May Newsletter 2013! Dear Fellow Pilgrims, For years I have threatened to write a book. One of the things that has kept me from actually putting pen to paper (boy, that’s old school) is wondering who would care to read what I have to share. Inspired by the book entitled, Everything I Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, I thought I might co-opt the title and name my book, My Most Important Faith Lessons Were From Songs Sung in Sunday School. OK, I’m willing to admit the title could use some work. Still, the more I read and the more I have grown in faith, I am reminded that some of those simple lessons taught in Sunday School songs were every bit as profound in their simplicity as the books written by the authors with their multiple PhD’s. I’ll give a “for instance.” Consider the sheer genius and hopefulness expressed in the message of the song, Jesus Loves Me! How often have we who have spent years claiming faith had those moments of questioning whether or not we might be acceptable to God? This may be especially true when we do an honest life assessment and remember those times we have surely disappointed God by our words or actions. I can remember those times when I brought disappointment upon my own parents because of something I did or didn’t do, something I said or didn’t say. I also remember how, even through their feelings of disappointment, they still continued to love and accept me. If our earthly parents, who are obviously imperfect, can still manage to love us through our disappointments, how much more can our God who IS love continue to love us? Thus the continued and eternal importance of the message expressed in the song, Jesus Loves Me! Given our present world situation my mind continues to return to another Sunday School song – one that could be considered somewhat radical if our world would choose to take its message seriously. This song goes by the radical and revolutionary title, Jesus Loves the Little Children. Consider the radical nature of the lyrics: Jesus loves the little children All the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, They are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world. How many of us grew up with this song completely unaware of the radical nature of the words and message contained within? Jesus loves ALL the little children. ALL the children of the world, regardless of ethnicity, and one would assume, without regard to their geographical location. Yet hasn’t our history shown that while Jesus loves the little children, at various times we have had an incredibly difficult time doing so? We, in our highly evolved intellectual state, have been able to decipher what the song really means. It means we can love all the children of the world, but once they become older we have license to hate them. Or, Jesus probably only loves all CHRISTIAN children of any color, not really the children of other faiths since they might grow up to reject him. Or, the song mentions only four colors (red, yellow, black, and white). What about those of other colors, like brown? And is all this mention of color even Politically Correct today? Maybe there are times when our highly evolved intellect goes against the simplicity of God’s original message, stated so well in the simplicity of a child’s song. ALL means ALL. End of discussion. True wisdom of faith from the mouth of babes. Perhaps we should listen. Your Partner in Ministry, Pastor Gary CONFIRMATION 2 Peter 1:10 May Schedule: Grades 6th- 8th please meet in Eichele Hall 7:00p.m. May 1 – Fun/Service – last night for 6th and 7th grades. May 8 – Confirmation Practice, 8th grade ONLY Dear friends and family, If there are friends and loved ones whom you would like to have prayers for, or military persons on active duty, please contact the church office at 526-7577and we will list them in our bulletin and newsletter. REMEMBER IN PRAYER…Good Shepherd Lutheran School, our youth and church leaders Undergoing cancer therapy Gary Lee Boswell (son of Gloria Holst), Dante Ferrari (Ilene Morton’s grandson), Under convalescent or hospice care: Tim Simpson (Min Simpson’s son), Rev. James Sherrill & Mae Maddoax (Cathie Badillo’s aunt &uncle), John Moore, Craig Wells, Minn Simpson, John Moore. Undergoing surgery, various tests, treatments, recuperating and continued comfort Connie Kieffer-Collins, John Yanuklis, Brian Faunce (Barry & Linda Watters’ son-in-law), Brian Pierret (Dorothy Fee’s son), Mary Moore, Jeanne Shafer, Jean Schlosser, Holly Lapper (friend of Austin Thompson), Mel Heier, Dorothy Bright, Madison