Immaculate Heart of Mary School 650 Flora Avenue Winnipeg Manitoba R2W 2S5 April, 2015 Newsle0er Volunteer Apprecia7on Day Alumni Associa7on Immaculate Heart of Mary School has a rich, century long history. An integral part of the history is all the people that have been a part of the stories and accomplishments at the school over the years. To assist in reconnec@ng with all these Spring Portrait Photo Day people the school has created The school photos taken in the fall are of the students in their school an Alumni Associa@on. uniform. For the spring photos the students are encouraged to dress On March 29, nearly 50 alumni casual and even bring props depic@ng a hobby of theirs. The spring of the school got together for a portraits will be taken on Wednesday, April 8. In the past, students floor hockey tournament at the have brought anything from sports equipment to musical instruments. school. Following the Every student in the school will have their photo taken. The purchase tournament the alumni of these pictures is op@onal. watched the Winnipeg Jets ’15/’16 Kindergarten Orienta7on versus the Chicago Blackhawks on a big screen in the All families with children entering Kindergarten in the fall gymnasium. More alumni of 2015 are invited to abend an orienta@on evening on Monday, events are planned in the May 11 at 5:00 P.M., in the school gymnasium. The Kindergarten future. program and school supply list will be reviewed, school uniforms will be available If you know someone that is a for purchase, and a package of some fun summer Kindergarten ac@vi@es will be passed former student of the school, along. please encourage them to leave their current contact Parents’ Guild Mee7ng Thank you to the Parents’ Guild for their con@nuing support of the various programs informa@on with the school office so we can re-‐connect the children par@cipate in at the school. The April Parents’ Guild mee@ng will be with them. held on Thursday, April 9 at 7:00 P.M.. A baby sihng service is available for parents who wish to abend the mee@ng and will be bringing their children. Mark your calendars ...Thursday, April 23 is Volunteer Apprecia@on Day at IHMS. The staff and students would like to express our gra@tude to the volunteer community at Immaculate Heart for generously sharing their @me and talents. A cordial invita@on and more info is forthcoming! IHMS Lenten Chris7an Service Project and Rossbrook House In February, the IHMS social jus@ce team, S.M.A.C. (Students Making a Change) ran a Lenten fundraiser for a very important charity in Winnipeg, Rossbrook House. The S.M.A.C. team held a two day cupcake sale as well as a “no uniform day”. The S.M.A.C. Team voted for the cause they wanted to support, baked all the cupcakes, ran the bake sale, created and ran promo@onal marke@ng and even counted all the proceeds. On March 16th, we were happy to welcome Phil Chiappeba from Rossbrook House who came to IHMS to speak to our social jus@ce team about how the funds raised were going to be used. The students really enjoyed listening and learning about Rossbrook House and were pleased that the money IHMS raised was being used towards educa@on for the children and families who use the centre. Thank you to the IHMS community for generously suppor@ng our Lenten Chris@an service project. Grade 8 Parent Grad Mee7ng There will be a mee@ng for all parents of Grade 8 students at 5:00 PM on Thursday, April 16 to review the plans and prepara@ons for the Grade 8 Gradua@on. The mee@ng will take place in the Grade 8 classroom. Items on the agenda include: an i@nerary of Gradua@on Divine Liturgy, Grad Dinner, Grad Dance, student responsibili@es, fund raising, etc. Grades 5 & 6 Camp Mee7ng There will be an informa@on mee@ng held on Wednesday, April 15 at 5:00PM for the parents of grades 5 & 6 students. The mee@ng will relay informa@on in regards to plans and prepara@ons for the Grades 5 & 6 Camp trip coming up in May. The mee@ng will take place in the IHMS Gymnasium. [email protected] SPECIAL ICON COMING TO IHMS! On May 11 and 12, a travelling Pilgrimage Icon of Blessed Josaphata, Foundress