I B E D Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics Aquatic Microbiology SYMPOSIUM CORAL REEF ECOLOGY Symposium accompanying the PhD defense of Joost den Haan Thursday 7 May 2015, 13.00 - 17.00 "Predators and productivity - an assemblage-wide view of coral reef fishes across the Line Islands (central Pacific)" "Re-evaluating reef health: baselines and evidence of degradation from the central Pacific" "Nitrogen and phosphorus uptake rates of benthic phototrophs in a Caribbean coral reef community" ---------------------------------- Coffee/tea break -------------------------------- Hannah Brocke - Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology "Drivers and impacts of benthic cyanobacterial mats on coral reefs" Kirsten Marhaver - Carmabi, Curaçao "Recent advances in coral reproductive technology" Mark Vermeij - IBED, University of Amsterdam / Carmabi, Curaçao "The contribution of healthy reefs to future coral generations" --------------------------------- Drinks -------------------------------- Location: Science Park 904, room C1.110 Information: Petra Visser ([email protected]) All are welcome
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