Franks, Pricilla Thompson, Kent Keith. We extend our Christian sympathy to: Rick & Yvonne Baird and family on the loss of his Rick’s mother Antoinette (Toni) on Sunday, April 7th and Yvonne’s mother Aida Starkjohn on April 23rd: to Ken & Diane Miller and family on the sudden passing of Ken’s father on April 20th: to Wendy Blalock and family on the passing of Wendy’s Uncle Johnny on April 25th: and to Bob and Jeanne Shafer on the passing of their son Bob on April 27th. Please keep these families in your prayers, thank you. Our Military Personnel now serving: Joe Anderson, Dan Balaun, David Bond, Jeffrey C.A. Bower, Wayne Combs, Tyson and Blake Crosby, Nisha Dean, Shane Denning, Richard Deobler, Robert Deobler, Travis Girard, Nick Goldsmith, JordenGutowski, Mike Hultman, Michael Kidd, Frank King, Chris Labelle, Brian Lowen, John Parker, Brian Richardson, Jonathan Scholberg, Raymond Schooler, Captain Ted Slocum, Cpl Brett Tyre, Sgt Elliott Van Marion, Thomas Weaver, Matthew Wilkins The congregation of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church thanks you for your service. Still Waters Café invites you to share a free community meal every Thursday at 5:00 p.m. The café is located at 4191 Cochran Street. For more information please call 805-526-7577 “A dining service to those who are suffering economic hardship, homelessness or who are lonely and wish to have a dining companion” Amenities at the café: Mealtime is served beginning at 5:00p.m.–7:00 p.m. every Thursday. Fresh home cooked meal served in a family atmosphere with home style table settings. To go snack bags are offered. Highchairs and booster seats are available for the younger family members. There are wheelchair accessible entrances and bathrooms available. Prayer requests can be satisfied. Volunteers are always needed - please contact Ray @ 805-527-4061 Relay for Life Relay will be October 12, 2013 at Rancho Simi Community Park. This year’s theme is, 100 Years of Hope – In it to win it! Celebrating the American Cancer Society’s 100th birthday. Relay for Life is the American Cancer Society’s signature event. It is a 24 hour team event that raises awareness of cancer in the community and raises funds to fight cancer. Throughout the event, Relay for Life teams commit to keeping at least one member walking the track . . . because cancer never sleeps. Cancer also knows no race, gender or age. Anyone may walk, from the young to the old. If you would like to join our team you can register at If you are interested in sponsoring one of our walkers you may also do that at our website If you have any questions please contact me. There no finish line……until we find a cure!! Julie Honda 341-3866 [email protected] Website A Pastoral Letter on Violence adopted by the ELCA Conference of Bishops, March 4, 2013 “A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.” Jeremiah 31.15 and Matthew 2: 18 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ: Every faithful caregiver who sits with victims of violence knows what we know – as God's church, we are called to reduce violence and should, in most cases, restrain ourselves from using violence. Whether or not statistics show that overall violence has declined in recent years, every person wounded or killed is a precious child of God. As bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, we lament the tragedy of gun violence in our country. We are grieved by the way violence threatens and destroys life. We affirm the current soul searching and shared striving to find a way to a better future. While the church grapples with this call to reduce violence and make our communities safer, we recognize that before God we are neither more righteous because we have guns nor are we more righteous when we favor significant restrictions. Brokenness and sin are not somehow outside of us. Even the best of us are capable of great evil. As people of God we begin by confessing our own brokenness – revealed in both our actions and our failure to act. We trust that God will set us free and renew us in our life's work to love our neighbors. In this time of public attention to gun violence, local communities of faith have a unique opportunity to engage this work. As bishops, we were thankful to recognize the many resources our church has already developed (see below). We begin by listening: listening to God, to Scripture, and to each other. Providing a safe place for people to share their own stories, together we discern courses of action. Together we act. And together we return to listening - to