Imperial College Health Partners - at a glance Imperial College Health Partners – at a glance Imperial College Health Partners – at a glance Imperial College Health Partners - at a glance Our vision and purpose This document is intended to provide an introduction to Imperial College Health Partners – who we are and what we do. It summarises our vision and purpose, who we work with and also gives an overview of our projects. Imperial College Health Partners is a partnership organisation bringing together NHS providers of healthcare services, clinical commissioners and three leading universities from across North West London. We are also the designated Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) for North West London. To find out more about us, visit our website at our-projects/ You can also find us at: @ ldn_ichp Our vision is to deliver demonstrable improvements in health and prosperity for the people of North West London and beyond through collaboration and innovation. We will achieve our vision through the following strategic objectives: • Enabling discovery best practice and innovation in healthcare; • Supporting the adoption and diffusion of best practice at pace and scale, so patients benefit more quickly; • Contributing to economic growth in North West London and the wider UK. For further information please contact [email protected] 1 2 Imperial College Health Partners – at a glance Imperial College Health Partners – at a glance Our partners, people and processes London Boroughs Our Partnership includes representation from academia, primary and community care, mental health, secondary and specialist care and the clinical commissioning groups across North West London. Currently we have 21 partner organisations, with one new member joining in July last year – Buckinghamshire New University. Imperial College Health Partners is guided by our values of focusing on the needs of patients and our local population. We are committed to building a culture of collaboration with a wide group of partners and we are driven by the principle of inclusiveness and equality which is reflected in our governance structure, membership, and way of working with wider stakeholders. Brent 11b Ealing Hammersmith & Fulham Harrow 9a Hillingdon 1 Brunel University London 2 Buckinghamshire New University 3 Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust 4 Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust 5 Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust Hounslow NHS Ealing Clinical Commissioning Group 2 1 Kensington & Chelsea NHS Brent Clinical Commissioning Group 8b NHS Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Group 6 NHS West London Clinical Commissioning Group 8c 6c 12 a Westminster 11a We are governed by our Partnership Board which sets the work plan for the Partnership and comprises the leaders of each of our member organisations. The Partnership Board is advised by an Expert Advisory Board which is made up of experts in various healthcare fields, including service user involvement. Supporting the work of the Partnership is a small core team that brings together a broad range of experience and skills and is responsible for the day to day management of the work of Imperial College Health Partners. The core team is accountable to our Partnership Board. In addition to our partners we work closely with local government and social care, technology and pharmaceutical industries, opinion leaders, research bodies and of course patients and the public – who as the ultimate beneficiaries of our work drive everything we do. NHS Harrow Clinical Commissioning Group 6b NHS Central London (Westminster) Clinical Commissioning Group 4 6a 5a St Mary’s Hospital c Queen Charlotte's & Chelsea and Hammersmith Hospitals Charing Cross Hospital 8 London North West Healthcare NHS Trust 9b 9 13a NHS Hounslow Clinical Commissioning Group Western Eye Hospital Imperial College London 3 NHS Hammersmith and Fulham Clinical Commissioning Group a b 7 10a 6d Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust d 8a 7 10 a Ealing Hospital a St Mark’s and Northwick Park Hospitals b Central Middlesex Hospital Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust a Harefield Hospital b Royal Brompton Hospital The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust a 11 The Royal Marsden Hospital The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust a Hillingdon Hospital b Mount Vernon Hospital 12 West London Mental Health NHS Trust 13 West Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust a 3 Chelsea and Westminster Hospital West Middlesex Hospital 4 Imperial College Health Partners – at a glance Imperial College Health Partners – at a glance Our work programme Over the last year, our members have kept under review the priorities for North West London and continued to assess where the Partnership can add most value and support transformational change for patients. Research Neurorehabilitation Medicines optimisation Intelligent use of data Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) D iff u fb Patient safety t es pr ac tic Cancer Diffusion of innovation te no pro spe r si o ity Overseas development ea The diagram opposite illustrates how these projects support delivery of our three strategic objectives. Mental health (Psychosis) Cr These priorities are supported by ten programmes of work, which both continue to develop work started last year and also now incorporate new projects in the areas of patient safety and research. Another project – cardiovascular rehabilitation – has now completed. The ten programmes are divided into those which cut across both clinical and operational areas, and those which address specific clinical needs. covery of best pra e dis l ctic b a e En e Clinical projects 5 Cross-cutting projects 6 Imperial College Health Partners – at a glance Overview of our work programme The following pages provide a top