Year 5&6 Class Welcome letter Summer term

PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health Education)
Throughout this term children will cover the relationships and
changes topics with Mrs Joyce. We will also be covering Sex and
Relationship education, more information will follow on this.
Important Dates
14th April—Back to school
April—June—Even Coal Shimmers at Night project
11th—14th May—Y6 SATs week
18th—21st May—Assessment week Y5
22nd May—Puzzle Day
25th—29th May—Spring Bank Holiday
1st June—Back to School
1st—5th June—Healthy Eating Week
8th—12th June—Golf Week
11th June—KS2 Sports Day at EIS
18th June—Drama Festival at The Lamproom Theatre
23rd June—Even Coal Shimmers at Night project at the Town Hall
23rd/24th June—Let’s Get Active Day
25th June—Even Coal Shimmers at Night project at school
29th June—3rd July—Transition Week
17th July– Last day of term
Homework will be given out regularly by class teachers, children
are asked to record all homework given in their homework
diaries. We will also be using the blog for homework challenges so
please ensure you check the website regularly.
Information on useful websites for homework can still be found
on the school website.
If you would like to discuss your child’s homework please make an appointment to
see your child’s class teacher.
To help us in class with resources for various aspects of our work,
could we ask parents to send in any of the following items:
 Newspapers (for use in art topics)
Thank you for your continued support.
Barnsley Metropolitan
Borough Council
Sheffield Road
Hoyland Common
Barnsley S74 0DJ
Head teacher – T. Banham
Deputy Head teacher - S.
Tel - 01226 369640
Fax - 01226 741025
Web -
Year Group Newsletter
Year 5/6 Summer 2015
Welcome back everyone!
We hope you all had a fantastic Easter break and didn’t eat too
much chocolate!
We are looking forward to working with you all throughout this
final term of the school year.
Class Newsletter
Welcome to the Summer Term edition of the class newsletter.
Throughout the year we will be sending out a class newsletter at the start of
each term to keep parents informed about class issues and give a brief
summary of the curriculum areas we will be covering in the coming term.
If you have any ideas for additional information that might prove useful in
future class newsletters, please let us know.
Contacting Us
It is important that if you have any worries or concerns about your child’s
progress or happiness in school that you let us know as soon as possible. The
easiest way to contact us is to phone the school office and leave a message to
be passed on or by sending a note with your child into school.
There’s No Place Like Home
There is a specific Literacy lesson for all children each day
for a minimum of an hour, covering skills related to the
National Curriculum for Literacy. Over the next term we
will be covering a variety of topics such as descriptive
writing, narrative genres including flashback writing and
report writing. Children will also take part in a number of
literacy activities related to reading, grammar and
punctuation, spelling and handwriting.
We will link our literacy work to our topic where possible.
For the first few weeks back we will be continuing with our
‘Journey Through Middle Earth’ topic to ensure all elements
are completed.
Pupils will then begin work on their new topic!
Our new topic will be the end of year show ‘The Wizard of Oz’.
Y6 pupils will be working on the acting and singing to ensure
they have an exciting performance to share with you before
the end of the school year. Y5 pupils will be learning about the
actual story of The Wizard of Oz and will also be helping to
create props and backdrops for the production.
Further information on the performance will be sent to you
closer to the time.
There is also a specific Numeracy lesson for all children
each day, covering skills related to the National
Curriculum for Numeracy. We will be studying a variety
of topics over the next two terms including: place value,
rounding numbers, looking at strategies for addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions,
decimals and percentages, working with charts and
tables problem solving, dealing with time and measuring
This term children will be continuing
to learn Spanish. We will be looking
extending our knowledge of basic
Spanish phrases and begin looking
at names for family members.
In RE we will be learning about Buddhism
and will be focussing on important
Buddhist festivals.
Our ICT lessons will be carried out in conjunction with our topic work.
We will be using ICT to design and make posters and programmes for
the end of year show. We will also be responsible for helping to film
the DVD of the show which will be on sale to parents!
This term children will learn about electricity and
light and sound. They will explore making a
variety of circuits and learn how to do this safely.
They will then review their knowledge of light
and sound from previous year groups before exploring this topic in more detail.
PE / Games Kit
Children will need their PE kit (plimsolls, a t- shirt in
their house colour and black/navy shorts) each week,
it is useful if this kit could be left in school each day
during the school week in case of occasional
timetable changes.
Children may also bring other suitable outdoor sports
clothing to wear in the colder months of the year.
This term children will be learning about invasion
games, gymnastics and athletics.