Judy Bush Secretary Official Call: 28th Annual Indiana-Kentucky Synod Assembly June 5 – June 7, 2015 Breathe, Spirit, Breathe The 28th Annual Assembly of the Indiana-Kentucky Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America will be held Friday, June 5 through Sunday, June 7, 2015 at the Indianapolis Marriott East hotel, located in Indianapolis, IN. Registration opens at 3:00 p.m. EDT on Friday, June 5 with the Made New for Mission Banquet: Celebrating Leaders and Ministries of the Past, Present and Future starting at 5:30 p.m. EDT. Bishop Bill Gafkjen will preach at the opening Eucharist worship which will begin at 7:30 p.m. EDT. The first plenary session begins at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 6, 2015 EDT. Pre-Assembly workshops will be from 2:00-4:00 p.m. EDT, Friday, June 5, 2015. Voting Members Representation Formula (according to Synod Council Action SC/95/93): ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ Each congregation shall elect at least two lay voting members (one male and one female) for the IN-KY Synod Assembly. One additional voting member (male or female) shall be elected by congregations having between 1,000 and 1,999 baptized members. Two additional voting members (one male and one female) shall be elected by congregations having between 2,000 and 2,999 baptized members. Three additional voting members (male or female to balance delegation) shall be elected by congregations having more than 3,000 baptized members. Voting member representation shall be determined by the most recent congregational report on file with the synod office. Any changes in congregational representation, including substitution, must be approved by the secretary of the synod, Judy Bush: [email protected]. Professional Leaders Representation 1. All ordained ministers, associates in ministry, diaconal ministers, and deaconesses under call and on the roster of this synod in attendance at the IN-KY Synod Assembly shall be voting members (IN-KY Synod Constitution S7.21a and b). Associates in ministry, deaconesses and diaconal ministers are considered in addition to voting membership of lay members of congregations. 2. Retired clergy on the roster of this synod shall have the privilege of voice and vote at meetings of the IN-KY Synod Assembly (IN-KY Synod Bylaw S7.22.01). 3. By action of the IN-KY Synod Council (SC/2009/32), pastors from other traditions who are not currently rostered in the ELCA, but are serving congregations of the synod under appointment of the bishop as interim ministers must register as visitors and have voice but not a vote during the assembly. It is expected that the congregations being served by these ministers will cover the cost of their attendance. Registration Fees and Other Information The registration fee is $150.00 (which includes the Saturday evening meal, coffee breaks, evening receptions, and all materials) per voting member. Fee for registered visitors is also $150.00, which includes the Saturday evening meal, coffee breaks, receptions and materials. The Made New for Mission Banquet: Celebrating Leaders and Ministries of the Past, Present and Future held at 5:30 PM, Friday evening, June 5, 2015, is $35.00 per person, and is separate from the registration fee. By action of the IN-KY Synod Council (SC/2015/4), retired professional leaders on the roster of this synod pay a reduced fee to attend the assembly - $75.00. Fees for interim pastors are to be paid by the congregation(s) being served. Any congregation or voting member needing assistance with the registration fee may notify the IN-KY Synod Council Executive Committee of that need in writing by April 14, 2015 (mail to the synod office address, attention: IN-KY Synod Council Exec. Comm. or email the IN-KY Synod Council Secretary, Judy Bush: [email protected] ). REGISTRATION DISCOUNT Congregations are strongly encouraged to select their voting members early. Registration rates increase to $180 after the early bird registration deadline, Friday, March 20, 2015. Registration rates increase to $90 for Retired Rostered Leaders after March 20, 2015. Registration for the IN-KY Synod Assembly will open Monday, February 9. Please register online at http://events.signup4.com/ikassembly2015. You will also find a link to the assembly registration and hotel reservation page at http://www.iksynod.org/assembly2015.html. Assembly registration will close Friday, May 15, 2015. If you need assistance to register electronically, please call Carol Webb at (317) 253-3522. LATE/ON-SITE REGISTRATION After Friday, May 15, only on-site registration will be available. The fee will be $215.00 per registrant ($105.00 for Retired Rostered Leaders). Meals may not be guaranteed with on-site registration, but will only be available on a “first come, first served” basis as we receive cancellations. In an effort to continue being good stewards of our earth’s resources and our synod’s move towards electronic communication, the Bulletin of Reports will be available as a FREE download on the Indiana-Kentucky Synod’s web site: http://www.iksynod.org/assembly2015.html by May 6, 2015. Printed copies may be purchased for $15.00 through the registration system. Detailed