Houston Parks Board Request for Statements of Qualifications Planning and Design Firm Services GENERAL SCOPE The Houston Parks Board (HBP) implements transformative parks and open green space projects throughout the City of Houston and greater Harris County. HPB requests Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from professional planning, engineering, landscape architecture and architecture consultants [Consultant] interested in providing consulting services for the Bayou Greenways 2020 project and broader city wide open space planning and design initiatives. HPB seeks Consultants with experience planning and designing major urban linear park systems with extensive natural landscapes, shared use trails, pedestrian bridges and related amenities. It also seeks firms that are able to plan and program open space initiatives at the city wide level. All construction plans and specifications will need to be sealed and signed by a Registered Professional Designer in the State of Texas. The Consultant must be skilled in community participation and will be required to coordinate and seek approvals from various agencies including but not limited to the City of Houston, Harris County Flood Control District, Harris County Precincts, railroad and utility companies and the Texas Department of Transportation. The contracts for the services requested in this SOQ will be awarded over the next 12 months. The first contracts are anticipated to be awarded mid-2015. GENERAL AND TECHNICAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) must be submitted electronically to Chip Place, Managing Director of Capital Programs, via email to [email protected] by 11:00 AM CDT on June 24, 2015. Each submission adhering to deadline and file size requirements will receive a confirmation email. Full SOQ Package and Guidelines are posted online at http://houstonparksboard.org/projects/soq2015. Questions relating to this Request for SOQ can be submitted electronically at the same email address as above, on or before 11:00 AM CDT June 10, 2015. Responses to questions deemed relevant will be posted to above website in an Addendum by June 17, 2015. SOQ SUBMITTAL PACKAGE An electronic copy (PDF) of the SOQ must be submitted as detailed above. Submittals received after the deadline will not be considered. Once the submission deadline has passed no other SOQ submittal package will be accepted. It is the responsibility of each firm to examine the entire Request for SOQ, seek clarification in writing, and review their document for accuracy before responding. Upon submission, SOQ packages become the property of HPB. All firms who respond in accordance with the guidelines will be evaluated to determine if their qualifications meet HPB requirements. SOQ SUBMITTAL GUIDELINES Each SOQ submittal shall adhere to the following guidelines and include the information requested below. Please note that the HPB will not reimburse, or compensate in any manner, any firm or individual for the effort expended to respond to this Request for SOQ. 1. Required Information 1.1. SOQ Cover Letter (1 page maximum) indicating an understanding of the requirements of the SOQ and the interest in performing consulting services for HPB. 1.2. Statement of Interest including the following (maximum of 11 pages): 1.2.1. Summary of the items below: 1.2.2. Qualifications of Project Manager(s) and Task Leaders: Identify the name of the firm’s project managers (no more than 2) and the names of any task leaders (no more than 4) along with their relevant experience with similar projects and similar project-related experience of the task leaders during the past 5 years. For each similar project referenced, identify either the project manager’s or the task leader’s specific role(s) and work contributed. Provide a statement certifying that all professional licenses and certifications listed are valid and current. Resumes should be no more than 1 page in length. 1.2.3. Qualifications of firm: Include a statement of the history of the firm, the size of the firm and the office locations. 1.2.4. Project Data Sheets: The firm shall demonstrate completion of three relevant projects that clearly represent the firm’s area(s) of interest. Include the following information for three example projects: project name, location and construction cost (if applicable), a description of the project and the specific work performed by the firm’s staff (project manager and key task leaders), describe the initial planned schedule versus the actual project schedule. Also provide the client agency contact name, address, telephone number and email for each project. Project Data Sheets should be no more than 1 page in length for each project. 2. All submittals must be signed by an authorized representative of the firm attesting to the accuracy of the documentation provided. 3. The SOQ submittal package is limited to 12 pages, including the cover letter and statement of interest, and must be less than 9MB in combined file size. The document should be in 8 1/2” by 11” format. 4. This SOQ evaluation is primarily based upon the submitting firms but submitting firms are also encouraged to provide suggestions on how they might partner with other consultants to provide the full scope of services required to implement large scale planning and design projects including: landscape architecture, engineering, environmental, natural resources, community participation and urban planning. Firms based outside the Houston area are encouraged to include local partners. 5. No M/WBE or DBE certifications are required at this time though are encouraged and will be considered in awarding individual projects. QUALIFICATION EVALUATION METHODOLOGY The following factors will be used for evaluating firms based upon the qualifications submitted: Experience in performing consulting services for relevant projects with extensive natural landscapes at an urban scale. Knowledge of and experience with Federal and State grant requirements. Knowledge of and experience with local, state, and federal regulations and permitting requirements. Knowledge of the City of Houston, HCFCD, USACE or TxDOT criteria for the planning and development of projects. Experience and qualifications of the project and task manager(s). Past performance on similar type projects. Weighing of the responses, which will be reviewed by committee, will be as follows: Staff Qualifications and Experience Firm Qualifications and Experience Project Data Sheets Summary Sheet, cover letter and other 35% 30% 25% 10% Following HPB's review of the SOQs submitted, each firm will be notified by HPB as to whether or not it is considered qualified for the submitted service. A list of qualified consulting firms will be maintained by HPB with the intent that consultants will be subsequently invited to submit fee proposals for specific projects as projects are identified. The projects will be distributed among qualified firms in a manner that best meets the needs of HPB. NOTE: WHEN SENDING AN EMAIL TO THE ADDRESS LISTED, PLEASE PUT THE FOLLOWING IN THE EMAIL’S SUBJECT LINE: FOR A QUESTION SUBJECT: Planning and Design SOQ– QUESTION – FIRM NAME FOR A SUBMITTAL SUBJECT: Planning and Design SOQ – SUBMITTAL – FIRM NAME
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