Geneseo Evangelical Free Church Volume 19 Issue 2 - FEBRUARY 2014 The elders and search team are pleased to announce a candidating weekend February 14-16. Focus group Question and Answer meetings have been scheduled with the candidate. Please note the schedule below and sign-up to attend the meeting that corresponds with your area of ministry. Sign-up is available at the Welcome Center and ABF classes. • • • • • Find us online at Pastor Candidate Weekend 7-9 p.m., Friday, February 14 - Pastor Stephen Palm will meet with ABF leaders, small group leaders and hosts, Administrative Council, and church staff. Dessert will be served. 9-11 a.m., Saturday, February 15 Pastor Stephen will meet with children’s and youth ministries leaders as well as worship team members. Coffee and donuts will be served. 6:30-8:30 p.m., Saturday, February 15 - Pastor Palm will meet with congregational members and attenders that don’t fit into an area listed above. Dessert will be served. 8:15 a.m. & 10:45 a.m., Sunday, February 16 - Pastor Stephen Palm will preach at both morning services. 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 18 - There will be a business meeting to vote on calling Pastor Stephen Palm to Geneseo Evangelical Free Church. February 1414-16 Childcare will be available for children age 6 wks. - 6 yrs. old for the focus groups and the business meeting for those who RSVP no later than Tuesday, February 11. Baby Shower Ladies, the Blessed Expectation Ministry invites you to a Baby Shower on Saturday, February 8 @ 10:00 a.m. to celebrate the birth of Irene Lily Frank born January 10 to Josh & Alicia Frank. Martha Countryman is collecting for a group gift through February 2. Registration and group gift giving is available in each ABF as well as at the Welcome Center. Checks are payable to Martha Countryman. Photo above right: Irene Lily Frank was welcomed home by mom and dad, Josh and Alicia, and big sisters, Alaina and Elodie. LEADERSHIP TEAM INTERIM SR. PASTOR • Dick VanDyke ELDERS • Jim Bos • Scott Johnson (pending) • Jim Mason • Darrell Reiling ADM. COUNCIL • Kevin Dykstra - Missions • Pat Hemminger - Care • Trish Henkhaus - Youth • Nick Henthorn Communications • Mark Johnson - Treasurer • Chris Kuster - Director (pending) • Debby Mason - Children • Steve Rogers - Trustee • Catherine Sommers Administrative Assistant • Doug States - Worship • Adult - INSIDE THIS ISSUE: CHANGE : The Only Thing That’s Constant 2 Who’s Who 3 Friends of the Food 4 Pantry Donation Policy 4 Calendar 5 Finance Report 6 Child Arise Update 6 Page 2 2 CHANGE: The Only Thing That’s Constant by Pastor Dick VanDyke Pastor Dick & Joan VanDyke Over the almost seventeen months that I’ve had the privilege of being your interim senior pastor, I’ve witnessed significant changes. Besides watching our attendance and giving grow, I’ve seen new people come on the Administrative Council and the Elder Board, brought on a part-time music director, participated in a process that significantly changed the constitution and rejoiced in the growth of our ABFs and small groups. But, Lord willing, there is more change on the horizon – a new elder, a new Administrative Council Director and a new senior pastor with the potential of additional staff. With a new senior pastor, changes will inevitably take place. He will be a different personality with different experiences in his background and with dreams and visions for the future of GEFC. To B r a d C o x and his family as they mourn the loss of his f a t h e r, A r t who passed away on D e c e m b e r 2 6, 2013 & Nate Johnson and his family as they mourn the loss of his grandfather who passed away on J a n u a r y 1 9, 2014 I think most of us, including yours truly, don’t necessarily like change unless we’re unusually adventuresome or the change benefits us. Change is sometimes hard because it pushes us out of our comfort zone and we resort to the famous seven last words of the church: “We’ve never done it that way before.” These habits and patterns that we’ve become comfortable with may be challenged and our brain assumes that any change will naturally be for the worse or at least make us very uncomfortable. We have a tendency to fear the unknown and to resist. As I shared in an article in the September 2013 issue of the Free News: “Statistically churches go through life cycles which start with the vision of a small group of people; the setting of goals and structures; and effective ministries. It is at this point however, that a church either plateaus and begins the downward side of the cycle (apathy, low morale, death) or it casts new vision and creates that desire to dream again and renew and recast effective ministries. I believe GEFC is at that place where it is already casting new vision, reordering existing structures and ministries and beginning to dream again.” Change is inevitable and how we respond to it will determine GEFC’s future. Business leader Max DuPree stated, “We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.” There are certain things that must not change – our confidence in the Bible as God’s Word, salvation by grace through faith, the deity of Jesus Christ, and our dependence on prayer just to name a few. While the message must never change, methods always will. As long as the changes we make are always for God’s glory and the furtherance of his Kingdom in Geneseo through GEFC, then we need to embrace change that new leadership might bring. