Trinity Update April 2015 HOLY TRINITY CHURCH ALDERSHOT ‘Church for Everyone’ WOMEN’S HOUR SOUL SISTERS th On the 19 February Jonathan talked to us about lost and found; he talked about the lost sheep and Jesus’s search for his lost sheep and other examples from the Bible. th) The following week (Feb 26 one of our members, Jan Wilder, talked of her childhood memories and how her aunt introduced her to Church and to music. Jan’s love of music is so important to her now. A lovely nostalgic talk! th On 5 March Elizabeth Warren was our speaker and she talked about Psalm 139 - a great Christian talk. th March 12 Alison Blenkinsop showed us pictures on screen of her 7 week holiday in Australia and New Zealand, where she worshipped with missionaries a lovely afternoon. th On March 19 . David Warren, the husband of Elizabeth, talked of Genesis and the seven days of creation, a really interesting afternoon Glen came in at the start of our meeting and he spoke about his new Parish and we gave him a present for himself and Anita. We will all miss Glen (he was very popular with our ladies) and we wish him and Anita much happiness in their move. We have had three of our members unwell. Audrey Butler is in hospital and Wendy Sear has had a hip replacement. We are pleased to say that Peggy Wallis is now back at Women’s Hour. We ask for prayers for all of our members and especially Audrey, Wendy and Peggy. Daphne and Jean V Soul Sisters is Holy Trinity's answer to good fun, fellowship & generally a great laugh for all "the ladies" - young (over 14 years) & the more mature. On Saturday 21st March we held our Soul Sisters Great British Bake Off Tea Party. The afternoon started with an excellent cake decorating demonstration by a friend of Jax. It all looked so easy! Then we had an opportunity to decorate cupcakes ourselves; the results were not quite so professional, but they looked very delicious on the tea table. There were also opportunities to try plaiting dough (bread week), naming pies (pie week of course), creating an origami cup cake (technical challenge) and decorating chocolate eggs - to name but a few. Jane demonstrated some simple but stunning ways to use flowers, which we are all going to copy! And Maria worked on a stained glass picture throughout the afternoon. It was fascinating to see how the pieces of glass are cut and put together to make a beautiful picture. The finale was sitting down to tea together, followed by the judging of the amazing showstopper cakes by Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry's stand-ins, our own Jonathan and John. The judges found no soggy bottoms, and awarded the prizes to Amy and Jax. Well done everyone who entered! Many thanks to our demonstrators, judges and all who helped afterwards. Our summer event will be coming soon, and we hope you have the Soul Sisters Axminster weekend in your diary, September 11th to 13th. Jacquie Kellagher On behalf of Soul Sisters Verses for the Year 2015: ‘Choose life . . . love the Lord your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him. For the Lord is your life . . .’ Deuteronomy 30:19-20 ‘O Lord, I stand in awe of your deeds; renew them in our day.’ Habakkuk 3:2 Thank you to everyone who contributed to this issue, including to Rob Kirkup for most of the drawings. Please note that the May 2015 issue of Update will be in Church on Sunday th 26 April. th The LAST date for May articles will be Sunday 19 April. 2 WALKS The former Holy Trinity walking group has been discontinued, but there are regular walks from Ash Vale, usually on the last Friday of the month. Meet 10.00am at The Old Methodist Chapel, Wharf Road, Ash Vale. For more information contact Eric Marsh on 01252 323253 or talk to Jan Nielsen. All are welcome, but no dogs, please. 