5100 Brunswick Drive, Richmond, BC V7E 6K9 Tel: (604) 668-‐7844 Fax: (604) 668-‐6412 Email: [email protected] Website: homma.sd38.bc.ca “Seeking harmony..... respecting diversity” “A la recherche de l’harmonie ..... au coeur de la diversité” Ms S. Roy Principal/Directrice Mr. M. Gilles Vice Principal/ Directeur Adjoint Ms Donna Sargent Trustee Liaison Commissaire Ms Terra McKenzie PAC Chair Daily Timetable: 8:30 am ................................................... Building opens 8:45 am ................................................... All students report to class 8:50 am ................................................... School b egins 10:30 – 10:45 am ............................... Recess 12:25 – 1:10 pm .................................. Lunch 2:43 pm .................................................. School ends Dear Parents, It is hard to believe that May is here already! We continue to have a very busy spring term here at Homma. Students in Grades 3 through 7 have been actively engaged in Track Attack in preparation for our zone track meet on May 12. Ms Tang has been working with our band students to rehearse for their upcoming concert at the Gateway Theatre. Classrooms are abuzz with activity and learning. It’s an exciting time of year and we are all looking forward to the final two months of school. ZONE TRACK & FIELD – TUESDAY, MAY 12th We are almost ready for the zone track and field meet at Minoru Park on Tuesday, May 12. Thank you to the parents of children who are interested in participating in the meet for returning your permission forms. Everyone who has returned a form will have at least one event. A schedule of events will come home with your child next week. A bus shuttling service will start leaving our school at 9:00 a.m. or parent volunteer drivers will take students to the meet. An information sheet with last minute details will be sent home as soon as possible. A regular program will be in place at school for those not attending the meet. Tomekichi Homma Elementary Newsletter 1 May 1, 2015 GARDEN CLUB UPDATE Mrs. Zeni has been hard at work organizing teams of workers this spring in our Homma Gardens. Along with the help of many classes including Mme Courtemanche, Mme Sidhu, and Ms Parkes; Mrs. Zeni and the Garden Club have been out there sprucing up the gardens, creating new planting areas, and adding new plants. Thanks to everyone for their mammoth efforts in this worthwhile and beautiful project! STUDENT PLACEMENT FOR 2015-2016 In the spring of each year schools begin their planning for the coming year. We have preliminary staffing meetings with board office personnel and look at possible scenarios for organization in the fall. As our school population varies from June to September, it is not possible to finalize the organization of classes until the first week of school in September. At this time of year, we begin to collect information about students from many sources to help us in determining the best placement for all the children at Homma. This includes information about children’s strengths and needs, their social relationships, their interests, their learning styles, and previous placements. Students are placed into classes by the principal after consultation with teachers. Should parents wish to describe the learning situation they feel best suits their children or other factors which might influence placement (other than friendships), we ask that a letter be directed to Ms Roy at the school office. Each staff member will be surveying students regarding their friendships both in their own class and in other classes in the school. Parents, thank you for not asking for specific friends in placement letters. Thank you also for understanding that it is not possible to request specific teaching personnel as teaching assignments for the coming year have not yet been made and are seldom confirmed before September. CHESS CLUB CHAMPIONS REVEALED The 6th Annual Homma Chess Championship drew to a close last week. The winner of this year's Championship and recipient of the Gold Medal is Eric Wen. His name will be engraved on the School Plaque alongside previous years' champions. The Runner-Up and winner of the Silver Medal is Maxwell Gao. The Bronze Medal winner is Sean Pang and the honourable mention is 4th place winner, Joshua Song. Congratulations to the 56 children who entered this year's exciting tournament! A sincere thank you to M. Martin for his support of the chess club. Tomekichi Homma Elementary Newsletter 2 May 1, 2015 PARENT APPRECIATION COFFEE & MUFFIN MORNING Please join us on Thursday, May 28th, from 8:15 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. for coffee, tea, fruit and muffins. Whether you have been able to help out by driving on field trips, volunteering in the school, organizing fundraising, acting as a class parent, reading with children, or helping out in some other way, come along for some breakfast goodies. Please RSVP to the office by Friday, May 22nd. MAY 15 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY On May 15th, Homma staff will be engaged in professional development activities. School will not be in session that day and Monday, May 18th is Victoria Day. Enjoy your long weekend! PAC UPDATE The May PAC meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday, May 26th from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. We will be holding elections for our executive for the 2015-2016 school year. If you would like to consider taking on one of the PAC executive positions, please leave your name at the school office and we will pass it along to the PAC. The PAC position descriptions are detailed below: