2015-02-22 Final - The Parish Church of St Peter and St Paul

Welcome to
The Parish Church
St Peter & St Paul
22nd February 2015
1st Sunday of Lent
Holy Communion – Rev Canon Tony Chanter
1 Peter 3.18-22 (p232); Psalm 25 omit response (Joanne Hanson); Mark 1.9-15
The Parish Eucharist + Junior Church
President – Rev Marjorie Warnes; Preacher – Rev Canon Tony Chanter
Genesis 9.8-17 (p7) (Ros Frost); Psalm 25, sung as in THE NEW ENGLISH
HYMNAL 528 – response: To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul; 1 Peter 3.18-22
(p232) (Pamela Jones);
Mark 1.9-15
Hymns: NEH 67, NHWS 245, 317, NEH 393 Organist: Keith Smithers
Almighty God,
whose Son Jesus Christ fasted forty days in the wilderness,
and was tempted as we are, yet without sin:
give us grace to discipline ourselves
in obedience to your Spirit;
and, as you know our weakness,
so may we know your power to save;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen
Lord God,
you have renewed us with the living bread from heaven;
by it you nourish our faith, increase our hope,
and strengthen our love:
teach us always to hunger for him
who is the true and living bread,
and enable us to live by every word
that proceeds from out of your mouth;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Banns of
Jeremy David Troszok & Cherry Amanda Davis
Matthew McNeil & Emma de Leij
Richard Charles Betts & Joanna Lesley Phillips
Evening Prayer – Rev Christine Keyte
Psalm 119.17-32 [578]; Genesis 2.15-17; 3.1-7 (p2); Romans 5.12-19 (p151)
(Brian Garrett)
1st Time of asking
1st Time of asking
1st Time of asking
This Week
Morning Prayer 08.15 Tues, Wed, Fri
23 February
Evening Prayer 16.00 Tue & Thu
Polycarp, bishop, martyr, c155
09.00 Parish Prayer Time (Mervyn Wright)
19.00 Matthew McNeil & Emma de Leij meeting with the Vicar – U/R, Ch. Hall
24 February
12.00 Vicar & Curate attending Deanery Clergy sub-group @ Angmering
12.30 Noah’s Ark Parent and Toddler Group – Church Hall
10.15 Home Group – Rossida
19.00 Youth Group meets (see notices below)
25 February
Ember Day
09.00 Coffee Break in the Church Hall
11.00 Holy Communion – The Vicar
Jonah 3; Psalm 51.1-5, 17-18; Luke 11.29-32
R: A broken and contrite heart, O God,
you will not despise.
DEL pp97-98
14.00 Pilgrim Lent Course – Church Hall (CK)
18.00 – 21.00 IME Training Session – Church House (CK)
26 February
10.00 – 17.00 Safeguarding Training Day (CK)
19.15 Compline – in Church (ZA)
19.30 Pilgrim Lent Course – Church Hall (ZA)
19.30 Home Group, 83 Broadmark Lane
19.30 Home Group, Rossida
27 February
George Herbert, priest, poet, 1633
Ember Day
10.00 Holy Communion at Rustington Convalescent Home (PB)
10.00 Children’s Society Meeting – Upper Room, Church Hall
14.30 Home Group, Abbots, Claigmar Road
York Course – Praise Him
Gratitude: Ephesians 1.3-14
19.30 Choir practice
1 March
2nd Sunday of Lent
08.00 Holy Communion
09.45 The Parish Eucharist
10.00 Jubilate (Church Hall)
18.30 Evening Prayer
®... Genesis 17.1-7, 15, 16; Romans 4.13-25; Mark 8.31-38
King of glory, king of peace,
who called your servant George Herbert
from the pursuit of worldly honours
to be a priest in the temple of his God and king:
grant us also the grace to offer ourselves
with singleness of heart in humble obedience to your service;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Collect of George Herbert Priest, Poet, 1633 - Common Worship Daily Prayer
Please pray for Tony Bohm, Jake Watkins, Alfie McNamara, Addie Diwell, Maggie LeighJones, Sheila Allen, Cynthia Pollard, patients & staff at Zachary Merton Hospital and at
other hospitals serving our area; those receiving Holy Communion at home – Sylvia
Mitchell, 23/2 (ZA); residents and staff at residential care homes, especially this week those
in East Preston including May Snow at Dean House.
