ABIA STATE COLLEGE OF HEALTH TECHNOLOGY, ABA ACADEMIC GUIDELINE/STUDNES HANDBOOK FORWARD The Academic Guidelines for student of the college of Health Technology, Aba is a perfect guide for all the students at all times during their training period. The institution was formerly established as a school of hygiene in 1948(62) years ago. In August 25th 2009, the Executive Governor of Abia State Chief T.A. Orji (Ochendu) signed into law the bill establishing the College of Health Technology, Aba. Consequently the governor inaugurated the first governing council on 11 th November, 2009 with Okezie V. C. Ikpeazu (PHD) as chairman. The first Rector of the College Alvan Ikoku, Okoro (PhD) was appointed on the 30 th April, 2010. It is in line with the new status of the institution that the academic guideline is prepared for the upliftment of the academic quality of the students. Each student should therefore read the academic guidelines very well to avail himself/herself of the “Modus Operandi” of this Cetadel of learning. H.S.E EGBULEFU Registrar TABLE OF CONTENT Forward SECTION A: PRELIMINARY INFORMATION INSTITUTION AS A WHOLE SECTION 1: GENERAL INFORMATION The Visitor of the College Administration of the College Principal Officers of the College Administrative Department o the College Committees of the College Student Union Government Organs of the Student Union Government Admission Cancellation of Admission Ch age of Course Registration Procedure for registration Orientation programme Matriculation The Library Examination Grading system Withdrawal from the College Medical facilities Social activities Illegal secret society Sporting activities Pregnancy not allowed in any of the programme Dress code Movement of seats SECTION II: ACADEMIC RULES AND REGULATIONS Eligibility to sit for examination Examination venue Before examination During Examination After the examination Examination materials Illness Publication of results Review of examination results Withholding of results Penalty for examination misconduct Procedure for handling examination misconduct Student grievance procedure SECTION III: LIBRARY SERVICE3 Registration at the library Library rules and regulation Borrowing of books Lost books Mutilation or stealing of library materials SECTION IV: HOSTEL RULES AND REGULATIONS SECTION V: SCHOOLS AND PROGRAMMES School School School School School School School School School of of of of of of of of of Environmental Health services Environmental sciences public health and epidemiology general studies social sciences community health sciences pharmacy pharmacy technology health management sciences School School School School School School of of of of of of health information management information management medical laboratory biology sciences dental services pharmacy and health education SECTION A PRELIMINARY INFORMATION INSTUTUTION AS WHOLE Name and address of institution Abia State College of Health Technology, Aba, Abia State Telephone: 082-232205 Date founded: As school of Hygiene 1948 Date established as a college – 25th August 2009 Philosophy and objectives of the college The philosophy of Abiia State collect of health Technology, Aba is founded on the principles of national health policy which is primary health care driven and aims at the establishment of a comprehensive and affordable health care to every citizen of the country with the available resources, so that individuals and communities are assured of productivity and social well-being. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the college are: i. ii. iii. The education and training of health manpower need of the nation particularly at the grassroots. The organization of appropriate training programmes, (courses, seminars and workshops) for health personnel in Abia State, Local government and other agencies that may require such consultancy services. The conduct research in relevant health and health related disciplines iv. The production of technicians and technologists who have sufficient knowledge in the field of health and confident to engage in selfemployment through entrepreneurship To meet these objectives, the college has established general academic requirements for the various programmes as follows: (a) To satisfy the academic and vocational requirements for the various programmes of study. (b) To prepare the trainees for a variety of employment they may be faced in the future. (c) To provide an awareness of the fundamental, potentials and importance of health care delivery tot eh national economy. SECTION 1 GENERAL INFORMATION THE VISITOR OF THE COLLEGE The governor of the state is the visitor of the college and shall as often as circumstances may demand conduct a visitation to the college. ADMINSSTRATION OF THE COLLEGE The college is administered by the following bodies The Governing council: the council makes, controls and superintends over the policies, finances and property of the college. The academic board: the academic board is responsible for the general direction and management of all academic matters of the college, including the use of the college library. The Rector is the chairman of the board while the registrar is the secretary. The board of the college: the board of the college oversees the academic activities of the college. It advises the academic board on the general academic affairs of the school and presents tot eh academic