International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887) Volume 113 - No. 7, March 2015 Software Testability: Recovering from 2 Decades of Research Mamdouh Alenezi College of Computer and Information Sciences Prince Sultan University, Riyadh 11586 Saudi Arabia ABSTRACT Software Testability investigation has been a research focus since 1990s and grows into more prevalent when entering 21st century. Software Testability is an important internal quality characteristic of any software system which measures how easy or difficult to test a piece of software. In this paper, we study Software Testability from various aspects, such as definitions, its relation to quality models, and what software metrics were used to assess Testability. This paper brings an introductional review on Software Testability and provide the state-of-the-art of Software Testability studies. General Terms: Software Engineering, Software Testing Keywords: Software Quality, Testability, Metrics. 1. INTRODUCTION Quality assurance is extremely important in the software industry in which practitioners and researchers are seeking to achieve quality with various techniques. Software testing and reuse are the two promising techniques to improve the quality of the software systems. The focus of the Software development processes normally is limiting the number of errors in software, finding and solving software problems, and predicting software reliability after development. Delivering quality software is no longer an advantage but a necessary factor. Software testing is a major aspect of the software development life cycle. Software testing is almost the only ways of promising excellence of software systems. Software testing is a costly process with direct relationship to nearly all major technical issues in Software Engineering. When a software system grow in size it complexity increases and in almost everyday activities, its quality becomes a necessity. Therefore, effective testing is needed to achieve an acceptable level of quality. To maximize the benefit of testing, the testability of software systems should be optimal. Software testability is a software attribute that assesses the effort needed for software testing. IEEE [4] defines Testability as “the degree to which a system or component facilitates the establishment of test criteria and the performance of tests to determine whether those criteria have been met?”. Testability is one of the maintainability characteristics of the ISO/IEC SQuaRe quality standard [19]. According to this standard, testability is defined as “degree of effectiveness and efficiency with which test criteria can be established for a system, product or component and tests can be performed to determine whether those criteria have been met” [19]. The most common definition of Testability is ease of performing testing [4] which has its roots in testing and usually defined in terms of observability and controllability. Testability is one of the important internal quality factors for the success of the software. Testability is a software quality characteristic that expresses the effect of structural and semantic aspects of software on the effectiveness of testing following certain criterion. Testability measurement enables software engineers to estimate the effort needed to test and validate a certain software module. Testability is not yet fully understood and what actually relates to testability is still not clearly defined [21]. Software engineering methods emphasizes the importance of unit testing to the degree that you find some projects that have test cases exceed the amount of the actual code. This is a clear demonstration of the importance of testability as a quality characteristic [22]. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the motivation behind this work. Section 3 discusses testability is different software standards and quality models. Section 4 discusses a literature review about testability. Section 5 states the metrics used in this study. Conclusions are presented in Section 6. 2. MOTIVATION What makes testability an important issue in software industry? What are the limitations of existing research? These can be demonstrated by the following three aspects: (1) There a lot of confusion of testability definitions. Testability has many definitions in the literature. IEEE [4] defines Testability as “the degree to which a system or component facilitates the establishment of test criteria and the performance of tests to determine whether those criteria have been met?”. ISO defined Testability as “degree of effectiveness and efficiency with which test criteria can be established for a system, product or component and tests can be performed to determine whether those criteria have been met” [19]. Several researchers came up with their own definitions of Testability. Freedman [14] defined Testability as observability and controllability. Voas et. al [30] defined Testability as predicting the failure tendency to be observed throughout random black-box testing. Gao and Shih [16] defined Testability as the effort needed to test the program 1 International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887) Volume 113 - No. 7, March 2015 according to a specific measure. These mixed definitions reveal that Testability is its nature has different points of view, but also introduce confusion of testability understanding. (2) Is Testability an internal or external quality attribute? Fenton and Pfleeger [12] explicitly specified Testability as an external attribute. Other researchers take the same view such as [3] and [29]. Other researchers implicitly specify Testability as an external attribute such as [14] and [30]. Testability by definion relates to testing [11]. (3) The issue of compositionality which is one of the research challenges encountered by software engineers [13]. This applies to Testability since there is no agreed upon or a systematic way of deriving a software testability measure. 