16 Years of excellence Certified Page |2 Name of the Organization: HUJRA Abbreviation: Holistic Understanding for Justified Research and Action Head Office: Near Allaho-Akbar Masjid Saidu Sharif Swat, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Telephone: 0946 726799 Fax: 0946- 729016 Website: www.hujra.org Regional Office: House No 17/F-A1Khushal Khan Road, University Town Peshawar Tel: 0915701206 Field offices: Kalam Upper Swat, Lowr Dir-Temargara, Buner-Daggar, Bajawor, Mohmand, Bannu, DI-Khan Name of Contact person: Saleem Ahmad Executive Director Cell: 0333 9472172, Email: [email protected] , [email protected] Legal Status: 1. Registered under Societies Registration Act 1860 -Registration No.2423/ 5 / 2761, -Date of registration: July 31, 1998 2. Registered with FATA Social Welfare Department 3. Obtained allowed to Work Status from SAFRON (Ministry of States and Frontier Regions) Affiliation/ Membership of network, association of NGOs: HUJRA Profile Sustainable Agriculture Action Group (SAAG) Human Resource Network (HRDN) Member Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Forum Member Scaling up Nutrition (SUN) Network Pakistan Member NATPOW AAHAM National Humanitarian Network (NHN) Active member of UN Humanitarian Cluster system at KP (i.e Food Security, WASH, Protection, Nutrition and Health) REAT Network Asian Human Right Network PCP (Pakistan Center for Philanthropy) Certified Page |3 INTRODUCTION HUJRA is a not-for-profit, non- political, non-ethnic and development oriented organization working in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa Province and FATA regions of Pakistan. HUJRA was established in 1997 and registered8 under the Societies Registration Act of 1860. HUJRA is a professionally managed and committed Civil Society Organization active in community capacity building, issue based networking and advocacy. The word “Hujra” means a traditional common place of a pushtoon society, which is an important traditional social institution for collective decision-making, conflict resolution, information sharing and social development. Vision “A prosperous, food secure, educated and disaster resilient society living in greater social harmony through sustainable actions” Mission statement “To work with food insecure, socially weak and literate, and disaster prone communities to turn around situation in their favor, especially for marginalized segments of the society, with sustainability of actions in focus” Objectives To empower communities including women for collective decision making, better prepared for disasters and continue with sustainable and harmonious socioeconomic development. To build capacity of the communities for undertaking socio-economic development in harmony with the conservation of their natural resources. Through better networking and coordination, creating space for intellectual debate and discussions for social transformation towards common goodness. To enhance knowledge-base through applied research for sustainable development interventions To advocate preservation of environment impacts, sustainable livelihoods, basic human rights, social services and conducive environment for participation. To support communities in emergencies by providing and channelizing relief. Thematic areas: 1. 2. 3. 4. Food security and Livelihoods Education and Health, WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) Action Research and Right based advocacy HUJRA Profile Page |4 Core Values: Justice & equality, requiring us to work to ensure equal opportunity for every person, irrespective of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, HIV status, color, class, ethnicity, disability, location and religion. Mutual respect, requiring us to recognize each person's innate worth and the value of diversity. Transparency & accountability, requiring us to be accountable at all levels to ensure the effectiveness of our actions and open in our communications with others. Cohesion with poor, powerless and excluded will be the only bias in our commitment to the fight against poverty. Commitment, requiring us to be creative and radical, bold and innovative in pursuit of making the greatest possible impact on the root causes of poverty, without fear of failure Independence, from any religious, ethnic or political affiliation Humility, in our presentation and behavior, recognizing that we are part of a broader alliance, all working to promote and protect the human rights GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGE Peshawar, Swat, Lower Dir, Chitral, Buner, Shangla , Kohistan, Kohat , Lukky Marwat, Karak, Bannu, DI Khan districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Bajour, Khyber and Mohmand Agencies of FATA Target population Youth, vulnerable disasters affected households, men, women, youth, schoolchildren both male and female and children of the communities, people with low socio economic status, subsistence and resource poor farmers, livestock owners, mountainous/pastoral communities are our primary program participants. Governance and management structure Governing body of HUJRA named as Executive Council consists of 09 members. The Executive Council is chaired by the Chairperson elected for 02 years. The Executive Council provides strategic and policy level guidelines to the management of HUJRA. The Executive Director is the overall management head of the organization. The Executive Director is responsible for the facilitation of organizational growth as a team leader and