Bulletin4.12.15Pub2010.pub - Publisher

April 12, 2015
Please pray for: Chuck & Shirley Anker; Andrew Bayley; Sue Boing; Nancy Brennen;
Tony Burgess; Becky Carter; Ma� Chris�an & family; Patsy Coble; Ann Cooper’s moth­
er, Margaret Surles; Veda Doss & George Fitzpatrick; Sharon & Carl Duke; Buddy Estes;
Kevin Frasier & grandfather, Jack Urbancyzk; Frizz Gray; Fafar Guillebeaux; Marilyn
Heard & family; Chris�na Hegelson’s father; Judy Houghton; Nancy Hutcheon; Romie
Jernigan; Eddie & Ruby Johnson; Irene Levya; Will & Ruth Liddell & Ruth’s sister, Kathy
Holdridge & family; Kathy Manning & Harry Truslow; Eliseo Mar�nez; Ma� Mauldin &
his mother, Linda Mauldin; Arelle Middleton & her mother, Sandra Van Embricqs; Joe
Miller; Nancy Moody; John Morgan, Martha & Kim Morgan & Nan M. Adams’ father;
Pam Nowell; Willarean & Glen O’Rourke; Bill & Wanda Oswalt; Tommy Pa�erson; Ken
Priest; Tim Rice; Sandi Robinson; Ted (Edward) Rodman & Karen Rodman; Starla
Schroll; Anita & Amelia Sherman; Barbara Sims & mother, Fran Sims; Jane & Dan Sims;
Jodie Sims & partner, Susanne; Laura Sims; Tyler Sims; Kathy Smith; Pam Tidwell & her
mother; Frances Vaughn; Booth Wilson; Randy Yarborough; Lynda Yassim
Linda Carter’s father, Tal Henson and Billy Carter’s mother, Emma Pritchard
Joe and Nora Sims on the death of Joe’s brother, Dan Sims
Jennifer Peck’s and Jamaryia’s and family, during this season of grieving
Cubiedene Hickman is under hospice care, prayers for Tony Hickman & family
Shirley Scarbrough’s rela�ve, Bobbie Cumbie; a re�red (and much beloved)
schoolteacher who is undergoing surgery in Greenville
Westminster Presbyterian Church, as Pastor and congrega�on move through
a period of discernment
Alice Stephen’s 90 year old uncle facing heart surgery
Amelia Sherman - chronic pain in her hand and ongoing challenges associated
with that pain
For those who struggle with issues of iden�ty, depression, and addic�on
For the owners and staff of the Vaughn Road Preschool and the children and
families they serve
The current state of the correc�onal system in Alabama - for those who are
imprisoned in our state and for all the social situa�ons that contribute to in­
carcera�on - situa�ons that seem to the eye and heart o�en unchangeable
The Board and volunteers who serve Good Samaritan Ministries
� Refreshments in the Narthex �
Immanuel warmly invites you to refreshments in the narthex
following the service. Join us for coffee and conversation.
Immanuel Presbyterian Church
Second Sunday of Easter Sunday
April 12, 2015
For Silent Media�on: Risen Christ, breathe upon us your spirit of new life. Where we cannot see, help us to keep our minds open toward faith. Strengthen us as we seek to know you, and help us to grow in love for you and for each other. Amen
Gathering Around the Word
Introit (GTG538)
Hallelujah! We Sing Your Praises HALLELUYA! PELO TSA RONA
Remembering Our Bap�sm
Welcome and Concerns
Call to Worship
Based on Psalm 133
Come, people of God, let us gather for worship.
Come, God of life.
Come, Christ of salva�on.
Come, Spirit of peace; come appear among us once more.
For it is good to be together in unity with you.
It is good to be anointed by the precious oil of your presence.
It is good to be washed with the fallen dew of your blessing.
Come abide with us and among us this day.
*Opening Hymn: #246
Christ is Alive!
Call to Confession
Listen, church: God who raised Jesus has not given us over to death; in the name of Jesus Christ let us consider those things in our lives that are lifedenying:
Prayer of Confession
Locked away, and fearful – that is not a life-giving place!
When Jesus appeared to the disciples, they were locked away and fearful.
In what ways do our lives reflect fear? How are we locked away?
Stuck in disbelief – that is not a life-giving place!