3. TESTABILITY IN SOFTWARE STANDARDS AND MODELS defined Testability as the ease of validation, that the software meets the requirements. General Utility As-is Utility Reliability Portability Maintainability Efficieincy Human Engineering Testability Understandability Modifiability Device Independace Self Containedness Self Containedness Accountability Robustness / Integrity Accountability Consistency Structuredness Accuracy Device Efficiency Acessibility Communicativiness Structuredness Augmentability Completeness Acessibility Communicativiness Self Descriptiveness Conciseness Structuredness Legibility Robustness / Integrity Consistency Fig. 2. Boehm’s Software Quality Characteristics Tree [9]. McCall [2] was the first to propose a software quality model. McCall model was an attempt to close the gap between developers and users with emphasis on software quality. The McCall quality model has three main quality levels for defining the quality of a software product: product revision, product transition, and product operations. Product revision includes maintainability, flexibility, and testability (the ease of testing the program, to ensure that it is error-free and meets its specification). In McCall’s model, Testability was under Product Review. McCall defined Testability as the ability to validate the software requirements. McCall further decomposed Testability to three sub-characteristics, namely Simplicity, Instrumentation, and Modularity. The main contribution of the McCall model was to establish relationships between quality characteristics and metrics. Software Product Quality The FURPS Model stands for Functionality, Usability, Reliability, Performance, and Supportability. The FURPS Model requirements are of two types: Functional Requirements (RF) and non-functional (NF). The model was initially proposed by Robert Grady [17] and extended by Rational Software [24]. The FURPS model places Testability under Supportability. Quality Characteristics Functionality Reliability Efficiency Usability Portability Accuracy Fault tolerance Resource Behaviour Learnability Adaptability Analysability Compliance Maturity Time Behaviour Operability Installability Changeability Interoperability Recoverability Understandability Replaceability Stability Security Product Operations Product Revison Maintainability Testability Product Transitions Suitability Correctness Flexibility Interoperability Efficiency Maintainability Portability Integrity Testability Reusability Fig. 3. The FURPS Model [17]. Reliability Usability Fig. 1. The McCall quality model (a.k.a. McCall’s Triangle of Quality). Boehm [9] proposed a large-scale model where he added several factors at different levels as an improvement over the McCall’s model. Boehm model addressed the contemporary drawbacks of McCall’s model by measuring the quality in qualitatively manner instead of quantitatively manners. Boehm classified the software quality into three main properties, Portability, As in Utility, and Maintainability. Testability was considered under Maintainability and has four different dimensions, namely Structured-ness, Selfdescriptiveness, Accountability, and Communicativeness. Boehm The ISO 9126 quality model [18] was revolved around both McCall and Boehm Models. The model consists of two main parts: internal and external quality attributes and quality in use attributes. Internal attributes are considered static attributes since you need to execute the software to evaluate them, whereas external attributes are assessed during the system execution. The quality in use attributes relate to the productivity, security, and the effectiveness of the software product. Testability in this model resides under the Maintainability which resides under Internal and External attributes. Testability was defined as attributes of software that bear on the effort needed for validating the modified software. The ISO 25010 model [8] emerged in 2007 with some updates to the ISO 9126 model. The new model has been divided into 8 key characteristics. Two new characteristics were introduced in this model, security and compatibility. Testability in this model resides under the Maintainability which is one of the key characteristics of that model. The SQO-OSS model [1] is a hierarchical model which assesses the process and the source code of a system. The model allows for automated collection of several metrics. The model is different from other quality models because of several reasons, (1) the 2 International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887) Volume 113 - No. 7, March 2015 4. Quality Characteristics Functionality Reliability Usability Efficiency Maintainability Portability Suitability Maturity Understandability Time Behaviour Analysability Adaptability Accuracy Fault tolerance Learnability Resource utilization Changeability Installlabilty Interoperability Recoverability Operability Efficiency compliance Stability Co-existence Security Reliability compliance Attractiveness Testability Replaceability Usability compliance Maintainability compliance Portability compliance Functionality compliance Fig. 4. The ISO/IEC 9126-1 Internal/External Quality