Password Strength And You!

Password Strength And
By Alec J. Gula
• An individual uses a password everyday in this Tech age we live in
• Whether that password be digital (Bank info, Favorite site, etc)
• Or oral (Tell someone something to get something for you, assuring
someone you are who you are)
• However in this new age we also experience people who want to crack every
password and try to bypass our security
Statistics About Passowords
4.7% of users have the password password;
8.5% have the passwords password or 123456;
9.8% have the passwords password, 123456 or 12345678;
14% have a password from the top 10 passwords
40% have a password from the top 100 passwords
79% have a password from the top 500 passwords
91% have a password from the top 1000 passwords
This was from a poll of 6 million users across several different sites.
“10,000 Top Worst Passowrds”, Burnett, Mark
Complex v. Length
Complex (Short) Password
8 Characters
2 Symbols
3 Numbers
2 Upper
2 Lower
Longer (Simpler) Password
• qwertyuiopasdfghjk
• 18 Characters
• All lower case letters
Not the best option
Average person would get stumped if done physically
Computers however can run multiple tries at once
So the computer only has to try 2.07e14
Which is well over 2 Quadrillion!
• It is very simple (just swipe across the keyboard)
• The computer though has 18 different spots to try over 65 different
• The computer would have to try 4.29 e32 different combinations
• Which is well over 4 Nonillion!
How To Make A Decent Password
Eight Characters
• At a bare minimum
• No more then 20
because it will get
Does Not Contain
Real Name
Company Name
An username
A complete Word
Different from Past
• No Repeats at all!
Contains at least one
from each category
Upper Case
Lower Case
Symbol on
How To Make A Decent Password: Tips
• Acronyms are easiest to blurt out and help improve your memory.
• My Dog whos 12 Likes to Eat Jelly = $Md12_L2Ej
• Subsitute in Number, symbols, and misspell words that are easy to remember
• December is a winter Wonderland = D3c3m i5 4 *** W0nd3rl@nd
• Translation
December is a winter Wonderland
• Try and relate it to something close
• I like dogs and winter = $mD12_1L#vW!n2r$
• Translates to (My dog is 12 and I Love Winter)
Password Managers
• Very useful
• Many have complex ways to get in
• Most do not remember the password you use to get into the site itself
Password For
Favorite Cooking
Password For
Password For
Bank Account
Password For
How Safe is Your Password?
Password Checker