assess the effectiveness of our efforts to reduce violence. In the Large Catechism Luther says, “We must not kill, either by hand, heart, or word, by signs or gestures, or by aiding and abetting.” Violence begins in the human heart. Words can harm or heal. To focus only on guns is to miss the depth of our vocation. Yet, guns and access are keys to the challenges we face. We recognize that we serve in different contexts and have different perspectives regarding what can and should be done. But as we live out our common vocations, knowing that the work will take many forms, we are committed to the work of reducing and restraining violence. This shared work is a sign of our unity in Christ. We invite you, our sisters and brothers, to join us in this work: • The work of lament – creating safe space for naming, praying, grieving, caring for one another, and sharing the hope in God’s promise of faithfulness • The work of moral formation and discernment – listening to scripture, repenting, modeling conflict resolution in daily life, addressing bullying, conducting respectful conversations, and discerning constructive strategies to reduce violence • The work of advocacy – acting to address the causes and effects of violence Knowing that we are not saved by this work, we undertake it trusting in Christ Jesus, who laid down his life for the world and who calls us to be peacemakers, to pursue justice, and to protect the vulnerable. In this, as in all things, Christ is with us. Thanks be to God. Important Resources: • Video: “We have Work to Do” by Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson • “Community Violence” a social message, • “The Body of Christ and Mental Illness” a social message, • “Hearing the Cries: Faith and Criminal Justice,” a proposed social statement • “Peace: God’s Gift, Our Calling,” a 1995 social statement. • “Ban of Military-Style Semi-Automatic Weapons,” 1989 social policy resolution, (both social policy resolutions are at address) • “Community Violence – Gun Control,” 1993 social policy resolution ****************************************************************************************** Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Preschool "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened" - Dr. Seuss As this chapter of the preschool is ending, we are very grateful to have been a part of this ministry for so many years. Thank you again for all your continued love and support. The Preschool Staff Note: On January 27th 2013 the congregation of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church voted 61-23 to cease operations of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Preschool as of March 31, 2013” Please keep the families and children attending our Preschool, Director Terry Labrum, teachers Sue Hansen and Ann Viser in your prayers during this difficult time. Thank you. The new council has been commissioned “to form a committee to look at viable options and present a recommendation to the congregation before the next quarterly meeting”. Please also keep your council leaders in prayer that God’s presence will guide them in their task. After 42 years of ministry, our preschool has closed. This difficult decision was recommended by the Budget Committee and Council and approved by the congregation at our annual meeting. Most of us have been touched by preschool ministry – perhaps your child or grandchild thrived at a preschool; perhaps a preschool teacher touched your heart; perhaps you were privileged to participate in some way at touching a preschooler’s heart! The employees we released ministered to the community of Simi Valley for many years – Terry Labrum as our director since 2000, even continuing her duties while undergoing treatment for breast cancer. Before that, she was our Bunny Room teacher for many years and through March, was our most senior employee! Sue Hansen and Ann Visser have been teaching at our preschool since 2005. As a not-for-profit corporation, Shepherd of the Valley does not pay into state or federal unemployment programs. While this saves the church money, it also means our staff is ineligible for unemployment benefits. Because of that, the 2013 church budget includes two months of severance pay for Terry, Sue and Ann. This is part of what drove up the 2013 budget deficit, however, Pastor Gary encouraged the Council to have faith in our congregation to “do the right thing” as we presented this budget. It was important to take care of these employees and thank them for taking care of the children through the closure. I