Model [18]. Software Product Quality Functional Suitability Performance Efficiency Reliability Operability Security Compatibility Maintainability Transferability Appropriateness Availability Time Behaviour Appropriateness recognisability Analysability Adaptability Modularity Portability Accuracy Fault tolerance Resource utilization Learnability Changeability Installlabilty Reuseability Adaptability Compliance Recoverability Compliance Compliance Ease of use Stability Co-existence Analyzeability Installability Helpfulness Testability Replaceability Changeability Compliance Attractiveness Maintainability compliance Portability compliance Modification Technical accessibility Stability Compliance Testability Compliance Fig. 5. The ISO 25010 model Software Product Quality Model [8]. main focus is automation, (2) It focuses on the source code, and (3) considers only process related measures that can be automatically calculated. Maintainability is classified under Product Code Quality and Testability in under Maintainability. According to the SQOOSS model, testability can be estimated by several metrics, namely Number of exits of conditional structs, Cyclomatic number, Number of nested levels, Number of unconditional jumps, Response for a class (RFC), Average cyclomatic complexity per method, and Number of children (NOC). SQO-OSS Quality Characteristics Product (Code) Quality Maintainability Reliability Analyzability Maturity Changeability Effectiveness Community Quality Security Stability Testability Fig. 6. The SQO-OSS quality model [1]. Mailing list quality Documentation quality Developer base quality LITERATURE REVIEW Testability is one of the important internal software attributes. In order to understand and comprehend the meaning of Testability, many studies tried to analyze and measure Testability. These studies investigated Testability within different application domains. In this Section, we discuses these studies in a historical order. Voas and Miller [30, 31] attracted attention to software testability in their studies. They defined testability as the probability of a failed test case, if the program has a fault. They explained how to obtain fault sensitivity by multiplying several probabilities, namely 1) the fault location; 2) the fault alter the program’s state; and 3) the altered state gets propagated to the output. Low fault sensitivity points out low testability and vice versa. They introduced a testability metric that is based on inputs and outputs of a software test. They also proposed an approach which is called PIE. PIE stands for Propagation, Infection, and Execution with the aim of evaluating software testability. However, the PIE technique was multifarious and has high complexity. Binder [7] made a huge improvement on our understanding of software testability. He highlighted the importance of improving testability in the software development life cycle. Binder proposed several existing metrics to evaluate testability, including: DIT (depth of inheritance tree), LCOM (lack of cohesion in methods), DYN (percentage of dynamic calls), and OVR (percentage of non-overloaded calls). However, Binder did show empirical evidence to support their new metrics and did not show that there is a strong relationship between the suggested metrics and testability. He developed a fish-bone model embodying that testability is an outcome of six different factors: (1) characteristics of the representation; (2) characteristics of the implementation; (3) built-in test capabilities; (4) the test suite (test cases and associated information); (5) the test support environment; and (6) the software testing process. However, all these factors only evaluate testability at a higher level of abstraction with no or little comprehensible association with object oriented design and implementation. McGregor et al [26] tried to measure object-oriented testability by introducing the visibility component measure (VC). VC is sensitive to object oriented like inheritance, encapsulation, collaboration and exceptions. The purpose of VC was the feasibility of using it at early stages of a development process. However, Calculating VC requires the availability of accurate and complete specification documents. Bruce and Haifeng Shi [25] decked the designing of object oriented software with testability factors that affect testability. They introduced a preliminary framework to evaluate software testability metric. They formulated several guidelines to improve software testability while designing object-oriented software. However, their framework has different limitations from implementation perspective. Jungmayr [20] related software testability with static dependencies. He proposed a new approach for estimating software testability from integration testing point of view. He investigated measuring testability based on static dependencies to identify test-critical dependencies. One of these test-critical dependencies, according to Jungmayr, is dependency cycles. Jungmayr defined a new metric based on dependencies to measure the impact of dependencies on testability. However, the metric evaluates each dependency individually without considering their interaction effects and the combined impact of sets of dependencies. Briand et al. [10] proposed a new approach which uses class invariants, preconditions, and postconditions (instrumented contracts) with the aim of improving testability. These instrumented contracts 3 International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887) Volume 113 - No. 7, March 2015 are assumed to