participates in organization financial and program planning, fundraising and strategies for change management. The management functions are further divided in sections i.e Program development, M&E, Internal Audit, Operations and Finance sections. To facilitate the program implantation and development units, HUJRA has sectorial leaders as program officer i.e. WASH & Public Health, Livelihood, Education and Advocacy. HUJRA Profile Page |5 HUJRA Profile Page |6 Organizational Policies HUJRA is having separate and standardized policies and SoPs on the following spheres; Departmental/Section wise Term of Reference Human Resource [HR Policy] Procurement policy Inclusion [Diversity Policy to include disadvantaged] Financial [ Financial Management Policy and Guideline] Gender [Gender Policy] Logistics and procurement policy Social mobilization Staff Retention Policy Monitoring and evaluation Internal Audit policy Security policy HUJRA initiated the following forums for advocacy and networking: • Established Helpline for Human rights victoms and defedors • HUJRA Resource Center HUJRA has initiated to collect all the available documents related to the region and some have been collected. HUJRA is planning to have a publication unit under the resource center. Accountability and Transparency Mechanism Financial operations are audited internally and through third party as well as donor audit. Program quality implementation is monitored and evaluated by an independent monitoring team of the organization besides regular monitoring of the program activities by donors and relevant government departments. Community Based complaint/grievances redressal mechanism is in place with access of all HUJRA program/project beneficiaries. Concerned stakeholders are involved in project/program planning and implementation. Participation in various districts, provincial and national level cluster working group is being ensured with organizations, department/institutions and other implementing partners. HUJRA Profile Page |7 MoUs /ToPs (Term of Partnership) are signed with co-partner organizations /departments. Staff performance appraisal system is being followed for staff performance judgment through a multilayered performance evaluation system. Program Experience Currently, HUJRA is implementing the following programs in line with its mission and program objectives; 1. Livelihood and Food Security Food Security and agriculture based livelihoods strengthening through capacity building , linkages for service provision with Government and NonGovernment organizations , demonstrations of improved practices , Advocacy , networking , awareness raising through extension materials and IEC (Information, Education and Communication) materials Identification of agriculture based micro enterprise, required technology promotion for value chain development, appropriation of technology, skill development in identified technology, demonstration, documentation and replication of technology. Promotion of local gender sensitive institutions through social mobilization to actively participate in food security initiative and self sufficiency in food security and livelihoods Trainings of men and women farmers in improved agriculture practices Capacity building in off -arm sub sectors such as fish farming and honeybee keeping A number of Community Based Organizations (CBOs) , Water User Associations (WUAs) and other groups formed by HUJRA Capacity building of females in kitchen gardening Gender mainstreaming through internship program 2. Education, Health and nutrition HUJRA has been implementing various educational oriented project/program with different donors /departments and funding agencies both from structural as well as capacity building aspects. Following activities have been undertaken under this program. Constructed/Rehabilitated 20 School under RAHA program 3 years program of school feeding implemented in 1158 government primary schools of Swat and Buner with a total 245000 student beneficiaries HUJRA Profile Page |8 A number of PTCs (Parent Teachers Councils) activated , strengthened for quality education Developed Linkages with education department and built the capacity of schools teachers in improved school children nutrition and quality education and child friendly learning environment Rehabilitation of 12 education facilities under UNHCR-RAHA Program in Swat, Buner, Kohat, Dir Lower, Peshawar districts of KP and Mohmand agency of FATA Organize TT Vaccination campaign in district Swat Organize health camps for IDPs Monitor of MCH activities in district Kohistan 3. WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) Provision of dirking water supply facilities and WASH facilities Formed Water Users committees and associations Health and hygiene promotion sessions conducted at house hold level and schools Operation and Maintenance training conducted in community 4. Participatory Research and Advocacy HUJRA has strong community based roots due to its contact presence on the horizon of social and Development spectrum. As its name signifies, HUJRA believes and act in holistic and participatory manner by engaging all the relevant stakeholders including the program beneficiaries and public. Until now, HUJRA has led the following participatory Research and Advocacy campaigns; Legal Aid Program Right based advocacy for minority rights Sensitization for increasing women participation in general election 2013 Sensitization for local government system Baseline study and participatory to explore