3 THE ‘BIG’ PRAYERS FOR 2015: 20s30s “ Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven...” Local In April, 20s30s will be getting a team or two together to take part in the church Easter Egg hunt on Saturday 4th April (see page 9). Let Lisa, Belinda, Patrick or Ben Smith know if you are interested in joining our teams. For Holy Trinity church to be a place of the Spirit of the sovereign Lord: a place of healing and wholeness, transformation and encounter through Jesus Christ We will also be holding our monthly lunch at Jenny's cafe on Sunday 5th April and Sunday 3rd May. The pioneering of new ministry and evangelism to children and to their families In May, we are planning on getting a group together to go to the Big Church Day out on Saturday 23rd May. Info can be found at Do let one of the team know as soon as possible if you would like to go, as we can arrange a group booking to reduce ticket costs, if costs are collected in advance of booking. That we increasingly become a church that understands the cost of integrating new people, and is willing to pay it For a plentiful harvest from the seed that has been sown on good ground and for the return of the prodigals. For the support of marriages and families, for the ongoing mentoring and encouragement and that there will be no marriage breakups in the HT family in 2015 For God’s kingdom to come to Aldershot and for the peace and prosperity of Aldershot For the breaking and overcoming of addictions in Aldershot and for the ministry of The Vine Day Centre and other organisations serving local homeless people and developing the skills people need to build a better life Finally, we are sad to see Glen depart from our team and would like to thank him and Anita for their years of dedication and service to our group and church. We wish them well in their new church and position in Wales. We would also like to welcome Ben Smith to the 20s30s leadership team, so feel free to ask him, as well as Lisa, Belinda or Patrick for info on future events. Don't forget our facebook group HTCA 20s30s for info on events. Thanks, Lisa No Suicides in Aldershot Further Afield For the appointment of the right person to be the minister for Wellesley and the planting of a Christian community (Church) in Wellesley For Andrew Watson as he takes up the role as Bishop of Guildford For Justin Welby and his team to be inspired and directed by the Holy Spirit in reforming the Church of England. For Archbishop Welby and leaders of other church denominations to point the nation to the values of the Kingdom. For all our Christian family around the world who face persecution because of their faith in Jesus Christ. For the ministry of Christian Solidarity Worldwide For the global mission of Stop the Traffik – people shouldn’t be taken against their will, bought, sold and exploited THANKS FROM THE PARKER FAMILY Celia Parker writes: Ted, his mother Imrie and the rest of the family (including myself) would like to rd thank everyone from Holy Trinity who attended Fred's funeral today [23 March]. There were a number of people from the Church there and I know Fred would have been pleased to see them all. He married Imrie in Holy Trinity 68 years ago and they both attended the 9.30 service with me for a couple of years until their health started to restrict their activities. Fred was 93 and Imrie will be 90 this year and they both have many friends in Aldershot. It was a lovely service, led by George, and was attended by in excess of 120 people which, I think, reflects what a well loved man he was. Thank you very much and God bless, Celia Parker 4 5 BIBLE SOCIETY SUPPORT SUNDAY – APRIL 19th CURATE'S CORNER Carol Edgoose reflects on how one Welsh girl’s determination to possess her own Bible led to the founding of the Bible Society and the distribution of millions of Bibles throughout the world. No. 45: Goodbye It is exciting that the story of the founding of this Society has now been made significant by the opening of “Mary Jones World” in October 2014. It is a new centre in Llanycil (near Bala), to which people from all over the world are travelling. It is interesting to look at how the apostle Paul ended most of his letters - with grace and peace. As Christians we need to be reminded constantly of God's grace and peace towards us. It is easy to drift into the opposite - works and war. The seed for the inspiration to spread the Word of God, the Bible, throughout the world, came through a young girl’s desire to have her own Bible. This teenage girl, Mary Jones, saved for six years to buy a Bible and in 1800 walked 26 miles to get to the Reverend Thomas Charles in Bala to buy it, only to find that all the Welsh language Bibles had been sold. The Revd Charles was so impressed by her determination that he arranged lodgings for her while he waited for new Bibles to arrive and after two days he was able to provide her with her Bible. The memory of her passion and commitment stayed with him and four