Thomas was not there when Jesus appeared to the disciples; he stayed stuck in disbelief.
In what ways do we remain stuck in disbelief? Where do we doubt God’s presence?
* Those who are able, please stand
Assurance of Forgiveness
When Jesus appeared to the disciples through locked doors, he offered them peace; when Jesus stood before Thomas in his disbelief, Jesus extend­
ed peace.
So Jesus stands with us and offers peace and forgiveness.
Friends, we are forgiven!
Alleluia! Praise God!
The peace of Christ be with you.
And also with you.
Let us offer a word of peace to one another.
Response to Grace (GTG251) Christ Has Arisen, Alleluia
“Go spread the news he’s not in the grave.
He has arisen this world to save.
Jesus’ redeeming labors are done.
Even the ba�le with sin is won”.
Let us sing praise to him with endless joy.
Death’s fearful s�ng he has come to destroy.
Our sin forgiving, alleluia! Jesus is living, alleluia!
Proclaiming the Word
The Word with the Children
A Reading from the Chris�an Scriptures: Acts 4.32-35
page 122
A Reading from the Gospels: John 20.19-31
page 115
Sealing the Word
*Hymn of Response: #533
In the Singing
Invita�on to the Table
This is the table, not of the Church, but of the Lord. It has been made ready for those who love him, and for those who want to love him more. So come, you who have much faith, and you who have li�le, you who have been here o�en and you who have not been here before, you who have tried to follow and you who have failed. Come, not because I invite you, it is our Lord who wants to meet each of us here.
Prayer of Communion
Let us pray: Abundance is the offering of the table, for as a mul�tude of grain and grapes are transformed into a single loaf and a single cup, so the * Those who are able, please stand
mul�tude of people of faith from all �mes and all tradi�ons gather at a single table of remembrance.
Here we are nourished and restored – here wrongs are made right, here hurts are healed, here prejudice and injus�ce pass away.
Here we are encircled by the communion of saints, who call us out of the ordinary into the extraordinary that is the eternally transforming love of God.
Here we remember our Christ who sat with the excluded, who stood by those who are grieving, and spoke words of assurance to all who would listen. Here we can be certain that we are welcome.
Here the Spirit of God dwells in these elements of bread and wine and we are fed with good things, things that produce a flourishing life – kindness, compassion, joy, and love, and we are grateful.
Communion of the People
Responding to the Word
Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer
Call for the Offering
God has given us life in the resurrec�on of our Lord Jesus Christ. In gra�­
tude, let us offer our hearts to God and return to God the fruit of our labor for God’s service.
In the Bulb There Is a Flower
Offertory (GTG250)
In the bulb there is a flower; in the seed, an apple tree;
in cocoons, a hidden promise; bu�erflies will soon be free!
In the cold and snow of winter there’s a spring that waits to be,
unrevealed un�l its season, something God alone can see.
There’s a song in every silence, seeking word and melody;
there’s a dawn in every darkness, bringing hope to you and me.
From the past will come a future; what it holds a mystery,
unrevealed un�l its season, something God alone can see.
In our end is our beginning; in our �me, infinity;
in our doubt there is believing; in our life, eternity.
In our death, a resurrec�on; at the last, a victory,
unrevealed un�l its season, something God alone can see.
*Doxology: #609
Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow
* Those who are able, please stand
*Affirma�on of Faith (GTG, p.37-38) A Brief Statement of Faith
1, 2, 5
Bearing the Word
*Closing Hymn: #526
Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ
Choral Benedic�on (GTG538)
Hallelujah! We Sing Your Praises
Hallelujah! We sing your praises; all our hearts are filled with gladness.
Hallelujah! We sing your praises; all our hearts are filled with gladness
Now he sends us all out, strong in faith, free of doubt,
strong in faith free of doubt. Tell to all the joyful gospel.
*Blessing and Charge
May God who with us, whom we see in Jesus and know in truth, bless you with peace and all goodness.
In every word, with every gesture, by every art, through every means, may you be a living gospel for the life of the world.
Amen, and amen.
