GLOBAL AFFAIRS BA Fall 2013 – Spring 2014 CONTACT INFORMATION • Honors College Advisor: Heather Anderson ([email protected]) • Acting Director: Prof. Lisa Breglia, [email protected] Once students begin attending Mason and declare a major they should see both their Honors College and their major department advisor for advising. Students must confirm their major requirements with their department advisor and with PatriotWeb’s Degree Evaluation. • Please see the undergraduate advisor that corresponds with your last name: o Erin McSherry (A-E), ([email protected]) o John Woolsey (F-J) ([email protected]), o Jason King (K-N) ([email protected]) o Lisa Breglia (O-S) ([email protected]) o Stephanie Burton (T-Z) ([email protected]) REQUIRED HOURS • Hours Required in Major: 48 • Hours Required in Honors: see honors advisor • Total Required Hours: 120, 45 of which must be at the 300-level and above. ADVISING SHEET o Honors College Requirement ♦ Department Requirement College Requirement HONORS REQUIREMENTS (see advising section of Honors College website for further details) • Students earning a BA must complete two additional humanities and social science general education courses beyond Requirements 1 and 2 of the Honors College Curriculum. These courses requirements can be fulfilled by taking the Requirement 2 courses not previously taken or by taking appropriate general education courses listed in the University Catalog for your catalog year. In general, it is expected that students earning a BA will take HNRS 122, HNRS 131, and HNRS 240 to fulfill Requirement 2 • Students who do not fulfill Requirement 3 by taking HNRS 130 and/or HNRS 230 must complete the corresponding general education requirements with courses that are outlined in the University Catalog for your catalog year. 1st Year – 1st Semester (Fall) o HNRS 110: Research Methods (Grade of C or better required) o HNRT 125: A Liberal Arts Approach to Calculus or HNRT 225: Applied i Calculus Foreign Language ii ♦ GLOA 101: Introduction to Global Affairs Semester Total 1st Year – 2nd Semester (Spring) Credits 4 3 6 3 16 o HNRS 130: Conceptions of Self (or a course from Req. 3 and appropriate courses to fulfill general education requirement) o HNRS 122: Reading the Arts Foreign Language ♦ Elective 3-6 3 3 6 Semester Total 15-18 2nd Year – 1st Semester (Fall) o HNRT 227: Scientific Thought and Process I iii o HNRS 131: Contemporary Society in Multiple Perspectives o HNRS 240: Reading the Past ♦ Foreign Language ♦ GOVT 132: Introduction to International Politics or GOVT 133: Introduction to Comparative Politics Semester Total 2nd Year – 2nd Semester (Spring) o HNRS 230: Cross-Cultural Perspectives (or a course from Req. 3 and 4 3 3 3 3 16 3-6 appropriate courses to fulfill general education requirement) HNRT 228: Scientific Thought and Process II HNRS 353: Technology in the Contemporary World (Grade of C or better required) ♦ Foreign Language ♦ GOVT 322: International Relations Theory Semester Total o o 3rd Year – 1st Semester (Fall) ♦ CONF 340: Global Conflict Analysis and Resolution ♦ CULT 320: Globalization and Culture ♦ ECON 385: International Economic Policy ♦ GLOA Concentration Courses iv ♦ Foreign Language 4 3 3 3 16-19 3 3 3 3 3 Semester Total 15 3rd Year – 2nd Semester (Spring) ♦ Synthesis Seminar ♦ EVPP 337: Environmental policy making in Developing Countries ♦ GLOA Concentration Courses ♦ Elective ♦ Apply for the Accelerated MA in Global Affairsv Semester Total 4th Year – 1st Semester (Fall) ♦ GLOA Concentration Courses ♦ GLOA 491: Honors Seminar in Global Affairs vi ♦ Internship (3-6 credits instead of electives): see Departmental Advisor Semester Total 3 3 6 3 15 3 3 optional 15 4th Year – 2nd Semester (Spring) ♦ GLOA 492: Honors Research Project in Global Affairs ♦ ♦ Electives 300+ Level 3 9 Semester Total 15 Total Hours 123129 i MATH 113, HNRT 125 or HNRT 225 fulfills the quantitative reasoning requirement for the Honors College. Each of these courses requires a placement test. The tests will be offered during Orientation. ii To fulfill this requirement, students can continue the study of one language beyond the intermediate proficiency level (required for all BA degrees in the college) or choose to study other languages. Students fulfill this requirement by completing one of the following: Three language courses (9 credits) beyond 210 or Two language courses (6 credits) beyond 202 iii ASTR 111/112, BIOL 103, CHEM 103, GEOL 101, PHYS 103 or 243/244 will substitute for HNRT 227 iv Courses applied to a Global Affairs concentration should come from two different disciplines. They have to be unique to the concentration: They cannot be simultaneously used to fulfill any general education requirement or college requirement for the bachelor’s degree. They cannot be applied to any other major, minor, concentration, or certificate. v Exceptional GLOA majors with between 75 and 90 credit hours are eligible to apply to the accelerated MA program in Global Affairs. Please visit the GLOA website or contact the Graduate Academic Program Coordinator for more details: Erin McSherry ([email protected]). vi High achieving Global Affairs majors with an interest in research are encouraged to apply to graduate with honors. Students with at least 75 semester hours and a GPA above 3.5 should apply in the spring semester of their junior year. NOTE: Applicants who meet the minimum requirements are not guaranteed acceptance. Please speak with your GLOA advisor about how to apply.
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