years later, in 1804, he founded the Bible Society Now a state-of-the-art Visitor Centre is poised to open full time in Llanycil in April 2015 (and it is my dearest wish to go and see it!) The Bible went out from Wales to the world and today the world returns to Wales to express its gratitude! I have an old copy of the story of “Mary Jones and her Bible”, if you would like to borrow it. I have told the story many times. The Bible transforms lives and the Bible Society is working very effectively in bringing many to Christ – for example, in China, where half the new Christians are waiting for the Bible in their own language. Our donations help to supply them. The word goodbye comes from the phrase 'God be with you.' As a final article it seems good to explore the meaning of Paul's longer last words, found in 2 Corinthians 13:14, commonly known as "the grace." May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ: God's undeserved favour rests upon us. This is because Jesus did earn God's favour through his life and death of perfect obedience, and gives it to us as a free gift. GRACE = God's Riches At Christ's Expense. and the love of God: God's love is ultimately demonstrated by the giving of His son to die on behalf of sinful human beings. and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all: Every Christian receives the Holy Spirit as a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance and transforming us to be holy like God. Therefore Christians are united together in a special sense by having this gift (God dwelling within us). Our new address will be 122 Rhuddlan Road, Rhyl, Denbighshire, Wales LL182RD. If you are ever in the area, please do drop in for tea and cake. Glen and Anita CHARITY QUIZ NIGHT At Ash Victoria Hall, Ash Hill Road, GU12 5DN th Read the display items in church on April 19 and be inspired to pray more and to give more for this work in so many countries throughout the world. IN AID of WATERAID On Friday April 24th, Start 7.30pm The latest initiative is to give the Scriptures to refugees, as well as aid. When Islamic State (IS) swept into northern Iraq and caused thousands of ordinary people to drop everything and flee their homes, staff in the region were among the first to respond. The Bible is “a stronghold in times of trouble”. Bring your own food and drink – glasses available. --------------- Any prizes for quiz/raffle will be from donations. I have been in many places, but I've never been in Cahoots. Apparently, you can't go alone. You have to be there with someone. I've also never been in Cognito. I hear no one recognises you there. Thanks to Pat Clare for forwarding these For more info, contact Dave Brown at [email protected] or 07533186831 6 Cost –£5 per person, teams of 4 to 6 7 HOLIDAY AT HOME – FIFTH GREAT YEAR With quizzes, games, activities and plenty of food th th Tuesday 11 to Thursday 13 August 2015 Seniors, get the dates in your diary now!! PARISH NURSE DROP IN Thursdays 12-2pm, Crossover, Holy Trinity Church, ALDERSHOT In confidence (consultations will take place in Parish Nurse Room in church) Available to discuss medical concerns, for information/advice, blood pressure/weight monitoring and prayer Contact Jan Nielsen: [email protected] Tel: 07896813560 THE CANADIAN GARDEN Thanks to John Pask for arranging for a small memorial notice to be placed in the Canadian garden (opposite the north east wall of the church). It reads: Renovated in 1944 by the Canadian Regiment, when Holy Trinity was their service church during the 1939-1945 War. A NOTE FOR YOUR DIARY With the 100th anniversary of Gallipoli, next month we have Kelvin Crombie, a Christian Australian historian, speaking at HT on the subject of his latest book and documentary, in which he shows how Gallipoli fitted into the broader campaign. “Gallipoli – The Road to Jerusalem” th Wednesday 13 May, 7.30 in Crossover ----------- The 10 commandments are not a multiple choice. The pursuit of happiness is the chase of a lifetime! It is never too late to become what you might have been. Thanks to Di Spencer for passing these on 8 Big Mc Bite It’s Easter and we all know what that means… Easter Eggs! And so to celebrate, I would like to invite you to our All Age Easter Egg hunt on Easter Saturday afternoon (see above). The hunt starts at 2.00 pm and should last about an hour; however, you can start at any time