Year’s Mind: Audrey Evans (22.02.13); Robin Green (24.02.96);
Peter Brotherston (24.02.99); Peter Barnard (24.02.03); Ruby Mumford (28.02.04)
On Wednesday afternoons and Thursday evenings during Lent, we plan to run Pilgrim,
a course which gives us an opportunity to explore the Christian faith together, seeing
how it can be lived out each day (more detailed information about Pilgrim was included
in an insert in the n/sheet, 1 Feb). Please come along to any or all of the sessions which
begin this week. Copies of the course book are available from me @£5.99. ZA
Youth Group - Tuesday 24 February - 19.00 - Youth Group Pancake Party!!
Meet at Phil's house - 2 Meadow View, Peak Lane, Kingston, East Preston, BN16 1RN
CHICHESTER CATHEDRAL - Our Church is to be included in the Intercessions on
SATURDAY 28th FEBRUARY at the Holy Communion Service at 12noon and
Evensong at 5.30pm. It is expected that the 5.30pm service will be Sung Evensong but
occasionally there is a last minute change. Please let me know as soon as possible if you
would like tea in the Cloisters at 4.30pm.
Helen Hawkins (Cathedral Link) 859556
Visit by the Bishop of Chelmsford to our Deanery
The Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell, Bishop of Chelmsford is visiting our deanery on Tuesday
3 March to encourage us in the area of spiritual growth. He will be speaking at the
deanery synod on 3 March at St Mary’s Church, Felpham from 7.30pm till approx 9pm.
In view of the importance of this theme, the synod is open to ALL members of our
church communities, not just the deanery synod reps. Please come to join us for this
particularly appropriate topic in Lent.
Canon Mark Standen (Rural Dean)
Three young people have so far indicated that they are interested in the possibility of
being confirmed. If there is anyone else – of school age, or adult – who is considering
confirmation, please speak with Christine, one of our Honorary Assistant Priests or
myself as to what is entailed. ZA
WAFFLE - A thank you to everyone who came to hear Rita Godfrey talk on
Wednesday 11 February about "Recipes from an Unknown Kitchen." It was a
tremendous evening and so well attended, and Rita has written to say how much she
enjoyed being with us. We meet again on Wednesday 18 March at 7.30pm in the Church
Hall when Janis Saunders will lead us in practical flower arranging, with everyone taking
their arrangements home. Please bring your own cutters or scissors if possible. £2.00 to
include all materials.
Julie Churcher
Please does anyone know where the small folding bookstand from Church is? This is
used by Marjorie Warnes at the Eucharist and has been missing for several weeks now!
Thanks to your gifts for our stalls and many donations, the splendid sum of £567.36
was raised to support the work of The Children’s Society.
We do appreciate your generous support to help children at risk in our society.
Thank you on behalf of the children and the local committee.
Iris Hayes
Thank you for the many donations to the Worthing Churches Homeless Project. The response
has been marvellous. Many thanks again.
Anne Langley
Please note: For those enquiring, Terry Blake has moved back to Kent.
Pam Brooks
The News Sheet this week is sponsored by Arthur Royle
‘In loving memory of my dear wife, Ellen (Helen) Royle, 19th
February 2007. Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother’.
and also by Iris Barnard
‘In memory of Peter, a loving husband – missed so much’.
The News Sheet entry last week by Keith and Liz Henderson should have read:
In memory of our parents, Tom and Kathleen Henderson
and David and Audrey Evans. With love and thanks.
Material for the News Sheet for Sunday 1st March 2015 should reach the church
office no later than 10am on Wednesday 25th February 2015
Vicar: The Revd Zachary Allen
Church Office (Mr Bob Bulley & Mrs Trish Holden)
Rustington Church Hall, 77 The Street, Rustington, BN16 3NL
Open: Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri 9.30 a.m. to 12 noon.
email: [email protected]
Website: www.sspeterandpaul-rustington.org.uk
Tel: 01903 850509
Registered Charity Number 1133812