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 9:22 “I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.” May God help us to be willing to embrace any change that will help GEFC fulfill its mission as given to us in Matthew 28:19-20, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Page 3 3 Who’s Who by Catherine Sommers Since it is still early in the New Year I thought it might be helpful to remind you of who’s who in regards to leadership at GEFC. The day-to-day operations of the church are split into 8 areas and each of these areas oversees a segment of the individual ministries of the church. If you have questions about a particular ministry contact either the ministry leader or the overseeing coordinator. Our pending Administrative Council Director is Chris Kuster and he will overseeing all 8 Ministry Coordinators as well as the Treasurer of the church, the Gifts & Memorials team and the Administrative Assistant (as her work pertains to the committee). Our Adult Coordinator is vacant at the time of printing but oversees: • ABF’s - Carl Brinkmann • Men’s Ministries - Scott Johnson • Women’s Ministries - Jill Joyner • Partners-in-Prayer - Debbie Rogers • MOPS - Alli Stahl • Small Groups - David Gilmore Our Care Coordinator is Pat Hemminger and she oversees the following ministry leaders. • Benevolence - Donna Westerlund • Newcomers Baskets - Mercedes Bealer • Blessed Expectations - Teresa Johnson • Food Pantry and Christmas Gifts - Pam Reiling • Funeral Dinners - Gina Pearson • Kitchen & Hostess Groups - Debbie Rogers • Meals - Lynn Bos • Wellness - De Kosman • Christmas Baskets - Annette Kirschenmann Our Children’s Coordinator is newly appointed Debby Mason. She will oversee the following ministry leaders: • Awana - Eric Bos • Nursery - Dayna Ford • CAP - Marti Loucks & Dawn Rettig • Children’s Church - Dona Carter • Children’s Sunday School - Annie Henthorn • Vacation Bible School - Rebecca Daniels Our Communications Coordinator is Nick Henthorn and he oversees the following: • Free News - Catherine Sommers • Library - Catherine Sommers • Website - Ron Hartman Our Missions Coordinator is Kevin Dykstra Our Trustee Coordinator is Steve Rogers and he oversees our contracted custodian, Sheilah Wigant-McGee. Our Worship Coordinator is Doug States and he oversees the following: • Worship Teams - Nate Johnson • Sound Tech - Doug States • Ushers - Rick Gilson • Greeters - John & Pat Hemminger • Ordination Preparers - Roland & Pat Eklof Our Youth Coordinator is Trish Henkhaus and she oversees: • Jr. High Sunday School - Steve Alexander • Jr. High Youth Group - Lori Gilmore • Sr. High Sunday School - Dan Pearson • Sr. High Youth Group - Nate Johnson Our Treasurer is Mark Johnson and he oversees: • Expense Secretary - Dan Leigh • Income Secretary - David Jones Jill Joyner oversees our Gifts and Memorials and also reports to the Adm. Council Chair. I N F A N T/ C H I L D DEDICATION There will be an Infant/ Child Dedication Service on Sunday, February 9 during both services that morning. If you have never dedicated your child(ren) and would like to publically dedicate them to the Lord, please contact the church office by February 2nd and indicate which service you prefer. BABY BOTTLES FOR LIFE We have the privilege again this year to partner with Pregnancy Resources to help protect the lives of unborn children. The mission of Pregnancy Resources is to provide life-affirming Biblically-based resources to encourage inf or med decisions regarding pregnancy and premarital sexual abstinence. Pregnancy Resources ministers to the hearts of women considering abortion and their families with truth and love. Join us in an effort to support this life-protecting ministry by taking home a Baby Bottle for Life and filling it with a generous check and then returning it to the church by Sunday, February 16th. (Specific instructions bottles.) are inside the Page 4 4 Friends of the Food Pantry by Jolynn Kitterman New Donation Policy In December the Elder Boar d adopted a Donation Policy put together by the treasurers. The entire policy was explained at the Annual Business Meeting and details will be given in bulletin inserts in early February. The main emphasis is that there are only three accounts that will accept designated giving: • • • General Fund Benevolence Fund Building Fund Giving to any budgeted line item (for example Youth, Awana, small groups, etc.) will either be returned to the giver or will be deposited in the general fund not the budgeted line item. For a copy of the policy contact the church office. Our prayers are filled with thanks and gratitude for the many blessings that have come from throughout the community during the past holiday season and all of 2013. Our clients have had the opportunity to see God’s love at work through the donations of time, clothing, toys, food, and money. This lesson is learned and remembered by many who are helped. Geneseo is a giving and caring place, and we are lucky to experience the love for others that is shared on a day-to-day basis. Beginning February 3rd representatives from AARP will be at the Geneseo Public Library to assist people with tax preparation. They will be available every Monday and Wednesday afternoon from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. This