(Kingdom Insert) Emphasis Announcements for Sunday, March 8, 2015 The theme for the year is "Connecting Christ as a Bridge of Hope to Our Generation" Attention DIVAS (girls ages 5 - 18)... You will not have your monthly gathering TODAY. But your monthly gatherings will reconvene next month on Sunday, April 12, 2015. We will continue Mid-Week Worship on this Wednesday at 7:30 pm, along with the DCCC Kingdom Pastors & Ministers Christian Fellowship, who are preaching/teaching on "The Fruit of the Spirit: Being a Spirit-Filled Church"! The DCCC Diabetes Support Ministry is having an informational meeting on Friday, March 13, 2015 at 7:00 pm in Multipurpose Room 107. We’ll provide diabetes material & information, as well as give tips on healthy eating and much, much more! So whether you are a Diabetic or just know someone who is, or you just want to learn about a healthy lifestyle change, this is a meeting you don’t want to miss!!! Please sign up in the Hospitality Welcome Center and pick up a flyer. Contact Wendy Johnson or Jeanette Harris for more information. It is that time of the year when the Multicultural Scholarship Committee seeks to raise funds for scholarships to assist the youth of our church and community with financial support toward their college education. Our goal for 2015 is to challenge 200 families or more to each contribute $200 for this worthy project. With your contribution, you will receive a complimentary pass to attend the 2015 Multicultural Banquet, which includes an elegant lunch. A payment plan will be available and remember your contributions are tax-exempt. The banquet is scheduled for March 14, 2015 (11:00 AM) at the Waterford Receptions in Springfield, VA. More information is available in the 200/200 brochures located in the Hospitality Welcome Center immediately following both services. There will also be someone available to provide you with tickets for the banquet. On Sunday, March 15, 2015 we will have two special guest preachers at the 8 am and 11 am services, Pastor John Kandihi from East Africa, who is also a covenant partner of the Kingdom Pastor & Ministers Christian Fellowship will minister at the 8 am service, and Dr. Clarence Boyd, Dean of Spiritual Formation at Oral Roberts University will be our guest preacher at the 11 am service. The special presentation by Dr. Donald Jones, President of Midwest College of Theology (a new Bible College) has been rescheduled to Saturday, March 21st at 8 am. Dr. Jones will also be the Guest Preacher at the 11 am service on Sunday, March 22nd. All ministers, officers, leaders and their leadership teams, as well as anyone currently serving in a ministry is expected to be in attendance! Please remember to bring your leadership notebooks! Our Annual Early Spring Stewardship Revival, that was scheduled for March 17th and 18th, has been rescheduled to Tuesday, March 24th and Wednesday, March 25th (7:30 pm nightly). Our Guest Revivalist for both nights will be Dr. Norman Tate of Heritage Fellowship Church (Reston, VA), along with guest choirs from the community. The Kingdom Pastors & Ministers Christian Fellowship is hosting a Missionary Training Session on Saturday, March 28, 2015 at 9:00 am, for the purpose of preparing yourselves to travel on the mission field. Friendly Reminder:bChildren's Church will take place monthly on 3rd & 4th Sundays at the 11 am service in the Fellowship Hall! Bishop Thomas and Rev. Willie Allen will be introducing: "True Love Project", a video-driven Bible study for students in grades 6 - 12, that provides an in-depth look at what the Bible has to say in regards to sex, purity, & romance. By starting with God's story and ending with sex, God's glory and one's mission, students will explore a number of topics that demonstrate the centrality of the gospel when it comes to defining one's purity. Please sign-up in the Hospitality Welcome Center for this 16-week program!!! The study will begin on Wednesday, March 18 at 7:30 pm, and will continue on Wednesdays until July 1, 2015! Also as a Friendly Reminder: Sunday School is held every Sunday immediately following the 8:00 am service. We are incorporating your new ideas into our gatherings to place a greater emphasis on the importance of our studies and our fellowship. We offer age appropriate youth study groups complete with interactive games to enhance the learning experience; and combined fellowship groups meet on designated Sundays. But please get there early for a delicious breakfast! And finally, we offer committed and compassionate teachers to enhance your experience. All fellowship groups meet in designated locations. Don't know where your fellowship group meets? Just ask a member of the Hospitality Ministry! For additional announcements see your Kingdom Announcements insert, or visit our website at www.dccccofpraise.org, or the Information Table in the Hospitality Welcome Center. Always remember it’s important for everyone to attend a Weekly Bible Study, Mid-Week Worship, and Sunday School, as well as share your faith, and invite someone to worship and remember we have made a commitment Church Family to bring our families to the family altar. Also, if the congregation has any prayer requests please get a prayer request form located in the back of your pews and give it to an usher during the worship in giving to be prayed over by the Bishop and the Intercessors. Have a Blessed Day. And for the convenience of our parents with small children, Room 107 (Adult Christian Education Multipurpose Room) is now available as an overflow room during worship services to tend to your children.
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