+ HOYLANDSWAINE PRIMARY SCHOOL 8th May 2015 Summer 4 A copy of this newsletter can be found on the school website: www.hoylandswaineprimary.co.uk Headteacher email: [email protected] SPECIAL MENTIONS Class 1: Ava Bunting, Joe Stead Class 2: Lucia Partridge, Nancy Abernethy Class 3: Arthur Abernethy, Grace Webster Class 4: Alex Cook, Emily Seymour Well done to everyone! FOOTBALL TEAM Last Friday, after school, Bruce Dyer’s football club team went to the Love Life Tournament to compete against other schools in which Bruce runs his clubs. Miss Lockwood accompanied them and was glowing in her praise of the team saying ‘They played with such heart.’ Sadly they did not make it through to the finals but every one of them has earned the right to be really proud of how well they played. We are proud of them all. MATHS INVESTIGATION WEEK Our Science investigation week in March was hugely successful and gave the children a chance to really get their teeth into activities related to the world we live in and their own questions and interests. On the last week of this half term, we will be having a Maths Investigation week. The children have been working hard on their maths investigation skills all year and we want to give them a chance to really try out and use all the skills they have learned during an in depth mathematical week. We want our children to love maths and understand how important it is to their world; and that we use our maths investigation skills every day! LUNCH MONEY We would like to inform parents that, from September 2015, the cost of a school lunch will rise from £1.75 per day to £1.85. The government will continue to fund the Universal Free School Meal system for infants who will receive their school lunch free of charge each day. WORTLEY RUGBY TOURNAMENT Last year our Y5/6 children attended the Wortley Rugby Tournament and were victorious over all the other local schools! This year, the tournament is on the last afternoon of the half term and the children will be accompanied by Miss Hudson to defend their title. The children are working on tag Rugby skills with the Team Activ coach on Wednesday afternoons and will be ready to give it their all! BIKEABILITY On the week beginning 18th May, the Y5 children will be undertaking Bikeability classes in school. This means they are bringing their cycles to school at the beginning of the day and taking them home at the end. During the day, please can we ask all parents to make sure their children’s cycles are locked around one of the benches in the quiet area (which will be out of bounds to the children at playtimes and lunchtimes) for safety? We would also like to ensure that the children do not ride around the playground on their bike at the beginning and end of the day in order to make sure that all the other children in school are safe. Thank you LITERACY WORKSHOP On Tuesday 19th May, we will be holding a literacy workshop for parents of KS2 children. Mr Bond, Miss Hudson and I will be showing parents some of the resources we use with the children, giving parents a chance to gain greater knowledge about the expectations for KS2 in the new curriculum and giving ideas for supporting the children's learning at home. Parents of any KS2 child including the current Y2s (as they soon move into Y3!) are welcome to attend. BOOKS We have a book trolley which the children are able to access at playtimes and lunchtimes in the quiet area. However, some of the children have been asking if they can bring their own books from home to use at these times instead. This will allow them to follow up their own interests and share books with their friends so, from next week, children have permission to bring books from home to school and take them outside to the quiet area to read or share with friends. We will be ensuring all children understand they have responsibility for their own books which can be kept in their book bags/drawers so it would be helpful if parents could impress this upon the children too. Thank you WELL DRESSING This summer children will be designing a panel to make up part of the village well dressing. If any parents would like to be involved in the creation of this please contact school. CLASS 1 PE LESSONS A reminder that children in Class 1 have PE on a Friday afternoon and now that the weather is improving children will need an outdoor PE kit as well as indoor. Thank you SPONSORED EVENT You may remember that, in January, the school council held a sponsored event to raise money for some things around school. They consulted with their classes who voted for (amongst other things) some extra netting to be added to the MUGA to prevent balls from getting into the bushes. You will notice that we have now had that netting installed. Thank you to everyone who supported their children in the sponsored event. TEMPEST PHOTOS All orders must be in school by Wednesday 13th May. The company will be collecting the orders at the end of the week. Thank you ROAD SAFETY On the last week of this half term, most of the children across school will be taking part in road safety training. Members of the road safety department in Barnsley will be coming in to work with all classes across school to increase their awareness of road safety. MESSY CHURCH The next Messy Church will take place on Thursday 14th May 3.30-4.30pm in the Church Hall. Lots of fun and interesting activities for the children as we turn our thoughts to Ascension Day. The Family Service will follow on Sunday 17th May -11am start. Please come and join us if you can. Friends of Hoylandswaine School EASYFUNDRAISING We have raised £209 now. If you haven't already signed up please go to easyfundraising.org.uk and follow the instructions, it is VERY easy to do and if you download the toolbar it will remind you each time you buy something on a linked website. Skyecycle - Tuesday 2nd June Please keep any unwanted items ready for this, again an effortless way for us to make some money, last time we made over £200. The company will take clothing, bedding, curtains, working toys, bric-a-brac etc... anything except books, DVDs and videos. Date of next meeting - Wednesday 3rd June 8pm in the cricket club, everyone always welcome. Can't make the meeting but would like to suggest something or volunteer to help out please contact us at [email protected] or via our Facebook page Friends of Hoylandswaine School.
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