IFCI LIMITED Regd. Office: IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019 Website: www.ifciltd.com Telephone- 011-417928000/41732000 CIN: L74899DL1993GOI053677 (A Govt. of India Undertaking) Dated: 26.05.2015 Appointment of Part Time Medical Officer(On contract Basis) IFCI Ltd. is a Govt. of India Undertaking, with its Head Quarters located at IFCI Tower, 61, Nehru Place, New Delhi 110 019. It is a financial institution providing long and medium term credit to industries. 1. IFCI invites applications in the prescribed format from eligible candidates for Part Time Medical Officer(PMO)for extending medical consultation to employees and their families at IFCI Colony, PaschimVihar. 2. For PMO, applicant should be a MBBS from Indian or Foreign University recognized by the Medical Council of India, however, applicants with MD qualification will be preferred. 3. Contract will be initially for a period of two years.This term can be extended on such terms and conditions which are mutually agreeable to both the parties. 4. Candidates with previous hospital experience and who have their private dispensaries or places of residence near the location(within a radius of 8Kms), other things being equal, will be given preference. 5. The remuneration of IFCI’s Part Ti e Medi al Offi er o o tra t asis will e fixed with reference to the actual duty hours as given belowinclusive of all, subject to applicable TDS. No. Of PMO required Qualification Age limit as on 1/1/2015 1 (Male) Essential: MBBS Below 65 Years Preferred: MD Minimum Experience as on 1/1/2015 5 Years Working hours Remuneration (per month) 2 hours for 3 Rs. 20,000/ days in a week 7.00 PM to 9.00PM On Mon, Wed, Fri Location IFCI Staff Colony, Paschim Vihar, Near JwalaHeri, New Delhi 110063 General Conditions for PMO 1. IFCI reserves the right to review the rate of remuneration from time to time and alter the duty hours at its discretion in case it becomes expedient to suite administrative and operative requirements. 2. IFCI reserves the right to cancel the entire or part process without assigning any reasons. 3. Application should be submitted in a cover superscribed Application for the post of Part Time Medical Officerin IFCI on contract basis . Interested persons may send their bio-data at the following address latest by June 12, 2015. The Deputy General Manager (HR) IFCI Ltd. IFCI Tower, 61, Nehru Place, New Delhi 110 019 4. IFCI Ltd. will be conducting interactionswith the short listed candidates for ascertaining their suitability. Apart from those who may be called for such interaction, IFCI will not enter into correspondence with other candidates. Candidates selected for the post will be appointed subject to their being found medically fit. S/d (A.D. Kharbanda)Dy. General Manager(HR) FORMAT OF APPLICATION Location Applied for Name of the applicant Age (as on 1/1/2015) Qualification Experience (as on 1/1/2015) Residential Address Contact Number Address of clinic where practicing Timings of the Clinic Preferred days of visit Signature Date
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