ST. ISIDORE THE FARMER CHURCH PRO-LIFE ROSE No Intention Saturday 8:00 am February 21, 2015 th Matthew Jordan -35 Anniversary by Children, Mike, Mary Ann, Matt & Josephine BLESSED MOTHER ROSE 9:00 am Pauline Genova by Family Anthony Petrosky by Judy Kudrako Nellie Parastino by Joe & Cindy Rockliss Chester Landi – Anniversary Remembrance NO INTENTION SANCTUARY CANDLE THE SANCTUARY CANDLE IS GIVEN IN MEMORY FOR by Mary Landi & Family MICHAEL CORCORAN 5:00 pm Greg Giuliani by Marge, Louis & Kelly Benvenuti Frances Fedrov by Anne & Forrest Todd Sunday 8:00 am 9:30 am February 22, 2015 Vincent C. Law by Family Rose Marie (Martinelli) Rodin 11:00 am 6:00 pm Sandra Pace by Paula & Steven Menzoni Jennie Newton by daughter, Maryann Monday February 23, 2015 7:00 am 8:00 am Patricia J. Clark by Grace Family Henry Covi – Anniversary Remembrance 9:00 am by daughter, Adelyne Rose Marie Rodin by Lynn & Larry Pepper by M/M Joseph Montresor BY ROBERT BONATO SACRED HEART CHURCH T HE PRO-LIFE ROSE NO INTENTION BLESSED MOTHER ROSE NO INTENTION SACRED HEART ROSE NO INTENTION SANCTUARY CANDLE THE SANCTUARY CANDLE IS GIVEN IN MEMORY FOR M ATTHEW JORDAN BY HIS CHILDREN: MIKE, MARY ANN, Tuesday 7:00 am February 24, 2015 Michael Corcoran by Barbara Carli 8:00 am Concenzio Santolini – Birthday Remembrance 9:00 am by Family Merlyn Durfee by Frank & Linda Szynal Wednesday February 25, 2015 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am Ernest Bertino – 4 Year Anniversary Remembrance by Family Disiderio Arbiol by Mila Salita Nicholas Pennente by Sam Buono Thursday February 26, 2015 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am Michael Corcoran by Norma Napoli Angelina Grasso by Melinda & John Gallo Lloyd Scarani by M/M John Gallo, Sr. & Family Friday February 27, 2015 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am August Dannenhoffer by Wife, Daughter & Family Parishioners Lloyd Scarani by Paula Hirsch Saturday 8:00 am 9:00 am 5:00 pm February 28, 2015 Louise Anconetani by Gary Cheli & Family Agnes Healy by Anita & Angelo D’Alessandro Nellie Parastino by Gladys Giorno Eddie Bononcini- Anniversary Remembrance MATT & JOSEPHINE PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Margaret Bradley, Dennis DeMatte, Jr., Jackie Gross, Francis Miley, Steve Miley, Gloria Polizzi, Joseph Reed, Catherine Van Buren, Marie Vi, Mark Volpe, Linda Berghof, Robert Till, Betty Hollman, Mary Lou Boller, Joseph DiPrimio, Lisa Acilio, Dan Malec, Darlene Piccola, Helen Jeter, Adele Huryn, George DiStefano, Angelina DiStefano, Joseph Piccione, Jr., Kathy Kelly, Dolly Lucas, Phyllis Ganci, Richard Fanucci, Jr., Luis Armando Rodriguez, Francis J. Guaciaro, Josephine T. Schwegel, Angela Schwegel, Carmella Heineman, Maria Giannascoli, Msgr. Joseph Stoerlein, Joshua Sterchele, Brenda Webster, Artie Rundstrom, Jr., Jeano Amici, Agatha Law, Marie Corcoran, Carol Sciore, Donna Beatty, Tiffany Frantz, John Gallo, Sr., Howard Milanesi, Brien DeMartino, George Deem, Luis Rodriguez, Salvatore Vernuccio, Donald Tharp, Jr., Richard Blickos, Benny Cicillini, Enza DeSerio, Jim Davis, Christina Quiao, Patricia Simmerman, Charles Valentine, Ed Steelman, Matthew Volpe, James Mendolera by wife, Shirley & Family Mike Corcoran by Joan Perotti Jenny Newton by Frank & Eleanor Capabianco Margaret Shipton Radcliffe by Sandy & John Lovisone Sunday 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 6:00 pm March 1, 2015 Edward Parente by wife, Pat Pat Clark by LaTorre & Nitsche Families Nicholas Pennente by Burgess Family Sandra Pace by Marie Dandrea Francis “Spitz” Sparagna, Sr. Josephine Ciulla Pastor’s Report First Sunday of Lent 22 February, 2015 As our catechumens are called to the Easter Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist this weekend, we have begun our Lenten journey to Easter beside them. Do take advantage of the many opportunities for spiritual enrichment offered here at Christ the Good Shepherd Parish. Of course there is the regular schedule of daily Mass at the two churches. Confessions are heard at the regularly scheduled times and by appointment. Fr. Kolla will offer A Retreat With Pope Francis on Tuesday afternoons and Wednesday evenings. Each Friday, in honor of the Passion and Death of Christ, we walk the Stations of the Cross at 1:20 at Sacred Heart Church and at 7PM at Saint Isidore. On Friday, February 27, Stations will be preceded by a Lenten meal of bread and soup prepared by our Senior Chefs beginning at 6 PM. Our Parish Mission, Journey Toward New