April May 2015 E-View - Hope Ridge United Methodist Church

The View
Volume 70
Inside this issue:
Readiness 360
Sermon Series
Adult Studies
Book Club
Send Ministries
April/May 2015
OUR NEXT message series which begins April 12th is
asking the question- where do you SHINE for Jesus? This
may seem like an intimidating question, but take some time
to think about your story. I’m not asking you to think about
one story, but think about your life story. How would it be
different if Jesus were not a part of it?
Our story begins and is interwoven with God’s love and grace. You may have
had the chance to create a “roller coaster” or “faith journey” that maps out your
life with God. It probably included times that you felt closer or on a “spiritual
high,” as well as times that you felt like you were further away from God, or at a
low point. This exercise is one that most everyone can do. Or at least we can all
find significant moments in our lives that made a difference in who we are today.
Over the next month, we are going to be talking about each of your stories, each
of your journeys. And, that each of those journeys has a testimony or witness, or
otherwise known as your story of “shining” for Jesus.
News Around
the Church
As a church, we also want to continue our journey and story of “shining” for
Jesus. Our Administrative Council is beginning the conversation, discernment,
and work of making a strategic plan for Hope Ridge. Part of what we need to
start that process is input from the congregation. The way we have chosen to do
this is through a new survey that will give us a picture of where we are today. So
in order to help with this we are encouraging as many congregation participants
as possible to complete the Readiness 360 Survey. The link and additional
information is on page 2 of this issue of The View. I invite you all to participate!
Blessings as we continue our personal and congregational journeys together.
District News
Blessings and peace,
Pastor Beth
Hope Ridge United Methodist Church
9870 Johnnycake Ridge Road Mentor, OH 44060
phone: 440.352.2141 email: [email protected]
web: www.hoperidge.com
Page 2
April/ May 2015
WELCOME: “Welcoming others into a relationship...
Hope Ridge is taking seriously our call to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the
transformation of the world. One thing our Administrative Council is working on is a
strategic plan for the next few years. To that end, we are asking you to take an
online survey called Readiness 360.
The Readiness 360 will help us identify opportunities for strengthening our
multiplication DNA through assessing our spiritual intensity, dynamic relationships,
missional alignment, and cultural openness.
After a critical mass within our congregation takes the online survey, we will report
back our findings and discover next steps together.
Please go to http://app.readiness360.org/survey/login
Type in our congregation's passcode: 8566646374.
Set aside 20 minutes to take the survey.
Completed between now and Monday, 04/27/15 at midnight.
If you need help, please contact Pastor Beth:
Address: 9870 Johnnycake Ridge Road
Contact No: 440-413-0793
Email-Address: [email protected]
Thank you in advance for helping our congregation evaluate and grow into God's
preferred future.
Don’t miss the last of this season’s Concert Series
at Painesville United Methodist Church
On the Square
Dennis Scott Silent Film Organist performs April 24, 2015, 7:30pm.
"Safety Last!" Organist Dennis Scott will be accompanying the 1923 Harold Lloyd
silent film titled “Safety Last!”. Dennis hales from Chicago where he plays the
organ for several film series at Chicago’s Music Box Theatre and the Tivoli Theatre
in Downers Grove. Mr. Scott serves as the president of the Chicagoland Theatre
Organ Society and the Silent Film Society of Chicago. The film “Safety Last!” is a
comedy that is family friendly and to be enjoyed by all! Come join us for a fun night
not to be forgotten!
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The View
WORSHIP: So that they can worship God,...
8:30am Worship in the Chapel with Communion each Sunday.
10:30am Worship in the Worship and Family Life Center (WFLC). Communion and Family Worship is on the first Sunday of
each month.
10:30am Ridge Kidz Worship in the Youth Room. A fun service for kids age 3 thru 5th grade with songs, stories, prayer, mission projects and activities. The first Sunday of each month is Family Worship, and the children stay in the WFLC service with
their families instead of Ridge Kidz.
The Next Sermon Series for April 12,19, and 26
is Shine.
Focusing on how we can shine for Jesus,
based on Jeremiah 1:6-8.
“Alas, Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I do not know how to speak; I am too young.”
But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’
You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you.
Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord.
Why is the first Sunday of each
month Family Worship?
We believe that children and youth are not just vital to the life of
the church, they are the Church, and we want to be intentional in
giving them voices and encouraging them to participate in our
worship services. We welcome all children to participate in our
worship service, whether worship leading, greeting, singing,
sharing their musical talents, or other creative ways.