assembly registration and hotel reservation information are included in this mailing, along with other important and helpful information. Judy Bush, Secretary Breathe, Spirit, Breathe 28th Indiana-Kentucky Synod Assembly – June 5-7, 2015 Indianapolis Marriott East, Indianapolis, IN About the assembly On-site assembly check-in begins at 3:00 p.m. (EDT) Friday, June 5 and will close at 5:00 p.m. prior to the banquet. Assembly check-in will reopen at 7:30 a.m. Saturday, June 6. Orientation for first time attendees will be held at 4:15 p.m. (EDT) Friday, June 5. The Made New for Mission Banquet: Celebrating Leaders and Ministries of the Past, Present and Future will begin at 5:30 p.m. (EDT) on Friday, June 5. The first plenary session begins at 8:30 a.m. (EDT) Saturday, June 6. The Sending Eucharist is scheduled to begin at 11:15 a.m. (EDT) on Sunday, June 7. All synod assembly events will be held at the Indianapolis Marriott East Hotel, 7202 East 21st Street, Indianapolis. The hotel provides free parking. Keynote speaker: The Rev. Dr. Cheryl Peterson, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, OH. ELCA Representative: Kathryn Lohre, Assistant to the Presiding Bishop/Executive for Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations. Highlights include: Celebrating leaders and communities within the Indiana-Kentucky Synod, inspiring worship, celebratory dinners, motivating and informative plenary sessions, election of Synod Council, board and committee members, and all the other aspects of assembly that help us to be the church gathered together and sent out in mission. We will engage in focused conversations and small group sessions as we listen for the Spirit’s guidance in the ways we live out our shared mission and ministry within the Indiana-Kentucky Mission Territory. Hotel Sleeping Room Reservations Hotel reservations are in addition to and separate from your synod assembly registration. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Indianapolis Marriott East Hotel for assembly participants and is the location where all of the assembly activities will occur. o To make a reservation online, go to http://www.iksynod.org/assembly2015.html, or use the link on the assembly registration website: http://events.signup4.com/ikassembly2015. o To make a reservation by phone, call 800.228.9290 or 317.352.1231; ask for “reservations” and mention the name of our group, Indiana-Kentucky Synod. o Rate is $107.00 per night, plus taxes. o Hotel rooms must be booked by Tuesday, May 5, 2015 to receive the group rate. o Check in time is 4:00 p.m. and check out time is noon. 2015 Indiana-Kentucky Synod Assembly Calendar Feb. 9 Assembly registration opens: http://events.signup4.com/ikassembly2015 Make all assembly registrations through the online registration website. Mar. 2 Annual reports due to the synod office from synod staff, officers, committees, ministries, institutions Mar. 20 Registration discount ends at midnight. After this date registration rates increase to $180.00 for voting members and visitors, $90.00 for retired rostered leaders. Apr. 21 Resolutions from congregations, committees due to Rudy Mueller, [email protected] Mission Fest table reservation requests due to Heather Apel, [email protected] Deadline for information to be included in “Made New for Mission” banquet celebration booklet to Danielle Burrus, [email protected] Apr. 22 General election nominations and biographies due to Rudy Mueller, [email protected] May 1 Last day for submission of preview copies of materials for the assembly information packet to Heather Apel, [email protected] May 5 Last day of guaranteed rooms at the Indianapolis Marriott East Hotel May 6 Pre-assembly Bulletin of Reports available as a free download on the IN-KY Synod Assembly website: http://www.iksynod.org/assembly2015.html May 15 Pre-assembly registration ends; Only on-site registrations ($215.00 for voting members and visitors; $105.00 for retired rostered leaders) will be accepted after this date and meals are not guaranteed. May 15 Deadline for 550 copies of pre-approved materials for information packet sent to: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, c/o Rev. David Doane 1005 N. 21st Street, Lafayette, IN 47904 May 21 Nominations and resolutions from conferences due to Rudy Mueller, [email protected] The Assembly Needs Volunteers! Do you know someone who would like to volunteer to serve as registration person, page, booth area attendant, or other important role during the assembly? This could be a spouse who is accompanying a voting member, a member of your youth group, or someone from your congregation who would benefit from being at assembly. Contact Heather Apel, [email protected], for more information. This document and other pre-assembly materials are available for viewing and downloading via the synod’s website: http://www.iksynod.org/assembly2015.html. Please check this site regularly for the latest information related to the assembly. Questions? Heather Apel, Director of Synod Assembly Planning Indiana-Kentucky Synod, ELCA 911 E 86th Street, Suite 200, Indianapolis, IN 46240 317.253.3522; [email protected] Breathe, Spirit, Breathe 28th Annual Indiana-Kentucky Synod