Children’s Bulletins Children’s Bulletins are now available in Let’s Worship, a resource journal to help pastors and other worship leaders in planning, guiding, and facilitating corporate worship. Let’s Worship includes sermon helps, dramas, music reviews, choir devotionals, children’s bulletins and sermons, and now a new bonus CD-ROM with downloadable and printable resources for all ages. For ordering or inquiries VISIT, or WRITE LifeWay Church Resources Customer Service, One LifeWay Plaza, Nashville, TN, 372340113. For subscriptions or subscription address changes E-MAIL [email protected], FAX (615) 251-3810, or WRITE to the above address. For bulk shipments mailed quarterly to one address, E-MAIL [email protected], FAX (615) 2515933, or WRITE to the above address. Hey kids! Worship is a great time to praise God and to remember all the great things He’s done for you. Use this sheet to record things you learn and things your church does in worship today. How many songs are you singing in worship this morning? What are some of the things prayed for today? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ What Scriptures are being read from the Bible in worship today? _________________________________________ Bulletin activities by Judi Hayes. Art by Bill Ross _________________________________________ Can you name three things the pastor said in his message during worship? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ What is one thing you praise God for? _________________________________________ Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible®, copyright© 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Read Me First! Thanks for purchasing Worship Bulletins for Kids from LifeWay Church Resources! This single document has all the bulletins you’ll need for the next three months. Simply print the bulletins to create your master. Each bulletin sheet contains the date. The first sheet works as the cover and the back of the Worship Bulletins for Kids (ISSN 1552-2008) are published quarterly by LifeWay Press, One LifeWay Plaza, Nashville, TN 37234, Thom S. Rainer., President. © Copyright 2006 LifeWay Press. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible® Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Holman CSB®, and HCSB® are federally registered trademarks of bulletin. The second sheet of each week works as the inside. Photocopy the front and back of the bulletin and then fold each sheet so the front cover that contains the Kids Worship Activity Banner is the front page of the bulletin. Holman Bible Publishers. Photocopy Published in the United States of America Permission is granted to the original purchaser to photocopy Worship Bulletins for Kids. Reproduction or use of any of this material by churches who did not purchase this resource is strictly prohibited. A Family Tree Long before Jesus was born, Isaiah the prophet said that Jesus would come from the family of Jesse. Jesse was the father of King David. Jesus was born many generations later. Matthew and Luke tell about the members of his family tree. Draw members of your family on the tree below. Draw your parents and grandparents and write their names. If you have brothers or sisters, draw them in near your place on the tree. Add any other family members you’d like to add. Names of Jesus Fill in the vowels to complete this verse that was written about Jesus long before His birth. The Name of Jesus Solve the puzzle. Unscramble each word, and find what the name Jesus means. Write the phrase in the spaces below. Check your answer in Matthew 1:23. An Angel Spoke to Mary An angel also came to Mary. Find his name by marking out these letters: C, D, F, H, J, K, M, N, O, P, Q, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z. Unscramble the remaining letters and write them in the spaces below. Check your answer in Luke 1:26. Christmas Word Search Shepherds and Sheep Help the shepherd find his sheep. angels Baby Bethlehem child Christ Elizabeth Jesus John Joseph joy Lord manger Mary Messiah mother Nazareth peace star Savior wise men sheep shepherds S A B M E H E L H T E B D H T E B A Z I L E E C F P E E H S L E G N A H G H I P J U M O T H E R J O Y K H S A V I O R I O M A N G E R D R O L S H P E S O J R M A R Y T N Y L C H I L D T M N O P B Q R N E M E S I W S H A I S S E M E C A E P T B U V H T E R A Z A N Every time you hear one of these words in the worship service today, put