APRIL 2015 BELMONT CASTLE ACADEMY NEWSLETTER Dear Parents, Welcome back to you all and I hope you had a lovely Easter break. The Summer term tends to be the busiest of the three with so much going on. I remember promising you this time last year we would make more of St George’s Day and that is precisely what we are going to do. On the day itself we will be marking the occasion by asking the children to come in dressed as St George’s, Dragons and even Fair Maidens. To keep things simple your child could come dressed in what they wore for the Medieval Banquet. We will also be holding a Special ‘St George’s Day’ lunch, assemblies linked to this theme as well as activities in class. Sporting Success at County Level – Essex Cross-Country Final Well done to all the children who took part in this year’s Essex Cross Country final, which took place at the end of last half term. There were many successes on the day including most notably; the Year 5 girls team coming 1st overall in their race (pictured), Elliot achieving a silver medal individually in the Year 5 boys race and the Year 3 girl’s team coming 2nd and getting the silver medal. Our school came away with the second highest number of medals on the day, which is a fabulous achievement considering this was a County Championship. Another very proud day to be part of BCA and I must say once again a big thank you to Mr Garcia, Mrs Croft and Mr Perkins for preparing the children so well. Essex County Gymnastics Finals Well done to all seven girls in the gymnastics team for getting 3rd place in this year’s County finals. This is the second year we have got into the medals, which is a brilliant achievement when you consider how high the standard is. This year was even tougher than last year with very little between the top five teams in Essex. Sporting Success at Borough level – KS1 Indoor Athletics Competition Well done also to all the children in Year 1 and 2 children who took part in the recent Indoor Athletics competition, winning many medals on the day helping to secure a first place for BCA. Mothers Day Celebration Event Thank-you to all you mums, over 270 of you, who came into school on the afternoon of 16th March and spent the afternoon with your child either in class or having afternoon tea. For me, this has to be one of the highlights of the year so far and judging by many of your lovely comments, something we will have to repeat next year. I know Mrs Croom who planned the event was sorry not to be there. Thanks once again to Mrs Payne our catering manager, the rest of her team in the kitchen and all the staff who helped to make this such a successful event. Spring Concert The Spring concert was a new event in our calendar, but it proved so successful with nearly two hundred parents attending, that we will certainly hold it again next year. I have posted pictures on our website. We are hoping that our Steel Pan group will be performing at this years’ Thurrock Music Festival in July. Decorating Easter Egg competition Well done to all the children who took part in this year’s KS1 Easter bonnet or KS2 decorating the egg competition. There were some really great entries this year making judging very tricky. Thanks to the PTA for donating the prizes and also providing the Chocolate eggs for the Easter egg hunt. Update on money raised as part of the ‘HCPT – The Pilgrimage Trust’ Mrs Green who organised this event, has asked me to pass on her thanks to all the children who brought in their 2p coins. Congratulations to R1 for making the longest line of coins an impressive 100m. In total £250 was raised. Year 6’s Once again, good luck to all the year 6’s for their SAT tests which commence on the 11th of May. Listed below are dates of when they will be taking each test. Monday Reading Task Tuesday Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Wednesday Maths – Paper 1 and Mental maths Thursday Maths – Paper 2 Please let us know if your child is likely to miss one of the tests for any reason to see what we can do to help. It is important to remember that your child must not miss any of the tests or they will score a zero for that particular subject. All the year 6’s are invited to come into school a little earlier to have a free breakfast to ensure they are relaxed and ready. Phonics Workshop for Parents We are planning to run a ‘Phonics’ workshop session for Year 1 and 2 parents, to provide information about the Phonics Screening Test which takes place in June. Further information will be sent out in a separate letter. Recent Parents’ Meetings I hope you were able to meet with your child’s teacher at the recent Parents meetings held on Thursday 26th of March. Judging by those of you I did get to speak to on the day, you seem to like this arrangement of meeting either in one of the two halls for KS1 and 2 and in the Early Years block if your child is in Reception. Attendance Update I am pleased to report that overall Attendance from the start of the year to the end of the Spring term is 95.4%, which not only is slightly above our target but also an improvement on previous years. Uniform Reminder As we are now in the Summer term please could you ensure children are wearing correct uniform as set out in our School Uniform Policy: Girls; yellow or purple check dresses. Shoes must be flat and worn with socks; no more than 3cm at the back of the heel. NO flashing lights, mules, sling backs, strappy sandals, clogs or other fashion shoe is allowed. Boys; short grey trousers, white polo top or short sleeve shirt, plain black footwear Jewellery - Small, plain stud earrings and small- faced watches only (Jewellery worn for religious purposes must be agreed and removed for swimming and P.E.) Hair and Make Up - No visible hair products, cut in hair designs, tattoos, body piercing, make up, perfume or nail varnish is allowed. Long hair must be tied back with a simple/soft hair band or scrunchy / elastic. Hair ornaments such as bows and hair bands must be small and plain coloured. General Reminders Just a quick reminder for children to bring in water bottles now that the weather is starting to get warmer. Please could you ensure that all money coming into school, ie school trips, dinners etc is in a sealed envelope. School Websites www.belmontcastleacademy.org Yours sincerely M Jones Principal SUMMER TERM DATES April Tue 14th Wed 15th Fri 17th Tue 21st Wed 22nd Wed 22nd Thur 23rd rd Thur 23 th Tue 28 th Thur 30 May st Fri 1 th Thur 7 th Fri 8 Tbc th Mon 11 th Tue 12 th Tue 12 Tue 12th th Wed 13 th Thur 14 th Fri 15 tbc th Wc Mon 18 th Tue 19 st Thur 21 nd Fri 22 th Wc Mon 25 Swimming for Year 1 starts – Class 19 and 20 Scooter Assembly Class 17 Assembly Class photos in the New Hall Phonic Screening Workshop Old Hall 9.00am and 2.30pm Class photos in the New Hall St George’s Day (Knights and Dragons day) Borough Olympics KS1 Cross country Scooter skills session Year 4 visit to Colchester Zoo Class 7 Assembly Year 1 to Legoland Class 16 Assembly Key Steps competition for Years 1,2,3 and 4 KS2 SATs – English Reading test Year 5 visit to Kent Life museum KS2 SATs - Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Nursery New Parents meeting (6pm) KS2 SATs – Mental maths / Maths paper 1 KS2 SATs – Maths paper 2 Class R3 assembly KS1 SATs week Spanish Trip Reception intake meeting (6pm) CATs production – Year 5 (Parents invited) Class 15 assembly Half term week Just a reminder that like all organisations, at BCA we will not tolerate aggressive or abusive behaviour and those who persist in doing this will be banned from the school site
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