board the college examination result. Congregation the congregation expresses by resolution or otherwise its opinion on all matters affecting the interest and welfare of the college. The congregation comprises the Rector, the deputy rector, registrar, bursar and every full-time academic and non-academic staff of the college who holds a university degree or its equivalent. PRINCIPAL OFFICERS OF THE COLLEGE Currently, the principal officers of the college are: The rector The deputy rector The registrar The directors of schools The bursar The college librarian The rector is the chief executive and chief academic officer of the college. He handles the day-to-day administration of the college and ensures that college policies are implemented. The deputy rector: the deputy rector shall act for the rector in his absence and perform other duties as may from time to be assigned to him/her by the rector. The registrar is the chief administrative officer of the college. He/she is responsible to the rector for the general administration of the college and keeps and maintains college records. The bursar: he/she is responsible to the rector for the administrative of the college finances The college librarian: he/she is responsible to the rector for the general administration of the college library. The directors of schools: they are heads of the different schools and responsible to the rector for the day to day running of the schools and the departments under them ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS OF THE COLLEGE The The The The The The The The office of the rector registry bursary college library medical services department works and maintenance department students affairs department security unit COMMITTEE OF THE COLLEGE The following are ht current committees of the college i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. Result assessment committee Examination committee Admission committee Examination malpractice committee Disciplinary committee Library advisory committee Students affairs committee Ceremonial committee Committee of directors Ethics committee and Demonstration clinic management committee STUDENT UNION GOVERNEMTN The college operates an autonomous students union government. Membership of the union and participation in all union activities shall be open to only full time registered students of the college. All students seeking election into any post shall be screened by the dean of students affairs. Education to the various officers is held annually and the dean of students affairs oversees the elections to endure that it is hitch-free. The union executive serves as a link between the college authorities and the students body. The union leaders are responsible to the college aurhority through the director of students affairs. All activities of the union shall be approved by the rector before implementation. ORGANS OF THE STUDENT UNION GOVERNENT The student union government is composed of there organs: The Executive council The students representative council and the students congress Elections to the union executive council are held at the beginning of each session/ THE OFFICERS OF THE SUTUDENS EXECTUVE COUNTIL President Vice president General Secretary Assistant general secretary. Financial secretary Treasurer Director of sports and social, welfare officer Public relations officer, auditors 1& 11 STUDENTS REPRESENTATIVE COUNTIL (S.R.C) SENATE The speaker of the house/the senate president Deputy speaker/deputy senate president The clerk The chief whip sergeant at arm. Students congress The entire student body ADMISSION 1. The college is open to all candidates irrespective of race, sex, place of birth, religion and political affiliation 2. The language of instruction ins English 3. A candidate below 16 years of age is not eligible for admission. 4. Admission into the college shall be upon success at the entrance examination to be conducted by the college for each academic year in addition to possessing the minimum entry requirements. 5. Candidates may be required to present themselves for interview, aptitude tests or written examination where applicable in addition to their being successful at the entrance examination DEFFERMENT OF ADMISSION A student may be granted on request approval to defer his/her admission for a maximum period of one academic year. Such a student must have passed the probation examination and completed the indexing process. CANCELLATON OF ADMISSION A student who gained admission into the college without the minimum entry requirements or through any fraudulent means shall be asked to withdraw from the college and his/her admission cancelled anytime the anomaly is discovered. No student shall be allowed to change the course into which he/she is admitted after one semester. REGISTRATION 1 Student s including returning students must register at the beginning of every new academic year. 2. Registration shall be in accordance with the rules and regulations of the college, which may be reviewed from time to time 3. Any continuing student who fails to register shall not be considered as bonafide student of the college. 