a circle around the word in the list. What the Wise Men Did Complete this verse to see what the wise men did when they saw Jesus. Wise Men Maze Help the wise men find Jesus. You Can Obey God One way to obey God is to love other people. Circle the pictures that are loving. Put an X through those that are not loving. What are some other ways you can obey God? Write them here or draw a picture. Match the Years yy ;; ; y ; y ;; yy ;;y;yy yy y;;; ;; ;; yy ; y ;; yy yy ;;yy yy y;yy ;; ;; ;; yy ; y ;; yy y;@yy @@ ;; yy @@ ;; yy @ ; y ;;yy yy y;yy ;; ;; @ ; y @@ ;; @@ ;; yy @ ; y ;; yy ; y ; y ;; yy ;; yy ; y ; y ;; yy yy ;; ;; yy ; y ;; yy y;@yy @@ ;; yy @@ ;; yy @ ; y ;; yy ; y ;; yy y;@yy @@ ;; @@y;@ yy ;; ;;yy y;yy ;; ;; ;;yy yy y;yy ;; ;; Draw a line to connect the years that are the same. A Time for Joy Church Is a Happy Place Mark out these letters—B, K, N, P, Q, V, X, Y, Z—to complete this verse. Write it in the space below. Which of these faces show boys and girls at church? Circle the church faces and mark through those that are not rejoicing. V H T T L Draw your friends at church. B T B X O I R P X E N J K O Q I C Y E D W I Y H O K S E W K H Y O S P V A N O M Q Y E L Z E V T U Y S G O B H B E H P O K U V S E O K F T X N R P D Q V Z K I T H T Q Z N N D O E When You Pray Unscramble the words and put them in the correct order to find what happens when you pray. Worship Word Search call church God hear holy Lord love name obey offerings praise pray (3) rejoice together worship you sing P R A Y A R P L H A N B C D E O F I R G O H A I H C R U H C A L L V M Y G N I S E J I K Y L E M D N R O A P S Q R B S T L O R D R R E J O I C E W S G N I R E F F O U V P R A Y R E H T E G O T L T R S V A B A C D Y G Circle a pot each time you hear a prayer in the worship service today. “The LORD will hear when I call to Him” (Psalm 4:3). A Verse to Remember Bringing an Offering Help Jane and Joe get to church with their offering. Solve the math to discover what this verse says about worshiping God. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 “___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 1+1 20-2 7+2 15-1 5+2 ___ ___ 2-1 16-2 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 13+2 4+2 8-2 3+2 19-1 10-1 17-3 10-3 ___ ___ ___ 3-2 12+2 2+2 ___ ___ ___ ___ 1+2 14+1 11+2 6-1 ___ ___ ___. 6+2 12-3 10+3 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 24-1 14+1 19-1 20-1 6+2 7+2 18-2 ___ ___ ___ ___ 9+3 9+6 21-3 1+3 ___ ___ 6+3 17-3 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 3-1 8-3 3+3 13+2 21-3 2+3 ___ ___ ___ 23-3 10-2 2+3 ___ ___ ___ 23-3 3+5 1+4 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 9+10 17-1 13-1 1+4 15-1 2+2 16-1 17+1 ___ ___ 12+3 2+4 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___” (1 Chronicles 16:29). 9-1 16-1 9+3 3+6 8+6 2+3 22-3 25-6 ___ ___ ___ 4+4 5+4 16+3 Make a Joyful Noise Help the members of the band find their instruments. Psalms The psalms are songs the people sang to worship God. Add the vowels to complete this verse from Psalms. God Created the World Creation Match Game The animals are hiding. Find all the animals God created. Choose the correct word to complete the statement. Some words are used more than once. Check your answers in Genesis 1. fifth fourth good seventh six sixth third two 1. God created the world in _____ days. 2. God created ____ people. 3. After each day of creation, God looked at His work and said it was ______. 4. God created the animals on the ______ day. 5. God created the plants on the _____ day. 6. God created the moon and stars on the ______ day. 7. God created fish and birds on the ____ day. 8. God created people on the _____ day. 9. On the ____ day God rested. Draw pictures of some of your favorite things that God created. Adam and Eve Adam and Eve are separated in the garden. Help them find each other. Life in the Garden Eve has lost her garden tools. Help her find them. What Love Is Put the hearts in order to complete the verse. Because God Loves You To find what God wants you to do, unscramble the letters in the three hearts and write them below. If you hear the word love in the worship service today, draw another heart on this page. Write or draw one way you will show love to someone this week. Animal Pairs Help Noah find the two animals that are just alike. God’s Promise Work the puzzle to see the sign of God’s promise.
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