throughout the afternoon until we finish at 4.30 pm. And yes it really is all age, so no matter how old you are, from 1 to 101, you are still very welcome to join in. Oh and Yes, there’s so much more to Easter than Easter Eggs, something that it’s been great visiting some of the schools around Aldershot to share with them, remembering the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made and what that means for us today. It’s following the assemblies, that I would like to share some more great news with you. A few weeks ago I was able to meet with the head teacher of Park School and we were invited to run both an after-school and a lunchtime club for them on a Monday. This is a great privilege; however to be able to do this, we are in real need of volunteers to come and help out with either club. We are therefore looking for one or two people to come to help and take part in what promises to be a great opportunity. If this is something that you might think you could help with, please come and see me. Another great opportunity coming up very soon is ‘The Quest’; this is our summer holiday club that, this year, will be set around the medieval world of castles, dragons, knights, kings and queens. So why not join us on the adventure of a th th lifetime 4 to 7 August. Simon 9 GEORGE WRITES Dear Friends, It is always good to be able to write to all those at Holy Trinity and the many friends of Holy Trinity around the country each month in this Update magazine. By the time that this is in print, we will have said our goodbyes to Glen and Anita as they move to Rhyl. I know many of us will be going up for Glen's licensing service on 19th April and if you would like to come we can sort some lifts out for you. We will miss them both lots. The key thing this month is Easter and the days leading up to it. Maundy Thursday (2nd April) is a really important day for me: it is the day we remember the Last Supper and the institution of Communion. The original setting was the Passover meal which Jesus had with his 12 disciples. The link between the Passover and Communion is vitally important to understand so, on that day, we are going to have two Passover meals! The first will be at Women's Hour at 2:30, but open to all and will be particularly focused for those in the 9.30 congregation. There won't be a full meal, but we will have all the elements of the Passover and go through some of the liturgy and explain the link to Jesus and Communion. In the evening, aimed more at the 11.15 service, we will have another Passover, but this time including a meal. We will have it as a bring–and–share meal and we aim to start at 6:30. If you are coming to this, please try to make it for the start time, as the majority of the Passover liturgy will be before we eat! After the meal we will finish off that liturgy and move into the connection with Communion and take that together informally. I hope both of these events will be very special and well attended. Whole families are most welcome. The next day is Good Friday and again this is such a special and unique day, as we remember the crucifixion of Jesus. As we have done in the last several years, we will have a prayerful walk around the town, carrying our large cross, leaving from Holy Trinity at 10 am. These seem to have been very powerful times in the last years and it would be super to have several hundred people walking, praying and witnessing to the town through that act. We hope then to come back to warm refreshments with hot cross buns and. then have a service of Meditations on the Cross in church for about an hour around midday. Again, an understanding of the Cross is so important and this can be a particularly helpful hour so please do consider joining us Then the following Sunday is Easter Sunday and we will be celebrating at our normal times the resurrection of Jesus. Because the following day is a Bank th Holiday we will have our monthly PPP at 7.30 the following Monday (13 ) but we st will keep the Wednesday PPP with Communion at 11.15 on 1 April. 