Life, will be held March 22 through March 25 at Saint Isidore. Sr. Joyce Ann Zimmerman, a nationally recognized liturgical scholar, will lead the mission. On Thursdays during Lent, the Vineland Ministerial Fellowship sponsors the annual Lenten Luncheon. One of our local clergy presents a brief Lenten meditation after a time of lunch and fellowship. This year’s theme is Giving It Up. The luncheon is being held at the Chestnut Assembly of God from noon until one o’clock. As we enter Holy Week we will celebrate the Seder through the Eyes of Jesus. This experience of the annual Jewish Passover celebration is carried out through the lens of the paschal Mystery of our Lord’s dying and rising. All of this leads us to the celebration of this great mystery at the Easter Triduum, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter and the renewal of our baptismal promises. We are all now very familiar with Pope Francis’ concern for the family. In preparation for the Synod on the Family he has called, the Holy See has issued a series of questions leading to a pastoral conversation. The results of these discussions will be forwarded to our Conference of Bishops and then to the Vatican where the information from around the world will be distilled and given to the participants at the synod for their reflection and discussion. Christ the Good Shepherd will host a series of discussion beginning this Thursday at 7PM in Saint Isidore’s Parish Hall. All are invited, but please call the rectory at 856-6919077 so that we may have an accurate count for the preparations. Msgr. Burton STATIONS OF THE CROSS FRIDAYS: 1:20 PM Sacred Heart Church 7:00 PM St. Isidore Church Input from local Catholics sought for Synod survey The Diocese of Camden’s Faith and Family Life Formation Office is currently organizing a series of conversations and pastoral discussions to be held at a number of local parishes throughout the diocese. The gatherings are part of the worldwide preparation for the world Synod of Bishops to be held Oct. 4-25 at the Vatican. The Synod will focus with the theme, “The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and Contemporary World.” It follows the extraordinary synod on the family in October 2014, which Pope Francis said was designed to present an overview of the situation of families and the primary concerns for the Church's pastoral care of families. At last year’s synod, bishops from throughout the world discussed how the Church should shape its pastoral efforts to support marriage and family life in the modern world. Pope Francis has expressed his wish to receive further feedback from Catholics on the subject in preparation for the Oct. 4-25 Synod. The Faith and Family Life Formation Office is offering questions for prayer and discussion to encourage conversations of the lived experiences and perspectives of the people of South Jersey, to provide the Diocese of Camden’s input for the response the U.S. bishops will send to Rome; and to allow diocesan leaders to listen to ideas that will strengthen support for marriage and family life. Each week, the focus will be on a different theme, based on the recent synod’s document, and provide questions of the week. Sessions to give parishioners the opportunity to discuss these topics will be held at Christ the Good Shepherd- St. Isidore Church at 7:00 PM on: February 26th – Topic: Family Life th March 5 – Topic: Marriage and Parenting th March 12 – Topic: Families with Special Circumstances The questions that the Diocese of Camden is asking the parishes to discuss can be obtained by going on the Diocese of Camden Website: or the parish website: If you are planning to attend, any session, please contact the Rectory at 856-691-9077 and leave your name and telephone number. A RETREAT WITH POPE FRANCIS Lenten Program, Continuing Faith Formation… Six one hour conferences, including a 25 minute video and 35 minutes of supplemental material and discussion, in which certain texts from Sacred Scripture will be explored through the lens of the Holy Father’s writings, talks, and personal example. The Retreat will begin Tuesday, February 17th at 1:00 pm; or Wednesday, February 18th at 7:00 pm in the Rectory meeting room at St. Isidore’s. Please call the Rectory at 691-9077 and leave your name and number for Fr. Kolla. Please specify which conference you will be attending. FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT First Reading: Genesis 9:8-15 God made a promise to Noah that he would never again devastate the entire planet with a flood. He also told Noah that the symbol of this promise would be a rainbow in the clouds. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Vineland Ministerial Fellowship 51st Annual Lenten Luncheons – 2015 ~Thursdays~12:00pm~to~1:00pm~ “Giving It Up” Second Reading: 1 Peter 3:18-22 th This letter from Peter reminds all people that Christ died for us so that we might be led to God. We have been saved by our baptism; not a physical cleansing, but a promise to continually strive to obey God. Gospel: Mark 1:12-15 Mark briefly tells of Jesus’ stay in the desert, where he was tested by Satan. He did not give in to temptation, but reappeared in Galilee to proclaim the good news. February 26 “Giving Up Expectations” The Rev. Karen Bernhardt Inspira Hospice Chaplain th March 5 “Giving Up Superiority” The Rev. John Fordyce First Presbyterian Church th March 12 “Giving Up Enemies” The Rev. Dr. Drucilla Lindsey Friends Fellowship Ministries th March 19 “Giving Up Our Lives” The Rev. Gary Stiegler Lutheran Church of the Redeemer th March 26 “Giving Up Popularity” The Rev. Dr. Don Kim South Vineland United Methodist . st February 22, 2015 1 Sunday of Lent Stewards Trust God Completely “After John had been arrested, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God.” MARK 1:14 Do you ever think about how difficult it must have been for Jesus to come into Galilee, knowing that John had just been arrested for teaching the same message that Jesus was proclaiming. It must have taken great love and trust for Jesus to do what the Father had sent Him here on earth to do. In the same way, following a life of Stewardship takes great love and trust from us. We must be willing to surrender completely to God, trusting that God will always give us all that we need to fulfill His plan for us. Stewardship of Treasure…Your gifts of treasure to the parish totaled: February 15, 2015 Offertories – $8,539.00 QUESTION OF THE WEEK What does conversion mean to you? Hosted By: Chestnut Assembly of God 2554 E. Chestnut Avenue The Rev. Ralph Snook 856-691-1205 Cost: $5.00 per person ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Input from local Catholics sought for Synod survey The Diocese of Camden’s Faith and Family Life Formation Office is currently organizing a series of conversations and pastoral discussions to be held at a number of local parishes throughout the diocese. The gatherings are part of the worldwide preparation for the world Synod of Bishops to be held Oct. 4-25 at the Vatican. The Synod will focus with the theme, “The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and Contemporary World.” It follows the extraordinary synod on the family in October 2014, which Pope Francis said was designed to present an overview of the situation of families and the primary concerns for the church's pastoral care of families. At last year’s synod, bishops from throughout the world discussed how the church should shape its pastoral efforts to support marriage and family life in the modern world. Pope Francis has expressed his wish to receive further feedback from Catholics on the subject in preparation for the Oct. 4-25 Synod. The Faith and Family Life Formation Office is offering questions for prayer and discussion to encourage conversations of the lived experiences and perspectives of the people of South Jersey, to provide the Diocese of Camden’s input for the response the U.S. bishops will send to Rome; and to allow diocesan leaders to listen to ideas that will strengthen support for marriage and family life. Each week, the diocese will focus on a different theme, based on the recent synod’s document, and provide questions of the week: Week of Feb. 22: Family Life (See below or click here) Week of March 1: Marriage and Parenting Week of March 8: Families with Special Circumstances Information on the hosting parishes for the listening sessions will be forthcoming. For more information, contact Mary Lou Hughes at 856-583-6132, or [email protected] , or Sister Kathy Burton, 856-583-6131, or [email protected] Questions for week of Feb. 22 concerning family life for discussion The Diocese of Camden is talking about the following questions concerning Family Life: 1. Describe how your parish supports those families experiencing additional stresses/tensions resulting from various life situations? 