level overview of our work programme, summarising each of our projects, the progress we made in each of these last year and what our priorities are for 2015/16. In addition to our projects we have also provided a summary of our corporate agenda which includes communications and engagement, Board and team development as well as governance arrangements. Imperial College Health Partners – at a glance Clinical projects Programme Progress made in 2014/15 Priorities 2015/2016 London Cancer Alliance (LCA) work programme - Monitoring implementation of best practice pathways, recommending solutions where variation exists - Development of a mobile app containing LCA Acute Oncology Clinical Guidelines for health professionals, supporting delivery of best practice - Comprehensive understanding of current service and treatment pathways - Standardisation of high quality care and improved patient experience, grounded in best practice - Improved patient experience, outcomes and quality of life - Commissioned an evaluation of a best practice programme of provision in Hillingdon, assessing costs for other CCGs if they switched to this model - Cost benefit analysis provided to partner CCGs, for commissioning purposes This project has now completed. Benefits achieved including: - Developed an outcome based commissioning framework - Collated and summarised best practice care and disseminated it amongst partners - Commenced adoption and implementation work in four CCGs - Significantly increase uptake of best practice secondary care bundle across North West London (NWL) - Work with four CCGs to improve uptake of best practice care - particularly in primary and community care Aims to improve cancer services through delivering improvements in cancer pathways, processes and systems to improve outcomes and experience for patients Cardiovascular Aims to improve cardiovascular care by supporting the roll out of an innovative preventative cardiology programme Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Aims to support the uptake of the NIHR CLAHRC secondary care bundle across partner organisations, and support four CCGs in the implementation of best practice - Supporting Imperial College to demonstrate that the programme is clinically excellent and highly cost saving - The programme is now being considered for roll-out across three boroughs, covering a population of 500,000 individuals "Over the last year Imperial College Health Partners has remained resolutely committed to its vision of improving health and healthcare for the 2.3 million population of North West London." Dr Adrian Bull, Managing Director 7 8 Imperial College Health Partners – at a glance Imperial College Health Partners – at a glance Clinical projects Programme Progress made in 2014/15 Priorities 2015/2016 Programme Progress made in 2014/15 Priorities 2015/2016 Mental health (psychosis) - Analysis of linked mental and physical healthcare data demonstrating priority areas - Delivery of co-produced priority areas for improvement in NWL: early intervention, rehabilitation, community and crisis - Delivery of agreed NWL best practice pathway of care - Spreading of our methodology to Wessex AHSN - Delivery of GP training course in using mental health data to improve commissioning - Improve early intervention data and transparency by creating custom dashboards for stakeholders - Improve early intervention fidelity to best practice by implementing our pathway - Reduce duration of untreated psychosis by implementing a targeted local campaign - National and local communication of our best practice pathway of care Intelligent use of data - Facilitate increase in service users, partners and projects signed up to Care Information Exchange through Patients Know Best programme in NWL - Develop a business case for a more substantial interoperable system for data sharing at point of care - Delivery of interim report on neuro- rehabilitation services in NWL with commissioning recommendations to CCG Collaboration Board - Agreement to proceed with the piloting of a web based referral tool across NWL - Match-funding from NHS England for two neuro-navigator roles to run for one year (roles co-designed with local patients and clinicians) - Endorsement from the CCG Collaboration Board to continue funding the tool and neuro-navigator role post pilot - Scouted for interoperable technology to help NWL procure a solution for its population feeding into the Imperial College Healthcare Trust (ICHT) Information Exchange project - Established Design Authority group to support development of interoperability and associated informatics programme - Commissioned case for change and strategic plan for sustainable interoperability platform in NWL - Continued dialogue with CSU and CCG Collaboration on linked population data to ensure wider benefits are realised - Web based referral tool to be piloted - Populate demand and capacity tool with prospective data gathered from web based tool - Commission neuro-navigator service in NWL with intention of commencing in July and running for one year - Produce set of commissioning recommendations for CCG Collaboration Board in September - Web based tool to become formally commissioned from November 2015 onwards - Commissioned research by Ipsos Mori and IPPR to identify barriers to innovation - Worked with clinical leaders to identify urgent clinical needs in NWL - Created industry and NHS matchmaker online platform to match industry solutions to clinical need, supported by event - Development of industry charter to lay out our approach to working with industry - Led first in series of regional medicines optimisation roadshows in partnership with NHS England and ABPI - Established pan NWL steering group to identify local priorities and create local medicines optimisation strategy - Work with local stakeholders to scope and implement a local improvement strategy for medicines optimisation - Work with