Chair - convene and preside at membership, special, and executive meetings, ensure that an agenda is prepared and presented, be the official spokesperson for the organization, and be a signing officer for the PAC Co-Chair or Vice Chair - assume the responsibilities of the Chairperson in the Chairperson's absence or upon request, assist the Chairperson in the performance of his/her duties, be a signing officer, and accept extra duties as required Secretary - record the minutes of general, special, and executive meetings, keep an accurate and up-to-date copy of the Tomekichi Homma Elementary Newsletter Constitution and Bylaws and have copies available for members upon request, and issue and receive correspondence/minutes on behalf of the organization Treasurer - one of the signing officers of the executive, receive all funds for the Council, disburse funds authorized by the executive or members, maintain an accurate record of all expenditures of the Council, give a report of all receipts and expenditures at general meetings, deposit all funds collected on behalf of the Council in an account at a recognized financial institution approved by the PAC SPC Rep - act as one of three parents on an advisory body whose major responsibility is to consult with the school community in developing, monitoring, and reviewing school plans for improving student achievement. The SPC meets after school for 1 to 2 hours, approximately 2 times per year. You may nominate yourself or be nominated by another parent in the school. WRITING AT HOMMA In April all students in our school from Kindergarten to Grade 7 participated in a “school-wide write”. Teachers used the B.C. Performance Standards to assess these writing samples and spent time at a recent Professional Development Session using this information to plan for instruction. As improving student writing is our school wide goal, we conduct two writing samples each year (fall and spring) to collect data that informs our practice. This helps us to see what students are doing well and in what areas students may need more support. Performance standards for Gr. 1-7 are available on this website: https://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/perf_stands/ writing.htm Please check out some student writing from Division 8 on page 8 of this newsletter! 3 May 1, 2015 ARE YOU MOVING? If you will be moving before September 2015, and your child will no longer be attending Homma, please let us know as soon as possible. It really helps with class organization for the next year if we know who will and will not be at the school. Thank you. Reminder!!! The Homma Spring Carnival will take place on Thursday, May 21, 2015 from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Donations of bottles of wine, theme basket items, and bottles and jars filled with NEW 'kid-friendly' items would be greatly appreciated. Deadline for donations will be May 13th, 2015. MATH AT HOMMA Some interested grade 5/6/7 students will be participating in the Gauss Math Competition on May 13th. The competition will be held in school, providing a great opportunity to experience a math competition in a low-pressure environment. The school will be covering the cost for each student booklet. For more information, please click on this link: Link here NOTICE OF LATE RETURN 2015-‐2016 IF YOUR CHILD WILL BE RETURNING TO TOMEKICHI HOMMA LATER THAN 12:00 pm on Wednesday, September 9, 2015 please be advised that you must complete a Notice of Late Return Form (available from the School Office) before June 26, 2014. If you had intended to return on time but your plans change during the summer, fax or phone the school before September 9, 2015. Any student(s) who: • is not in attendance by 12:00 pm on Wednesday September 9th and has not completed a Notice of Late Return Form or • returns after September 21, 2015 will be removed from the school’s register and placed on the School District Wait List. MOVE FOR HEALTH WEEK – May 4-8 With the weather warming up, it’s time to shed the winter blues and get outside. Move for Health Week is a chance for all of us to celebrate healthy active living in Richmond. The city of Richmond is offering dozens of activities at community facilities throughout the week. For complete listings of fun events, please visit: http://www.richmond.ca/parksrec/sports/r mdmoving/moveforhealthday/Events.htm JUMP ROPE FOR HEART Jump Rope for Heart Day will be held on Tuesday, May 5th. Please return the pledge envelope by May 15th. You can also fundraise online by visiting www.JumpRopeForHeart.ca BC CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL JEANS DAY Thank you for your support of the Jeans Day campaign. We sold out! By purchasing Jeans Day Buttons, we were able to send a cheque in the amount of $1,025.00 to the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation. Awesome job, Homma! Tomekichi Homma Elementary Newsletter Want to join something a little more ambitious? Join David Suzuki’s 30x30 challenge. For the month of May, David Suzuki challenges everyone to take 30 minutes in nature, every day for 30 days. Increase your happiness and well-being. For more information or to sign up, please visit: http://30x30.davidsuzuki.org/#section-youand-nature 4 May 1, 2015 MS RUDGE’S AUSTRALIAN ADVENTURE, PART 3 Life in Sorrento has been great and our trip is coming to a close. A week or so ago we decided to fly up to Byron Bay in northern New South Wales and had a few days exploring the area. Beautiful beaches and a more tropical feel. The body surfing was super there, and I understand the sharks don't come in quite that close to shore! This picture is one of a Crimson Rosella right