4. Late registration shall carry a penalty of N2,000 (Two Thousand Naira Only) 5. No continuing student shall be allowed to register after the stipulated date of registration except with special permission, while fresh students shall not be allowed to register after the probation examination. PROCEDURES FOR REGISTRATION The procedure for registration shall include the following: 1. Verification of entry qualifications (new student) 2. Payment of stipulated fees (including acceptance fee for new students) 3. Medical examination (new student) 4. Registration at the college of library 5. Hostel registration (where applicable) 6. Submission of completed registration forms duly signed by the authorized offices at the appropriate offices. ORIENTATION PROGRAMME A week orientation programme is organized for all fresh students. The programmed is aimed at introducing the fresh students to their new environment and college life. During the orientation, students shall be introduced to the various departments and units of the college. They shall be acquainted with the college rules and regulations and the academic grading system. The orientation progamme is a must, for all new students and should be taken seriously. MATRICULATION: the matriculation ceremony signifies he formal acceptance of new students to the college. Freshmen are required to take the matriculation oath and sign the matriculation register. Nobody may claim to be a student of the college until he/she has completed all matriculation formalities. THE LIBRARY The college contains a library which is open to both staff and students. EXAMINATION The college conducts the following categories of examination 1. Semester examination 2. Probation examination 3. State final examination Professional examinations are conducted at National level by the respective regulatory bodies of he various programmes at the end of the training period. GRADING SYSTEM Assessment of students academic performance is by continuous assessment in assignments, practical work, class tests and semester/sessional examinations which sum put to 100%. The raw scores are computed into grade and classified. WITHDRAWAL FROM THE COLLEGE Withdrawal for academic failure (WAF) A student shall be required to withdraw from the college if he/she fails to achieve the minimum academic standards, which the school of study may prescribe from time to time. Temporary Withdrawal A student may be granted, on request, leave of absence from the college for a maximum period of one academic year. Such a student must have passed the probation examinations and completed the indexing process Withdrawal on medical grounds: A student, who withdraws on medical grounds, must report his/her illness to the college authority in writing immediately. Such a student will require a medical report of fitness from a government hospital before he/she can be re-admitted. Withdrawal without notice A student who withdraws from the college without a written approval shall not be re-admitted without going through the regular process of fresh admission. Refund of Fees after withdrawal Fess paid to the college are not refundable. MEDICAL FACILITIES The college runs a demonstration clinic. This provides in and out patient medical services for staff and students SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Students wishing to form a society or social club should apply to the student’s affairs director for registration. Details of the proposed society or social club, its officers and constitution must be furnished when application is made. No society or social club should operate on campus unless such society or club is approved by management. The following are categories of associations approved for registration in the college. 1. 2 3. 4. Academic /professional Associations Ethnic Group associations Social/cultural /philanthropic associations Non-denominational religious associations ILLEGAL/SECRET SOCIETY The college likes the nation at large frowns at her formation, patronage and the existence of secret societies or secret cults on the campus. Students must note that it is illegal to operate a secret society in the college or to belong to any banned society. Contravention of this regulation shall lead to expulsion. SPORTIN ACTIVITIES The college encourages extra-curricular sporting acttivities like football, volleyball, badminton, tennis etc. the idea is to identify hidden talents in students so as to project them for future national and international competitions. Students are advised to liaise with the sports officer and participate fully in sporting activities. RELIGIOUS WORSHIP The college encourages freedom of worship. There is an interdenominational chapel in the college to serve the Christian community. PREGNANCY NOT ALLOWED IN ANY OF THE PROGRAMMES Any female student who is discovered to be pregnant during the programme shall be asked to withdraw or obtain a leave absence for one year. If she however wishes to continue with the programme after delivery, she must re-apply for admission. DRESS CODE Students should ensure strict compliance with the dress code as spelt out in the college hand book for the respective schools. MOVEMENT OF SEATS No student shall move seats from one class to another without the prior consent of their respective directors, such actions would attract 3 months suspension. ACADEMIC RULES AND REGULATIONS ELIGIBILITY TO SIT FOR EXAMINATIONS It is an obligation for a student to meet the following requirement before he/she would be eligible for any examination. Full payment of the required fees. Completion of registration requirements of the school which the candidate is