While we have an excellent Ridge Kidz worship that is designed specifically for kids
age 3 thru 5th grade, we also want to see kids grow up worshipping Jesus with the
adults - that they can model their faith after that of the adults, that they can see their
parents pray and ask questions, that they can celebrate Communion as a family, that
kids and youth are empowered to lead the congregation etc. That is why we
encourage all our kids and youths to participate in the Family Worship Sunday on the
first Sunday of each month. There is no Ridge Kidz worship on the first Sundays, but
nursery and toddler care is still available.
THE 2015 COLOR PHOTO DIRECTORY is your source for the most current addresses,
emails and phone numbers at Hope Ridge! Don’t rely on the outdated orange directory.
A suggested donation of $10 offsets the church cost. Thank you!
SUMMER IS COMING! College students or others who are interested
in performing instrumental or vocal music anytime from May through
August in worship, please see Jonathan Gordon or email him at
[email protected]. We’d love to have you share your talents!
Page 4
April/ May 2015
NURTURE: Be Nurtured by the Holy Spirit and one another,...
Gideon: Your Weakness, God’s Strength.— Women’s Tuesday 1pm Study
beginning April 7 led by Sue Nahumck. Ever feel insufficient? Could it be that your
weaknesses are the keys that unlock God's strength? Through a look at the life of Gideon, you
can discover that instead of ignoring, neglecting, or trying to escape your weaknesses, you
can see them as the gifts, given specifically and strategically by God to unlock the door of
God’s strength. Join this 7-week DVD series and study by Priscilla Shirer.
Busy Women’s Bible Study, Thursdays @ 7pm begins April 9.
With work, school, family and the home, when can a busy woman find time to nurture herself? This 4-week study led by Pastor Beth will
allow you to take this one hour each week to connect your life with God and minister to your spirit .
The Gospel of Matthew—Sunday Morning Study 9:15am beginning April 12. Learn why this gospel has often been called
the “church gospel.” Matthew takes us from Jesus’ birth to resurrection and includes the Sermon on the Mount, and the Great Commission
and other highlights of Jesus’ ministry.
Walking with Pastor Beth , Wednesdays, 7-8am begins April 15.
Looking for an early morning routine to get your heart and soul pumping? Bring comfortable shoes and join Pastor Beth for a quick devotion,
prayer and walk around the neighborhood. Meet at the church parking lot by 7am; we’ll will walk in the WFLC in bad weather.
Renegade Gospel, Wednesdays from 1:30-3pm begins April 15, led by Maggie Gruss. In Renegade Gospel DVD series,
pastor and author Mike Slaughter presents Jesus and his challenging message to inspire us through the year. Read the red letters and
discover Jesus all over again.
Covenant: Men’s Group, Mondays, 7pm begins April 20.
Covenant: this 8-week casual, conversational DVD series led by Pastor Jon, will center around God’s enduring commitment between God
and people, and how that impacts men’s relationships with each other, their families, and the world.
Learning to Love Your Bible 7pm Wednesdays beginning May 6 led by Yvonne Oyler. If you are new to reading the
Bible or just want to better understand how to get the most from it, join Yvonne in this 4-week class of exploring how the Bible is put together.
GRADES 6-12 “GRAVITY” YOUTH GROUP— Led by Pastor Beth and Kim Sturm,
Gravity meets the first and third Sundays from 5-7pm in the Youth Room.
COLLEGE-AGE YOUTH! Applications are now available in the church office to
apply for the Perry Metcalf Memorial Scholarship. This year, two scholarships will be awarded: one to an incoming college freshman and one to a current college or vocation student,
who are members of Hope Ridge UMC. Applications are due back to the church office by May 4.
VBS IS SCHEDULED FOR JULY 27-31! This year’s theme is “Fun Run,” from
2Timothy 4:7-8. Make some time to volunteer for this exciting week! Registration
for children age 4-5th grade begins May 1st.
THE HOPE RIDGE BOOK CLUB meets the 4th Monday of each month at 7pm in the Library. All are
welcome to join in this discussion group.
The book to read for April is Lisa Genova’s Still Alice. Alice Howland is proud of the life she worked so hard to build.
At fifty years old, she’s a cognitive psychology professor at Harvard and a world-renowned expert in linguistics with a successful
husband and three grown children. When she becomes increasingly disoriented and forgetful, a tragic diagnosis changes her
life—and her relationship with her family and the world—forever.*
The book to read for May is Charles Belfoure’s The Paris Architect. How far would you go to help a stranger?
