items. All other terms are general and for your future reference (if you are interested at all in Bible studies, history and essence of Biblical religions, human culture and arts based on the sacred book of Judaism and Christianity…) On the test: while choosing a term to identify, be sure to make your definition academic, as objective as possible, and relevant to the course and its themes, goals, etc. Avoid all generalities (e.g., identify "parable" as a literary/language term, and not as one used in any other field of knowledge) and all emotions. Also, please make sure to identify not more than 10 terms (since you study mathematics and statistical methods, you are expected to understand the underlying reasons; if you do not understand, please, refer to the syllabus for all explanations). A.D. (meaning and explanation), C.E. (meaning and etymology) Aaron Abel, Cain Abraham Abrahamic religions Acts (of the (Holy) Apostles) Adam Adultery (biblical sense) Age to come, Coming Age Alexander the Great (and his role in European culture) Alexandria (also "school of") Allegory, Allegorical sense AUBG, Assoc. Prof. S. Ivanov Page 1 Anagogy, Anagogical sense Analysis, Synthesis Angel Anthropomorhism Anthropopathism Antioch (school of, etc.) Antithesis Antonym Apocalypse/Revelation (as genre; as a book, and passages), Apocalyptic Apocryph, -a (all meanings: general, “Protestant”, in and out of the Bible, etc.) Apostasy Apostle Aramaic Ascension Athanasius of Alexandria, Festal letter, 367 Atonement, Day of Atonement Auctor primarius (God), secundarius (man) Authority (in Biblical literature) AV, Authorized Version of the Bible, Synodal Bible (in Greek Orthodoxy) Axiology B.C. (meaning and explanation), B.C.E. (meaning and explanation) Babel (Tower of) Babylon, Babylonia, Babylonian Baptism Beatitudes AUBG, Assoc. Prof. S. Ivanov Page 2 Bede, Venerable Bible (+etymology), Holy Writ, the Scripture, Holy Bible Bible: Authorized, Canonical, Greek Orthodox, Roman-Catholic, Protestant, Synodal, Bible Societies, the Bible Studies Biblical Archeology Biblical languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Latin, Koine) Biblical/Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) (+ explanation) Biblical/Systematic/Historical theology Bishop Cain, Abel Calvary, Golgotha Canaan Canon (of Scripture), Canonicity, Canonical, Canonization (principles of apostolicity, orthodoxy, antiquity, usage, inspiration) Catechism Catholic epistles (in the NT) Catholic (all meanings); Catholicism Chapter/-s (in the Bible) Christ (+etymology) Christian, Christianity Christmas (+the "NT Christmas story") Christology Chronicles Circumcision AUBG, Assoc. Prof. S. Ivanov Page 3 Codex Collossians (epistles to) Concordance/Symphony (of the Bible) Context Coptic, Copts Corinthians (epistles to) Council of Trent (and its relevance to the structure of the European Bible) Covenant, Covenant Code Coverdale, Miles Creation (+Creation story) Creed (-s) Criticism: form, historical, literary, redaction, source, social, textual, etc. Crucifixion Crucifix Cuneiform Damascus road, Road to Damascus (Paul’s vision and conversion) Damasus, pope, 366-384 Daniel David Day of Christ (Parousia) Day of the Lord (of YHWH) Deacon Dead Sea scrolls, Qumran Death (in biblical literature) Decalog (-gue), Ten Commandments AUBG, Assoc. Prof. S. Ivanov Page 4 Deluge, Flood Demon Deuterocanonical, Protocanonical Deuteronomy, Deuteronomic (+D source) Devil Diaspora (Dispersion) Doctor of the Church Doctrine Documentary hypothesis