of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate, will be brought to Immaculate Heart of Mary School to enhance the faith life of staff and students. This icon was wriben in honour of the upcoming 125th Anniversary of the founding of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate, which will take place in 2017. The special icon has already travelled to Argen@na, Brazil, the United States and western Canada. In July, 2015 the icon will travel to Australia and New Zealand, and in August, 2015 it will con@nue on to Poland and the other countries where Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate live and work. Through this special icon, the Sisters Servants in Winnipeg are happy to share the Spirit of Blessed Josaphata with the staff and students of Immaculate Heart. Did you know? … Immaculate Heart of Mary School (formerly St. Nicholas School) is the longest running, con@nuous mission, of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate all over the world! Thank you for all your efforts ... ·∙ the IHMS Fund Raising Dinner Commibee for organizing a spectacular and very successful Dinner on March 7: Jus@n Copp, Randal Skromeda, Sr. Anne Pidskalny, Rod Picklyk, Ivan Banias, Deacon Victor Humniski, David Skromeda, Glenn Solar, Tim McGinn, Michael Banias. ·∙ Oksana Dudych for all the administra@ve assistance with the Dinner. ·∙ Chris@ Gerring for organizing the Koubassa & Cheese Fund Raiser ·∙ Violet Zbaraszewski for co-‐ordina@ng supplies for the Perogy Lunch ·∙ the Perogy Day Prepara@on Crew: Sylvia Picklyk, Emile Picklyk, Mavis Kaluzny Jeff Kemp, Kathy Romaniuk, Doroto Barczak, Anna-‐Marie Bogdan, Sandra Copp, Tammi Shymko, Jane McCarvill, Corinne McGinn, Chris@na Sikorsky, and Zane Lomatski ·∙ the Ukrainian Concert ‘Bleacher Brigade’ for sehng up and taking down the bleachers Way to Go IHMS Students ... ·∙ the grades 5, 7 & 8 IHMS Girls Performing Group, under the direc@on of Mrs. Stanowych, that did an amazing performance at a Taras Shevchenko Concert held at Jubilee Theatre on March 8. ·∙ Roman Mocherad (Grade 6) for winning the Annual IHMS Robo-‐criber Race -‐Off. ·∙ Yaroslavl Paches (Grade 7) -‐ was runner up for the Winnipeg Male Chorus Trophy in the Winnipeg Music Fes@val. ·∙ Alexander Paches (Grade 5) -‐ won the Stewart M. Thompson Trophy in the Winnipeg Music Fes@val. ·∙ Dominic Jacobson (Grade 6) and his 11A1 Selkirk Fishermen hockey team that won the City Championship. ·∙ Michael Mikawoz (Grade 8) and Josh Terin (Grade 8) and their FC Northwest 14u soccer team that won the City Championship. Perogies for Sale There are a few dozen, frozen peorgies leu auer the Perogy Lunch at the end of March. The perogies will be sold for $5.00 / dozen. If you are interested please come to the school office. All proceeds from the perogy sales go towards busing transporta@on on student field trips. Ukrainian Concert DVD Sneak Peak Preview Coming soon to the IHMS website will be a preview of the Ukrainian Concert DVD. The DVD of the student’s performance captures memories for you and your children to enjoy for many years to come! DVD orders can be placed by using the order form included in this Newsleber. Orders are due by Wednesday, April 22. A preview of the Ukrainian Concert DVD will soon be available at Calendar Planning ·∙ 2014-‐2015 School Year ·∙ The last day of classes for Sadochok prior to Summer Break is Thursday, June 18, 2015. ·∙ The last day of classes for K-‐8 prior to Summer Break is Monday, June 29, 2015. ·∙ 2015-‐2016 School Year ·∙ The first day of classes auer the Summer Break is Wednesday, September 9, 2015. ·∙ The last day of classes prior to the 2015 -‐ 2016 Christmas Break will be Friday, December 18. ·∙ Classes will resume auer the Christmas Break on Monday, January 4, 2016. ·∙ There are no classes on Catholic Schools Day -‐ Friday, February 12, 2016. ·∙ There are no classes on Louis Riel Day -‐ Monday, February 15, 2016. ·∙ There are no classes on Good Friday, March 25, 2016. ·∙ Spring Break in 2016 will be from March 28-‐April 1 (inclusive). ·∙ There are no classes on Monday, April 4 (in lieu of Easter Monday which falls during the Spring Break). ·∙ The last