What would you risk? Would you trade your life for another's in the name of what is right? Belfoure explores these questions and
others in this debut novel set in Paris during the Nazi occupation. Lucien Bernard—who, like the book's author, is an architect—is
offered a large sum of money to outsmart the Gestapo by devising unique hiding places for Jews, though he knows that anyone
caught helping them will be tortured and killed by the Germans.*
*Reviews from amazon.com
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The View
SEND: and be sent out to serve others in Christ’s name.”
THE DISTRICT SPRING CONFERENCE will be Sat, April 11 from 9am-2:15pm, at
Mayfield Church. “A Day of Reflection, Renewal, and Revival.” It would be great to have
17-20 people from Hope Ridge attend. Details at the Info Desk.
ALL-CHURCH SPRING CLEANUP DAY is scheduled for Saturday, May 2,
9-noon. Many hands make light work! Come help if you can.
THE RED CROSS will be bringing their bloodmobile to Hope Ridge parking lot on Thurs,
April 30 from 1-7pm. Schedule an appointment at redcrossblood.org.
Hope Ridge is once again hosting the
Ten Thousand Villages Boutique!
Ten Thousand Villages is an international fair trade organization.
The boutique offers lovely, quirky, and useful items purchased at a fair
price from artisans from around the world.
Hope Ridge Boutique in the Conference Room:
May 8, 9 and 10
Hours to be announced.
Come shop for unique Mother’s Day, graduation and birthday gifts,
and help those from other countries earn a fair wage for their artistries.
UMW RUMMAGE SALE is scheduled for Sat, June 13. Start your spring closet cleaning
and save your best “junque” for the sale! A planning meeting is scheduled for April 19 after
10:30am worship in the Conference Room.
ROYAL FAMILY KIDS CAMP, for mentoring abused children in the Lake/Geauga area, Annual
Fundraising Concert and Auction is Sat, April 18, 6pm at the Mentor Performing Arts Center with
the Singing Angels and the Mentor Top 25 Show Choir. Tickets are $15 for adults, $8 for
children 6-12, available at the door or from Maggie Gruss on April 12 in the Connection Corner.
PROJECT HOPE FOR THE HOMELESS is hosting the New Life Dinner and Auction
Fri, May 8, 6pm at St. Noel’s Banquet Center, 35200 Chardon Rd, Willoughby Hills.
Tickets are $40 and available at projecthopeonline.org. Limited seating!
LCCN– THE LAKE COUNTY COMMUNITY NETWORK which provides services for
emergency assistance for local families, is holding their 6th Annual Chinese Auction and Wine
Pull Fri, May 29, 6pm at St. Gabriel’s Church.
Page 6
April/May 2015
News Around the Church—Finance
JANUARY 2015 Report of Our Financial Support
of the Hope Ridge Community & Ministries
Summary: Our General Fund offering in January was $2,089 less than our needs.
Because of this generosity and cash reserves we were able to pay our full apportionment amount for the month plus an
additional $2,442 from the Christmas Eve offering and $250 from the sales of Dillon Shipman’s Christmas CDs.
Thanks for you generosity to help the missions of the United Methodist Church.
2015 Year-To-Date
Jan. Operating Expense Needs
Jan. Apportionment Needs
Total Offering Needs
Offerings Jan 1-31, 2014
YTD Operating Expense Needs
YTD Apportionment Needs
Total Offering Needs
YTD Offerings thru Jan. 31
FEBRUARY 2015 Report of Our Financial Support
of the Hope Ridge Community & Ministries
Summary: Our General Fund offering in February was $6,949 less than our needs. Because of this generosity and cash reserves from last year, we were able to pay our full apportionment amount for the month. Thanks for your generosity to help the
missions of the United Methodist Church.
2015 Year-To-Date
Feb. Operating Expense Needs
Feb. Apportionment Needs
Total Offering Needs
Offerings February 1-28, 2014
YTD Operating Expense Needs
YTD Apportionment Needs
Total Offering Needs
YTD Offerings thru Feb 28
Save the Date!
Our next Hope Ridge Town Hall Meeting
is scheduled for Saturday, May 30
8:30am-10:30am in the WFLC.
Opening New Opportunities: 1ST QUARTER UPDATE
After a very successful launch to our 2015-2017 Opening New Opportunities campaign last fall, it is time
to let everyone know where we stand. “First Fruits” offerings were over
$125,000 which is 34 % of the TOTAL pledged commitment. That was onethird of the total commitment in hand before the start of 2015. Donations
have been coming in on a regular basis which is very
encouraging. Nice job Hope Ridge!