invite you to consider a special offering, above your pledge or normal offering, to help offset this severance. The projected cost is $12000 and during April, we were blessed to have fifteen families donate $2920 to help with this expense. Teaching and ministering to preschoolers takes a special person; perhaps you could use this as an opportunity for thanking God for a preschool blessing you have received at some point. My gift was in honor of Mrs. Judy, Mrs. Carol, Mrs. Martha, Mrs. Terry and Mrs. Willie – special teachers who touched our family’s hearts when Lisa and Jonathan were preschoolers. In His Service, Marilyn Shapiro, Financial Secretary ***************************************************************************** FROM THE MINISTRY SUPPORT COMMITTEE Pastor Gary and Corrine Stevenson, Larry Denning, Shari Swanson, and Sue Wedemeyer It is our job on Ministry Support Committee to listen carefully to the members of our congregation, including our pastor, and to clarify goals for our ministry together. Part of our responsibility is to help our pastor develop a continuing education plan that helps to strengthen his gifts as well as train him in areas that will benefit our congregation. It is a continuing process of listening and clarifying the goals we hope to meet together. In conjunction with our church council, we developed a list of special goals and visions for our pastor and congregants for the 2013 year. I want to draw your attention to the opportunities for the congregation to participate in these goals. It is here that you can help our church reach this shared vision. These areas of special focus and emphasis are as follows: Special emphases of the pastor and special encouragement by the congregation: 1. During this time period, the pastor will give special attention in ministry to the following: a. Integrate technology into the worship experience and get SVLC's website fully functional. b. Strengthen congregation's relations and interaction with the two churches currently using our facilities (Simi Valley Christian Center and Mission Nacion Santa), Good Shepherd Lutheran School, any new churches that may use our facilities in 2013, and the prospective preschool (or alternate ministry approved to take the place of the preschool). c. Facilitate Bible Study and small group ministry opportunities for the congregation, including but not limited to, creating a Men's Group. 2. The congregation will encourage this pastor's ministry in the following ways: a. Provide a technology committee comprised of volunteers to supervise and maintain the church's website and assist pastor with technology integration into the worship experience. b. Reach out to and support the ministries identified in Section b above. c. Lead and participate in Bible Studies and small group ministries and invite others to do the same. In looking at these shared goals and at the gifts of our pastor, we have developed a continuing education plan for the year that focuses on management and technology training. We hope that you will actively encourage our pastor in meeting his goals and prayerfully consider how you might help in this process. We will be actively looking for Bible study leaders and tech support for the 2013 year. Carolyn Nell is our new Volunteer Coordinator and will be working with us in helping both new and existing members find opportunities for service in their church. If you feel that you can help in this area, please give one of us, or Carolyn, a call. The Bible tells us to “Honor Thy…Mother, “which we do all year through. But, it is fun to set aside one special day for us to let mom know how very much we appreciate her. There are so many kinds of Mothers, expectant mothers, mothers of preschoolers, teens and adult children. Some children are little angels, some are rebellious, have ADD or Autism, and addiction problems. This month the book cart will have something for everyone who is a mother or has a mother. Books for the children are also displayed. And for all the rest of us we have our free book exchange. Just donate your paperback novels and help yourself to the paperbacks on the book exchange shelves. Happy reading, your Library Committee. June 2nd 12-4pm At Lemon Park on Avenida Simi ********************************************************************************************************************** Volunteers Needed Work Day Saturday May 18th at 9:00am Weeding, trimming of hedges and painting the downstairs hall way Samaritan Center of Simi Valley Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church