“THE BELFRY” HUNTINGTON CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 19 Church Street Shelton, Connecticut 06484 Phone - (203) 929-1223 Website: www.huntingtonucc.org E-mail: [email protected] The Rev. Lucille L. Fritz, Minister James T. Bruni, Minister of Music Kirsten E. Keith, Director of Christian Ed Karen S. Boroski, Editor/Office Manager Prayer List Minister Rev. Lucille L. Fritz Minister of Music James T. Bruni Director of Christian Education Kirsten E. Keith Moderator Soren Ibsen Deacon Co-Chairs Gail Schoennagel/ Sue Lindley Trustees Chair Gerry Fassbender Women’s Fellowship President Sue Lindley Huntington Center Nursery School Director/Teacher Linda Rizzitelli 9:30 am Sunday Worship/ Sunday School & Child Care Office Manager/ Belfry Editor Karen S. Boroski Gertrude Wilson Philip Jones Thomas Nickse Nancy Lupe Maybeck-Nicholas Dan Beardsley Priscilla Kunesch Arlene & Steve Grey Clarke & Christopher Reeves Mary & Corey Glynn Mickey Cappos Connor Scalia Tim Leonard Sally & John Lindberg Gail Bishop Lindsay Provenzano Jennifer Pazerecki David Wentz Gay Steinle Michael Scoopo Carolyn Tom Symski Andrew Stein Bob & Nettie Geffert Ann Hatkoff Ruth Derosier Timothy Kiernan Vincent Crudo Noreen Glynn Valdon Barrere Bill & Sherrie Robert Nocodemus Joe Caputo Kate D’Alessio Juli Lindsay Ralph Gainer Pat M Gail Piche Jacquie Mari Dan Steve Connor Joy Blodgett Irving Moy Bob & Ruth Johnson Dan Hartman Brian & MaryAnn Huda From Our Minister… Dear Friends, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” Act 2:42 This year, we celebrate Pentecost on May 24th. This is the day that the Holy Spirit came upon the followers of Jesus Christ, solidifying them into an active community of faith. It is often known now as the Birthday of the Church. The above passage from Acts tells what this community of faith did after that powerful day. They shared the Good News of Jesus Christ, they gathered together to enjoy one another’s company, they ate together, and they prayed together. They shared their lives to the fullest. Almost 2,000 years later, we are still doing just that. As the Church here in the center of Huntington, we gather to share the goodness of life: the Gospel, our stories, our joys, our concerns, our hopes, our dreams, our sorrows, and yes, our food. We share our lives. Together, we are so much stronger than if we are by ourselves. That is what makes the Church so important. It’s a gathering of our resources, our talents, and our efforts to bring the light and love of Christ to our community and to our world. Yes, we can find God in times of solitude. Yes, we can find God in nature. Yes, we can find God anywhere. But, it is community that the faith truly comes alive and vital when all of us gather and share. We support and sustain each other. We encourage and aid each other. We can do so much more together than alone. By the power of the Holy Spirit, may we continue living Pentecost!! Peace, Rev. Lucille REV. LUCILLE’S PRAYER DAYS College Scholarships Rev. Lucille's prayer days will be on May 14th and June 11th. If you have a concern for her to raise up, please let her know. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ …to all who have signed up to participate as Ushers, Greeters, Coffee & Goodie providers on Sunday mornings – we thank you! We ask anyone who would like to help out on Sunday mornings to find a date on the sign-up sheet(s) in the alcove that fits your availability. It’s easy! If you have any questions, ask a member of Diaconate or call Karen in the church office. We are happy to help you! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The Huntington Congregational Church is offering its members college scholarships for those who are continuing their education in the fall (not restricted to high school seniors). Please contact the church office for an application form or to have one e-mailed to you. All completed applications are due into the office by May 24th. Scholarships will be presented during the worship service on Graduate Sunday, June 21st. Graduate Sunday We will celebrate Graduate Sunday on June 21st. If you know of a high school or college graduate, please e-mail or call Karen in the office with the name of the student, school and degree, if applicable. We will need the names for the Graduate Sunday bulletin and the summer issue of The Belfry. ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ~ HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP WORSHIP VBS needs your help! This year VBS's theme is G-Force. We will be learning God's words and works Monday, June 29th thru Thursday, July 2nd from 5:30-7:45pm. We need help in all areas! If you'd like to volunteer to help during VBS set up, organize the dinners, cook, there's some way everyone can help. Please speak with or call (203-929-4225) Kirsten Keith if you're able to help in any way. Thank you! On Sunday, April 26, the Confirmation Class and the High School Youth Group will be leading the worship that the Confirmation Class created. Come and support our youth! CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR CONFIRMANDS! Five of our young people will be confirmed on Pentecost Sunday, May 24, 2015: Ian Boath ~ Emma Crawford ~ Zachary McEwen Brooke