the possibilities of organic agriculture /farming in the valleys of Swat. Development of participatory “Forestry Operational Plan “Shahpur Alpur Forest Division, District Shangla. Participatory Research and development relating to Medicinal Plants Collection, review, analysis and future guidelines for IPRP (Innovation for Poverty Reduction Project). Zoning Gender based activities and identifying training needs in Swat Gender and Human Security in Post Conflict Swat Technical Expertise Know-how available Baseline lines studies and impacts assessments /Evaluation HUJRA Profile Page |9 Livelihoods Surveys and assessment Trainings on environmental education Trainings on RBM (Result Based Monitoring and Evaluation) Natural resource management and watershed management, program planning Training on Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) Fish farming and trout fish culturing Horticulture, and agriculture Engineering and construction Social mobilization and networking FFS (Farmers Field Schooling) , WOS (Women Open Schools) , FBS (Farmers Business Schools ), FMCs (Farmers Marketing Collectives) , PMGs (Producers Marketing Group) formation , capacity building and linkages development Honey Value Chain Development and Capacity building of Bee Keepers , Groups and association Legal aid Establishment of early warning system Cash based programing in emergencies and rehabilitation Partner Organizations Following are our valued program partner; there constant support to us helped progressing towards our mission: United Nation World Food Program (WFP) United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)-RAHA United Nation Development Program (UNDP) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) USAID ( through MEDA-Entrepreneurs) USAID ( through JSI) USAID (through ABT associates) British Council Islamabad Oxfam Novib Islamabad Malteser International-BMZ (German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development) Government of Pakistan Embassy of Japan Concern World Wide GIZ Asia Foundation Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) National Trust for Population Welfare(NETPOW) Comsats Institute of Information Technology Abbottabad Norwegian University of Life Sciences Norway ROZAN Islamabad HUJRA Profile P a g e | 10 HUJRA Profile P a g e | 11 Sector wise programs/Projects Implemented S.N Project Name WFP-supported restoration of livelihoods and disaster Risk Reduction activities in FATA WFP- Cash distribution to North Waziristan IDPs School rehabilitation project Strengthening Local Government System under Citizen Voice Project School rehabilitation project Strengthening Rule of Law in Malakand Right of Expression, Association and Thought (REAT) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Location (Province/District/Union Council) Bannu, Lakky Marwat, karak, DI Khan, Peshawar Peshawar Food Security /Livelihood Emergency assistance Education Shangla Khyber, Mohmand and Bajawr Agencies of FATA 10. Gender and Human Security in Post Conflict Swat 12. Honey value chain 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Drinking Water Supply Schemes Project funded by GIZ-MRP Citizen Voice Project on increasing female voters turn out in Election 2013 funded by USAID through Asia Foundation School Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project Mohmand-UNHCR-RAHA Restoration of AgriculturalBased Livelihoods for the conflict and flood-affected areas of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa - FAO Schools rehabilitation and reconstruction project- Under UNHCR-RAHA Increasing resilience by reducing vulnerabilities, strengthening coping capacities and improving health status in disaster prone HUJRA Profile 22 million UN WFP 28 million UNHCR Advocacy 1.2 Million TDA (USAID) Lower Dir Education 12 million UNHCR Swat and Buner districts Advocacy 10 million UNDP KPK/District Swat Advocacy 12 million The Asia Foundation KP Swat Food Security /Livelihood -DRR 12 million UNWFP KPK/Swat WASH 15 million SDC Swat Research ROZAN Islamabad Swat Research Comsat University Abbottabad and Norwegian University of Life Sciences KPK/ District Swat Food Security /Livelihood 31.8 million Swat (UC Pirkalay WASH 10. million GIZ Swat Advocacy 2.6 million USAID/Asia Foundation Mohmand Agency Education 13 million UNHCR District Swat (02) Two Union Councils Food Security /Livelihood 3.8 million UNFAO District Buner KPK Education 9.0 million UNHCR District Swat (04) Four Union Councils Food Security /Livelihood -DRR 16.0 million Maletesr International Research on Community policing 11. Funding Sources UN WFP Tirat WASH project 9. Project Cost in PKR 14 Million WFP- supported Cash for Work program in Kalam-2014 8. Sector USAIDEntrepreneurs P a g e | 12 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. communities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa School Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project Mohmand-UNHCR-RAHA Livelihood support to the flood and conflict affected population in Swat School Feeding and Educational Improvement Program School Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project Mohmand-UNHCR-RAHA Rehabilitation of Government trout fish training Center in Madian Swat Phase II Rehabilitation of Madian Water Channel Swat Phase I To re establish livelihood systems of honey bee keepers affected by the flood Distribution of Rice seed inputs in flood affected areas of Swat and Lower Dir Rehabilitation of 80 water channels through Cash for Work