M o n s ig n or H e l m a n n C ou n c il # 1 1 280 Knight News P age 1 V o l ume 15 , I s s ue 12 1 J u n e 20 15 St. John’s Knights of Columbus 7601 Vine St. Lincoln, NE 68505 Grand Knight Report Dear Brother Knights, Families, and Friends, The month of May is nearly at its end. The Altar Society has expressed their thanks for helping pass out the Mother’s Day carnations and collect for Birth right. School Promotions and Graduations have successfully been held and celebrated. Congratulations to all of our students! We are extremely close in meeting our Star Council objective in regards to Membership. Ask a friend if he could give 24 hours a year to the Knights of Columbus….. He could make a positive difference in his community and Church. It breaks down like this: GK Dennis Clare 12 hours a year reading the weekly parish bulletin, the state and local council newsletters, Columbia magazine, and surfing the state council and Supreme web sites. Two hours a year volunteering at the council’s annual drive for people with intellectual disabilities. Two hours a year attending, with his family, two corporate Communions or council prayer services at his parish. Two hours a year on a council-sponsored Church, community, council, family or youth project of his choosing. Two hours a year attending one council meeting. (If it’s a well-run, interesting meeting he might even come back for a second.) Four hours a year enjoying (again, with his entire family) a council social function such as a dinner, dance, picnic, etc. CHARITY - UNITY - FRATERNITY - PATRIOTISM http://www.kofc11280.org Contact David Svatora at [email protected] to receive the newsletter or download it from the website and Help save the council postage. P age 2 M o n s ig n or H e l m a n n C ou n c il # 1 1 280 Knight News V o l ume 15 , I s s ue 12 1 J u n e 20 15 St. John’s Knights of Columbus 7601 Vine St. Lincoln, NE 68505 Grand Knight Report I kindly urge you to tell your friends about our great order! We have until June 30th to complete and finish strong! We have been working through our Officer Election process. We have a good group of nominees at this time. We will have one more round of nominations at our June general meeting; and then vote. I kindly urge everyone to come and practice your right to vote for our new officers. Have you signed up for the Council Appreciation Dinner yet?? The more the merrier! Reserve the date: June 12, 2015 Location: Knights of Columbus Hall 60th and South. Time: 6:30 PM. Our Fireworks project is moving along. We are meeting Tuesday May 26th to discuss and brain-storm our operation. Our annual Awards Banquet will be held Thursday, July 23rd at the Venue Restaurant (70th and Pioneers Blvd.) Look for a Reservation e-mail coming very soon. It has been a true honor and privilege to be Grand Knight of this wonderful Council! I have been blessed in many ways; being your Grand Knight was one.Thank you for the opportunity to serve. Fraternally yours, Dennis Clare Grand Knight CHARITY - UNITY - FRATERNITY - PATRIOTISM http://www.kofc11280.org Contact David Svatora at [email protected] to receive the newsletter or download it from the website and Help save the council postage. Calendar of Events Msgr. Helmann Council Officers 2014-2015 Roster Grand Knight Dennis Clare Chaplain Fr. Lyle Johnson Deputy Grand Knight Mark Rezac Chancellor Ken Dill Recorder Rich Furasek Financial Secretary Dennis Thorne Event Date Location 26 May 15 Officer’s Meeting 6:30 PM St. John’s Gym 26 May 15 Fireworks Meeting 7:00 PM St. John’s Gym 1 June 15 General Knights Meeting 7:00 PM School Library 3 June 15 Totus Tuus Grilling 5PM Social Hall 7 June 15 First Degree 1:30-3:30 PM School Library Treasurer Todd Furasek 12 June 15 Council Appreciation 6:30 PM Knights Hall 60th and South Advocate John Nelson 21 June 15 I-80 Collar Series Tailgating 3:30 Game 5 PM Werner Park, Omaha 29 June 15 Officer’s Meeting West Conference Room Warden Don McKee Inside Guard Jim Gonser Outside Guard Jeff Hilfiker Trustee 3rd Year Jeff Morton 1 July 15 General Council Meeting Social Hall July 3 and 4th Firework Sales All Day Lancaster Event Center 23 July Awards Banquet Venue 70th & Pioneers Trustee 2nd Year Craig Sehnert Trustee 1st Year Mike Wernke District Deputy Rod Middagh Insurance Field Agent John Stoeckinger St. John’s Grounds Maintenance All Knights are requested to spend a minimal amount of time helping with the grounds maintenance at St. John’s. It would be extremely helpful if each Knight could help for a couple of hours on two separate Saturdays between the 1st of April and the 1st of December. Approximately 10 Knights are needed after the 8:15am Mass, about 9:00am Please check the weekly church bulletin for the “Mow Schedule” to determine if you are on