Dogma, Dogmatics Doom, Doom’s Day Douai-Rheims (Douay-Reims) Version Eastern (Greek) Orthodoxy Ecclesiastes Ecclesiasticus (ben-Sirah) Ecumenical Council Egyptian, Egypt (Biblical sense) Election (Biblical sense) Elohim Elohist Ephesians (epistle to) Epistle (as genre; Hellenistic letter => in the NT) Epistles of John Eschatology Eternal life, punishment (in the Bible) AUBG, Assoc. Prof. S. Ivanov Page 5 Ethics (biblical, religious) Eusebius of Caesarea, 325 Evangel, Gospel (as genre), Good News Eve Evil (in the Bible) Exegesis; Hermeneutic(-s); Interpretation Exodus (Book of, and "Exodus experience") Ezekiel Faith Fall, the Fairytale Father (of the Church), Patristic Literature Fertile Crescent Figure of speech, Trope Flood, Deluge Fourth Gospel (Gospel acc. to John) Gabriel (archangel) Galilee Generation, Degeneration, Regeneration Genesis Geneva Bible Genre (speech; sermon; homily; prayer; novella; chronicle; epistle; prophetic vision; apocalypse; biography; gospel) Gentile Gloss AUBG, Assoc. Prof. S. Ivanov Page 6 Gnosis, Gnostic, Gnosticism God (in OT, in NT, in general; academic use of the term - not a religious one) Golden Calf Golgotha, Calvary Good News Bible Gospel (as genre) Gospels (acc. to Matthew, Marc, Luke, John) Greece, Greek culture/history Greek (Eastern Greek) Orthodoxy& its Bible Heaven, heavenly (in the Bible) Hebraism Hebrew (all meanings) Hebrews (epistle to) Hellenic VS Hellenism, Hellenistic Hermeneutics (-c), Hermeneutical principles; Exegesis; Interpretation Heuristics Hieroglyph Historical narratives (in the Bible) Historical setting (Sitz im Leben) Holiness Code Holy Holy Spirit/Ghost Homily Hymn, Hymnody Idolatry, idol AUBG, Assoc. Prof. S. Ivanov Page 7 Illumination (in manuscripts) Image & Likeness Immanuel Immortality (in the Bible) Incarnation (Biblical religious sense) Initial (in manuscripts) Inspiratio verbalis Inspiration Interpretation (in general; Biblical); Exegesis; Hermeneutic(-s) Inter-Testamental Irenaeus of Lyons, ca. 180 Isaac Isaiah Israel (ethnos/state/community) Itala Jacob, patriarch James (brother of Jesus; epistle of), Jacob JEPD "Documentary" hypothesis (Yahwist, Elohist, Priestly, Deuteronomist) Jeremiah Jerome of Stridon, St. (Sophronius Eusebius Hieronimus), ca. 340-420 Jerusalem Jerusalem Bible Jesus (+etymology) Jew, Jewish Job (Biblical personage; book of) AUBG, Assoc. Prof. S. Ivanov Page 8 John (the) Baptist or Forerunner John (the) Theologian, his Gospel John Wyclif (-ff, -ffe), 1382 Jordan River Joseph, Jacob’s son; Father of Jesus Josephus (historian) Joshua Judah (state; name) Judaism (incl. "Rabbinical J.") Judas (Iscariot) Judgement, Day of Judgement Judges (book of) Kerygma King James I, 1566-1625 KJV, King James Version, AV, 1611 Koine Lamb Last Supper Latin (language) Law (in the Bible), apodictic, casuistic Lazarus Lectio brevior potior; Lectio dificilior potior Legend Levites Leviticus AUBG, Assoc. Prof. S. Ivanov Page 9 Life, Death (in biblical literature) Lindisfarne Gospels Literature (in general; specifically as related to our ENG course) Liturgy (Divine L.), Mass (Holy M.) Logos, Word of God, God the Word Lord, YHWH (Tetragrammaton) Lord’s Prayer (Our Father, Pater Noster) Luke Magnificat Manuscript Marcion, ca. 140 Mark (the Evangelist) Mary, Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God/the Lord, Theotokos Masoret(h), Masora Mass (Holy M.), Liturgy (Divine L.) Matthew Membrana Mesopotamia Messiah, Gr. pronunc. of Mashiah, Gr. transl. Christ, Christ(os) Messianic age, Kingdom