day of classes for students will be on Wednesday, June 29, 2016. [email protected] IHM School Jackets for Sale Back by popular demand … the IHMS Uniform Shop will be taking orders for an IHMS spring and fall jacket. Orders can be placed for children and adult sizes. A sample of the jacket, with an embroidered logo, is on display in the front foyer of the school. Sample sizes can be tried on, and orders taken, at the below @mes: 3:00-‐5:00PM, April 8 at the Uniform Shop, 3:30-‐5:00PM, April 15 at the school, 3:00-‐4:30PM, April 23 at the school. The IHMS jacket is a memorabilia item and is not intended to be in place of the official IHM School uniform. Contac7ng the Program Supervisors A[er 4:00 p.m: The school office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.. Auer School Program Hours are 4:00 pm -‐ 5:00 pm The Auer School Program now has a direct phone number that is ac@ve between 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm. Should you need to reach someone in the Auer School Program auer 4:00 p.m, please dial 204-‐589-‐2709. If the Supervisor is not able to answer your call, please call again un@l you reach someone. This line is only In the event of an urgent maber. All other calls should be made during regular school office hours by phoning 204-‐582-‐5698. FIFA Women’s World Cup Soccer Women’s World Cup Soccer is coming to Winnipeg!! At the beginning of March many IHMS families placed orders for @ckets to see two FIFA Women’s World Cup Soccer games at Investor’s Group Stadium. The @cket includes two soccer matches on Friday, June 12, 2015. The first soccer match is at 4:00 PM and will feature Australia vs Nigeria. The second soccer match will be at 7:00 PM and will feature United States vs. Sweden. The total number of seats requested by the IHMS community was 123. It is with great pleasure that the school managed to secure all of the requested @ckets! According to the @cke@ng agency, the @ckets will be couriered to the school by the end of April. They will then be organized and distributed to the community in early May. Thank you very much for your pa@ence and support in making this happen. IHMS MOVIE NIGHT!! Thank you to all who were able to be apart of the IHMS Family Movie Night on March 6. There were nearly 200 people gathered in the gym to enjoy a good movie, delicious popcorn and great company! Gra@tude to the IHMS Parents’ Guild Execu@ve for organizing the event. COMMUNITY EVENTS Catholic Children's Camp 2015 -‐ ‘ The Amazing Race -‐ Ukrainian Park Camp Edi7on’ Located at Ukrainian Park Campground on the western shore of Lake Winnipeg, just 9.5 km. north of Gimli. Children's Camp #1 July 5 -‐ July 12, 2015 (Grades 6 -‐ 10 -‐ completed as of June 30, 2015) Children's Camp #2 July 12 -‐ July 19, 2015 (Grades K -‐ 6 -‐ completed as of June 30, 2015 ... overlap for grade 6) Camper registra@on forms are available at IHMS, your local parish, or by calling the Chancery at 204-‐338-‐7801. Camp Counsellor resumes can be sent to: Camp Coordinator, 233 Sco@a Street, Winnipeg MB, R2V 1V7 The deadlines for camper registra@ons and counsellor applica@ons is May 31, 2015. The 17th Annual Walk for Mary ... will be held on Sunday, May 31, 2015 at Holy Eucharist Parish, corner of Wab & Munroe. Join us in “ Walking and Praying for our Chris@an brothers and sisters of the Archdiocese of Winnipeg on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary.” Registra@on starts at 1:30 p.m. followed by the walk star@ng at 2:00 p.m. Pledge forms are available at IHM School and at all parishes. For more informa@on call 204-‐669-‐3666 or 204-‐294-‐2276. Email: [email protected] Knights of Columbus Youth Winter Games The K.U.C.A. (Knights of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy) invites families to par@cipate in the Youth Winter Games. The next event is: Awards Wind-‐Up April 18 St. Nicholas Church 5:30 -‐ 9:30PM P.M. [email protected] Ukrainian Week at IHMS Ukrainian week is a special @me at IHMS where we study aspects of the Ukrainian culture in greater detail. This year’s theme focused on ‘the Carpathian Mountains’. There were many learning opportuni@es, and