Roberts ~ Eric Zelanin Blessings to them all! Strengthen The Church Offering May 24, 2015 On June 8th we will be taking the offering, Strengthen The Church! Strengthen The Church is one of four mission offerings within the United Church of Christ, which grows the UCC’s future by: •Funding new church starts and invigorating existing congregations •It supports nurturing lay and pastoral leadership •building youth and young adult ministries •and it supports the ―God is Still Speaking‖ Ministry. A campaign by the United Church of Christ to simply remind us that God still has a lot more to say. All gifts are directed to activities and programs of our church’s local conference as well as the UCC’s national ministries. Your generosity today ensures our vibrant life today and tomorrow. Thank you for your support - The Mission Committee Now that the days have gotten warmer, it is time to do some work on our church grounds. If you are able to help on Saturday, May 2nd, please sign up on the poster in the alcove and don’t forget to bring your tools. Coffee and doughnuts will be provided. Church World Service Blankets and Tools Olive Odell Memorial Blanket Appeal Sunday, May 10, 2015 The Mission Committee will dedicate the offering for Church World Service – Blankets and Tools to the memory of Olive Odell. In past years, Olive inspired us all to donate to this worthy cause which provides blankets, tents and emergency supplies in the wake of disaster. In addition, the funds provide material assistance, education and training and small-enterprise loans, as part of sustainable development programs. Envelopes for donations can be found in the pews. In addition, the Mission Committee will be conducting a bake sale with all proceeds going to Church World Service Blankets and Tools. Please give generously and help us ―blanket‖ those less fortunate with a gift of hope. Thank you from The Mission Committee NEED HELP WITH YOUR SPRING CLEANING? Women's Fellowship will be offering you an opportunity to clean out and make a difference! Soon after the auction (May 16th) we will have a bin from My Sister's Place in Fellowship Hall where you can drop off clothing and household items and receive a tax deduction form. Watch for further details in a Sunday bulletin closer to the date. WOULD YOU BELIEVE… CHURCH WORLD SERVICE Our Women’s Fellowship here at HCC once again did an outstanding job collecting items for the “Gifts of the Heart” CWS Kit program. Many thanks to all our church members and friends who helped with your donations to this very important project. The end of the journey for some of these kits maybe Africa or the Middle East where refugee children are given school kits to continue their education; or the Caribbean, where hygiene kits are vital part of recovery efforts following a hurricane, and a baby care kit may help a new mother in an impoverished area make life more comfortable for her new infant. 1776 points from Box Tops for Education and Campbell Labels have been collected over the last year! The labels are donated to the Elon Homes for Children which is supported by the United Church of Christ. The coupons are redeemed for electronic equipment and other supplies. Also, over the past year, 57 pair of eyeglasses as well as hearing aids have been donated to the Lions Club to be refurbished for those who need them overseas. It is illegal to use refurbished eyeglasses in the U.S. The collection of Box Tops for Education, Campbell Labels for Education and used eyeglasses and hearing aids are projects of Circle IV of the Women’s Fellowship. The group also collects used postage stamps for hospitalized and retired veterans. Circle IV greatly appreciates the support of the congregation. Donations may be left in the fellowship box in Fellowship Hall. We also donated money to CWS Emergency Clean-up Buckets to help families clean up after a tornado or flood. Barbara Henschel 203-929-1246 Our gifts were delivered to United Congregational Church in Bridgeport with the help of Merle Chase on April 23rd which include the following: 50 school kits from Circle III 150 health kits from Circle IV 70 Layette kits from Circles I & II A grand total of 270 kits, total weight 445 pounds and CWS estimates the value of our gifts at $5,500.00. Once again, thank you all for helping WF with one of our mission projects. Sincerely, Laura Salvio, Material Aids Chair CHURCH SALE Due to last year’s success, Women’s Fellowship is planning another outdoor Tag Sale this year, so get into those attics, basements, storage sheds, and closets! Time to clean out! Tell your friends about it—spaces are open to all. Each spot is the size of a parking space. The cost is $20 per spot and/or donate your proceeds to Women’s Fellowship for their projects/missions. The date is set for Saturday, June 6, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (rain date June 13). Having so many people together prompted more people to browse. We will also be looking for bake sale items. For more information, call Denise Wilson at 929-2656 or email [email protected]. May 3rd following worship.Paint and Sip with Women's Fellowship! For our next all-women's meeting we are considering a Paint and Sip at the Giggling Pig on River Road. However, we need to guarantee at least 10 ladies to have a private session. We are looking at a Thursday night in mid-June. The cost is $40 - wine and all supplies included - no artistic skills needed and you go home with a lovely completed item! Plan to join in the fun - bring a friend if you like! Just a fun, relaxing evening!! Please see Denise Wilson or Sue Lindley if you are interested. 