the GracePlace D u n c a n v i l l e Church of Christ A SpiritSpirit-led family seeking to know God, grow in faith, serve others, and share Jesus Christ. Christ December 3, 2006 An enduring devotion to the redeeming work of Jesus hallmarks Christian worship. Believers gather regularly with one heart to praise and glorify God for His mighty acts and tender mercies, chiefly the great personal love demonstrated at the cross. We seek to honor our Creator and Redeemer by worshipping in Spirit and truth with the attitude of humility displayed in Jesus. Because the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus are central to gospel faith, we emphasize participation in the Lord’s Supper (Communion) as the core of our worship experience. Here we consider and remember the sacrifice of Christ and appreciate the divine unity it affords all disciples. We invite all people of faith to share the bread and wine. We believe God has revealed Himself in scripture, and thus we must learn to know and trust Him through study, exposition, and contemplation of the inspired text. We read the scriptures publicly and listen actively to the preaching of the Word so we may grow in the grace and truth of Jesus. We desire “that the Word of Christ richly dwell within us.” We invite your personal response to the Lord and His Word. Corporate worship on the Lord’s Day cultivates an open heart that hears and obeys the Holy Spirit in ways that equip us for Monday through Saturday service. Genuine worship sponsors holy living. Divine communication is a twoway process, and that makes us a praying people. We believe God inhabits our praises and hears our petitions. We pray believing “God is and that He rewards those who seek Him.” Our assemblies ring with songs of joy as we praise God with “the fruit of our lips.” Like the early church, we “praise God and teach and encourage one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.” By following the pattern of the primitive church, we sing acapella without the accompaniment of instruments. Also in agreement with the First Century church, we take opportunity during the assembly to return a portion of our physical blessings back to God as an expression of thankfulness. We offer God not only our hearts, but our first-fruits as well. Until the Lord returns, we faithfully worship. CALL TO WORSHIP: JACOB LOWE & RYAN PETERS 153 .............................. Come Let Us Worship and Bow Down 63....................................................I Will Call Upon The Lord 538.................................... My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less 718 ............................................................. We Shall Assemble WELCOME 470..................................................................Victory In Jesus 76............................................................ How Great Thou Art 47................................................................. Holy, Holy, Holy! PRAYER: BRENNAN UTLEY 62...........................................................................I Exalt Thee Screen.....................................................................Father God COMMUNION: SPENCER DAVIS 356................................................................ I Believe In Jesus CONTRIBUTION: RONNIE WRIGHT CHILDREN’S MOMENT DEVOTIONAL: KYLE GLAESER SERMON: “THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS?” SCOTT THIBODEAUX 96.................................................................. I Stand In Awe Sundays: Bible Classes (all ages) 9:00 Morning Assembly: 10:15 Wednesdays: Bible Classes (all ages) 7:00 pm PASTORAL PRAYER Evening Assembly: 6:00 CARLSON’S CORNER... ...OUR PRAYER CONCERNS We are delighted once again to have our teens active in leading our public worship. Scott and others have done a great job in preparing them for service. It is important that our young folks develop a personal, authentic faith during their formative years. We want to position them for spiritual success...Beginning next Sunday morning (Dec 10) and continuing for a second week, I will lead a class designed especially for visitors and new members. We will meet upstairs in Room 218 and fresh coffee and treats will be waiting for you. I'll try to answer any questions you might have. We want to make your transition into this church family as smooth as possible. It's a pleasure to have you among us. And remember, we are here to serve you...Please note the Holiday schedule posted