10 The following Sunday at 9.30 we are having a Memorial Service for those who have lost loved ones in the last couple of years or so. Please do invite folk in for this if you know people who have suffered loss; it will be a gentle service to help with grief and where we, as a congregation, can also offer support and love to all who come. There will be a time where names are read out and you are also welcome to mention those who have died more than two years ago. April seems to be a busy month, as we also have the men's weekend away from 24th to 26th of April down in Axminster. The more the merrier for that, as it can be a great time of fun, adventure and growing in the Lord together. If there are any men who would really like to come, but for whom finance is a problem, please see me. At the end of the month on Wednesday 29th of April we have our AGM at 7:45. This is an important annual meeting for the church, where we will be electing people to key positions, as well as looking ahead to the future and reviewing the last year. With Glen leaving and John taking a sabbatical, there will be a number of staffing issues to consider. In the meantime we are looking for a few people to stand as church wardens and sidespeople. We also have our new Bishop, Andrew, in the deanery on 22nd April and in the evening he will be at an open meeting along with a Communion service at Saint Peters, Farnborough; this is open to all. We are also coming up towards the General Election. One or two things about this: as Rural Dean I am helping organise one set of hustings for our deanery, where we can ask the candidates various questions – this will be in the evening rd of Thursday 23 at St. Peter’s, Farnborough at 7.45. It also links nicely with the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta and will be good for us to be reminded of the significant Christian element of that and to use that to share with those around us just how much the church continues to contribute to society at every level. One paper that is most definitely worth reading and is downloadable as a PDF from the Church of England website is entitled "Who is my neighbour?" * So, may the Lord bless all of you richly and thoroughly, may He enable you to keep your focus on him and walk afresh in the His resurrection power. George * Search the C of E website for “Who is my neighbour?” or go to 11 Your APCM CHURCH ELECTORAL ROLL – PLEASE SIGN UP NOW! The Electoral Roll is the church’s official membership list, entitling the people on it to vote at the Annual Parish Meeting (on April 29 this year) and to stand for election to the Parochial Church Council. Did you know that we have an Annual Parochial Church Meeting here at th Holy Trinity on 29 April? Are you planning on showing up? Have you got it in your diary? There will be champagne for the first ten folk through the door… just kidding! Actually, what I can guarantee is that you will be blessed if you come. Here are some facts about these meetings: 1. 2. In every parish there must be an Annual Parochial Church Meeting not th later than 30 April in each year Everyone who is on the Electoral Roll* of the parish is entitled to attend and to take part in the proceedings. You may think, ‘Why bother with the Annual Church Meeting? It’s likely to be BORING and my being there won’t make any difference anyway. Surely I can leave it to someone else. Anyway, I don’t know enough to be of any help…’ How wrong is that thinking. The meeting is chaired by George, so it doesn’t drag on or overrun! It is your opportunity to hear about and to discuss issues relating to our church life such as: An update on the membership: who has come and who has gone The progress of different church activities and an opportunity to show our appreciation to the leaders and helpers A report on the key discussions and decisions of the PCC The annual financial statement for our church A report on the state of the church buildings and contents. There are opportunities to be actively involved by electing and even being elected, to roles such as churchwardens and lay representatives on the Parochial Church Council or Deanery Synod. If you think of Holy Trinity as ‘your’ church, can I encourage you to sign up? Under Church of England rules you need to: be aged at least 16 be baptised (not necessarily in the Church of England) either live within the Holy Trinity parish or have worshipped here for at least 6 months. If you are not already on the electoral roll (or not sure!), please ask me for a form. TO BE ENTITLED TO VOTE AT THE 2015 Annual Parish Meeting OR TO STAND FOR ELECTION YOU NEED TO SIGN UP BY APRIL 13th . Existing members: please make sure I have any changes in your contact