serves a meal to the less fortunate at the Samaritan Center (located at 280 Royal Ave) on the 1stWednesday of every month from 4:00-6:00 p.m. This is an ongoing church service project. We need volunteers to buy and deliver food to the Samaritan Center, serve food or donate money. If you would like to help, please contact Yvonne Baird at 584-2521. Thank you for your prayers and support for this important ministry. Y.I.M.A.H (Young In Mind And Heart) Potluck Luncheon Thursday, May 16th @ 11:30 a.m. For further information please call: Edith Engemann 805-526-9020 or the church office 526-7577. ****************************************************************** SVLC May 2013 Youth Newsletter Wow! I can’t believe that we are almost to the end of yet another amazing school year. Soon summer will be here and all the kids will be out of school. We have plenty of things going on this summer to keep the kids occupied such as the beach, Raging Waters, summer camp, and VBS. Below are upcoming events for the month of May. Elementary: Sunday School (K – 5th grade) – We will have Sunday School every Sunday in May from 9:45am-10:30am, except on May 19th when we will have Sunday School from 11am-12pm. Meet upstairs in the SAC room. On Sunday, May 12th we will have the kids sing during the 9:45am service. Spark (1st -5th grade) – We will have Spark on all Wednesday’s in May EXCEPT on Wednesday, May 15th there will be NO Spark. We meet from 6:30-7:45pm. Movie/Ice Cream Night – We will have movie/ice cream night from 6:45-8:45pm in the Eichelle Hall on Friday, May 10th. Cost is $5. Please sign-up by May 8th. Middle School: Sunday School – Sunday School will be every week except May 5th and May 12th where students are encouraged to go to church with their parents. We meet in the youth room from 9:45am-10:30am. On May 19th Sunday School will be from 11am-12pm. Youth Band – If you’re in youth band we will meet in the Eichelle Hall on Sunday, May 5th and May 19th from 12:30-3:30pm. Confirmation – The last day of confirmation for 6th & 7th grade is May 1st and the last day for confirmation for 8th grade is May 8th. Confirmation graduation will be on May 12th at 11am. Flare – This is a new group for 6th and 7th graders that will start on May 8th from 6:30-7:45pm. We will not meet on May 15th but we will resume on May 22nd. This group will take the place of confirmation until it starts again in the fall. We will be playing more games, a Bible study, and snacks will be offered. Fast Food Frenzy/Games – We will meet in the Eichelle Hall from 9pm-11pm on Friday, May 10th. Cost is $10. We will go to different Fast Food restaurants for french-fries, tacos, hamburgers, sodas, deserts. We will then come back to the church to play a game. High School: Student Leadership – This will be our last student leadership meeting for the year. We will meet at Jamba Juice on Alamo and Tapo on Tuesday, May 7th from 4-5pm. Youth Band – If you’re in youth band we will meet in the Eichelle Hall on Sunday, May 5th and May 19th from 12:30-3:30pm. Funky Bunch (High School Group) – On May 1st we will meet from 8:30-9:30pm at Cold Stones for youth group. Meet in the courtyard between Macaroni Grill and Cold Stones off of Tapo Canyon and Alamo. Bring $5 for ice cream. May 8th we will meet in the youth room from 8-9:30pm. On May 15th we will meet at the church at 7pm if you are helping kidnap the incoming 9th graders and meet at Toppers Pizza on Erringer and Cochran at 8pm if you are not helping kidnap. Bring: $10-$15 for pizza, Rocket Fizz, Cherry On Top frozen yogurt. Bring your camera to take lots of pictures. On May 22nd and 29th youth group will be 8-9:30pm in the youth room. College/Young Adult: We will meet the 1st and 3rd (May 5th and May 19th) Sunday of May from 6-8pm at Marc and Niki Mohr’s house. We will start off with eating dinner, so come hungry. Please invite your friends. If you would like to enrich your faith and reach out to those in need, we have a Ministry for you. Talk to any of our present Stephen Ministers and they will gladly tell how much they have received and benefited through this caring Ministry. If you are interested, or have any questions please contact: Pastor Gary 805-526-7577 Jerry Thompson (805)527-7241 Steve Badillo (805)526-9641 Marcia Cooley (805)795-7653 Do you have a need for someone to really LISTEN to you? Are you concerned about confidentiality? Are you going through some sort of crisis right now in your life? Do you have ONE hour per week to set aside to have a Stephen Minister meet your