service is provided free of charge. In February and March we will continue our focus of encouraging clients to make wise choices to stretch what little food dollars they may have. A representative from the University of IL Extension Outreach Program is periodically available when clients come to pick up food. She provides low cost recipe ideas using ingredients that the Food Pantry has available. She also takes a minute to speak personally with each client. It is challenging to consistently find low cost nutritional foods that all members of the family enjoy, and people appreciate her help. If your closets have too many clothes and not enough space, you might consider donating outgrown or no longer needed clothing items to the Food Pantry. We especially need baby and children’s clothing of all sizes. We also take household items. We have an ongoing need for items such as kitchen utensils, pots and pans, plates, cups, silverware, etc. Your help is appreciated! Unemployment remains high in our area, and many people with jobs have had their hours cut. These facts contribute to a steady increase in the number of people who need assistance from the Food Pantry to feed their families. Monthly client numbers average between 70-80 families and singles. Your prayers, support, and donations are helping us keep up with the increased need and we appreciate the many ways in which you provide assistance to those who need it. Food needs for February are: sugar, flour, ketchup, mustard, mayo, and jelly. Non-food needs are: toilet paper, laundry detergent, baby wipes, band-aids, and Tylenol. NOTE: Please place your donations in the basket in the airlock and they will be delivered to the Food Pantry. If you have any questions concerning our local Food Pantry please contact our representative Pam Reiling. Page 5 5 FEBRUARY 2014 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 Dear Church Family, Thank you so much for the thoughtful and beautiful cards sent to us for our Anniversary. It warmed our hearts. With love, Dave & Ruth Windy 2 3 Communion Homeschool Group 1-4 p.m. 4 5 6 AWANA 6:15 p.m. Reading Connection 10 a.m. REACH & ELEVATE 4-6 p.m. 7 8 Frank’s Baby Shower 9 10 11 12 13 14 Infant/Child Dedication Homeschool Group 1-4 p.m. Women’s Bible Study 9 a.m. MOPS 9am Women’s Bible Study 6:30 p.m. REACH & ELEVATE 4-6 p.m. DEADLINE for March Free News publication Elders Meeting 7 p.m. Pastoral Candidate Focus Group 7-9 p.m. See front page for more info. 15 Pastoral Candidate Focus Groups 9-11 a.m. & 7-9 p.m. See front page for more info. 16 NO YOUTH GROUPS 17 18 19 20 21 22 Administrative Council Mtg. 7 p.m. Women’s Bible Study 9 a.m. AWANA 6:15 p.m. Women’s Bible Study 6:30 p.m. MOPS Play date 9:30 a.m. 26 27 28 AWANA 6:15 p.m. Reading Connection 10am Pastoral Candidate preaching both services 23 REACH & ELEVATE 4-6 p.m. AWANA 6:15 p.m. Business Meeting to vote on candidate 24 25 Women’s Bible Study 9 a.m. MOPS 6:30 p.m. Elders Meeting 7 p.m. Women’s Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Child Arise Christmas Collection Update 6 Kenya Widows and Orphans Ministry • 2 - 1 month gasoline to pump water for The Well Dear Geneseo Evangelical Free Church, An incredible effort was made by your church to help “the least of these” in Mbooni Kenya through Child Arise Kenya Widows and Orphans Ministry! Together you raised an astounding $3,643 and every penny of it will go to Kenya. Items you donated are: • 2 - Sets of hand farming tools (watering can, hoe, • • • • • • cultivator, machete) for 1 widow 1 - Maize seeds, fertilizer, insecticide for 1 windowed woman 1 - School uniform, cardigan, socks for 1 orphaned child 2 - Meals for 4 orphaned children in feeding program 5 - Lambs for widowed woman 2 - Paper, math set, school book for 1 orphaned child 1 - Sugar, flour, rice, oil for 1 widowed woman to take home Treasurers Financial Report of Life • 1 - University classes for 1 bright orphaned boy • 13 - Bibles • 3 - Blankets for older/sick widowed women • Plus many donations to be used wherever needed Truly amazing! In Luke 8:49-56, Jesus gives life to a little girl who died. He takes her by the hand and tells her, “Child, arise.” Through GEFC and Child Arise, it’s as though Jesus is reaching out His hand to His children, saying, “Child Arise” and assisting the poorest widowed women and orphaned children to rise above their circumstances by rpesenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ while providing relational, emotional and physical support. God will be blessing many thorugh your generoisity! Sincerely, Dawn Brown President, Child Arise Geneseo Evangelical Free Church 914 N. Chicago St., Geneseo, IL 61254 Phone: 309/944-4667 Fax: 309/944-4668 Email: [email protected] Web: December 31, 2013 Annual Budget: $377,793.00 GF Contributions YTD: $509,752.31 Expenses YTD: $316,067.06 Interim Senior Pastor, Dick VanDyke Worship Director, Nate Johnson Administrative Assistant, Catherine Sommers General Fund $216,075.90 Sunday Worship Services Emergency Fund $100,000.00 Building Fund $ 99,333.48 • • Capital Improvement $ 81,500.00 Education for all ages - 9:30 a.m. Designated Accounts $ 13,921.54 TOTAL $510,830.92 Traditional - 8:15 a.m. Contemporary Service - 10:45 a.m. The FREE NEWS is published monthly by Geneseo Evangelical Free Church
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