MIDDLE SCHOOL/ TEAM 4:12 NEWS A Publication of Gretna United Methodist Church—October 2014 Gretna United Methodist Church 11457 South 204th Street P.O. Box 96 Gretna, Nebraska 68028 Sunday Worship 9:30 Worship 10:30 Fellowship Time 10:45 Sunday School Clergy Pastor Janice Japp Home: (402) 691-8787 Pastor Janice’s Cell Phone: (402) 650-0586 E-mail: [email protected] Church Office: Office Hours Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. 8:00 am—4:00 pm Office:(402) 332-3213 Fax: (402) 332-2547 [email protected] Internet Site: www.gretnaumc.com www.greatplainsumc.org Staff REACH Coordinator: Mary Lou Kane Email: [email protected] Office Administrator: Amy Jensen Email: [email protected] Accompanist: Paul Parker There is more to the man than the mustache. And, the secret to his success - much like the quote from “Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid” is prayer. Ed Mantler jokes that having Robert Redford play his life role if it were that movie would be a dream come true. But, life is more than a famous face in the movies - and there is more to Ed Mantler than meets the eye. Ed grew up in San Bruno, California, a suburb of San Francisco. He loved to play basketball - but, saw his older brother as the more athletic one in the family (although Ed says his brother is probably smarter than Ed himself). The Catholic faith was very important to his family. It was this faith that initially helped Ed cope with the death of his father due to lung cancer when Ed was only 14 years old. Ed says for a while he became “uber-Catholic” attending mass daily. That would later change. Ed felt that it would be important for his own growth to experience life away from home, and decided to attend Creighton University when the recruiter came to his school and promoted the school and its programs. Ed thought the location would be far enough away from home to enable him to learn to stand on his own. He found out he could become independent, but also struggled with being homesick. Ed experienced a “falling away” from his faith as he attended Creighton, and spent time grappling with many questions regarding what he believed. Ed graduated from Creighton with his undergraduate degree and his Masters, and completed his education at University of Nebraska Medical College. Ed met Janice during this time and feels strongly that God used Janice to save him - as dating the pastor helps make church attendance become a REAL priority. They were married while Ed was still in medical school. Prayer is one of the methods that helped Ed to realize his own spiritual gifts. As he was praying for a teacher to step forward for the junior high class (in a previous church), Ed realized that HE could teach the class - with God’s guidance. That began a volunteer career within the church that has included not only teaching, but bible study, serving on committees, and being the all-around “church go-fer” since he is the pastor’s spouse. Many of us recognize Ed as the man with the buckets for the children before each “noisy offering” on Sunday mornings. Being able to use his spiritual gifts, not only in his work environment as a physician, but also in his personal life, has provided Ed a sense of satisfaction that he considers a blessing in his life as he is blessing others. Involvement at Camp Fontanelle is a way Ed is able to bless others through the camping experience, and he has been able to include his entire family. Another area of interest and ministry that Ed has most recently become involved is Stephen Ministry. Since a pastor can’t be everywhere, but has to move from crisis to crisis, Ed describes Stephen Ministry as a Christian form of a P.A. Instead of a Physician’s Assistant, this is a Pastor’s Assistant. Ed says that the pastor often has to move quickly within the congregation from one crisis to the next, as needed. But, the Stephen’s Minister can make the long term commitment to stay for a deeper level of healing to take place. One area that Ed would like to see grow within Stephen’s Ministry is men receiving care. Ed says that often men are hesitant to request help because they see that as appearing weak. Ed mentions that it is a challenge for him to have a skill set ready, but no one assigned as his care receiver. Ed recognizes that in reality, it takes an inner strength to request the help. “It is important for men to process their grief in order to help their family,” he says. “Asking for help can assist a man in becoming whole again and resume his role within the family.” Ed asks men to think of requesting a Stephen Minister as not only helping themselves, and their families, but also helping the Stephen Ministers put their training to use and keep their skills sharp. Through his training and work as a family physician, Ed has seen firsthand that the need for a Stephen Minister is not only at a time of death - but, can come in areas of transition. Often people need the care of a Stephen Minister before the finality of death, such as when a loved one enters a care home or has just been diagnosed with a chronic disease. “There are different stages in life and different times in life when the support of a Stephen Minister would benefit almost anyone,” said Ed. Behind that mustache isn’t just a man who