elsewhere in the bulletin. Of particular note is Dec. 17, when we will have an 8 am early service and then at 10:15 am we will have our annual Christmas musical presentation. Hopefully, the early service will help us accommodate the crowd at 10:15 am. Remember that Evening Services are cancelled, and we will accompany our chorus to a community praise and singing service at DFB at 6 pm. Dec. 24 we will host a 9 am Holiday Coffee, and there will be no Bible classes. Evening services are cancelled, but Jeff is planning an untraditional candlelight service...Our Monday Night Discussion class will begin a study of two C.S. Lewis classics in January. We will begin with The Screwtape Letters and move onto Mere Christianity. Books will be on the foyer counter next week. Please join us... Remember that we move to a second assembly on Jan 14. Rumor is that we may do it with new carpet on the floor!...Ya' know I love ya'! ~Ron SERVING TOGETHER...GREG’S GRAFFITI SERMON NOTES... Once again God has blessed this congregation. The Lord has given the Duncanville Church another 56 men to minister to out at the Hutchins State Jail. Starting in February 2007, we will be involved in another “God Pod”. The reason I said that God has blessed us is I have found the He never gives anything to anyone that they can’t handle. Evidently the Lord has looked into our hearts and has seen that we are able and willing to take on the next phase of this prison ministry. I have been privileged to serve with you all. I want you to take a moment and consider what God has placed in our hands through this ministry that He has given us. At the Dawson State Jail we minister to 54 men in the Celebrate Recovery Inside Pod that Stek Steck oversees. On Monday nights my wife Karin and I have about 50 students each in our NewLife Behavior classes. We also have a class on Thursday night called Experiencing God that has about 50 students. When you add all that up it comes to around 260 men and women that we as a congregation are affecting for the Kingdom of God. Oh by the way, let’s not forget their wives and children that they will influence for Christ. The harvest is ripe! The time is now. The possibilities are endless. I encourage you to join us in the great work that God has blessed us with. If you want to make a real, tangible change in the world, let me or Stek or Ron know, and we will help you get started. You Are Much Loved! ~Greg Lucas IMPORTANT TEXTS (NIV): John 12:20-28: 20Now there were some Greeks among those who went up to worship at the Feast. 21They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, with a request. "Sir," they said, "we would like to see Jesus." 22Philip went to tell Andrew; Andrew and Philip in turn told Jesus. 23Jesus replied, "The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. 24I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. 25The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. 26Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me. "Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, save me from this hour'? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. 28Father, glorify your name!" IMPORTANT NOTES: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ With Deepest Sympathy to Family & friends of Demple Lawrence Family & friends of John Mitchell Lois Neathery in the loss of her sister C A N C E R PAT I E N T S Leroi Bryant, Adrian Daley, Johnny DeLaGarza, Sr., Bobby Dudley, Joan Elmore, Debbie Englert, Lori Evans, Terry Gregory, Garrett Gray, Phina Hamilton, Elaine Hill, Tony Hoover, Rusty Kwast, Saundra Markwood, Les Miller, Eliseo Monterroso, Jennifer Parker, Gerald Polley, Don Selby, Jerry Snyder, Joe Don Suits, Douglas Sumrall, Dale Taylor, Floyd Tharp, Jana Thrush, John Wallace LONG-TERM & S H U T- I N S James Adams, Alice Berger, Art & Wanda Blair, Ray Crowell, Neva Dillard, Ruth Driscoll, Tim Dunlap, Dusty Gee, Dimple Hand, Ludie Mae Hobbs, Ruby Horn, Marian King, Kristi Cockerham, Francis Leonard, Eugenia Lucas, Faye McCarley, Vernon Olson, Terri Priego, Mario Sotelo, Sr., Dorothy Standon, J. R. Stone, Virginia Tull, Laura Walker, Shaelyn Walker, Vicki Webb, Presley Woods 27 MILITARY PERSONNEL Gene Becker, Daryl Borman, Kaleb & Lacey Clements, Larry Davis, Bryan Englert, Christopher Gonzalez, Josh Hale, Jeffrey Irwin, Steven Jackson, Cliff Jobe, Rusty Nix, Jeff Maddox, Tim Peterson, Ryan & Candace Reitmier, Zach Robertson, Jerrod Stevens, James Terrell FAMILY LIFE MINISTRY NEWS & EVENTS - JEFF CONRAD New Friends/New Life Home Tour TODAY, December 3 1:00—4:00 pm Tickets: $15 each The tour benefits women who want to leave the degradation of working in sexually oriented business. To purchase tickets, please contact Connie Meeks at 214-682-1659. Thursday, December 7 Gift Exchange Night Turkey & dressing will be provided, but please bring veggies, casseroles, bread, & desserts. We will exchange gifts (limit $5) after dinner. Men buy a man’s gift and women buy a woman’s gift. Hope to see you all for a night of food, fun, and fellowship! John & Wanda Scogin 916 Pine Tree Lane DeSoto, 75115-4124 972-224-0121 You are invited to a Come & Go Christmas Open House Saturday, December 16, 2006 5:00 pm—8:00 pm at the home of Craig & Julie Slaughter’s 731 Hill Terrace Drive Duncanville, 75116 972-948-3498 CARE MINISTRY Person of the Week: Brandi Peaney 1640 Alexis Street Midlothian, 76065 Ruth McDougald 1805 Heather Glen Drive Dallas, 75232 214-331-4222 December 10 & 17 Room 218 9:00 am Teacher: Ron Carlson This class is open to our new members or anyone wanting to know more about what we do here at DCC. Angel Tree Ministry benefiting children of our ESL Students James & Callie Skains 1642 Shady Glen Lane Dallas, 75232 214-371-2814 Elizabeth Taylor 517 Sharp Drive DeSoto, 75115 972-223-3237 Woody Taylor 1202 Spring Lake Drive Duncanville, 75138 972-298-7950 Peggy Tilory 607 Misty Glen Drive DeSoto, 75115 972-223-3727 Family Builder’s Bible Class Next Sunday’s Topic: “Growing In Love” At 8:50 am in Room 215 You can sponsor a child for $50 which will buy them a gift card to go shopping! Please sign up at the table in the foyer. Questions? Contact Martha Sigmund at 972-291-8154. Derek & Sally Varejcka Ava, Dane, Lucas, & Sarah 7314 Zuni Street Dallas, 75236 Ladies Ornament Exchange December 12 · 7:30 pm Fellowship Center In the spirit of Christian joy Jeff & Sherri Robinson and Congratulations to: Ladies, We will NOT meet for dinner as a group. You are free to make your own dinner plans then come to the Fellowship Center for refreshments and the gift exchange. Remember to limit your gift to $10. We are planning to help provide toys for the Angel Tree children of our ESL students, so we ask each of you to bring a new unwrapped toy for either a boy or girl (any age level). Questions? Please contact Anne Bunn or Connie Davis. Jack & Linda Porter invite you to the marriage uniting their children Jennifer Kay to Russell Wade Saturday, December 30, 2006 2:00 pm Mountain Creek Community Church 5950 Eagle Ford Dallas, Texas Ashleigh Staggs on the birth of her baby girl. Kayleigh Jo was born October 9. Proud grandparents are Jeff & Angie Irwin. Proud great-grandmother is Glenna Browning and proud g r e at - g r e a t - g r a n d mo t h e r i s Loraine Cawthon! Jeff & Angie Irwin on the birth of their baby girl. Madison Rene was born Oct. 19. Proud grand moth er s ar e Gl enna Browning & Bobbie Irwin. Proud great-grandmother is Loraine Cawthon. DECMEBER 3, 2006 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY NEWS & EVENTS - CONNIE DAVIS Today’s Assembly Volunteers We’re growing again and we need your help! Our Sunday morning Bible Hour Ministries: Me, 2! (2 yr olds) Preschool (ages 3-5) Zoom Zone (3rd & 4th grades) Power Hour (3rd—6th grades) A BIG THANK YOU to Holly Irvin for volunteering to coordinate the Preschool Bible Classes on both Sundays & Wednesdays! Zoom Zone Bible Class 3rd & 4th Grades Room 225 Blue Wing all need additional team members. Teams serve one Sunday a month. Training provided. See Connie Davis for more information. Nursery: Bobby & Gina Francis Jack & Kay Sides Me, 2’s: Patti McGrath Preschool Bible Hour: Connie Davis Children’s Bible Hour: Clark Hackney Zoom Zone: There will be no eKids tonight due to Brother’s Keeper Unit meetings. Cub Scouts News: Jonathan & Holly Irvin HOLIDAY SCHEDULE: Dec. 4 Monday Den Meeings Dec. 6 Wednesday Den Meetings December 17: Morning Assembly: • Me, 2! & Preschool Bible Hour ONLY • No Children’s Bible Hour OR Zoom Zone Evening Assembly: No eKids December 24: 9:00 am: No Bible Classes 10:15 am: Combined Bible Hours Evening Assembly: No eKids AHG News: Dec. 18 unity Service m m Co Project: Caroling Jan. 1, 2007 No Meeting December 31: Evening Assembly: No eKids Blizzard Hollow camp December 27-29, 2006 R e g i s t r at i o n d e a d l i n e : D e c e m b e r 2 0 December 27 December 28 December 29 Ages 3— Kindergarten Grades 1—3 Grades 4—6 9 am—5 pm 9 am—5 pm Cost: $15 