a comparative study of academic achievement and study habit of

International Journal of Social Science & Interdisciplinary Research_____________________________ ISSN 2277-3630
IJSSIR, Vol. 4 (4), APRIL (2015), pp. 44-52
Online available at indianresearchjournals.com
In this present study we will do find out compare a comparative study of academic
achievement and study habits of higher secondary school students on the basis of gender. This
study investigates the degree of relationship between study habits and academic achievement
of senior secondary school students. This study will do also investigate the influence of
students having good and poor study habits differ significantly and good study habits result in
high academic achievement. Study Habit Inventory construct by M. Mukhopadhyaya & D.N
Sansanwal (2005) is administering to the select sample to assess their study habits and Self
construct General Information Questionnaire is using to elicit information regarding the
subjects age, sex, family type of school students. The data so collect will be analyzed
statistically by employing mean, SD and t-test. The study employed a deceptive research of
survey type. A study Habit Inventory (SHI) is employ to determine the study habits of the
students. A reliability coefficient of 0.91 will be obtained using split half method. The sample
of the study includes all the senior secondary school students of Delhi (India). Sample is
select through purposive random sampling technique. Two hypotheses are formulate and are
test using Pearson’s correlation and t–test at 0.05 and 0.01 level of significance. The
descriptive analysis reveals positive relationship between academic achievement and study
habits and the degree of relationship is high. The findings of this study will be of immense
help in improving the study habits of the students at secondary and senior secondary level.
Improvement in student’s academic achievement will further had to national development as
competent manpower will be produce planning of specific items for study is highly
KEY WORD: Academic Achievement, Study Habits, Study Habits Inventory.
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Online available at indianresearchjournals.com
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