admitted. Meeting at lease 75% attendance to lectures, submission of assignments and projects with effect from the beginning of the academic year and other requirement that may be determined by the regulatory body (Academic board) from time to time. EXAMINATION VENUE The examination halls shall be kept tidy at all times. Walls of the examination hall and the writing desks shall be free of writings, diagrams, drawings, pictures and any other material that could be of assistance to the students. BEFORE EXAMINATION No candidate shall be allowed into the examination room if he/she is more than thirty (30) minute late. A student who, arrives late to the examination hall shall not be allowed extra time. No candidate shall be permitted to leave the examination hall before thirty (30 )minuts after the commencement of the examination. No candidate shall, take into examination hall or have in his/her possession during an examination session any book or paper, printed or handwritten, whether relevant to the examination or not except if stated in the question paper or specifically authorized to do so. Candidates can only enter the examination hall with the following items: Students identity card, pens, Pencils, Erasers, Rulers and any other material specified by the examiner eg evidence of payment of prescribed fees. Candidates shall deposit any handbag or briefcase at the invigilator’s desk or other approved places before commencement of the examination. No candidate shall refuse being searched if required by the invigilator On no account should a candidate refuse a set assigned by the invigilator. DURING EDURING EXAMINATION A student shall comply with the instructions set out on a question paper answer booklet or any directives supplied and shall also comply with any directive(s) given by the invigilator. Student examination number (not name) must be written on the examination answer booklet and extra sheet(s) by the students. To attract the attention of an invigilator, a student shall only raise up his/her hand. A candidate shall not remove or destroy whole or part of paper or other materials supplied whether used or not. However, he may remove from the examination hall at the end of the session any item authorized by the invigilator. A candidate shall use only duly stamped and signed answer booklet provided by the invigilator. Also duly stamped and signed extra sheets must be fastened together with the main booklet. No student shall write on the question paper. All rough work must be done on the answer booklet No student shall directly on indirectly give assistance to any other student or accept any assistance from any other person during an examination. No student shall be allowed during an examination to communicate verbally or otherwise with any other student or act in such a way to disturb or inconvenience others. No handsets must be brought into he examination hall. Students shall stop writing, remain seated and hand in their answer booklets in a orderly manner as may be directed by the invigilator at the end of an examination. At the end of an examination, every candidate must submit his/her answer booklet to the invigilator in person and sign the appropriate column of the attendance sheet to confirm that he/she has submitted the answer script. Under no circumstances should a student go out of the examination hall with answer booklets or extra sheets. The invigilators main function in the hall is to keep Constant vigilance over students during he examination session and attend toe students request promptly. Carry out a search on any student suspected of violating examination regulations such as abnormal movement, unusual behavior or in possession of any unauthorized item. Ensure strict compliance with time limit as stipulated on the question paper. Ensure that students permitted to go to toilet are under escourt AFTER EXAMINATION The invigilator shall ensure that attendance sheet is duly signed by every student present before leaving the examination hall. The invigilator shall also collect scripts from students promptly and deliver them to the examination officer or to any officer in charge of the examination immediately after the examination. The examination officer and the invigilator shall check and ensure that the answer booklets are correct and thereafter shall sign and counter sign the appropriate column of the attendance sheet respectively. Both examination officer and invigilator shall give the examination malpractice report (if the need arises). Thereafter, the examination officer shall parcel all answer booklets in an envelope and dispatch to the head of department or directly to the examiner as directed not later than thirty minutes after the end of the examination. EXAMINATION MATERIALS The college supplies all examination stationery such as answer booklets, graph sheets, and extra sheets where necessary. Therefore students are not permitted to bring into the examination hall any of such materials. Al valid answer booklets, extra sheets shall be stamped and duly signed by the examination officer or any of his assistants before issuance for use by examiner. Any unused materials remain the property of the college and must not be taken away by an candidate. ILLLNESS In case of illness or any special medical case and a student cannot take an examination, he/she shall immediately notify the registrar through the director