7th Annual Treasures, Talents and Tastes Auction Saturday, May 16th, 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall Various Auction types Live Auction Silent Auction Bag Auction There is a $10.00 per person registration fee. A portion of the registration fee will once again go to support Spooner House and each registrant will receive three tickets for use in the bag auction. There’s something for everyone: Delicious food (don’t eat before you come!) Treasures, talents, and services to bid on. A fun way to support our church. SPRING IS SPRUNG FOR MOST, BUT . . . . . . for Women’s Fellowship it’s time to start preparing for the 2015 Pumpkin and Holly Fair – even though it’s hard to believe! If you have never participated in the Fair, this is a great way to get to know some of your fellow church members and have fun at the same time. Please see anyone of our Board members or our current Fair Chairs – Terri Johnston and Pat Tober for ways you can get involved. Speaking of that, these wonderful ladies would like to hand over the reins to someone new next year and so we would like to have some new members start to learn the ropes this year. Please consider lending a hand and becoming involved in this great event! We want to continue the Fair, but we need your help to do so! Enjoy the glories of spring, but please consider helping us start thinking ahead to Fair season, November, 2015! Thanks for all your support! Sue Lindley, President – Women’s Fellowship P.S. Remember – we will be honoring all women with flowers on Mother’s Day Sunday, May 10th!! This has been a great event and we hope that you will attend and invite your friends to join you…remember, this is the largest fundraiser for our church. If you have any questions, please contact Bob or Linda Sember at 203 929-5853. HUNTINGTON CENTER NURSERY SCHOOL Now Offering an Extended Day Program Open Enrollment Has Begun Enrolling now for Fall 2015 Class Schedule 3’s on Tuesday & Thursday from 9:15 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. 3’s on Tuesday & Thursday from 9:15 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. 4’s on Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 9:15 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. 4’s on Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 9:15 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Children turning 3 yrs. of age in January, February, or March are eligible for this school year to join our 3’s class on Tuesday and Thursday. A $75 non-refundable registration fee must be paid to enroll a child. Registration forms can be found in the alcove. Please call the Director (Linda Rizzitelli) at 203-929-7197 for more information or to schedule a visit. Birthday Greetings to the following who will celebrate during the month of May: 1 3 5 6 8 11 12 14 15 17 18 22 23 25 27 29 30 Terry Mulherin Barbara Grisgraber, Megan McCarthy Thomas Kane, AJ Bordas Shirley Bleston, Dick Dormer Greg Rottjer, Mim Ferris Jacqueline Olivo, Debra Russell Nikole Lindley, Jeffrey Kane Bob Nagy, Susanne Keirstead Linda Grisgraber, Lori Witiak, Angela Simics, Julia Simics, Richard Simics, William Simics,III Heidi Keirstead Tim Oppel, Sheri Dutkanicz, Jennifer Crawford Merle Chase, Taylor Melanson Dawn Higgins, Susan Roberts Carolyn Hempel, Ed Grisgraber Lucas Kellogg, Jayne Kneen, Joe Bloemen Cindy Kane Joshua Crawford Congratulations to the following couples who will celebrate wedding anniversaries in May: 1 5 6 24 Huntington Center Nursery School would like to thank everyone for their support with our Butter Braid Fundraiser. We would also like to thank those who have donated supplies and other items to the Nursery School. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Lynn & Soren Ibsen Lois & James Ricker Lisa & Tony Jimenez Linda & Rich Griswold MAY 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 SATURDAY 2 9am-Spring Clean-up 1:30-6:30pm-FH Jill 3 4 5 9:30am-Communion Worship/Sunday School/Child Care 6 7 8 9 1:30-6:30pm-FH Jill Troop 101 7:15pm-Choir rehearsal Spooner House Meal-Circle I Clean-up rain-date 13 14 Lucille’s Prayer Day 15 16 7pm-Trustees meeting 10 Mother’s Day 11 12 9:30am-Worship/Sunday School/Child Care/ Baptism 6 p.m. - AUCTION 10:30am-Confirmation Class 7:15pm-WF Ex Brd 17 18 7pm-Council meeting 19 9:30am-Worship/Sunday School/Child Care/ Baptism 24 PENTECOST 6:30pm-CE meeting 7:15pm-Cr. I - RH Troop 101 7:15pm-Choir rehearsal 20 21 AUCTION SET-UP 22 23 FH Usage 25 OFFICES CLOSED 26 9:30amWorship & Child Care Troop 101 7:15pm-Choir rehearsal 27 28 4-6:30pm-FH Jill 4:30-9pm-FH Jill Troop 101 7:15pm-Choir rehearsal 29 Diaconate – 7:15pm 31 9:30am-Worship/Sunday School/Child Care 1pm-Pack 28–Parking lot You may view the Belfry & Calendar on our website at www.huntingtonucc.org 30
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