of God, Heavenly Kingdom Metaphor Methods of practical interpretation Midrash Miles Coverdale, 1535 Miniature AUBG, Assoc. Prof. S. Ivanov Page 10 Miracle (in the Bible) Monotheism, Polytheism, Henotheism, Pantheism Morality (biblical, religious) Mortality (in the Bible) Mosaic Law Moses Mystical (spiritual) sense Myth Nazirite Nero (emperor) New KJV, 1982 New Testament NIV (New International Version) Noah Noematics NRSV (New Revised Standard Version), 1989 Number of books in the Bible (77, 66, 11, 24, 39, 27 with an explanation) Numbers (book of) Old Testament Oral tradition (in general; biblical) Original sin Orthodox, Orthodoxy (Greek/Byzantine, Slavic, Eastern O.) Palestine Paper Papyrus, papyri AUBG, Assoc. Prof. S. Ivanov Page 11 Para-Biblical Literature Parable (as genre; Midrash) Paradise Paraphrase Parchment Passion narrative Passover, Pesah, Pascha Pastoral Epistles Patriarch; Patriarchal society; Patriarchate Patristic Literature, Father of the Church Paul/Saul; Paulinism Pauline epistles, Corpus Paulinum Pentateuch Pentecost Peshitta Peter (Cephas), Petrinism Pharisees Philo Judaeus (the Jew) Poetry (in the Bible) Pontius Pilate Prayer Priest (both in OT and NT times) Priestly (source; tradition; Code; etc.) Primordial sin Prolog (-gue) AUBG, Assoc. Prof. S. Ivanov Page 12 Prophet, Prophesy, Prophetic Literature Prophoristics Protestantism Protocanonical, Deuterocanonical Protology Psalm, Psalter Ptolemy II Philadelphus Punctuation (in the Hebrew Bible) Q (Quelle) document Qumran, Dead Sea scrolls, manuscripts, community of Rabbi, Rabbinism, Rabbinical Judaism Ramses II Redemption Repentance Resurrection Revelation, Apocalypse Roman Catholicism, Roman-Catholic Roman Empire RSV (Revised Standard Version), by 1952 Rubric Ruth Sabbath, Shabbath Sadducees Salvation Samaritans AUBG, Assoc. Prof. S. Ivanov Page 13 Samson Sarah (wife of Abraham) Satan, Ha-Shatan Saul (Paul) Scholium Scripture, the Holy Writ Second Coming (of Jesus), Advent Semantics, Semantic Semitic Sensus accommodatus / improprius / proprius / realis / verbalis (litteralis) Septuagint, LXX Sermon Sermon on the Mount Shekinah Simile Sin Sinai Sodom Sola Scriptura Son of God & Son of Man (genuine meanings) Song of Solomon (Song of Songs) Source and Target Languages (in general, and specifically in Bible Studies) Spirit, Holy Spirit Style Symbol AUBG, Assoc. Prof. S. Ivanov Page 14 Symphony/Concordance/ (of the Bible) Synthesis, Analysis Synedrion/Sanhedrin Synod of Trent, 1545-1563 Synodal Version (Greek Orthodox) Synonym Synoptic Gospels, Synoptics Talmud Tanah, Tanak, Tanakh Ten Commandments Testament, Old, New Testaments Tetraevangel, Tetramorph Tetragrammaton, YHWH Textology Textus Receptus Theodicy Theology (biblical, systematic, liturgical) Theotokos Thessalonians (epistles to) Toledoth (-t) Tora, Torah, Torah Moshe Tradition Translation Trinity, Most Holy Trinity AUBG, Assoc. Prof. S. Ivanov Page 15 Trope (metaphor; metonymy; synecdoche; hyperbole; allegory; parable; comparison or simile; prototype or prefiguration) Tropology, Tropological sense Twelve, the (The Twelve Apostles) Tyndale, William, 1525 Typology (in biblical literature) Verse/-s (in the Bible) Version (of the Bible) + two examples (minimum) Vision Vita, -ae Vulgate Wisdom (books of; personification) Wisdom of Solomon Wyclif, John (-ff, -ffe) Yahweh, YHWH Yahwist, J (tradition in JEPD) YHWH, The Holy Tetragrammaton Zechariah Zion AUBG, Assoc. Prof. S. Ivanov Page 16
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