of the school in writing and attach medical report from a recognized government hospital for necessary action/ Where a student falls ill during the examination, he/she shall be permitted to obtain medical attention and the invigilator shall write a report to the effect. However, such student may be allowed to write ithe the papers or examination he/she missed with the approval of the board of the college providing the academic board has not sat on the result. PUBLICATION OF RESULTS The list of successful candidates for each examination shall be published by the registry after approval by the academic board. REVIEW OF EXAMINATION RESULTS Where a candidate feels that he/she did not receive a fair assessment in the examination on release of result, he/she may appeal to the academic board through the registrar within 14 days of release of such examination results. Such an appeal shall be accompanied by a fee of N1,000 per paper To review the answer booklet of the complainant, the registrar of the college shall immediately arrange for the remarking of the scripts and report in writing to the academic board within tow weeks after the appeal had been made. WITHHOLDING OF RESULTS Any student who as not fulfilled all contractual obligations to the college such as Return of library books or materials, bedding, full payment of relevant fees, return of sports ware and any other properly of the college in his custody either as loan, or otherwise shall have his/her result withheld until payment of same is made. PENALTY FOR EXAMINAAITON MISCONDUCT All substantiate cases of examination malpractice shall attract penalties as approved by the academic board of the college according to the weight of the offence e as the case may be. PROCEUDRE FOR HANDLING EXAMIANTION MISCONDUCT Any student suspected f beaching any part of the examination regulations shall be made to complete the misconduct form right in the The examination officer shall withdraw the answer script of any affected student from the rest submitted by the invigilator and kept in custody throughout the period of investigation but shall tender it as exibit on request by the examination malpractice/disciplinary committee or any authorized body in the college, The invigilator shall report the case along with the necessary exhibits and documents to the examination officer who shall further refer the case to the registrar of the college at the end of the examination The committee handling such causes shall feel free to take oral or written from any source it deems necessary for ht case. A suspected student of staff shall make him/herself available for interrogation on request by the examination malpractice committee. At the end of the investigation, all embers of the committee shall endorse and the report forwarded to the academics board to consideration through the registrar. Any dissenting member must submit a minority view that should accompany the report. STUNDENTS GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE A student may after being disciplined for examination malpractice (misconduct) petition the decision of the academic board if he/she feels unfairly treated within 30 days to the registrar through the examination and record office. The registrar shall convey such appeal to the academic board which shall accept the petition if i has merit for a review of the earlier decision. LIBRARY SERVICES REGISTRATION AT THE LIBRARY Only students duly registered with the library will be allowed to use the college library. To register, student most present the original admission letter, passport sized photograph and school fees receipt to the librarian for verification before registration. All library users are required to abide by the rule and regulations governing the use of the library. LIBRARY RULES AND REGULATIONS The rules and regulations governing the use of the college library are as follows: There must be utmost silence in and around the library Readers causing unnecessary disturbance may be asked to leave Identity cards are mandatory for entrance iinto the library. There must be not eating in the library, as crumbs of food attract insects, pest and rodents, which are destructive to books There should be no smoking in and around the library No bags, folders, raincoats, umbrellas and parcels are allowed into the library but may at owner’s s risk be deposited in the library security checkpoint. Noise making shoes should not be worn into the library Consulted materials should be left on the reading tables Consult the library assistants for help in the library When leaving the library, you must submit yourself to the library attendant for check. Students are not to enter library before official opening time GSM phone must be switched off before entering the library. Failure to return library books as at when due attracts a penalty of N100 only in the first instance and subsequently N100 for every defaulting day. BORROWING OF BOOKS A registered library user can only borrow one book only at a time for a period of one week after which the book may be renewed. Final year students are required to return all library books on loan immediately after the sessional examination. The names of these who fail to comply with these regulations will be submitted to the academic board for appropriate action. On leaving the college, only users of the library who have retuned borrowed books from