details. Thank you Christine Ward ALDERSHOT CHURCHES PRAYING TOGETHER The Aldershot Churches Together (ACT) prayer meetings are now held monthly on a Monday (but not necessarily in the same week of each month) at the Church of the Ascension, 1 Ayling Hill at 7.45pm. This month’s ACT prayer is on: th Monday 27 April 2015 It is a really good opportunity to show our support and commitment to the church at Holy Trinity. BISHOP ANDREW’S INAUGURAL ADDRESS I CHALLENGE YOU… GO ON; EXPERIENCE THIS YEAR’S ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING. YOU WON’T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE MISSING IF YOU DON’T! WE KNOW THAT GOD HAS GREAT PLANS FOR US. COME ALONG AND BE A PART OF THIS PARTY… even without the champagne! Kit Vessey * See opposite for more on the Electoral Roll 12 Our new Bishop’s inaugural address – well worth reading – can be found on the Diocesan website at: or search for: "andrew watson" AND "inaugural address" AND Guildford 13 CHIEF’S CONCERNS ‘... So that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power’, 1 Corinthians 1:24 In recent weeks we have been giving consideration to faith that is not only believing in God, but actually beginning to change how we think and act, by deliberately and purposefully choosing in all of life’s situations and circumstances to believe God. ‘In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one’, Ephesians 6:16 Believe God for ... my future, where I work, where I will go to college, my son or daughter’s schooling, my family’s wellbeing, when life makes no sense, finances, enough work, in times of doubt, for God to heal that person, the strength to do that thing God has asked of me, to sort those broken relationships, when I’m in pain, to witness about Jesus to neighbours and colleagues, to step out and come to the church prayer gathering for the first time, lots and lots of things. ‘When he had gone indoors, the blind men came to him, and he asked them, do you believe that I am able to do this? Yes Lord, they replied’, Matthew 9:28 Be blessed in your reading Jonathan -------------- SHOE CLEANING IN THE WELLINGTON CENTRE The Bible teaches us that faith in Christians is very precious. Jesus was often delighted, thrilled, (I think jumping for joy) at discovering faith in individuals, whether for themselves or on behalf of another - read the Gospels. Jesus said “Now that I, your Lord and teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet” (John 13:14). So to encourage us and inspire us and to strengthen our own walk of faith, as we all continue to choose to believe God, here are some gems, treasures from the Bible, declarations and promises of God’s Word. As in previous years, a team of church people will be in the Wellington Centre on nd Maundy Thursday (2 April) from around 10.00am to noon, offering free shoe cleaning; this is to commemorate Jesus’ cleansing of the disciples’ feet at the Last Supper. Speak to Jonathan if you would like to be part of the team. As you read them, often, let them penetrate your mind and your spirit. Open your Bible and read the full passages in which they occur. ‘So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God’, Romans 10:17 ‘The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love’ Galatians 5:6 ‘Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for’, Hebrews 11:1-2 ‘Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him’ Hebrews 11:6 ‘The Apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith” ’, Luke 17:5 ‘Trust in the Lord and do good... Commit your way to the Lord... Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him’, Psalm 37:3-7 ‘Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall’, Psalm 55:22 ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding’, Proverbs 3:5 ANGLICAN BISHOPS AND THE GENERAL ELECTION The Church of England’s House of Bishops has issued a pastoral letter entitled Who is my neighbour? to help Christians (and others) to think through the issues involved in the general election (see page 13 for the web link). The bishops encourage voters to support candidates and policies which demonstrate key values, including: • Halting and reversing the accumulation of power and wealth in fewer and fewer hands, whether those of the state, corporations or individuals • Involving people at a deeper level in the decisions that affect them most • Recognising