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DMMI’s Central News Source
May 14, 2015
No Defects=Less Overtime
HVAC Line 3, 2nd Shift Team Celebrates 92-Day Record
“When you run well, management is
happy, associates are happy, and you spend
less time in defect meetings,” said Alec
Whitehead, HVAC 3-2 Team Leader. “Our
customer ships seven days a week, so this
team works really hard to watch out for each
other. Beating the previous defect-free record
was everyone’s goal.”
their new record—92 days with no inspection
defects. The previous record was 77 days.
The HVAC 3-2 team came together for
t-shirts, cake and applause in celebration of
The HVAC 3-2 team includes 22 associates, most with less than 5 years of experience.
“Each of you are leaders of your team,” said
Pat O’Brien, HVAC Final Assembly Manager.
“You set a great example for your peers to
follow. Thank you for putting your best foot
forward every day.”
The team has also had significant manpower
challenges, making their accomplishment
even more commendable. Alec said more the
team has trained more than 40 people over
the past year.
“They wanted it,” Alec said. “Everyone
knows what our goals are, and then we find
ways to be encouraged. This helps us all work
together to create a good environment where
we want to come to work.” 
Partnership to End Hunger
Join Community Food Drive May 18-29
DENSO Manufacturing Michigan, Inc. is taking the lead in a new initiative aimed at ending hunger in our community. Together with ConAgra Foods, Post Foods, Townsquare Media and the Food Bank of South Central
Michigan, we have formed the Partnership to End Hunger. Drop donations of food and household supplies in
either associate entrance.
What’s Up
Calendar subject to change.
SAT May 16
DENSO Day at Kellogg Bird
FRI May 22
Consumers Energy Lunch &
Learn: 12 - 1pm, DENSO Hall
MON May 25
Memorial Day Holiday
A plane? A loud truck? No… It Was an Earthquake!
By Paul Jakubiak, DMMI Emergency Coordinator
For the first time in over 60 years, Michigan
had a powerful earthquake on Saturday, May
2. The 4.2 magnitude quake occurred about
12:20 p.m. with an epicenter about five miles
south of Galesburg in Kalamazoo County.
The event was over long before most people
could verify the cause, but the DENSO Manufacturing Michigan, Inc. (DMMI) Emergency
Coordinators came together to reflect on this
rare occurrence.
In Japan and on the West Coast
of the United States, earthquake
awareness and preparation are
routine. We learned from our Global
DENSO expatriates that in Japan,
they do not immediately evacuate. Associates
taking shelter under a desk or table during the
first wave. They anticipate strong aftershocks
and might evacuate after the initial shaking has
Michigan has such a low probability of
earthquakes, DMMI has never drafted specific
earthquake action guidelines. We have extensive
plans in place for events such as tornado, fire,
and pandemic. That said, during unexpected
events such as this, our Emergency Response
Team works closely with Security and Management to verify any unusual activity, assess the
situation and act quickly to respond
The earthquake caught everyone by surprise,
but we should be very proud of our strong
response. Behind the scenes, ERT members and
our Facilities team quickly began a thorough
check of the facility. Our Emergency Coordinators were communicating throughout the event
to ensure precautions were taken.
This earthquake was not the first or last
unexpected incident that will happen at our
facility, or in the community. The key to
our success will always be working
together to ensure associate
safety. 
How to Ride Out an
•Limit your movements during an earthquake to a few steps to a nearby safe
•Stay indoors until the shaking has stopped
and you are sure it is safe to leave
•Indoors—Drop, cover and hold on. Take
cover under a sturdy desk, table or bench,
or against an inside wall
•If there is no desk or table near you, cover
your face and head with your arms and
crouch in an inside corner of the building
•Stay away from glass, windows, outside
doors and walls and anything that could
•Stay inside until the shaking stops. Most
injuries during earthquakes occur when
people are hit by falling objects while
entering or leaving building
Source: Federal Emergency Management
Agency Earthquake Safety Checklist
Blood Drive Results
Thank You Notes
On March 20, my son and I were involved in the fire at The Arbors apartment
complex. I would like to send a huge
thank you to those who gave household donations, clothing donations and
monetary donations. Your kindness will
never be forgotten. A special thanks to
Bill Holder—you are amazing!
Sincerely, Janet and Zane West
Congtratulations to Jon Montague on his
retirement on May 19. Jon has been with
DMMI for 26 years.
Congratulations to associate Jarrit Lyles
and wife Rebecca on the April 16 birth of
their son, Ethan.
(the most ever!)
may now receive plasma,
platelets or red blood cells
Have news? Then please send an email to DMMI_communications@
Editor / Writer
Editor / Writer or call a Communication Support staff member:
Sarah Frink (x8711)
Natalie Scott (x1564)
We’ll then decide the best way to deliver the information (Core, TV, Exchange, intranet, etc.). We also reserve the right to edit for conciseness and length.
Matt Burton (x8713)