pan-London interdisciplinary group for Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation (Ispaf) to ensure AF patients get appropriate treatment - Work with London Procurement Partnership to develop interactive tool for clinicians to support uptake of appropriate inhalers - Establish with partners a panLondon Digital Health Institute to support development of dissemination of innovations - Support SBRI calls for CAMS and cancer innovations - Develop a matchmaker platform to connect entrepreneurs with healthcare staff - Develop navigation tool for entrepreneurs that allows easy identification of public funding - Facilitate the National Innovation Accelerator and Test Beds programmes locally - Bid submitted to Kuwait Ministry of Health to set up a Trauma service at Jaber Hospital working with a range of ICHP and non-ICHP partners - Supported a number of ICHP partner organisations to export their services - Pending response from Kuwait, establishing the first trauma centre in Kuwait, with partners - Work with Buckinghamshire New University to expand their existing nurse training programme with Saudi Arabia to one or two other priority countries - Continue effort across London to establish a professional infrastructure to pursue international offer with interested partners at scale Aims to improve care for psychosis patients through supporting partner organisations to deliver a co-designed best practice pathway Neuro-rehabilitation Aims to improve neuro-rehabilitation services for patients through designing and supporting the implementation of specialist services to support patient referrals and reduce delays in treatment Medicines optimisation A new programme for 2015/16, this programme of work aims to optimise medicine use for both patients and clinicians across our sector 9 Cross-cutting projects Aims to support NWL to develop interoperable care records to deliver better patient care, through improved pathways and the use of the data to realise wider research benefits, in partnership with academic and commercial partners Diffusion of innovation Previously known as Collaboration with industry, this programme of work has expanded its focus beyond industry to examine the wider challenges to diffusing innovation across NWL, and to develop solutions to address these Overseas development Aims to share healthcare expertise with overseas partners, generating income, research opportunities and workforce development for NWL 10 Imperial College Health Partners – at a glance Imperial College Health Partners – at a glance Cross-cutting projects Contact us Programme Progress made in 2014/15 Priorities 2015/2016 Patient safety - Launched the Patient Safety Champion Network, to support service involvement in safety across NWL - Launched the Foundations of Safety Forum, an expert leadership forum for patients and clinical leaders from across NWL designed to support improved patient safety culture in NWL - Two Trusts signed up to trial an evidence-based framework of measuring and monitoring patient safety - Seven Trusts signed up to undertake pilot to reduce prescribing errors - Initiated programme to standardise junior induction processes - Continue development of the Patient Safety Champion Network and deliver programme of training for participants - Deliver programme of expert learning events for Foundations of Safety Forum participants - Trial and evaluate new measuring model for patient safety with two partner Trusts - Deliver pilot, working with seven partner Trusts, to reduce prescribing errors - Facilitate recruitment of clinical assessors to develop a tool to asses avoidable mortality cases in NWL - Deliver standard email addresses for junior doctors across London - Scouting of market to source suitable platform supplier for Consent to Contact (C2C) project - Engagement with patients, public, GPs and researchers to inform C2C project strategy - Database identified to support delivery of Rare Disease Database pilot (Sarcoid identified as pilot condition) - Helped to secure bid for ICHP Genomics Medicine Centre, comprised of four of our partners - Delivery of C2C programme, increasing the number of clinical trials in NWL and the number of patients willing and able to take part in them - Development of a single database for patients with sarcoid in NWL, leading to increased number of patients willing and able to take part in research, and faster development of treatments for the condition Project Progress made in 2014/15 Priorities 2015/2016 Corporate - Developed a Patient and Public Participation Framework, supported by a participation payment policy - Developed and implemented a communications and engagement strategy, raising awareness of the work of the Partnership across the sector and beyond - Engaged Partnership and Expert Advisory Board partners in regular seminars and meetings - Recruited further staff members, including clinical leads, to support the delivery of the work of the Partnership - Implement the Patient and Public Participation Framework, supporting patient and public engagement across all of ICHP’s programmes - Continue effective engagement with Partnership and Expert Advisory Board members - Further develop internal policies for ICHP eg expenses - Assess needs and invest in organisational development for ICHP Aims to support our partners to embed patient safety in every aspect of their work, creating a patient safety critical culture within their organisations and ultimately reducing avoidable harm Research Aims to improve the effectiveness and attractiveness of NWL as a place to conduct clinical and operational research This work area focuses on communications and engagement, team development and governance 11 Imperial College Health Partners 10 Greycoat Place Victoria London SW1P 1SB Email [email protected] Telephone +44(0)20 7960 6241 Website Twitter @ldn_ichp LinkedIn 12
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