Assembly June 5-7, 2015 http://www.iksynod.org/assembly2015.html Made New for Mission Banquet: Celebrating Leaders and Ministries of the Past, Present and Future The Friday evening banquet serves as the kickoff celebration for the 2015 Indiana-Kentucky Synod Assembly. We will lift up people and ministries as we come together to rejoice and give thanks to God for the common mission we share. This banquet is a separate cost from the general registration fee, and is $35.00 per attendee. Commissioning, Consecration and Ordination Anniversaries for Rostered Leaders Honorees celebrating 50 years of service Rev. Roger P. Drews Rev. George H. Mercer Honorees celebrating 25 years of service Rev. Mark W. Bartusch Rev. Lisa E. Dahilll Congregational Anniversaries Rev. John D. Place Rev. Walter B. Stitt, Jr. Rev. Mitchell D. Phillips Rev. Nancy A. Nyland 150 Years St. John Lutheran Church, North Liberty, IN 50 Years Resurrection Lutheran Church, Madison, IN Congregations under Development, Congregations under Redevelopment and Mission Developers New Rostered Leaders in the IN-KY Synod Partners in Mission: Ecumenical Guests Friday Evening Worship and Reception The opening Eucharist worship service will be held at the Indianapolis Marriott East at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, June 5, 2015. All are welcome to attend, especially those from area congregations. Bishop Bill Gafkjen will preside. A reception and time for fellowship will immediately follow at the hotel’s outdoor Oasis patio. Worship Offering Designations The offering from the Gathering Eucharist will support Shalom Ministry. This is a new ministry that is growing out of Salem Lutheran Church, Indianapolis, which is reaching out to the multicultural community, especially refugees and other groups emigrating from sub-Saharan Africa. The offering from the Sending Eucharist will support the ELCA Malaria Campaign. This year marks the end of this campaign to eradicate malaria in Africa and we encourage every congregation to take up a special offering collection within their communities that voting members and leaders can bring to the synod assembly Sending Worship. Synod Assembly In-kind Service Project A list of items to be collected to support a ministry designated by the Lafayette Conference of the IN-KY Synod will be posted to the synod assembly webpage as soon as it becomes available. Pre-Assembly Workshops Workshops will take place before the start of the Indiana-Kentucky Synod Assembly, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 5. There is a $10.00 cost per person to cover materials, meeting space and refreshments. Attendees can register for their choice of workshops when they register for the assembly. http://events.signup4.com/ikassembly2015 Doing Justice: Actions Speak Louder Than Words These days, the work of the Church is more about individuals going out into the community as vital partners searching for the places where God’s deep concern for justice is most needed. What does justice in action look like? Join the IN-KY Synod Community Organizing Team in an experience whose participants will walk through the process of preparing for and participating in a justice action. Participants will engage in a simulation experience that begins with identifying a problem in a town, crafting a solution to the problem, and identifying a public official who has power to make changes. At a public gathering, participants will demonstrate their collective power by proposing their solution and asking for a response from the public official. The workshop will end with an evaluation of the process and possible next steps. Come to learn; leave inspired. Multisensory Worship More than two-thirds of Protestant churches in the U.S. use screens for worship, but often those worship leaders just project the words of a hymn and a close-up of the worship leaders. Pr. Paul Hegele will demonstrate how to create multi-sensory worship, including screens with art, liturgical motifs, musical scores and video clips. Participants will: + + + + + + Appreciate the potential for richer worship by placing liturgy, music scores, photographs, art, graphics, YouTube videos, and movie clips on a screen Experience how easy it is to prepare for worship with a screen Learn to think visually while preparing sermons in which pulpit and screen complement each other Go online and select visuals to enhance scripture and sermon Identify the cost of hardware and software Enjoy “A Brush With Grace” sampling of famous paintings with religious stories Paul Hegele is pastor of Ascension Lutheran Church in Louisville. He has offered workshops on media-enhanced worship around the nation and is the creator of The Broad Cast Lutheran television program and The Welcome Place media campaign for the Northwest Ohio Synod. Because worship is more than visuals and spoken words, Todd Hildreth, Director of Worship at Ascension Lutheran Church in Louisville and instructor at Bellarmine University, will share exciting liturgical music not found in the Evangelical Lutheran Worship. Todd is nationally known as a jazz pianist and has accompanied such musicians as Aretha Franklin, Nora Jones, the Monkees and Brian Setzer. Congregational