the distinctive communities … which make up the nation and enabling all to thrive and participate together. • Treating the electorate as people with roots, commitments and traditions and addressing us all in terms of the common good, not just as self-interested consumers. • Demonstrating that the weak, the dependent, the sick, the aged and the vulnerable are persons of equal value to everybody else. • Offering the electorate a grown up debate about Britain’s place in the world order and the possibilities and obligations that entails. The Guildford Diocese has organised a Question Time event to discuss these issues on Monday 20th April 2015 7.45pm- 9.15pm. 14 15 READ MY LIPS – GODALMING Do you need to ask people to repeat what they say, turn up the volume on the TV or find it difficult to follow conversations in a group situation? Maybe learning to lip-read may help. Spaces are available at our class in The Octagon, St Peter & St Paul’s Church nd Godalming, starting Wednesday 22 April from 2.30pm until 4.30pm. Classes are £5 per session, payable termly in advance. The first class is a taster session and will be free. Classes are limited to 10 people. nd Tiny Touches Jewellery Create a unique piece of jewellery by capturing your loved one's fingerprint in fine silver. I take an impression of the fingerprint and create items which can be hung on bracelets and necklaces. The product range includes keyfobs and cufflinks for the men too. Items come in a range of sizes and shapes to suit all tastes and budgets. To book your place on our free taster session on 22 April or for more details, please contact Tracey Wade, Sensory Inclusion Adviser, Communities Engagement Team, at [email protected] or call 01483 790327.” All items are crafted by myself and can be personalised with names and short messages. If you would like more information about the benefits of learning to lipread, please visit Action on Hearing Loss website: For more information or to make a booking please contact Mary Webb 01252 331884 / 07818047177 Tracey Wade --------------- NEEDED: TOURISM VOLUNTEER An appeal forwarded by Anna Townsend, a former member of HT and a founder member of Women Without Roofs. See the notice board at the back of church for a picture of what the guest house may look like. Women Without Roofs – Nepal, a charity that helps women facing hardship in Nepal, needs help! They plan to open a Guest House so that the needy women they assist can earn an income and be trained in useful, employable skills The Guest House will be advertised on global websites and they need a volunteer to respond by e-mail to queries from potential guests. HELP WITH CLEANING OR IRONING Deirdre Baker, a member of HT, offers a cleaning and/or ironing service, which can be for a short one-off blitz. If interested, contact Deirdre on 317833. --------------- RELIABLE IRONING SERVICE. Your ironing done in my smoke & pet free home. Very reasonable rates. Please ring Cathy Hawkins on 07792 913553 for details. You can make a big difference to needy women just by responding to e-mails from your own home --------------- NEED DOG-WALKING OR CLEANING? Please e-mail [email protected] if you would like to know more th The Farnham Filling Station is not meeting in April. The next meeting is on 8 May. Speaker: Mike Henson, a leader of music and worship. Please let me know if you would like your dog walked. I can provide references re: my trustworthiness etc. Also, if you know of anyone elderly or incapacitated who needs helps with light chores, please contact me too. Very reasonable rates. Contact Julia (Todd) on 01252 656950 16 17 FORTHCOMING EVENTS HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, ALDERSHOT rd 3 May, 1.30-3.30pm 20s30s lunch at Jenny's café th 13 May 7.30pm Gallipoli – The road to Jerusalem (see page 8) th 16 May 8.30am Ladies Prayer Breakfast in Crossover 23-24 May Big Church Day Out in Sussex (see page 5) 4-7 August Kids Holiday Club th th 11 -13 Aug Holiday at Home (senior citizens) th th 11 -13 Sept Soul Sisters Axminster Weekend -----There is a hearing loop in the main church building and also in Crossover . To tune into the loop use the “T” mode setting on your hearing aid. Victoria Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 1SJ Church Office (when manned) Vicar: Rev’d George Newton: (Tuesdays off duty) 2, Cranmore Lane, Aldershot