Ingleby Mill Primary School Team 2 Newsletter – April 2015 What will your child be learning this term? Year3 We are starting the term with our Iron Awesome topic. This will include learning about our local history, including the impact the steel industry has had on Teesside. The children will also be learning about Magnets and Forces in Science and creating an animation in Computing. There will also be an educational visit to Cleveland Ironstone Mining Museum in Skinningrove. Our English work will link to this topic and we are reading The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. In Maths there will be a large focus on multiplication and division and your child will be learning how to do written multiplication calculations. Later in the term, the topic will change to How to be Healthy. This will include lots of PE activities, including health and fitness week and sports day. They will learn all about the skeleton and muscles in Science and we’ll be making some healthy snacks in DT. Year 4 In Year 4 this term the main topic is ‘What do we know about Ancient Egypt?’ We will be answering many questions, including ‘What were the achievements of this ancient civilisation?’ ‘When was this period in History?’ ‘What legacy did the Egyptians leave behind?’ As part of the Science curriculum there will be a visit to Flatts Lane or Guisborough Woods to investigate different habitats and different animals. Homework In Year 3 and Year 4, maths homework will be given every Friday and returned to school on a Monday in Y4 and a Tuesday in Y3. Additional mental maths homework may be set during the week to practise skills, particularly learning multiplication tables. This may be using practical activities or DB Primary. Please keep an eye on DB Primary – we keep adding links, tasks and new forums to comment on. There may be other homework related to our English and topic work as it arises. We will also be launching Abacus Homework, which will be online maths activities linked to the work the children will have been doing in the classroom. PE Please can we remind you that with PE kits, children need an indoor kit (shorts and T-shirt) and an outdoor PE kit (track-suit type top, tracksuit type trousers and trainers). These should be sent to school in one drawstring bag. Trainers are preferable for outdoor safety. Indoor PE shoes are not needed. For P.E the children need to be able to remove their own earrings or leave them at home on P.E. days. For safety, children also need to have long hair tied back for PE lessons. Please can you also ensure that ALL equipment is named. Class 3PO 3MW 3 GC 4 ES 4 LH 4KW Indoor PE Mondays Swimming this term Mondays Tuesdays Tuesdays Tuesdays As we are now in the summer term, we will be more flexible with outdoor PE and would like the children to have a suitable outdoor PE kit in school at all times. This term Mrs Williams’ class are swimming on Tuesdays and Mrs Whitney’s class on Thursdays. Parents Please feel free to approach your child’s teacher with any queries or concerns but we ask that you kindly avoid the start of the day for obvious reasons. Class Assemblies We have 1 class assembly in our team this term, Mrs Shaller – Friday 24th April All assemblies will start at 9.45 am and please use the main entrance to enter school. Sun safety As the weather improves, could you please provide your child with a NAMED sunhat and apply suntan lotion before coming to school. Our classrooms get very hot at this time of year, therefore a drink of water is very beneficial for your child. After school clubs and activities will be starting shortly and you will receive a note about these via your child. We hope your child seizes their learning opportunities and makes progress with their learning this term. Year 3 and Year 4 Teachers
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