Hyden-Karlgarin Householder News 24th March 2015

24th March 2015
Produced weekly by the Hyden Community Resource Centre. DEADLINE : 10:30 am MONDAY
TELEPHONE: 9880 5088 FAX: 9880 5164
FOR SALE Mazda BT50 Freestyle, well bodied ute. 3lt Turbo Diesel 110,000km Log Book and service records available. New tyres, power steering, air condi oning, good condi on, lockable canopy. $11,000 Ring Paul 0424 586 653 Football training is now Tuesday’s and Thursday's star ng at 6pm. KARLGARIN EASTER MARKET DAY Saturday 4th April, 2015, at the Hall 10 am—2 pm THE KARLGARIN EASTER BUNNY WILL BE HOPPING THROUGH AROUND LUNCHTIME STALL HIRE $10 for 1 trestle, $15 for 2 Boot and children $ 5 Contacts: Robin Kenny 9889 6049 [email protected] Jill Fotheringhame 9889 5054 [email protected] Stalls—cra s, cards, plants, face pain ng, gi s, sausage sizzle, food and drinks, Community, country catch ups, cuppas, po ery, kids cra table And more....! EMAIL: [email protected]
Combined Churches
Cake and Produce Stall
Easter Saturday 4th April at Wave Rock 9am - 2pm
Hyden Tennis Club Wind Up Sunday 29th March at the Tennis Club. Star ng at 12:30pm with speeches at 2:30pm. Bring your tennis racquet, table tennis bat for a table tennis compe on, a pla er of food to share and your best hat! Karlgarin Hyden Hockey Club Coaches wanted for C grade Coach/Manager needed for B grade Contact Bev 0427 470 625 Calling on all Junior players who wish to play this season, please phone Bev or email the Karlgarin Hyden Hockey Club [email protected] Narrogin Poultry Society Pencil Auction
Saturday March 28th Poultry Club Shed
May St (off Clayton Rd)
Birds penned by 9:30am Bidding 10am -11am
Plus a free information session during the auction.
Enquiries to Owen Gath 9888 4054
Lions FREE Skin Cancer Screening
Saturday 18th April
Bookings - Hyden CRC 9880 5088
Hyden Community Website: www.hyden.crc.net.au
The publishing of material in the Hyden Karlgarin Householder News remains at the discretion of the CRC Management Committee
24th March 2015
Gilgie Races
at the
Karlgarin Country Club
Saturday 4
April Gilgie Races
Kids Races from
With BBQ
Car Rally
Presented by the Karlgarin Pingaring Cricket Club. Leaving From the Karlgarin Country Club 12.30‐2.30pm available to
follow, please
bring a salad to
Main Races From
48 tonne of Scope Barley 2014 season, cleaned
and treated with Evergol. $395 inc per tonne.
50 tonne of Yitpi wheat 2014 season cleaned.
$385 inc per tonne.
30 tonne Casper Peas 2011 season
header sample, suitable for seed.
Phone Tim 0429 635 929
Di’s Scrap & Chat Will be opening on Thursday 26th March. Please come in and look at new stock ‐ paper, embellishments, s ckers ,gi ware and much more. Social scrapbooking during shop hours for a small fee of $5 per a day, tea/coffee provided. Shop hours are 9am ‐ 3pm Tue & Thurs and 9am ‐ 1pm Sat. Any enquiries please call Di on 0429 800 038. Kel's Kitchen Delights frozen seeding meals are now available to order with deliveries every fortnight star ng from 11th April un l 6th June. 10 types of meals (950ml containers), sausage rolls, quiches & cupcakes. For more info or an order form call Kellie (nee Radford) on 0427 297 278 or email [email protected] If anyone sees vehicles unlawfully driving
on any sporting ground, including the golf
course, please take note of the vehicle and
don’t hesitate to report to the police
Hyden Sports Council
Corrigin/Lake Grace Zone WAFarmers Mee ng Open to all farmers MeeƟng details
Hyden Hotel Gimlet Lounge, 1.00pm Wednesday 1st April Topics
 Plant breeding
 Funding Plant breeding
 Are levies value for money?