enjoys Fantasy Football or reading teen fiction to keep current with what his kids are interested in. Get to know him, and you will find there is a man who loves to care for other people and wants to help others through his training. We had our annual toilet paper drive and collected over 1,100 rolls of toilet paper (and 1 box of Kleenex) that were donated to the Gretna Neighbors food pantry. Rumor has it, this is a new record! A couple of the kids even got interviewed by a Gretna Breeze reporter! On the 17th Jeff Spilinek gave us a break from pizza and cooked a spaghetti dinner for us. THANK YOU JEFF! We also wrote notes that were delivered to the residents of the Gretna Community Living Center. They were very much appreciated by the residents. On the 21st we served our first waffle breakfast. October events will be: 1st – pizza for supper and regular activities 2nd – Committee and parent meeting at 6:30 (the kids are welcome too) 8th – pizza for supper and regular activities 10th – serve hot chocolate before the football game 15th – Subway for supper and regular activities 19th – serve breakfast 22nd – host at Vala’s Pumpkin Patch from 5:00-9:00 at fire pit #34 by the go karts and jumping pillows. 29th – pizza for supper and Halloween Party As always, please feel free to bring a friend or two with you!! The group has reached the size where we really could use at least one more parent in the room. No teaching, just hang out and help. If you can join us, please let either Roxanne or Jeff know. Confirmation classes start in November and continue through April. Renee will be assisting with the classes, so we will need someone to teach Sunday school for that time period. There is a possibility that some of the classes will take place on a Wednesday or two, so we will need one person to assist with Team 4:12 those nights. Remember, if no volunteers step up, there is no Team 4:12 meeting that night. We will provide more information when the Confirmation schedule is completed. SENIOR HIGH/ SWAT NEWS SWAT in Action 43 of us went together to see the movie “When the Game Stands Tall” SWAT youth and parents participated in the All Church Highway Cleanup SWAT youth led 20 students at the “See You At The Pole” prayers at Gretna High School. Many of our youth have already registered for next year’s Dare2Share – we’d love your support and encouragement to get even more kids registered. SWAT in October Wed., October 1st is our annual Scavenger Hunt for Heartland Family Services/Abuse shelter. We’ll be knocking on doors in our community to gather much needed supplies for those that need to sometimes leave their homes with nothing but the clothes they have on in search of safety. Sun., October 5th SWAT kids and adult volunteers will help with cleaning up the community garden. Wed., October 8th SWAT kids will be making fleece blankets for Husker Heat & the Linus Project as well as scarves for Together Inc. Please bring in fleece by October 5th if you want to help. Wed., October 15th is our annual Hayrack ride and Bonfire at Dickinson’s farm Sun., October 19th SWAT will be volunteering at Camp Fontanelle Wed., October 22nd is the night of our Pumpkin Carving contest Upcoming: Rake n Run in early November and a Winter Service led by the SWAT Youth. Mitten Tree: Check out the Mitten Tree in the Narthex. Warm decorations of mittens, scarves, gloves and socks are needed. Donations will go to Heartland Hope. Deadline is November 1st. Calling all 8thgraders!!! 8th grade Confirmation sessions begin in November Confirmation in The United Methodist Church is when youth confirm the vows taken on their behalf at their baptism. This profession is made publically, and we celebrate this time together as a church family. 8th grade students are invited to participate, as well as students already in high school who have not yet made their own profession of faith. Parent Information Session for Confirmation will be held on Sunday, October 12 at 11:00am in the Sanctuary. We will discuss the schedule of discussion, expectations for participation, special projects, and answer questions. Sessions will begin Sunday, November 2 and continue through April. These classes will be held during 10:45 Sunday school periods. There will be goals and expectations for involvement in the life of the congregation, in service and mission, and for meeting with Confirmation mentors. Contact Pastor Janice for more information, and to make sure that your child will be included in the Confirmation program. Confirmation service has been scheduled for Sunday, April 26, 2015. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MMMMMMM..... WAFFLES!!!! Our Middle School Youth (with the help of Jason Brewer, and Doug Osborn plus other adults) will be preparing and serving BREAKFAST for church family and friends on October 19. The serving line will be open from 8:30am-9:15am. EVERYONE is invited! In fact, if you know of a family in your life that could use a nourishing meal and some loving fellowship, INVITE THEM - what a great way to reach out to others in our community. Prayers for Healing Sunday, October 5th at 11:00 a.m. All healing is from God. On Sunday morning, October 5th in the Pastor’s office, we will share a special time for prayer and “laying on of hands” for anyone who desires prayers. Join us following the worship service, about 11:00 a.m. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Can You Hear the Bells A ‘Ringing? The Joyful Noise Handbell choir is gearing up for another year of ringing. We meet on Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm, in the sanctuary for an hour of praise, fellowship and practice! There is space for you! You do not have to have any experience with ringing bells– just a little bit of experience reading music. We will teach you how to hold a bell and when to ring it! That’s what our practices are all about– learning to use our talents to praise our Lord. Please contact Julie Ray at 402-916-9179 our [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to learn more about GUMC’s handbells. Or, just show up at one of our practices. Newcomers are always welcome! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The only investment I ever made which has paid consistently increasing dividends is the money I have given to the Lord. James L. Kraft (1874-1953), KraftPhoenix Cheese Corp. chairman UMW NEWS Annual Conference Report United Methodist Women is open to all women in the church! Come join us! By Dixie Allbery Guest Pastor, Jorge Acevedo in his final message to Annual Conference 2014 lifted up the phrase “Creating a culture of discipleship, systems and strategies will determine the harvest you get.” He used the parable of the seed sown on rocky ground to link this concept to scripture. He recalled the stories of John Wesley– who employed systems of people to organize what we know as the Methodist way. His congregation organizes their work into four areas: 1. Reach Ministries: that reach out to others 2. Connect Ministries: Connecting with people where they are 3. Form Ministries: Opportunities to learn and grow in faith 4. Send Ministries: Ministries that send people out into the world in ministry Acevedo stressed the importance of the local church as a hub for personal growth, outreach, transformation and evangelism. Pantry Food Item for September Pantry Sunday is October 5th The food item for October is canned soups. There is a great shortage of food at the pantry and many are in need. The pantry items will be taken to the Pearl Pantry at Trinity United Methodist Church, located in Omaha. Bring them to the church and place them in either the grocery cart or the baskets in the entry way in the education wing. UMW Meeting October 9th at 9am World Thank Offering Bring your World Thank Banks! Lesson Leader: Rosalie Bierle Hostesses: Dixie Allbery & Lynda Teeters Mission Project: Mitten Tree Chair: Shirley Boyer Book Review: Corliss Clark Spiritual Growth Study October 16 , 9:00am –2:30pm “How is it With Your Soul” Lunch provided Books will be $10, if you don’t have a book please come anyway. Please register with Dixie Allbery at 402332-3121. Resolutions submitted by the Mercy and Justice team on gun violence , compassionate immigration reform and global maternal child health passed at the conference on Saturday. Great Plains United Methodist Women’s Annual Meeting October 17 & 18 St. Paul UMC in Lincoln The 2015 Great Plains Annual Conference session will be hold at Century 11 Center in Wichita KS June 10-13, 2015. Sarah Circle October 23rd at 7pm Program Leader & Hostess: Dana Steiner Book: Notices If you have any questions feel free to contact me. The budget for 2015 totaling $16,036,313 was approved on Saturday morning. Have you remembered GUMC in your estate plan? GRIPPED BY THE GREATNESS OF GOD - new study for Women's Bible Study. Workbooks will be $15. Contact Amy Purintun to sign up for either Wednesday mornings (9AM - 11AM), or Tuesday evenings (6PM - 8PM). This will be an 8 week session beginning the second week of October, and finishing at the end of November. Here is a teaser from the book itself: If you would like a full copy of the monthly Treasurer’s report, please contact Amy in the office. She can email you one or print one out for you to pick up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When was the last time you were really and truly gripped by God's greatness? Most Christians recall heartfelt resolutions around a fire at bible camp as children, and perhaps a revival meeting or two. But what causes the fervor of those experiences to translate into a consistent life pattern? Pastor and author James MacDonald believes that the better we understand God, the better we understand ourselves, and the less likely we are to favor our own will over God's. He writes, "God is not safe and He will not be squeezed into some neat, respectable Sunday discussion...No. To know God at all is to watch Him explode any box we put Him in with His terror, majesty and indescribable wonder.'" WOMEN!! DEC 6 FROM 12pm-2:30pm Begin the Christmas season with friends, food and festivity! Expounding upon Isaiah's encounters with God, MacDonald prods snoozing saints to rediscover the wonder of God's attributes. He also shares candidly from his experiences in life and ministry where God proved Himself to be the Great I AM. This book will spur new and seasoned believers alike to detest mediocrity in their spiritual walks. The study groups are open to new members - please consider yourself invited! Sunday, October 