GU11 3AS Mobile: 07920 867014 Curate (NSM): Rev’d John Kellagher 8 Elsenwood Crescent, Camberley GU15 2BA Jean Embelton Ursula Johnston Wardens: Ben Smith 68 Holly Road, Aldershot GU12 4RJ Garry Webb 1 Sandford Road, Aldershot GU11 3AE Church Parking Warden: Treasurer: Mike Ashworth Friends of Trinity (FOT) envelopes: Whom do I tell… Child Protection Officers: Julie Edwards When something is broken or needs replacing, tell Don Payne (01252 653182). Tel: 320926 Tel: 702591 Tel: 07803 805563 [email protected] Tel: 331884 [email protected] Garry Webb, as above Large print hymn books are also available at the back of church – if you need one, please ask a sidesperson. For problems with cleaning, tell Pat Clare (01252 336683). Tel: 01276 508193 [email protected] Children’s Minister: Simon McEvansoneya Tel: 209522 7 Birchett House, 48 Birchett Road, Aldershot, GU11 1LG [email protected] UPDATE IN LARGER PRINT …when something needs to be done in the HT building or site? Tel: 320618 [email protected] Associate Minister: Jonathan Wiggam (Church Army) (Tuesdays off duty) Tel: 314418 Mobile: 07 860 875157 311 Woodland Walk, North Lane, GU12 4FE [email protected] Licensed Lay Ministers: A small number of copies of Update and the Prayer Diary in larger print are available at the back of church. Please tell Arthur or Christine Ward (01252 320210) if more copies are needed. Tel: 333499 [email protected] Tel 501522 see Jan Wilder Ali Draper, [email protected] 640019 [email protected] 321357 HT Site & Buildings Manager: Don Payne (653182 [email protected]) Hall Bookings: Jean Embelton Tel: 320926 Women’s Hour: Daphne Inglis Tel: 328205 Contact (Parents’ & Toddlers’ Group): For toilet rolls and paper towels – tell Jean Embelton. (01252 320926). Joan Davies & Carol Cole (see opposite for phone & email) Fellowship Groups: please see separate leaflet Pastoral Assistants: Carol Cole Joan Davies, David & Sandra Gunn Dawn Hurrell Jacquie Kellagher Aehee Payne Ian Vessey 18 Prayer Tree: [email protected] [email protected] Tel: 511541 Tel: 328984 Tel: 334916 [email protected] Tel: 333895 [email protected] Tel: 01276 508193 [email protected] Tel: 653182 [email protected] Tel: 07825 117795 email George Weekly notice sheet: Karen Massarella [email protected] [email protected] Tech desk email address: [email protected] Magazine editors: Christine & Arthur Ward Tel: 320210 21, Church Hill, Aldershot GU12 4JT [email protected] Website: Webmasters: [email protected] & [email protected] 19 APRIL 2015 DIARY 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 10 12 13 15 17 19 11.15am Holy Communion with Praise, Prayer & Prophecy (see p10) 2.30, 7.15 & 8.00pm Fellowship Groups (Weds)* 7.30pm POD Groups (Weds)* 8.30am Prayer for Renewal (Thursdays)* 10-11.30am Contact for parents and toddlers (Thursdays in term)** 2.30pm Women’s Hour (with Passover Communion) (See p 10) 6.30pm Passover meal (See page 10) 10.00am Walk with the cross (See page 10) 12 noon Meditations (See page 10) 8.00pm TCPT meeting in Crossover 2.00pm All Age Easter Egg Hunt (See page 9) EASTER SUNDAY 9.30am Morning Praise [HC?] 11.15am Alternative Service [HC?] 1.30-3.30pm 20s30s lunch at Jenny's café 6.00pm Worship, Word and Prayer (See page 5) 2.00 & 7.30pm 2.30pm 7.30pm 10.30am Fellowship Groups Women’s Hour POD Groups Fellowship Group (Tuesdays*) (Thursdays) (Thursdays)* (alternate Fridays) * SUNDAY 9.30am 11.15am 6.00pm Memorial Service Alternative Service Worship, Word and Prayer 7.30pm 7-9pm 11.15am 7.45pm PRAISE, PRAYER AND PROPHECY th Inclusion (ages 12 to 18); also 27 * nd th) Holy Communion, followed by tea & biscuits (also 22 & 29 Worship Team practice (See page 11) SUNDAY - Bible Society support 9.30am Morning Praise 11.15am Holy Communion 6.00pm Worship, Word and Prayer (See page 6) 3.30pm Glen’s Licensing Service in Rhyl 20 24-26 7.45pm ACT prayer at Church of the Ascension Men’s Weekend at Weycroft Hall, Axminster 26 SUNDAY 9.30am 11.15am 6.00pm 7.45pm 29 7.30pm (see page 13) (page 11) Holy Communion Alternative Service Worship, Word and Prayer ACT (Aldershot Churches Together) prayer at church of the Ascension Annual Parish Meeting * Check with group leaders for dates of Easter break. rd th ** Easter Holiday in Hampshire schools is from Friday 3 to Friday 17 April 2015. The st Friday Kids Club re-starts on 1 May.
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