needs? Crisis's can strike at any time. The death of a loved one, grieving, divorce, pregnancy complications, dealing with changes due to aging, dealing with changes in health of yourself or a loved one, loss of a job or retirement. Do you feel alone even though you have family and friends? Do you sometimes have feelings regarding these types of events that you don't want to burden others with? If any of these conditions resonate with you, you may benefit from having a Stephen Minister. For more information, contact Pastor Gary or any of our Ministry leaders. Jerry Thompson (805) 527-7241 (home), (805) 501-5096 (cell); Steve Badillo (805) 526-9841 (home), (805) 402-2930 (cell); Marcia Cooley (805) 581-3578 (home), (805) 795-7653 (cell). You will soon have the confidential person who will LISTEN, PRAY (if requested), SHARE CHRIST'S LOVE, and EXPLORE feelings that you are uncomfortable sharing with someone else. Our Stephen Ministers work one-on-one to plant a seed of hope and healing in a person who's life seems barren and forlorn because of a crisis or tragedy. If you think that you may want to become one of our Stephen Ministers, we will equip you; our congregation will support you, so that you too can show God's mercy, care and compassion to another who is hurting. You will walk beside your care receiver, pray for him or he, and help him or her to work through life's difficulties. We will be starting a new Stephen Minister class soon. To learn more about the class please contact any of our Stephen Ministry leaders listed above STEPHEN MINISTERS ARE AVAILABLE TO OFFER COMMUNION TO THOSE WHO ARE UNABLE TO RECEIVE THE LORD'S SUPPER DURING A CHURCH SERVICE. We are called to this church ministry by God and the communion elements that we use are the same elements used during the services on Sunday. If you or a loved one desires a call for communion by a Stephen Minister, please contact the church office, 526-7577, and leave a phone number where you can be reached and the address of the person desiring communion. Thank you. Think “Gift Card” when planning what to get mom on her day they are perfect for nay mom of any age, they are ideal to mail – just drop in your Mother’s Day card and mail, no wrapping, no extra cost. In addition to being the perfect gift, every card purchased returns a percentage to the church. We have 100 cards to choose from including See’s Candy, Bath and Body, Macy’s, and Macaroni Grill, to name a few. Come talk to us at the SCRIP tale Sundays between services. Jenny, Marvin and Dorothy Joint Worship for Sunday, May 19th. 8:30 worship as normal 11:00 Joint Worship with Good Shepherd and Trinity in Eichele Hall Calendar of Events Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 7:00-GSLS SAC 8:30-GSLS Begins 9:00-GSLS Chapel 4:30-SVLC@ Samaritan Center 6:30- SPARK 7:00-Confirmation No Youth Group Thursday Friday Saturday 2 Women’s Retreat 3 Women’s Retreat 4 Women’s Retreat 7:00-GSLS SAC 8:30-GSLS Begins 10:00-SVLC@Attic 3:00-SWC 5:00-Café Open 6:00-Stretch NTone 6:30-Al-anon 7:00-GSLS SAC 8:30-GSLS Begins 8:00-Al-anon 10:00-AA-Library GSLS Alumni Night Pastor Off 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8:30-Traditional 9:45-Contemporary 9:45-Sunday School 11:00-Blended 1:30-Mission Nacion Santas 2:00-Teach Kids 4:00-Simi Valley Christian Church 6:00-College Young Adults-Marc’s 7:00-Al-anon 7:00-GSLS SAC 8:30-GSLS ½ day 6:00-Stretch N Tone 7:00-Al-anon 7:30-Al-ateen 7:00-BSA #698 7:00-GSLS SAC 8:30-GSLS Begins 10:00 SVLC @Attic 6:00-Stretch N Tone 6:30-SVCC Prayers 7:00-BSA #622 7:00-GSLS SAC 8:30-GSLS ½ day 9:00-GSLS Chapel 3:00-GSLS Bake 6:30- SPARK 7:00-Confirmation Rehearsal 8:00-Youth 7:00-GSLS SAC 8:30-GSLS Begins 9:00-Naomi 10:00-SVLC@Attic 3:00-SWC 5:00-Café Open 6:00-Stretch NTone 6:30-Al-anon 6:30 GSA Mtg. 7:00-Stephen Ministry Mtg. 7:00-GSLS SAC 8:30-GSLS Begins 6:30-Middle School Movie/game Nite 8:00-Al-anon 10:00-AA-Library 7:00-Mission Nacion Santas Pastor Off 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Happy Mother’s Day Confirmation Day 8:30-Traditional 9:45-Contemporary 9:45-Sunday School 11:00-Blended 1:30-Mission Nacion Santas 2:00-Teach Kids 4:00-Simi Valley Christian Church 7:00-Al-anon 7:00-GSLS SAC 8:30-GSLS Begins 6:00-Stretch N Tone 7:00-Al-anon 7:30-Al-ateen 7:00-BSA #698 7:00-Worship Mtg. 7:00-GSLS SAC 8:30-GSLS Begins 10:00-SVLC@Attic 6:00-Stretch N Tone 6:30-SVCC Prayers 7:00-BSA #622 7:00-SVLC Council 7:00-GSLS SAC 8:30-GSLS Begins 9:00-GSLS Chapel 2:00-GSLS Bake 6:00-BSA #698 NO - SPARK NO - Confirmation 8:00- Youth Group 7:00-GSLS