2. How does your parish and community draw near families in extreme situations, e.g. poverty, isolation, in crisis, unemployed, etc? 3. Describe initiatives your parish has in place to support and strengthen the bonds ofmarriage. Is there anything more that could be done? 4. How can we as a community of faith, counteract the negative influences of the various ‘isms’ so often found in society today? e.g. individualism, materialism 5. "Love is our mission: The Family Fully Alive" is the theme for the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia. Love, meant to be outward facing, is today often focused inward on itself. How can your family be helped to focus this love toward the world? 6. How does your family experience God? 7. How can your parish help you experience God in a broader sense? a. What could your parish do to help your family grow in your experience of God? b. Is your experience of family life one of joy? c. How do you experience God's grace in your family's life? Christ the Good Shepherd Parish Whole Parish Lenten Preparation Events Soup & Stations of the Cross Friday, February 27, 2015 Meal St. Isidore Church Hall 5:30 PM Stations of the Cross Indoor Stations (traditional) & Outdoor Stations (for children) All meet in Church 7:00 PM RSVP to reled @ or (856) 563-‐0482 by February 22 [[[[[ Your good will offering appreciated Seder through the Eyes of Jesus Followed by pasta and salad dinner Monday, March 30, 2015 Sacred Heart Church Hall 6:00 PM RSVP to [email protected] or (856) 563-‐0482 by March 23 \\\\\ Bishop Schad Regional School A School you can have “FAITH” in! 856-691-4490 Pre K – 8th Grade Principal : Dr. Patrice DeMartino Advancement Director: Mrs. Amy Bencie - Catholic School students score significantly During lent Bishop Schad is focusing their religious activities and projects on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. The school is participating in the Holy Childhood Association Rice Bowl Collection. In addition to this our students are praying the Stations of Cross each week during lent. The 7th and 8th grade students are also preparing to present the living stations in April. above the national averages on standardized -Catholic Schools help students understand that testing. each person is unique and valuable. Catholic Schools join withstudents the familyscore to helpsignificantly students - Catholic School understand their special place the family, the above the national averages oninstandardized Church, and society. Catholic Schools testing. encourage familystudents input andscore involvement in the - Catholic School significantly ongoing education of their children. Research above the national averages on standardized shows that such a partnership results in higher testing. attendance rates and lower dropout rates. Catholic Schools to createof aa special bond - Research shows strive that because greater among the students, the home, the school, and emphasis on homework and study. Catholic the church, so that all share the strong sense of School students develop more effective writing community. skills. - Catholic Schools strive to create a special bond among the students, the home, the school, and the church, so that all share the nd th strong sense of community. March 2 – March 8 – Iowa Testing - Research shows that because of a greater th March 6 – 8:00 Mass emphasis on homework and study. Catholic May 8th – Golfers Save the Date for the Bishop Schad Annual Golfdevelop Tournament School students more effective writing skills. Tuition Assistance – Tuition Assistance applications are now being accepted for the 2015 – 2016 school year. All current and prospective families are encouraged to apply. Call 691-4490 - Catholic Schools strive to create a special for more information. bond among the students, the home, the Bishop school school, and the church, so that all share the strong sense of community. - Research shows that because of a greater Schad is now accepting Pre K – 8th Grade registration 2015-2016 emphasis on homeworkfor and the study. Catholic School students develop more effective writing year. Applications are now available….Space is limited - Call Today! Tuition skills. Assistance is available. Please call for your personal tour, visit or shadow day! You can visit - Catholic Schools to create a special our website, like us on facebook, and follow us onstrive twitter. bond among the students, the home, the school, and the church, so that all share the strong sense of community. dents develop more effective writing skills. - Catholic Schools strive to create a special
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