Page 7
The View
April continued...
1 Karoline Ferencak
Mary Moore
2 Jim Krebs
Malachi Bissell
3 Dan King
4 Lori Toth
5 Rich Fellenstein
Tom Hunter
Dennis Smonko
6 Bonnie Lillibridge
Mark Seyfried
8 Stacey Buehler
Logan Krejci
Joy Olpp
9 Marge Davis
10 Grant Hancock
Rosie Dingeldein
Lee Simmons
11 Lillian Sellers
Diana Trubiani
13 Angela Davis
Alina Meunier
Vicky Smonko
14 Kenneth Murphy
Bill Nichols
16 Ken Eshler
Ted Gdovichin
17 Audrey Fleck
19 Emma Eshler
John Goertz
20 Joy Burnfield
Linda Clayton
22 Chelsie Bittinger
22 Sadie Falvey
Lyla Moore
Mika Timura
Blaine Wheelock
25 Jordan Kattler
26 Sarah Avers
Rachael Pribulsky
28 Casey Warner
30 Dave Boykin
Carter Fellenstein
Tyler Kattler
Kristen Rader
Joe Eckerle
Larry Fritinger
Nicki Davies
Jacob Slavick
Steve Monthey
Cathy Simmons
Sharon Eckerle
Jean Hickey
Becky Dingeldein
Calvin Warner
Logan Obracey
Jonathan Gordon
Geoff Weber
Glen Dieterle
Al Seyedyoosifi
Owen Hancock
Doug Allcock
Joe Bova
Gary Oyler
Corey Bova
Tom Ohmura
Laura Wells
Mason Paliokas
Stephen and Tricia Hart
Chuck and Jean Price
Jim and Lorrie Simer
Doug and Cindy Aubin
Larry and Judy Fritinger
Lew and Pat Meyer
Ken & Bonnie Lillibridge
Skip & Susan Agnew
Tom & Sally Hunter
Vic & Cheryl Noviski
Steve & Amy Davies
Bob & Carol Snyderwine
Steve & Mary Moore
Jack & Katie Cudzilo
James & Gillian Mowry
Bob & Kathryn Fellenstein
Bob & Linda Bittinger
Jim & Cathy May-Krebs
If we have missed your special
day, let us know at
Shop online at your favorite stores
and a percentage will be given to
Hope Ridge UMC!
...just to name a few!
BEFORE you shop online, go to
www.UMCMarket.org and click the
GET STARTED button. Indicate
ministry and shop!
Page 8
April/ May 2015
9870 Johnnycake Ridge Rd.
Mentor, OH 44060
Phone: 440-352-2141
Fax: 440-639-2405
[email protected]
Rev. Beth Wilterdink, Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Jon Wilterdink, Pastor
[email protected]
Monday—Thursday: 9am –3pm
Friday: 9am-noon
Spring Thoughts from Our District Superintendent… Rev. Sondra Snode
Today it did not feel like spring as I filled my car with gas. The wind was strong
and cold and snow flurries swirled! My hands were freezing since I had already
shed my winter coat and gloves for a lighter jacket. Yet, although it may not
have felt like spring, the calendar assures me that it is!
I suppose it does not always feel like Easter.
I’m thinking of the diagnosis that interrupts your life. On the evening news a story of an airplane crash do to the
deliberate act of a co-pilot. Families deal with loved-ones addictions. Death affects us all. Racial, economic and
political, and even religious divides exist. Many situations lead to hopelessness and despair.
It may not always feel like Easter—Yet it is always Easter.
One of the most powerful scenes in scripture is the women's arrival at the tomb. Expecting to perform burial
rituals, and mourn their hope buried within a tomb along with their loved one, victory was discovered instead.
From the women’s initial discovery until today, God acts. God offers grace and mercy, hope and peace, power
and life. When evil seems to gain an upper hand, Easter proclaims God is always victorious. When grief threatens to undo us, Easter refreshes and restores, bringing us peace and comfort. When life becomes too much to
bear, Easter lifts our load and empowers us to keep going. God offers His love through Jesus, who came to live
among us, die to redeem us, rise to offer us life eternal—Easter! We are Easter people.
Jesus brings victory to all. So may we, His people—His Easter people—to be leaving the empty tomb anxious to
share the good news of Jesus. Because even when life is chaotic and almost too difficult to endure, even when it
may not feel like Easter…
He Lives!
Sondra Snode
District Superintendent of the Western Reserve District
[email protected]