fun ac@vi@es, during Ukrainian Week for the students to par@cipate in. ·∙ There was a Ukrainian trivia contest each day of the week with some great prizes for the students to win. The students had a chance to test their new found knowledge of the Carpathian Mountains. ·∙ The students indulged in a delicious perogy lunch. Various Ukrainian Catholic parishes donated the perogies. Grandparents and parents in our school community prepared and served the delectable meal. ·∙ The highlight of the week was the Ukrainian Concert. Every student was dressed in a Ukrainian costume as they sang and danced to the delight of a capacity crowd. During the show the talented students depicted what they had learned about the customs, tradi@ons and legends of the Carpathian Mountains. ·∙ There was a beau@ful ‘Hutzul … Carpathian Mountain’ display in the front foyer. Gra@tude to Miss Karhut for puhng together the display. ·∙ The week concluded in a prayerful and peaceful way. The students, staff, parents and friends walked to the Cathedral to celebrate Divine Liturgy. ·∙ Auer Spring Break, there will be a special Hutzul art ac@vity under the instruc@on of guest ar@st Ihor Drahun. “Legends of the Carpathians!“ -‐ “Lehendy Karpat!“ Ukrainian Concert DVD Order Form On March 26, 2015 Immaculate Heart of Mary School performed their Annual Ukrainian Concert en@tled, “Legends of the Carpathians!“ -‐ “Lehendy Karpat!“. This year’s Concert was professionally filmed by Impact Produc@ons. This is your opportunity to order your souvenir DVD copy for your family, and for those family members not able to abend the show. DVD's are produced and packaged by Impact Produc@ons and are available from the school at a cost of $30.00 per DVD, tax included. Orders will be taken auer the Concert, up to April 22, 2015, using the order form below. Please allow 4 -‐ 6 weeks for orders to be completed. Check out the IHMS website for a sneak peak of the DVD. Go to Dubbing (copying) of these DVD’s infringes on the Immaculate Heart of Mary School Incorporated copyrights and is therefore illegal. Order deadline is Wednesday, April 22, 2015 -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ Purchaser’s Name: Phone #: Student contact: Grade: DVD (# of copies) x $30.00 = Total Enclosed: Make cheques payable to: Immaculate Heart of Mary School Thank you for your order. IHMS Annual Family Picnic 3:15 -‐ 5:30 P.M., THURSDAY, MAY 28 I.H.M. School Yard . Picnic Volunteer reply slip below - due Thursday, April 16. FAMILY ADMISSION is one PRE-‐CUT, NUT FREE, HOME BAKING! (BRING BAKING TO GYMNASIUM ON THE DAY OF THE PICNIC) CANDY SCRAMBLE HOT DOGS RACES SALADS FACE PAINTING CHIPS PRIZES DRINKS WATERMELON CANDY FLOSS POPCORN BRING A LAWN CHAIR GAMES AND INFLATED SLIDE We are in need of some helping hands. Listed below are areas to assist at for the picnic. Please help us out where you can. Fill in the below form and return to school as soon as possible, but no later than Thursday, April 16. Thank you in advance for helping us with this fun, family event. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SHIFT TIME NAME & PHONE # Thursday, May 28 - cut vegetables or fruit ..............................................bring from home ___________________________ - food preparation (example: cutting watermelon) .....1:00 - 3:00 ___________________________ - barbecue chef ..........................................................3:30 -4:30 ___________________________ - serving food ............................................................4:15 - 5:00 ___________________________ - supervision at inflated slide, amusement games, popcorn station, candy floss stations ........................3:15 - 4:00 ___________________________ ...................................................................................4:00 - 4:45 ___________________________ ...................................................................................4:45 - 5:30 ___________________________ - clean up ..................................................................5:30 - 6:00 ___________________________
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