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ICEM 2015 Pre-Conference Seminar
Energy for Meteorologists
Rationale for the seminar:
The energy sector is meteorology dependant. Both day-to-day weather and longer term climate variability have impacts on supply, demand, transport and
distribution and energy markets. Despite the energy sector being one of the most advanced users of weather and climate information, its rapid evolution constantly
creates new needs, which require a new paradigm for a more effective collaboration between meteorologists and energy sector users. Scientific progress on its
own is indeed not sufficient to increase the value of weather forecasts. Improving decision making processes, and hence the value of meteorology, demands
improving communication and mutual understanding between energy and meteorology people.
In the last decade, a burgeoning number of sessions in Energy & Meteorology at various conferences (e.g. AMS, EMS, European Wind Energy Conference) started
the process from the meteorology side to the energy side. The series of International Conferences Energy & Meteorology want to go one step beyond and open a
bidirectional stream of communication. The goal of this seminar is then:
to provide meteorologists with an overview of the energy sector/business
to create awareness about the importance of weather & climate for the energy sector
to help foster a dialog between both communities and point at major challenges which should be addressed in a co-design approach in the coming years
N.B.: The seminar will focus on power (electricity) but links will also be made to other energy sector activities (oil & gas, biofuels…)
0915 – 0930
Introduction to the seminar: background, objectives and format
Laurent Dubus
0930 – 1000
World Energy: an outlook
Recent trends
Current picture
Future scenarios
Laurent Dubus
1000 – 1100
What is an energy system? How does it work?
The main activities: Production / Transport & Distribution / Marketing / Trading & Finance
The supply/Demand balance optimization problem
The different space and time scales of an energy system, and the corresponding decision processes
Laurent Dubus
1100 – 1130
1130 – 1230
1230 – 1345
1345 – 1415
Morning break
4. Weather & Climate impacts on the energy sector
a) Impacts on supply: From mining to power plants
b) Impacts on demand: Regional and seasonal features
c) Impacts on energy markets
Christian Brose
Lunch break
5. Examples
a) Identification & Resource Assessment: resource mapping
Mark Zagar
1415 – 1445
Climate data and assessment of power plants environmental impact
Mathieu Anderhalt
1445 – 1515
Operations & Maintenance: short term wind forecasting
Russell Bigley
1515 – 1545
Energy integration: market trading
Shylesh Muralidharan
1545 – 1615
Afternoon break
1615 - 1700
Wrap-up & discussion: what are the priorities and how should we move forward?
Some possible points to discuss:
 Data exchange
 Probabilistic forecasts in deterministic decision making context
 Needs of Developing Countries / Knowledge sharing
 Audience’s suggestions…
Chair: Marion SchroedterHomscheidt & Laurent Dubus