History Whether your congregation is old or new, large or small, it can be a wholesome, edifying, and uniting experience to open up and make available the stories of a congregation through the years. You never know what exciting surprises you may find along the way! Workshop leaders Pastor Marcus Felde (Bethlehem, Indianapolis) and Barbara Eades (St Paul, Olean) published a 270page history of the St. Paul Lutheran Church, Olean, IN, “Faithful to Our Lord through Changing Times,” as part of the 150th anniversary celebration in 2007. Work included a transcription and publication of the entire parish register of baptisms, confirmations, weddings, and funerals. They collected confirmation class photos, included full copies of the congregation’s various constitutions, and wrote a history in three chapters covering three fifty-year periods of the church’s life. Workshop leaders will encourage and equip other congregations to undertake a history project. Participants will receive examples to take home as possibilities for their own congregations. Understanding and owning a church’s history is important to the vitality of a congregation. Church members may be surprised at what they will gain through carefully examining how God has been at work in a community of Word and Sacrament over the years. 2015 Indiana-Kentucky Synod Assembly Elections Positions Nominated by the Nominating Committee Synod Council (Clergy) – 2 positions 2 at large positions o Can be either male or female (3 year term each) Synod Council (Associate in Ministry, Deaconess, or Diaconal Minister) – 1 position 1 at large position o Can be either male or female (3 year term) Synod Council (Youth) – 1 position 1 at large position o Can be either male or female (2 year term) o Youth = 18 years or younger at time of election Consultation Committee – 2 positions 1 clergy position, male (6 year term) 1 lay position, male (6 year term) Lutheran Outdoor Ministries, Indiana-Kentucky Corporation Board – 2 positions 1 clergy position (one year term to fill out vacancy) 1 lay female position (three year term) Churchwide Assembly Voting Member – 1 position 1 youth or young adult (younger than age 30 at time of election) who is a person of color or whose primary language is other than English Positions to be nominated by conferences Synod Council Lay 4 positions – (one nominee each) (three year term each) o Lay male: South East Indiana and Lafayette Conferences o Lay female: North East and East Central Indiana Conferences Churchwide Assembly Voting Members 10 positions – (two nominees from each Conference) o Clergy: East Central Indiana, Lafayette, Northwest Indiana, South Central and Southeast Indiana Conferences o Lay male: East Kentucky, Evansville, and Northeast Indiana Conferences o Lay female: Indianapolis and North Central Conferences Position to be nominated by Special Task Force: Secretary of the Synod In accordance with the I-K Synod’s Constitution and By-Laws, S8.30, (http://www.iksynod.org/About_Us/Synod%20Constitution%20after%202014%20SA.pdf), the secretary shall serve a four-year term and be a member of an I-K Synod congregation. She/he may be ordained, commissioned, consecrated, or lay. See the Synod Constitution +S8.32 for list of duties. See the Mission/Vision/Core Values booklet pp 2-3 (Role of Missionary) and pp 16-17 (Role of Synod Council) for role descriptions (http://www.iksynod.org/About_Us/Core%20Values%207-12.pdf). Members of the Task Force for this position are Charlie Strietelmeier (chair), Chris Walda, and Pattiann Meeks. To submit nominations for this position, contact Pr. Strietelmeier at [email protected]. The Indiana-Kentucky Synod staff continues to be good stewards of its resources, time and energy. Many of the synod assembly materials that the synod used to print and mail are now available on the website: http://www.iksynod.org/assembly2015.html Find information, resources and forms on the website: Instructions for submitting resolutions to the assembly Resolution submission form Mission Fest information and policies Mission Fest table request form Breakout request form Time of Voice opportunities Instructions for including materials in the information packet The Bulletin of Reports will be available as a download by May 6, 2015 Important Dates to Keep in Mind February 9 – Assembly registration opens: http://events.signup4.com/ikassembly2015 Registration rates are $150.00 for voting members and visitors, $75.00 for retired rostered leaders. March 20 – Registration discount ends at midnight. After this date registration rates increase to $180.00 for voting members and visitors, $90.00 for retired rostered leaders. May 5 – Last day of guaranteed rooms at the Indianapolis Marriott East Hotel. May 15 – Pre-assembly registration ends. Only on-site registrations will be accepted after this date and meals are not guaranteed. On-site registration fees are $215.00 for voting members and visitors, $105.00 for retired rostered leaders. Questions? Heather Apel, Director of Synod Assembly Planning Indiana-Kentucky Synod, ELCA 911 E 86th St., Suite 200, Indianapolis, IN 46240 - Phone: 317.253.3522 Email: [email protected]
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