 GRDC restructure
 Crop Mi ga on Insurance
 Changes and Developments in Farm Insurance
Also for discussion:
 Grain transport
 Grain contracts
Peter Roberts ‐ Chairman Western Regional Panel GRDC
Tresslyn Walmsley – CEO Intergrain
Julianne Hill – Manager Regional Cropping Network
Dale Parke – General President WAFarmers
Duncan Young – Chairman WAFarmers Grains Sec on
Stephen Brown – CEO WAFarmers
Enquires to Bob Iffla 9874 7022 or Sonia Tipton 9880 7045 or 0429 807 045 Hyden Community Website: www.hyden.crc.net.au
HOUSE FOR SALE 4 Bedroom house with rumpus room, lounge room and newly renovated kitchen/dining room. Corner of Radbourne and Mouritz Street. 24th March 2015
Hello, my name is Lena. I’m a backpacker, 25
years old from Belgium. I’m looking for a job in
Hyden. Any kind of job will do: hospitality,
Please call 0476 275 973
Thank you
Ring Simon 0427 066 251 Invitation to attend a special service focussing
on the Easter story. At 7th Day Adventist
Church, Church Rd, Mt Walker at 11am,
Saturday 28th March. Followed by lunch.
For more details phone 9061 7034.
HENS FREE RANGE $10 each ‐ 10 for $90 or 20 for $140 Pullets point of lay 20 weeks $26 each or 10 for $250 FREE DELIVERY Monday 30th March Hyden, Karlgarin, Pingaring PH 9844 3485 Hyden Young Singles A unit is available for rent. Please contact Hyden CRC for an applica on form. Ph: 9880 5088 Email: [email protected] Bowling Club News
The inaugural challenge between the men
and women is to be played on March 28th,
commencing at 1:30pm.
Everyone is welcome to attend and support the team
of your choice.
The stakes have increased substantially.
Hyden Primary School Council – We need a Community Member The purpose of the School Council. The School Council is formed with the fundamental purpose of enabling parents and members of the community to engage in ac vi es that are in the best interests of students and that will enhance the educa on provided by the school. Hyden Primary School is seeking nomina ons for a respected Community Member to sit on School Council for a 2 year term. If you believe as a School Council member you will help the School Council to meet its purpose and play a vital role in the educa on of Hyden’s children, please complete the below form and return to the school by 9am Wednesday, 1st April 2015. School Council Membership Form – Community Member Please return to Hyden Primary School by 9am Wednesday, 1st April 2015. I, (insert name) of (insert address) Phone Mobile (op onal) Email (op onal) Wish to become a member of Hyden Primary School Council as a Community Representa ve. Date of applica on (insert date) If I am successful at gaining a posi on: Please send minutes and no ce of mee ng via (please ck preferred op on) Email Posted I understand that my membership is current un l 2017 and that by joining the School Council I agree that I will abide by their Terms of Reference which I will read. Signed (Applicant) Hyden Community Website: www.hyden.crc.net.au
24th March 2015
WANTED Large Combine 28 or 38 run with large seeding box. Paul 0424 586 653 Karlgarin Bowling Club Money Raffle 7th Draw $100 ‐ Bev Davidson $50 ‐ Keith Fotheringhame 8th Draw $100 ‐ Milton Reynolds $50 ‐ Kim & Karen Baker 2 more draws to come ‐ Good Luck!! Thank you to everyone who bought a
ticket for our “guess the number of lollies
in the jar”. We raised a total of $67.30. All
this money has gone to GWN 7 Telethon.
Thank you for the extra donations we
received. The winning guess of 156 went
to Danny Corbett.
Tired of the heat, dust and stress of burning? Available at The Ag Shop Hyden Community Website: www.hyden.crc.net.au