SAC 8:30-GSLS Begins 9:15-SVLP Chapel 10:00-SVLC @Attic 7:00-GSLS SAC 8:30-GSLS Begins 7:00-GSLS – Spring Musical-Hall 8:00-Alanon-CR 10:00-AA-Library 10:00-SVLC @Attic 2:00-Wedding Sanctuary / Hall 7:00-Mission Nacion Santas 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 8:30-Traditional 9:45-Contemporary 9:45-Sunday School 11:00-Blended 12:00-Member class 1:30-Mission Nacion Santas 2:00-Teach Kids 4:00-Simi Valley Christian Church 7:00-Al-anon 7:00-GSLS SAC 8:30-GSLS Begins 6:00-Stretch N Tone 7:00-Al-anon 7:30-Al-ateen 7:00-GSLS SAC 8:30-GSLS Begins 10:00 SVLC @Attic 6:00-Stretch N Tone 6:30-SVCC Prayers 7:00-BSA #622 7:00-Youth Bd. 7:00-Hannah 7:00-SAC 8:00-GSLS Begins 9:15-SVLP Chapel 10:00-SVLC @Attic 3:00-SWC 5:00-Café Open 6:00-Stretch /Tone 6:30-Al-anon 7:00-Stephen Ministry Mtg. 7:00-SAC 8:00-GSLS Begins 8:00-Alanon-CR 9:00-Men’s Breakfast /Study 10:00-AA-Library 11:00-Wedding 7:00-Mission Nacion Santas 26 27 Memorial Day 11:30-Y.I.M.A.H 3:00-SWC 5:00-Café Open 6:00-Stretch N Tone 6:30-Al-anon 6:30-GSA Mtg. Pastor Off 8:30-Traditional 9:45-Contemporary 9:45-Sunday School 11:00-Blended 1:00-Youth Bd. Mtg. 1:30-Mission Nacion Santas 2:00-Teach Kids 4:00-Simi Valley Christian Church 7:00-Al-anon Office & school closed today 6:00-Stretch N Tone 7:00-Al-anon 7:30-Al-ateen 28 6:00-Preschool 10:00 SVLC @Attic 6:00-Stretch N Tone 6:30-SVCC Prayers 7:00-BSA #622 7:00-SAC 8:00-GSLS Begins 9:00-GSLS Chapel *New Time for: 5:30- SPARK 8:00-Youth Group 29 7:00-SAC 8:00-GSLS Begins 9:00-GSLS Chapel *New Time for: 5:30- SPARK 8:00-Youth Group Pastor Off 30 31 Synod Assembly 7:00-SAC 8:00-GSLS Begins 9:15-SVLP Chapel 10:00-SVLC @Attic 3:00-SWC 5:00-Café Open 6:00-Stretch /Tone 6:30-Al-anon Synod Assembly 7:00-SAC 8:00-GSLS Begins PLEASE…HELP SUPPORT OUR SCHOOL Luther’s Attic…a thrift store in Moorpark at 189 High Street that helps support Good Shepherd Lutheran School. Give donations, shop and/or volunteer your time!! It all helps our Christian school ministry here in Simi Valley. The proceeds from the store are split between three schools that receive financial support from the store. The financial split is based on volunteer hours, so more volunteer hours from our church means stronger financial support to Good Shepherd. For further information call 805-523-7188. From Good Shepherd Lutheran School Principal Nancy Hawthorne February 2013 Dear Congregation Members, God works in our lives in mysterious ways. I have never figured out His ways, all I know is that God is with me every step of my journey here on Earth. And through this time, He patiently guides me on my way. In the past year, I have come to an unexpected crossroad in my life. After much prayer and meditation, I find that it is time to move on to the next chapter. So, I announce my resignation as principal of Good Shepherd Lutheran School effective July 1. I need to make it very clear that I am not leaving because Good Shepherd Lutheran School is going to close; I am leaving because it is time to move on. As I write this, plans for the next school year are well underway. In fact, plans for the next five years are being formulated at this time, and the School Board is actively seeking candidates for the principal position. They will keep you informed as plans develop. I feel blessed to have the privilege of serving at Good Shepherd Lutheran School since it opened its doors in 1979. Through the years, I taught kindergarten, first grade, physical education, third and fourth grade social studies, and middle school. I have been honored to serve as principal for the last eight years. During the entire time, I have worked with the finest educators ever. I have been blessed with support from the School Board whose members throughout the years put aside any personal agenda to make the best decisions for our school. I will cherish the years I have spent here and will continue to support the school in the future. Please know that although I am resigning from the position of principal, I am not concluding my professional career or my love for this school. We have a vision for our school which I am invested in and will continue to support this vision in whatever ways make sense for the school as a whole. Just to be clear, it is just time for me to move on. Please keep the call process for our new administrator in your prayers. Thank you for your understanding and support. Thank you for the privilege and honor to serve our Lord at Good Shepherd Lutheran School. In Christ’s name, Nancy Hawthorne
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