Cost: $15 9 am—3 pm Cost: $10 DECEMBER 3, 2006 YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS & EVENTS - SCOTT THIBODEAUX SNA ACTIVITY-DEC. 3RD No SNA due to BKU Night. Enjoy the evening with your family. • UPCOMING SNA’S: Dec. 10: Every family is invited for the Family Movie Night in the gym from 6—8 pm (maybe changed to the Fellowship Center TBA). Popcorn and snacks will be provided. Bring your own chairs to sit in and be sure to sit with your family. Teens: if your family cannot make it, come join us anyway and you can be a part of my family. The movie for this evening will be “RV” starring Robin Williams (rated PG). Even if you’ve already seen it, come on out and join us anyway. • Dec. 17: Christmas Parties! ◘ High School: The party will start as a “Video Scavenger Hunt” and will end with a gift exchange. We will start in the Youth Room at 7 pm and end at 9 pm. The gift exchange will be a “white elephant” exchange with a limit of $6. ◘ Jr. High: TBA • NEW YEAR’S PARTY PLANS Sign up for the New Year’s party TODAY in the foyer! On Friday, Dec. 29th, all teens are invited to join the Youth Group for an all-nighter at Group Dynamix in Carrollton, TX. The cost is $33 per teen. Each teen is required to complete a release form for the evening. We will be leaving for the all-nighter at 7:30 pm and will return the following morning at 8:30. For those not familiar with Group Dynamix, you can check it out o n t h e w e b a t Sign up today! ONE-MINUTE BIBLES One-Minute Bibles are a great tool to help students get into the Word of God in a convenient way. It’s not meant to replace the Bible, instead it’s a way in which to introduce a student into a life of living in the Word. These Bibles are available for $8 each. See Scott to get your copy. Dec. 24 & 31: No SNA due to the Christmas & New Year’s holidays. PARENT MEETING: POSTPONED The parent meeting scheduled for today has been postponed due to many scheduling conflicts. The meeting will be rescheduled in January 2007. Date and time TBA. YOUTH FUNDRAISER For all those who were able to sell batteries for our Youth Fundraiser, please turn them in to Scott today. PARENTLINK NEWSLETTER December newsletters are in! In it you will find information on teen culture as well as a calendar of events for December. You can pick up a hard copy at the Information Center or online at KEEPING TABS ON YOUTH CULTURE The Millennial generation is coming into its own, and it’s sometimes hard for parents to keep up with the everchanging trends of youth culture. Jim Liebelt, senior editor for and member of the Group Magazine Live presenter team, offers some tips to keep up with the changes. • Maintain a relationship with your kids. Be involved in their lives. Learn their likes and dislikes, their hopes and dreams, their joys and fears. Ask your kids about local culture trends— they’re your in-house “experts.” • • • Know your kids’ friends. Teenagers conform to the interests, behaviors, and values of their closest friends. Your teenager will contribute to setting the group’s standards, conform to them, or move away from the group. Pay attention to news about young people. Read and listen to what’s going on with local teenagers. Ask your kids what they know about news stories. Look for community trends. Ask professionals about trends. Engage in regular dialogue with teachers, youth workers, school officials, and so on. Ask about what new youth culture trends they see emerging or disappearing. S o u r c e : w w w . h o m ewo r d . c o m / Articles/ArticleDetail.aspx? iArticleId=86 FLEXIBILITY...IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE Research shows that physical activity drops when kids hit the teenage years. What better way to unify your family than to stay fit together? • Get off the phone. Instead of rolling your eyes at your kids as they chat on the phone at all hours of the night, invite those friends and their families for a walk in the park. • Turn off the TV. Take your teenagers to the local tennis court, learn inline skating, or learn how to dance. • Turn off the computer. Sign up for a family volleyball or basketball team at your local YMCA. Or gather some other family friends together for a weekly game night. • Volunteer for community service. Clean up a community garden, help someone less fortunate fix up his or her house, or walk through town with some trash bags and just clean up. Source: food/9497055/detail.html
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