ARK Franklin Primary@ARK_FranklinPrimary NEWSLETTER 24th April 2015 Dear Parents / Carers, Coral Reef Exhibition! I hope you are all enjoying the wonderful weather; it’s great to see so many of the girls in their summer dresses and the boys in their shorts. Both KS1 and KS2 Discovery clubs had an amazing time at the Coral Reef Exhibition on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. They were able to observe and experience a real life coral reef! This week the School Council had a visit from Daniel Upfield, the Headteacher of Ark Atwood. The children were eager to share with him their plans for our outdoor learning environment. Next week, the Council will be playing host to twelve Tesco Directors from all over the world, who are visiting us for the day. They will visit KS2 classes and discuss their roles, then work in the garden area with a group of children. I look forward to greeting you at the school gates in the afternoons. Warmest regards Janine Ryan Interim Headteacher Headteacher’s thought for the week! Genius is one per cent inspiration, ninety-nine per cent perspiration. Reminder - Access to school The school gates are open from 8.30am until 8.50am. Children must enter school via the school gates allocated for their year group and not via the school office. The only children who are permitted to come into school via the office during that time, are those who attend the morning club. If your child arrives after 8.50am, they must come in via the school office to ensure that they are marked in for the day. Thank you. In addition to visiting the exhibition, some of the children had the opportunity to explore the dinosaur exhibit. Super Learners are back! Attendance The whole school attendance for this week is 94.9%; we will need to improve our efforts given that our target is 96%! Classes with the best attendance for the week are as follows below: Reception Cambridge 97.5% Key Stage One (years 1 & 2) Southbank 97.8% Key Stage Two (years 3, 4, 5 & 6) Bolton 100% Transition Trophy Transition trophies were awarded to the classes who have shown great behaviour when moving round the school this week: Mohammed Elmellas in Year 2 Southbank class has achieved Super Learner for KS1 this week! Congratulations Mohammed, for sequencing the events of the Great Fire of London and explaining each event in detail- well done! Reception Maynooth Key Stage One (years 1 & 2) Imperial Key Stage Two (years 3, 4, 5 & 6) Dublin PE Classes and Superstars of the Week ! Mr Duffy has selected the following children and classes to receive certificates this week: Reception: PE Superstar: Nico Pedrazas (Goldsmiths) PE Class: Maynooth Key Stage One: PE Superstar: Nabilla Sheikhabdi (Roehampton) PE Class: Southbank Key Stage Two: Suemair Habane in Year 4 Nottingham class is this week's KS2 Super Learner! Suemair is receiving this award for her hard work in Science. She created a poster of our classes' previous ideas about plants. Suemair always tries her best with everything she does and especially loves Art and Science. PE Superstar: Vitor Santosanna (Dublin) PE Class: Victoria Summer Uniform Please note that girls in summer dress are not allowed to wear leggings underneath their dresses. They must wear either white socks or tights. Enrichment Clubs: All of the enrichment clubs are up and running. If your child is not attending a club, but would like to join one, please come to the office reception area to put your child’s name on the waiting list. Children who are on the waiting lists will be offered spaces as soon as spaces become available. 'History Explorers' Club for Year 3 & 4 pupils starting next Tuesday! Dinner Money and Club Payments Please ensure that you keep up with your dinner money payments. The cost for school meals from Tuesday 14th April to Friday 22nd May inclusive is £59.40 per child. If your child is attending one of the Enrichment Clubs please remember that all payments must be made by Monday 27th April. Our preferred method of payment is via Wisepay. If you have misplaced your username and password for Wisepay, please email Deanna Jones at [email protected] , including your child’s name and class. All clubs are £5.00 for the term except for Ballet and Capoeira which cost £60.00. Calling all parents, we are running a free English course for beginners… Ark Franklin and Brent council have teamed up to provide the above provision for parents who are wanting to develop their English speaking skills and learn more about their child’s school. Please see below for further information: Thursday 28th April Course Starts 1.15-3.15pm for 10 weeks Important Dates Achievements Wall In line with one of our key ARISE values; our Achievements wall continues to celebrate our children’s progress across the school. Congratulations this week to Masuri Forester (Year 3 Sheffield) and Brook Shewangizaw (Year 4 Bolton)! Please note that there will be limited, or no access, to school on the following dates: Monday 4th May Thursday 7th May May Day Bank Holiday Polling Day – Only staff and Year 6 pupils must attend school Saturday 13th June 2015 12.00 noon – 6.00pm Entrance tickets to this amazing event are available at a special reduced price of £3.00 per ticket for our parents and siblings instead of £5.00 per ticket You will only be able to purchase tickets at this reduced price from the school office from Monday 27th April until Friday 22nd May 2015 If you are purchasing 2 tickets or more these can also be purchased using Wisepay, which is our preferred method of payment. Children under 12 get in for free Book now to avoid disappointment --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Helpers are still needed! Thank you to all the parents who have already volunteered to help at this event, however we still need more volunteers. Please complete the form below. You would not need to help for the whole day a couple of hours would be great! Volunteers will be granted free admission to this event ========================================================= Volunteer for the World Fete Area of The Franklin Fork to Fork Food Festival Name: ___________________________________ Mobile number: ___________________ Email: ____________________________ Your Child’s Name ________________________ Child’s Class _________________ How could you help or what could you contribute?
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