19th Brass Odyssey: Worship Committee News: Fall Quilt Trunk Show Gretna United Methodist Church Event The Worship Committee met and and Open House decided to ask the committees within the Historic handiwork will be on display in church to take turns serving communion. the fellowship hall as we host our first Marcy Miles will contact the committee community wide Fall Quilt Trunk Show on chair to get servers. The Sunday the Saturday, November 15 beginning at 12:30 committee serves, there will be a little and presentation at 1pm. blurb in the bulletin about the committee. Mona Knight one of Gretna’s most The Worship committee served recent new members to the community communion in September, to start of this along with GUMC has eagerly agreed to An Epic Adventure share her collection through display for the new trend. We are excited to be hosting the Nebraska Brass at GUMC on Sunday, October 19 at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ first time in the state of Nebraska. Mona has been collecting quilts for years now 3pm. This will be a community wide event. Volunteers are and gained most of the knowledge she has Coupons will be distributed in the near Needed: Rehabilitation Center of Omaha about quilt collecting when she worked future in the church bulletin. Please use this offers 24-hour licensed professional nursing care with the Arizona Quilters Guild for 10 as an opportunity to invite family members, to individuals dealing with illness or recovering years. Knight was part of the quilt friends, neighbors and coworkers. from injury as well as for those seeking long-term Volunteers will be needed to assist in setting cares. Residents at the Rehab Center of Omaha documentation project that the guild conducted. Members went to towns in up, selling tickets, greeting our guests along are in need of a friendly visitor. Often these residents are alone, lacking any family or support. Arizona and documented the estimated age with serving refreshments at intermission. and pattern types of the quilts that were These visits could be done at your convenience. Please contact Mary Lou REACH brought to them. Knight’s oldest quilt is Residents simply need someone to talk with and Coordinator if you want to help. share their stories which in turn validates from 1861, and was made by Mrs. D.H. Nebraska Brass takes audiences on an individuals and serves to encourage. Both men Bloom in preparation for her wedding. The adventurous journey to destinations such as and women volunteers would be most effective. wedding took place in Wisconsin. On the Please contact Mary Lou Reach Coordinator at England ("Colchester Fantasy" by Eric quilt Mrs. Bloom stitched the date and her Ewazen), Italy ("The Hills of Anacapri" by 402-332-3213 or Ella Gubbels 402-342-2015 married name. The Blooms eventually Claude Debussy, transcribed by Gary settled on a farm in Nebraska and the quilt Center of Omaha Kulesha), Hungary ("Hungarian Dance" by Rehabilitation th was never used, and was stored wrapped in 910 South 40 Street Johannes Brahms, arranged by Robert ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ an old sheet in her hope chest. Mona has Elkjer) and New York ("The Harlem Rag" worked hard to learn the stories behind the by Scott Joplin, arranged by Arthur quilts and keeps an extensive notebook that Frankenpohl). details each quilt and it’s past. She has truly become the keeper of these woman’s Individual tickets: Adults - $12, Seniors stories. $10, and all students are admitted FREE. At 1p.m. Laura Franchini from Wisner, Call 402-477-7899 for tickets or purchase Nebraska will be speaking. Laura has them at the door. become best known for her effective use of color and printed fabric. She has been a We have been invited to sponsor a table at winner at both local and national quilt the Heartland Hopes Feed A Family shows, and has had quilts featured in Dinner Fundraiser-“ A Light In the “Quilter’s Newsletter” and other City” on Thursday, October 16th at the publications over a dozen times. She has Ralston Arena. As sponsors of a table we lectured and taught quilt guilds across the have the opportunity to fill the tale with 10 Midwest. people with our $300 contribution. This Laura’s proudest moment in quilt event includes a plated dinner that will be making has been the creation of the quilt served and is a great opportunity to introduce “Nebraska’s Rising Sun” with her best people to Heartland Hope Mission. quilt buddy, Sandi McMillan of Albion, The event starts with a silent auction and Nebraska. This quilt won “Best of Show” features diamonds and cider. There will be at 7 major shows across the county, and 100 glasses of cider for sale. A cubic zirconia has been featured on 3 calendars and several magazines. In ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ will be in 99 glasses and one glass will have a half carat diamond! Someone will leave addition she has been Thank You with a half carat diamond! The event will be assisting with and Words cannot express my gratitude for on October 16th from 6:00-8:30 pm at the observing the judging allowing me to serve as a SWAT leader. I Ralston Arena. at the Nebraska State hope my church family knows how much Fair for over 10 they mean to me. God has truly blessed As a sponsor, we will be helping to provide years, and would love SWAT and the Boyers. over 100,000 acts of assistance and provide to share her quilt ~Shirley Boyer food and hygiene items to over 30,000 show tips with you. people. MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! ALL CHURCH CONFERENCE SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19TH at ST. ANDREWS 15050 W. MAPLE IN OMAHA AT 4pm All Church Members are WELCOME to attend! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COMMUNION OFFERING FOR OCTOBER: WORLD COMMUNION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Evangelism Committee announces on behalf of the church its continuing support for the “Jesus Film Project.” This global outreach ministry helps bring the gospel to new people in their own language. Our donation of $1,000 will allow for new church starts to have subsequent follow up materials to ensure their success and for many new believers to have access to the gospel. INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE ABOUT GUMC? Thinking about JOINING? GUMC Sunday school emphasizes Solid Biblical Foundations for our Children We will be hosting a series of This year’s Sunday school classes have placed a greater emphasize on coming to understand the God of the Bible along with a hands on knowledge of how to read the Bible. Membership Discovery classes beginning on Sunday, October 5th 2014. These relaxed discussions will help you to explore: United Methodist Church’s beliefs and practices; the mission and ministry of Gretna United Methodist Church; and the significance of church membership. We will meet after worship in the REACH Coordinator’s office for approximately one hour. Since each session covers different topics of interest, we encourage you to attend all sessions. Child care is available for younger children. On the last Sunday, October 26th, those who are uniting with us as members will be welcomed and “received into membership” during our 9:30 am worship service. Also, on that final Sunday October 26th, you are invited to a luncheon which will allow you to become better acquainted with some of our current members. Attending sessions does not obligate you to join our congregation, but it will provide information to make an informed decision about membership. Whether or not you choose to join at this time, you are welcome to continue to worship and fellowship with us. Membership information classes will continue to be offered at various times throughout the year should you choose to join at a later date. Remember the days when people took time to sit down, get to know one another, and even share a meal? Here at GUMC we are going to attempt that very thing! We want you to know about it and hopefully you will come. ALL CHURCH POTLUCK When: Sunday, October 26th Beginning Time: Noon Where: Fellowship Hall Now what to bring? How does a "potluck" work? You simply bring food to share with the group. We have broken the alphabet into groups so that we have a variety of food. Here things get fun: CHURCH PROVIDES = all utensils, plates, cups, etc. as well as drinks A - H = bring salad or side dish to serve 10 people J - Q = bring main/meat dish to serve 10 people R - Z = bring dessert to serve 10 people Bring food to share - get creative! Try a new recipe, or bring a family favorite. Or, if it works easiest for you -- grab something from the store. We don't care -- the point is not the food. The point is to sit down together and have some fellowship. Just like they did before life got so busy. We hope that you can join us! One of the most important responsibilities Christian parents have is to teach their children about Jesus Christ. Yet countless children grow up knowing Christ only through what they learn from second-hand sources. The sketchy images these encounters with God imprint on their minds can range anywhere from a drill sergeant to . . . well, the Easter bunny. In order for children to digest the authentic Easter message, Christ’s sacrificial death on a cross, they must have a context in which to put the person of Jesus Christ. When the Gospel is glossed over by lighthearted scenarios that don’t mirror real life, children can be led into thinking Christianity amounts only to an untainted notion of perfectionism. The real story–a story about tarnished and degenerate souls who were saved by Christ’s unconditional love, redeemed by the miracle of His death, and blessed with a living hope for all eternity–is as relevant to children today as it always has been. The story never changes. Sunday school teachers will be reading from the Scriptures on a regular basis as this is a direct and effective way to bring about discussions concerning Christ. As teachers and parents, by reading through the Scriptures, we can address personally any questions our children may have about biblical events and monitor their spiritual growth. Taking every opportunity to teach them object lessons about Jesus can provide your children with a framework in which to understand the story of His miraculous life and death. Together as a church we can all live the principles of your faith every day. “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).
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