INCC MERCEDES-BENZ IS GOING PLACES f you're looking for Remy Deslandes on Monday October 27 at 9:30 pm, you'll find him in the Mana me~ ting room of d1e Hotel Majestic, in Cannes. The president of INCC Parfums, and :.VIercedesBenz fragrance licensee for the past four years, will be introducing the newest and fourth additio n to d1e fragrance family before a crowd of 600 retailers, suppliers and members of the p ress. E,·e!)' year since 2011 , the INCC owner im~tes the professional beauty community dwing the ffi\TA international trade sho,,·. But this year's event shou ld have added impact, as INCC starts to reap the rewards of the international expansion ofMercedes-Benz fragrances. "By the end of2014, d1e brand should be sold in 85 counuies and 10,000 doors, b1inging in more than €70 million in revenues," says Thibaud d e Vaulchier vice-pres- I Remy Deslandes, president of INCC Parfums, will be introducing the newest and fourth addition of Mercedes-Benz fragrances at the TFWA. By the end of 2014, the brand should be sold in 85 countries, with more than €70 million in revenues. idem of sales for INCC Parfums. "In 18 mond1s, we've sold a million bo ttles of tl1e men 's and women 's fragran ces." Yet, "d1e odds were not in our favm~ " reminisces Remy Deslandes. "It's not easy to create a premium perfume brand based on an automobile signature, no matter how p restigious. At the same time, I wasn't in terested in licensing an 11mpteentl1 fashion designer label; rom petition is too stiff. I chose Mercedes-Benz because it's one of the world's best known brands." A former executive in heavy indusll)•, he It as tl1e patience to biing long-tenn I w I proj ects to fruition. "Our goal is not to expand at any cost. It takes time to establish Mercedes-Benz as a premium perfume brand in its own light. This is why we targeted the selective seg111ent, with pro ducts sold between €72 and €85." Mercedez-Benz for men, the first scent created in 2011, is created by Olivier Cresp (Fim1enich) . The year afte1~ I CC Parfums rolled out the first women'sscen t, by Michel Almairac (Robertet) . The feminine fragrance accotm ts for 27 percent ofMercedesBenz perfume sales. Last year, Merced es-Ben z Club, a men's scent in a futuristic metallic bottle by design agency Qu'on se le dise (QSLD), was inu·oduced to target a younger clientele and promote a distinctive 'j uice" (by Olivier Cresp) above and beyond the brand itself. "Product comes firs t. If we can get people to try the scen t, we win their business. In a promotional event at Douglas in Ge1many, the men's line came sixth in sales," says Remy Deslandes, who hopes to \\W oYer French retailers, perhaps even Nocibe, now owned by the Douglas Group. In Fra nce, Me rced es-Ben z pe rfumes are available in some Nocibe stores and in the carmaker 's showroom on the Champs-Elysees in Paris (where 20,000 to 25,000 bottles are sold each year) . Yet the top p1imity of the owner and president ofiNCC is to expand sales in the United States, where the·brand is sold in 280 Dillard's d epartment stores. ......, ........ . MARYL! 1 E LE T H EUF with the MONACO license [!)~, =[!] Deco.uvrez les exposants, ~:' conferences, expos ~~ inedites et plateau TV [!) · des 4 metiers essentiels · · et complementaires : packaging, processing, printing & handling. En savoir plus :
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