increase the probability that a fault be detected when test cases are executed. Their study showed that contract assertions detected a good percentage of failures depending on the precision of these contracts. These contract assertions reduce the effort needed to locate faults when failures are detected. Bruntink and van Deursen [11] investigated testability from two different perspectives: metrics to explore the system testability of a system and the effort needed to develop test cases. They found, using two case studies, a correlation between source code metrics like Number of Methods and test metrics like the number of test cases and the number of lines of code per test class. They did not find any relationship between inheritance related metrics and testability metrics. Their test suites were reused from open source development where there was no clear understanding of what test techniques are employed. Baudry et al. [6] investigated the measurement of testability of object-oriented designs by focusing on design patterns and how these patterns can improve testability. They related the testing effort to testability and emphasized class interactions in class diagrams (class interaction is considered when there is a path in the class dependency graph between two classes). However, their hypothesis was not empirically validated. Their model is based on the class dependency graph topology and does not account for the semantics of class relationships. Jerry and Ming [16] proposed a component testability model to assess the software testability which was based on pentagon shaped and analytical approach. Mulo [27] incorporated the importance of testability measurement throughout all stages of software development. He classified metrics to measure testability into three categories structural and behavioral metrics and, data flow metrics. The study suggested that these metrics are better to guide code reviewers and developers instead of measuring the actual testability. He concluded that estimating testability is not an easy task that requires tremendous effort and huge budget. Jianping Fu & Minyan Lu [15] proposed a request-oriented method of software testability measurement. Their self-contained method collects several elements to complete all kinds of testability measurement. The applied their methods in a small case study to demonstrate its effectiveness. However, their approach was not applied to different case studies to unveil its actual usefulness and their approach has not been widely accepted. Khatri et. al [23] proposed an approach to improve testability using reliability growth models. They acknowledged that bug complexity hurts the testability a lot. They discussed several theoretical approaches for improving and measuring the testability of software. However, their model was hypothetical and the quantitative measure of enhancement of testability was not quantified. Badri et. al [5] established a correlation between the effort required to develop a unit test case and some object oriented metrics. They conducted empirical study using three Java open source systems which their JUnit test cases. They concluded their finding by emphasizing that size, coupling, cohesion, and complexity were found significant predictors of the effort required to develop unit tests. In their study, they investigated testability only from the perspective of unit testing. After this brief historical demonstration of testability studies, we found that several methods are available in the literature for estimating and improving software testability. A tremendous effort was focused at later stages of the development life cycle. However, software engineering best practices advocate integrating software testability at design phase which will help designers to improve the quality of the software and significantly reduce the overall develop- ment cost which produces high quality maintainable, testable and reliable software. Another criticism of the current literature is that they use metrics that are specific to a programming language. Metrics that are used to estimate the testability should be language independent in order to generalize the results to more systems that are developed in different languages. 5. METRICS USED FOR TESTABILITY A very large number of object-oriented (OO) metrics have been proposed in the literature with the aim of evaluating different software attributes. Automatic collection of software metrics makes collecting them a low cost process as they are useful in predicting software quality attributes. Software metrics were used extensively in the literature to assess and evaluate software testability. These software metrics can be categorized into two main types, namely source code metrics and test suite metrics. Table 1 shows the metrics that have been used in the literature. 6. CONCLUSION Testability has always been an intangible notion and its capacity a difficult exercise. Existing works on testability either constrain it on a specific viewpoint or take a very general level. Although, several approaches have been proposed for measuring and improving software testability, the state of the art is disseminated and lacks operational guidelines on how to proceed in a systematic and structured manner. Testability is a quality attribute with the aim of figuring out how much effort is needed for software testing. Reducing the effort needed for testing and improving software testability is necessary to deliver high quality software within time and budget. 7. 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