Special points of interest: Meetings Dates & Times “BEGIN PROMPTLY” 7:30p Grand Knight Message Financial Secretary Message Monday June 8th Council ( Business ) Monday June 8th Council (Director Meeting 6:30) Chaplain Message Program Director Page Community Activity Director “ Spring Electronic clean up” Monday June 22th Assembly (Business ) Monday June 29th Council (Social ) Volume 1 Issue 1 June 2015 Knights of Columbus Exeter Council 2179 GRAND KNIGHT MESSEGE Brothers! I am very pleased to let you know that the council is in great shape! We have conducted many activities in all service areas, including many add-on activities as they come available. It is easy to say this, but I want to thank of you for your dedication and applying your time and talents to following our Faith and leading the way to serve those in need! It is through our faith that we can see the results of our actions, needless to say we are truly living the council motto: ”Faith In Action”! This weekend we will work to bring some relief to the homeless veterans here in NH. The warrior dinner should provide a great evening to those attend, but the truth is identifying the need for those veterans that have no permanent home. As Memorial Day reminds us of the sacrifices of so many that went to protect our freedoms and never returned. Many have returned home and for whatever reason, do not have a home of their own. If you want to find out other ways to help these folks, see Bob Garand. He is the NH KofC Director for Veteran Affairs, he is great addition to the council and adds another State Director to 2179! I would ask all of you to continue to pray for our brothers and families in need of prayers. Keep watch for prayer requests and try and attend meetings to learn of those in need of prayers. The council covers many communities and reaches out to other states! The power of those prayers has been witnessed by many this past year, most have had great outcomes, others have been very difficult. As Fr has remarked, it is through faith that we can make the difference in someone’s life. I know personally, I have been aided by the councils power of prayer. Keep it up, we are all in need! I wish all of you an enjoyable summer, I wish you safe travels during family trips, visits to faraway places, especially to those kids returning from school. May God continue to share his grace in our lives. Vivat Jesus and Godspeed! John FINANCIAL SECRETARY MESSAGE June Reports Due June 29th Columbian Award Due to Supreme Office June 29th Form # 185 “New Officers/Directors “ June 30th RSVP Reimbursement Form DUE June 30th Food For Families Reimbursement Form DUE IMPORTANT DATES TO REMINDER June 13th State 4th Degree June 22 Patriotic Rosary 6:45 St Michael’s June 27th State New Grand Knights Training “hosting council” 10 am CHAPLIAN MESSAGE PRAYER REQUESTS Joe Latour The Costitch Family th Knights Patriotic Rosary Night The 4 Monday of every month at St. Michael Church beginning at 6:45 PM; we pr a y a Patriotic Rosary; if you wa n t t o k n ow wh a t a P a t r iot ic R osa r y is, p lea se j oin u s n ext month. Bring a friend, bring your family. This is open to anyone who would like to pray for our Country and its leadership, our Church and for the preservation of our religious liberties and conscience rights. 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration Every Wednesday i m m e d i a te l y fo l l o wi n g th e 4:0 0 Mass and continuing through Thursday morning at 7:30 am, Eu cha r i s t ic Ado r a t io n is held a t St. Micha el. The third Wednesday every month, following the 3am Mass until 9 pm, Eucharistic Adoration is held at St Mary’s, Newmarket. I encourage all Knights to participate in Adoration by spending time with our Lord and experience His powerful love. As men of faith and leaders in the community, we should lead the way as examples of Catholic men committed to growing in holiness. To inquire about Adoration hours that are not covered please contact Kurt Seastrand (Adoration Coordinator) at 775 7186. Prayers links: Program Director Page /Calendar June 2015 Sun 7 14 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 Council Mtg 4th Exemp. 7:30 Littleton 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 Assembly Mtg 7:30 21 28 22 Social 7:30 Grand Knight Patriotic Rosary 6:45 Training 29 30 EDITOR PAGE This month Birthday /Anniversaries Victor Myers 5years Anniversary of Membership Bryant Lefave Darrin Bronson David Dutil Matthew McElroy Robert Jones 20 year John Flynn Matthew Killeen Mark Badolato Richard Card-Arople John Caucis Timothy Graham Thomas Pietropaoli Committee chairman's if u you would like to put you activities in the newsletter please have them to me by the last Monday of the month to my email “[email protected]” Check out the Council website: www.kofc2179.org Other helpful links: www.kofc.org www.nhknights.org
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