the list. If you can not make it on Saturday morning, please consider volunteering during the week (day or evening), or switch with another Knight. Please contact Mark Insurance Report June: It’s Never Too Early to Plan for the Future Traditionally, this is the month for two important life events: graduations and weddings. These two events are also opportunities to review your life insurance coverage—particularly if you’re young and in good health. It’s a simple fact that when you’re young and healthy, your rates for coverage will be lower than when you’re older and your health might not be as good. Even if you’re in excellent health, there’s no way to predict when your death will occur. It’s unavoidable that your family will suffer emotionally if you should die. However, financial hardship is something that you can prevent. Owning sufficient life insurance ensures that your family will always have enough money, come what may. As your Knights of Columbus agent, I can help you determine how much is “sufficient” for your family. I can also discuss with you the relative merits of different types of life insurance. It’s become fashionable to focus almost exclusively on planning for a prosperous retirement. Yet even in this age of improved health and longevity, some families must still endure the premature loss of a breadwinner. The fact is, none of us can be assured that retirement will happen until we actually get there. By taking steps now, you protect your loved ones against the possibility of your death. What’s more, the sooner you act, the greater the benefits will be for your family—and, possibly, for you as well. You are invited to St. Johns Volunteer Appreciation Dinner! On June 12 at 6:30 PM KofC Council 11280 will be serving dinner in appreciation for its members hard work. The dinner will be located at the KofC Hall (6044 South Street). A pitch tournament will follow at 8:00 PM if there is enough interest. Please RSVP to Sjohn Watson at [email protected] with your name, number attending (1 or 2), and if you would like to play pitch after dinner. Please RSVP by June 4th. April Honorees Steve Wallingford Bernard and Ilene Newton Congratulations! Congratulations! BEING AN ACTIVE KNIGHT MAKES YOU A WINNER Advantages to Attending the Monthly General Meeting Monthly Drawing 50/50 Dennis Johnson $14 Progressive Drawing– Unclaimed Next Drawing $40 Be a Winner! Come to the next meeting on June 1st in the St. John’s Library at 7:00 p.m. COUNCIL #11280 June BIRTHDAYS 2 4 6 8 9 10 12 Robbin Bohy David Hall Christopher Blake Teddy Milburn Edward May Todd Neeley Mike Wernke Jason Blowers Mike Wallman Bernard Buresh Michael Kucera Gerry Oligmueller Matthew Simmons Ferdinand Stepan Steve Jambor Tyler Toline 13 14 15 16 17 22 26 27 29 30 Donald Wieser Daniel Gutierrez Amy King Tyler Sanders Dan Chapman Kendra Dubas Gary Barnes Paul Moss Gerrine Kirby Michael Kluck Rodney Steffan Donald Lenhoff Noah Mastel Mark Rezac Ben Rynearson IF YOU SEE THESE KNIGHTS OR SPOUSES, WISH THEM A HAPPY BIRTHDAY! A Call To Give! There are many reasons to become a Community Blood Bank donor—chiefly to help make a difference in someone’s health or even to save a life. If you donate, please write in “St. John’s Knights of Columbus” or “#11280” on your registration card so our council receives credit for community service. Locations 100 N. 84th 16th & Pine Lake Rd. www.don8bld.org 486-9414 ODDS & ENDS OR A LITTLE OF THIS AND A LITTLE OF THAT As a reminder, when requesting mass announcements, please submit your requests to the parish office by Saturday at 11 am. COUNCIL #11280 APPAREL We have a 100% cotton polo that is comfortable to wear. We also have a twill, button front shirt, in short and long sleeve that looks a bit more dressy. We have two nice jackets, one with a hood, that are warm in winter and very nice looking. All of the clothing has the KofC logo & council name on them. You can print out the order form from the council website or you can get one at the next monthly meeting and try on samples. Hats are on sale at all monthly meetings. If you have any questions contact LeRoy Novak at 402-467-1637. Announcements Rosary for Seminarians – 7:00pm every Thursday at St. John’s, in the Cry Room. Everyone is welcome and invited to come pray for our seminarians. Lord, send workers to your harvest. PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS O, God, you have asked us to pray for vocations; that there might be young men and women willing to give their lives for the sake of souls. Hear our prayer and the prayer of your Church and send us good and holy priests and religious. We offer you this day, all we shall think, do or say for this intention, through Christ Our Lord. Amen
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