* Those who are able, please stand
Designated Monthly Mission Offering for April:
PSL Congo Partnership
Study opportuni�es available for adult learners
during the Church School hour:
Peacemaking Class (Library): The Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel
Pastor’s Class (Sanctuary): Breathing under Water by Richard Rohr
Discussion Group (CE Building): On a chosen topic
Today, April 12—Second Sunday of Easter Sunday
9:30 a.m.—Worship
10:50 a.m.—Fellowship
11:00 a.m.—Church School
12:00 p.m.—Immanuel children’s picnic in the park
4:00 p.m.—Confirma�on Class
5:30 p.m.—PYC
Tuesday, April 14
7:30 a.m.—Silent medita�on
Wednesday, April 15
10:30 a.m.—Bible study group
5:30 p.m.—Prayer group—CE Building, Rm 13
5:45 p.m.—Logos
7:00 p.m.—Choir prac�ce
Thursday, April 16
12:00 p.m.—Silent medita�on
Sunday, April 19—Third Sunday of Easter Sunday, Sheppards & Lapsley Sunday
9:30 a.m.—Worship
10:45 a.m.—Fellowship
11:00 a.m.—Church School
12:00 p.m.—Ministry Commi�ees meet
4:00 p.m.—Confirma�on Class
5:30 p.m.—PYC
Finance & Stewardship Update, 2015
Tithes and undesignated gi�s received April 5 — $5,116
Tithes and undesignated gi�s received month-to-date — $5,116
Tithes and undesignated gi�s received year-to-date — $58,562.10
Monthly mission offering received
April 5 — $75
Monthly mission offering received
month-to-date — $75
Monthly mission offerings received
year-to-date — $2,214
Per capita gi�s received April 5: $14
Per capita gi�s received year to date: $305
Per capita assessment for 2015: $2,528.82
(Or $13.38 per person)
Sara Bayley Memorial & Playground: $12,253
Alabama Public Radio: $70
Rock & Nancy Chambless Memorial: $675
Garden Fund: $75
Easter Flowers: $652
Mortgage reduc�on: $25
Director of Chris�an Educa�on
Musician, Music Ministry Coordinator
Rev. Elizabeth O’Neill
Ann Cooper
All the members of the church
Phyllis Ward
Michael Keeling
Class of 2015
Class of 2016
Class of 2017
Youth Elder
Carol Gundlach, Linda Jenkins,
Kelly Moody
Gwendolyn Gray, Tom Perrin,
Peggy Shippen
Kevin Frasier, Sherry McFeely,
Bill Su�on
Rachel Moody
Donna Baker, Debbie Pendleton,
Erman Samelo, Anita Sherman
The name Immanuel is a compound of the three Hebrew words, with us God, and
is used by the prophet Isaiah in 7.14 and 8.8, and by the gospel writer Ma�hew in
1.23, who quotes Isaiah 7.14 in reference to Jesus Christ. The name Immanuel
expresses our two-fold convic�on that in Jesus Christ, the living God is with all
people and that all people are therefore welcome in this community of Chris�an
faith. The life, death, resurrec�on, and reign of Jesus Christ tear down every wall
that divides people — racial and ethnic, ideological, age and gender, health and
disability, even walls of opinion — every wall.
At Immanuel Presbyterian Word and Sacrament are held together. The reading
and proclama�on from the Word prepare us to gather together as Immanuel’s
family around the LORD’s table and to partake in the gi�s of bread and cup. As
the pastor comes forward to greet you, please rise and come to the table, take a
piece of bread and dip the bread in the non-alcoholic wine, taste, and see that
the LORD is good. This is the church’s ancient prac�ce of “in�nc�on.” If you are
unable to walk, please no�fy the pastor or an usher; and you will be gladly
Immanuel Presbyterian dis�nguishes between �the and offering. Tithes are mon­
ey and service for Immanuel’s current opera�ng budget. Mission Offerings are
forwarded to the designated mission recipient each month. Both �thes and offer­
ings are given in thankful response to God’s gracious love. Undesignated gi�s are
allocated as �thes to help meet opera�ng expenses. For mission giving, please
indicate “Mission” on your check or envelope.
Immanuel Presbyterian Church, PCUSA
8790 Vaughn Road
Montgomery, AL 36117
(334) 260-0567
1-334-260-0567 www.immanuelpcusa.org
Church Office Hours:
Tuesday through Friday
9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Closed Mondays
24 Years
of mission
and ministry