Newsletter 8th June 2015 - Elston Hall Primary School

Issue 3 - Monday 8 June 2015
Welcome back to the second half of the Summer
Term! Let’s hope the weather is kind to us to allow
us to make the most of the many activities and
events we have planned.
Last week Year 1 children began the ‘Biker Buddies’ scheme. Each Wednesday they will have the
opportunity to learn how to ride a pedal bike.
As well as residential visits and sports days, the
children will be enjoying our ‘Creative Arts’ week
starting on 29th June. This week promises to be
jam packed with activities, some of which will have
an invitation for families to come and visit. Please
look out for further information coming home.
Term Dates
School closed for INSET on Friday 26th June.
Children break up for the summer on Friday 17th
July. Children return on Monday 7th September.
You will find a full list of dates and events on the
reverse of this newsletter. Please note the change of
time for the KS2 sports day.
What’s Coming Up….
Monday 8th to Friday 12th June - Year
6 residential to Edale
Wednesday 10th June - Year 2 - 3 transition meeting
at 3.30 pm
Week beginning Monday 15th June—Year 4
residential to Conwy
Monday 15th June—Wednesday 17th June—Year 1
Phonics screening
Thursday 18th / Friday 19th June—Book Fair
Monday 22nd June—Year 6 and Team photos
Monday 22 June—International Dance competition
School Meals
Last week during Healthy Eating Week children
enjoyed the super fruit desert option each day and
Super Fruit Friday! We are pleased to announce that
Matilda Wilson in Year 1 won the Wolverhampton
healthy eating poster competition!
Can we also remind parents that you may be eligible
for Free School Meals. Even if you do not want your
child to have a meal, by registering, the school can
benefit from additional funding. Check your
eligibility at:
Last week’s attendance figure was 96.3 %
Forthcoming Residential Visits
This week kicks off the season for residential visits as Year 6 are off to Edale! You can check the Blog on the
school website for information and live updates.
Year 4 will be going to Conwy week beginning 15th June and Year 2 will be at Kingswood the week
beginning 6 July.
I remind parents and carers to make the payments for these if you have not already done so - these
visits would not be possible without contributions from families. Thank you!
A number of parents recently have enquired as to the progress of our Academy programme. Matters are now
moving forward! I will send an update about this in the next week or so. On a less happy note, could I please
discourage any of our families from behaving in a threatening or aggressive way to each other and certainly
our children in and around school. We will always try and sort problems out and adults are welcome to
come back into school with any issues. Please avoid behaving in an antagonistic way to any of our/ your
children. Thank you, Kevin Grayson.