in our back yard. I just can't get enough of them and I race outside every time I hear them calling to each other; Either in a large group - they make a huge racket that you can't miss, or a simple two note call when they are on their own and looking for friends! All the best, Ms Rudge SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAMS IN RICHMOND The above is a picture of Ms Rudge standing at the most easterly point of the Australian mainland. Below is a wallaby that was on the side of the trail leading to the most easterly point of the Australian mainland. Information is now available regarding Summer School Programs being offered in Richmond. Please see www.RichmondCE.ca for more information or to register. Programs include Summer Camps as well as a variety of other courses. YMCA Summer break is a time for kids to be kids! It’s a chance to play, to run, and to be free from the busy school schedule. That’s why the YMCA offers day camps, so that every child can reach their full potential. From out-trips and theme days to sports and games, we have something for everyone. We hope you’ll join us! Check out everything we have to offer online at www.vanymca.org/daycamps or visit [email protected] to register Tomekichi Homma Elementary Newsletter 5 May 1, 2015 ADMINISTRATION AT HOMMA 2015/16 I am very happy to let you know that the school district has decided to continue my assignment as Acting Principal at Homma for the 2015/16 school year. I feel fortunate to be part of such a dynamic and collaborative school community. Mr. Michael Gilles, who has been in the role of Acting Vice Principal since January, will be returning to his classroom full time in September. I am grateful to Mr. Gilles for the excellent leadership he has provided and his ongoing support in keeping things running smoothly at Homma over these past months. In September, Mrs. Karen Lin will be joining the Homma team as Vice Principal. Mrs. Lin has been a Vice Principal in the school district for several years and is currently in the VP role at Garden City Elementary School. We look forward to welcoming Mrs. Lin back to Homma School as she previously taught here. -Ms Susan Roy IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER MAY 1 ............. Grade 6 Girls & K Immunizations 5 ............ Jump Rope for Heart 7 ............ Dufflebag Theatre Presentation of Rumplestiltskin, 1:30 p.m. – All Grades 8 ............ Sushi Day 12 ........... Track Meet at Minoru 13 ........... Band Night at Gateway Theatre 7:00 p.m. 15 ........... District Wide Pro-D Day – School not in Session 18 ........... Victoria Day – School not in session 19 ........... 2:00 p.m. Dismissal 21 ........... Carnival 22 .......... Food Day – Pizza 24-29 ..... Quebec Trip 26 ......... PAC Meeting 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (RESCHEDULED) 28 .......... Parent Appreciation Coffee & Muffin Morning – 8:15 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. JUNE 2 ............ Grade 7 Orientation @ McMath – 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 3 ............ Kindergarten Orientation – 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 12 ........... Fun Day / Pizza Day 19 ........... Grade 7 Dance – 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. 23 .......... Grade 7 Lunch – 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. 24 .......... 9:00 a.m. Year End Recognition Assembly 24 .......... Reports Home 25 .......... 9:00 a.m. Grade 7 Farewell Assembly 25 .......... Last Day of School Early Dismissal 11:20 a.m. 26 .......... Administrative Day – School not in session Tomekichi Homma Elementary Newsletter 6 May 1, 2015 School Calendar 2015-‐16 Designation 2015-‐2016 Days in session 187 Non-‐Instructional Days 6 Days of Instruction * 180 Hours of Instruction (minimum) 853 in K, 878 Grades 1-‐7 952 in Grades 8-‐12 Labour Day Monday, September 7 Schools Open Tuesday, September 8 Thanksgiving Day Monday, October 12 Remembrance Day Wednesday, November 11 Winter Vacation Monday, December 21 to Friday, January 1 Family Day Monday, February 8 Spring Vacation Friday, March 11 to Thursday, March 24 Good Friday Friday, March 25 Easter Monday Monday, March 28 Victoria Day Monday, May 23 Administrative Day/Schools Close Thursday, June 30 Professional Development Dates for 2015 – 2016 at Homma: Monday, September 28, 2015 Friday, October 23, 2015 Friday, November 27, 2015 Monday, February 19, 2016 Friday, April 22, 2016 Friday, May 20, 2016 (p.m. only) Wednesday, June 29, 2016 (p.m. only – Last day of classes) Thursday, June 30, 2016 Tomekichi Homma Elementary Newsletter 7 May 1, 2015 POETRY SAMPLES By Division 6 Rainforest Similes By Hunter McLean The toucan’s beak is as colourful as a butterfly’s wings. The plant leaves are as green as fresh spikey grass. The monkey swings like a playground swing. The butterfly flutters like a robin flapping its wings. The boa slides like a slippery waterslide. The parrot is as noisy as a bat squeaking for its life. The sloth is as slow as a snail crossing the road. Rhyming Couplets By Mengna Ma The small hairless boy that was three Had a very small pet flea. I met a fast gray fox That had chicken pox. Simile Poem By Aidan Chan The toucan’s beak is as colourful as a beautiful rainbow. The plant leaves are as green as a bright lime The monkey swings like a green vine. he butterfly flutters like falling petals. The boa slides like a very small worm. The parrot is as noisy as chattering chimpanzees. The sloth is as slow as a crawling turtle. Thank you, Mrs. Kishi’s class! Tomekichi Homma Elementary Newsletter 8 May 1, 2015
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