IFCI LIMITED (AGovernment of India Undertaking/(भारत सरकार का उपरम) Regd. Office: IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place, New Delhi-110 019 Website: www.ifciltd.com Telephone- 011-41792800/41732000 Tender Notice No. IFCI/Services /Tender/2014-15/07- Dated: 9.06.2015 (Closing Date : 1500 hours on 24th June, 2015) Subject : Annual Contract for Supply of packed bottled drinking water in 25/20 ltr. jar. Sealed tenders are invited for supply of packaged drinking water of Aquafina/ Kinley/Bisleri brands only on annual basis in the IFCI Limited, IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place, New Delhi-110 019 (Govt. of India Undertaking). Annual cost of the tender will be Rs.10.00 lakhs approx. 2. Interested parties may send their quotation for supply of 25/20 liter sealed jars of Aquafina/Kinley/Bisleri brand packaged drinking water, in a sealed cover superscribed “Quotation for supply of packaged drinking water” addressed to General Manager (Services), IFCI Tower, 61, Nehru Place, New Delhi- 110 019 within 15 days from the date of release of notice with an EMD of Rs. 20,000/- in favour of “IFCI Ltd.” latest by 1500 hours on 24th June, 2015. Tenders submitted without EMD of Rs.20,000/- shall be rejected summarily. All the quotations so received will be opened on the same day at 1530 hours in IFCI Ltd., IFCI Tower, 7th Floor, 61, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110 019 in the presence of participating bidders, who may like to remain present. 3. Terms & conditions (I) Sealed tenders must be submitted in an envelope superscribing “Quotation for supply of packaged drinking water” addressed to General Manager (Services), IFCI Ltd., IFCI Tower, 61, Nehru Place, New Delhi- 110 019, in the Tender Box kept in the Ground Floor of IFCI Ltd., IFCI Tower, 61, Nehru Place, New Delhi latest by 1500 hours on 24th June, 2015 positively. Request for extension of submission of date of tenders will not be considered. (II) Rates should be quoted separately for 25 ltr. and 20 ltr. jar indicating the brand as per the enclosed proforma. Any change in the proforma shall lead to cancellation of the tender. (III) Unsealed quotations shall not be considered for evaluation. There should be no erasing and / or overwriting in the bid. The quotations with erasing and/or overwriting shall be summarily rejected. (IV) Late/ delayed tenders due to any reason, whatsoever, will not be accepted/ considered, at all , under any circumstances. (V) The submission of quotation will not place this office under any obligation to empanel you and no expenses incurred by you in this regard will be payable by IFCI Ltd. (VI) The rates should be mentioned in figures as well as in words exclusive of taxes and levies. The taxes and other levies, if any, should be indicated separately. In case nothing is mentioned, it will be assumed that taxes/ other levies are included in the rates quoted. (VII) Request for revision of rate shall not be entertained under any circumstances during the period of contract. (VIII) The selected bidder shall deposit performance security of Rs.1.00 lakhs in favour of “IFCI Ltd.” issued by a scheduled commercial bank, valid upto 30/09/2016, in the form of bank guarantee within seven days of intimation of award of contract. (IX) The contractor shall be solely responsible for quality of the packaged drinking water supplied by him. Any complaint of supply of inferior/substandard quality of drinking water shall be examined/investigated and if the complaint is found to be true, the IFCI Ltd. reserves the right to impose penalty, as deemed fit by the competent authority or terminate the contract and forfeit the performance security. (X) It shall be contractors responsibility to supply the drinking water jars as per requirement everyday and fix the jars on the water dispensers installed in the rooms and corridors of IFCI Tower, under occupation of the IFCI Ltd. The contractor shall monitor consumption of water and replace the empty jars immediately. (XI) IFCI shall not pay separately for cleaning material or manpower engaged for replacement of water jars and/or cleaning of water dispensers. (XII) It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to maintain cleanliness and hygienic condition of the water dispensers/packed Jars. All water dispensers should be thoroughly washed and cleaned once every week. All the packaged Jars must be hygienic and cleaned. IFCI Ltd. reserves the right to impose penalty of Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only) per day per water dispenser if any water dispenser is found to be dirty/unhygienic on inspection. Further any fault in the machine will be repaired within reasonable time say (2-3 hours) on the same day. (XIII) The contractor shall provide at least 12 Water dispenser machine for dispensing water at designated places. The Contractor will provide more machine(s) as and when required. 4. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): a. The bidder shall furnish, as part of this bid, E.M.D of Rs.20,000/- in the form of Demand Draft issued by a scheduled commercial bank, drawn in favour of IFCI Ltd., New Delhi, payable at New Delhi. b. The bid security shall remain valid for a period of 60 days from the date of opening of Tender. c. The bid security of the unsuccessful bidder will be returned within 30 days from the date of opening of tender and no interest would be paid thereon. 5. Fall Clause : The rates charged under the rate contract should in no event exceed the lowest rates of identical description supplied to any other organization during the period of the contract. If so, the successful contractor should pass the benefits to IFCI Ltd. also. 6. Validity of the contract : The period of the contract shall be for a period of one year w.e.f. 1st July, 2015. 7. Payments: (a) The bills for the material/services rendered should be prepared in duplicate and in favor of IFCI Ltd., for effecting payment together with the acknowledgement of the services provided. No advance payment shall be made for the services. (b) The payment would be released on monthly basis by crossed cheque/RTGS and income tax and other taxes, if any, shall be deducted against bill submitted. 8. Contact Person : In case the bidder desires to have any clarification regarding the terms and conditions of the bid document or any interpretation thereof, they are advised to contact Mr. Inderjeet Singh, Manager, on Mobile No. 9990725965 on all working days. Yours faithfully, (Gautam Meour) General Manager (Services) Supply of purified packaged bottled drinking water of Aquafina/Kinley/ Bisleri brand on annual basis to IFCI Ltd., at IFCI Tower, 61, Nehru Place, New Delhi (Govt. of India Undertaking). Proforma for submission of bids 1. Name of the firm/agency : 2. Office address with telephone number(s) : 3. Contact person’s name and mobile number : 4. Authorised dealership/distributorship; if any : 5. Brand of bottled purified drinking water offered : 6. Rate of each bottle :(Specify in figures as well as in word) : (Rates in Rupees only) Sl. No. 1. Capacity (Litre) 20 Litre 2. 25 Litre Bisleri 7. Taxes and levies : Date: Place: Signature of the bidder Acquafina Kinley
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