activities Emergency Assistance to Support Flood Affected Vulnerable Farmers in district Swat of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa”. Facilitating/monitoring of UNFPA health project of NATPOW in district Kohistan Pakistan Job Project Supporting primary education through emergency response of WFP food assistance for vulnerable population of district Swat Support to restore food security and agriculture-based livelihoods of the food insecure and vulnerable crises affected rural households in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa of Pakistan. To Support Re-establishment of Agricultural-based Livelihood Systems and Economic Recovery after Crisis Emergency response to Malakand IDPs in selected UCs of district Mardan and advocacy for the rights of IDPs Implementing WFP Food distribution to Malakand IDPs HUJRA Profile 9.0 million District Kohat Education District Swat (01) One Union Council Food Security /Livelihood 2. 5 million UN FAO District Swat and District Buner Education 17 million UN WFP District Swat Education 13. million UNHCR 5.3 million GIZ 5.6 million GIZ 37.0 million USAID-MEDA 2.1 million UN FAO 39.0 million UN FAO 7.2 million UN FAO District Swat District Swat District Swat District Lower Dir District Swat Food Security /Livelihood Food Security /Livelihood Food Security /Livelihood Food Security /Livelihood Food Security /Livelihood UNHCR District Swat Food Security /Livelihood District Kohistan Impact Evaluation District Swat Food Security /Livelihood 5.0 million ABT-USAID District Swat Education 9.5 million UNWFP District Swat Food Security /Livelihood 2.5 million UNFAO District Swat Food Security /Livelihood 4.4 million Concern Worldwide District Mardan Emergency Response 5.0 million Oxfam Novib District Mardan Emergency Response 3.0 million UN WFP NATPOW P a g e | 13 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 in Katlang Humanitarian Hub district Mardan Organizing Free Madical Camps in Mardan Integrated Crop Management (ICM) through establishment of Farmer Field School (FFS) in Kyber and Bajawar Agencies of FATA Implementing partner of UNWFP, UNHCR, UNICEF for food and Non Food items distribution to conflict affected IDPs in Swat Providing relief to the IDPs of Swat on humanitarian basis (Phase II) TT Vaccination Campaign HUJRA Training Program for livelihood improvement of earthquake affected people of district Shangla and Kohistan Promoting Bio-diversity Conservation through Ecotourism Miandam Valley Swat Feasibility study of marketing the fresh milk form high pastures in Kalam Improving livestock output of small holders in Chitral and Bunir districts of Kyber Pakhtunkhwa Baseline study to promote organic agriculture practices in Charbagh area Swat Zoning Gender-based activities and identifying training needs in Swat valley Feasibility study to conserve chir pine ecosystem in Marghazar valley of district Swat. Policies relating to NRM in general and Medicinal Plants in Particular review, status and gaps and mitigations Research and development relating to Medicinal Plants Collection, review, analysis and future guidelines for IPRP Base Line Survey of Union Councils-Swat and training of councilors in developing project proposal “Forestry Operational Plan “ Shahpur Alpur Forest Division, Shangla Construction of HUJRA Pohanzai (School) Ado HUJRA Profile Mardan Emergency Response 5 million JSI Paiman (USAID) FATA Bajour Agency Food Security /Livelihood 3 million FRDP District Swat Emergency Response 1.0 million UN WFP District Swat Emergency Response 2.8 million Oxfam Novib Swat Health 2.5 million JSI Paiman (USAID) District Shangla and Kohistan Food Security /Livelihood 1.4 million Oxfam Novib Miandam valley Swat Kalam valley Swat Chtitral and Buner Food Security /Livelihood Food Security /Livelihood Food Security /Livelihood 6.1 million EU, UNDP 452,000 SLSP (European Commission) 1.04 million Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) Switzerland 313,828 SANFIC 594,957 DFID, British Council Islamabad 126,000 WWF Pakistan 497,200 Innovation for poverty reduction project (IPRP) SDC-IC Malakand region Food Security /Livelihood Food Security /Livelihood Food Security /Livelihood Food Security /Livelihood Malakand region Food Security /Livelihood 951,850 Innovation for poverty reduction project (IPRP) SDC-IC Swat Food Security /Livelihood 45,000 CHIP-SDC Swat Valley Swat valley Marguzar valley Swat Shangla Chrbagh district Swat Food Security /Livelihood Education 1.6 million 2.1 million Swiss Development Cooperation/Forest management center Embassy of Japan Islamabad P a g e | 14 LIST OF CORE STAFF S/No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Name Designation Mr. Saleem Ahmad Mr.Muhammad Ishtiaq Mr. Amir Saeed Mr. Alamzeb Qazi Mr. Suleman Iqbal Mr. Muhammad Naeem Mr. Munib Ur Rehaman Mr. Muhammad Arif Ms. Khalida Rafique Mr. Muhammad Abrar Mr. Raja Gul Mr. Muhammad Imtiaz Mr. Taslim Khan Ms. Saira Azam Mr. Kamal Saeed Mr. Sohail Ms. Shehla Mr. Inamullah Khan Mr. Imran Shah Mr. Wasim Akram Executive Director Program Manager R&D Program Manger Projects Implementation Program Officer Food Security and Livelihood Program Officer WASH Program Officer Advocacy Program Officer Education and Health Project Manger Gender specialist M & E Manager Operational Manager Finance Manager Office Manager HR Officer Media and Communication Officer Finance Officer Project Officer IT Officer Internal Auditor MIS/ IT Manager HUJRA Profile
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