the library shall be cleared by the college librarian. LSOT BOOKS Allegedly lost books will be paid for. The cost of such books will be twice the original unit cost MUTILATION OR STEALING OF LIBRARY MATERIALS Library users, who mark, deface damage or mutilate library books/materials will pay for such books, twice the original unit cost of each book. Stealing of library books or any other maternal will attract dismissal of such student from the college. Hostel rooms are to be cleaned by students, while the official cleaners are responsible for cleaning the passages, toilets and surroundings. Wanton destruction of college prosperities will lead to dismissal from the college. Any business premises found to e selling dangerous drugs, alcohol and related articles shall be closed down. Thefts will lead to dismissal from the college Assault/fighting will lead to dismissal from the college. HOSTEL RULES AND REGULATIONS Rooms are allocated to students on payment of accommodation fees, and clearance form Registry and students affairs department The college authority reserves the right to determine the number of students per room as the need arises. \Rooms can only be allocated by the Hostel officer in liaison with director of student’s affairs There is no reservation of rooms, i is allocated on the firs come firs served basis. The right to occupy a room is not transferable. No student is allowed to transfer property like furniture etc, from classroom to hostel or vice versa. Any student caught transferring properties would be rusticated for one academic year. Directives issued by the hostel officers must be complied with. No student is allowed to use or place any notices on staff notice board without permission from the registrar’s office. Its is an offence for any student or group to write notice or paste notices on unauthorization places. Any defaulting union shall be prohibited No student is allowed to make any radio or news paper advertisement concerning its activities in the college without obtaining permission from the registrars office No visitors are allowed in the hostel from 4pm to 6 pm on week days and 10am to 6 pm weekends. No student is allowed for whatever reason to keep a visitor in his/her room overnight. Any student caught would be rejected from eh hostel. If any student ejected is squatted by another student, this other student will be suspended from the college for such period so as the rector will direct. Wanton destruction of college properties will lead to dismissal from eh college. Any business premises found to be selling dangerous drugs, alcohol and related articles shall be closed down. Theft will lead to dismissal from the college. Use of dangerous drugs will lead to dismissal from the college. Inter hostel movement between male and female students at unauthorized hours will lead to dismissal from the college. Inter-hostel movement between male and female students at unauthorized hours willl lead to ejection from hostels of the students involved. Criminal offence within our outside the hostel., which can tarnish the reputation of the college will lead to dismissal from the college. Disturbances caused by loud, noise making particularly through musical. Sets are prohibited. Staging of parties of any kind in the hostel is prohibited. Students must handover the keys of the their rooms to the hostel officer. warden or matron at two days after vacation of each semester. Students who go away at the end of the session without leaving the keys of their rooms shall be surcharged. Students who leave personal property in their rooms during vacation do so attheir own risk Students are not allowed to keep more than N5,000 cash in the hostel. Any student who violates this rule does it at his/her own risk. Room keys are not transferable. Students must not change the locks (or provide additional ones to their rooms without the express permission from the rector of students affairs. The installation and use of electric gas, washing machines toaster, grills, refrigeratiors,, electric boiler. TV, Harir dryers etc in the hostel is prohibited. Musical instrument is played not cause nuisance tot other roommates or the college generally. It is an offence for any student to tamper with any electrical installation in the hostel. Student must promptly report any damage of malfunctioning of elfiimil device to the hostel officer, hostel warden or matron. SCHOOS AND PROGRAMMEDS SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENT HEALTH SCHIENCES PROGRAMMES 1. National Diploma (ND/Higher National Diploma (HND) in Environmental Health 4 years. 2. Environmental health technicians course – 3 years 3. Environmental Health Assistant course – 2 years. SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Diploma (ND) in pest and Rodent Control – 2years. Diploma (ND) in Waste Management – 2years Certificate in Pest and Rodents Control 1 year Diploma in Health Building & Construction 2 years Diploma in Cemetery and Mortuary keeping – 1 year Diploma in Environmental Biology. SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH & EPIDEMOLOGY 1. 2. 3. 4. Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma (ND) (ND) (ND) (ND) in in in in Epidemiology and Public Health – 2 years first Aid and Emergency – 2 years Fire Safety and Technology – 2 years Public & Community Health 2 years 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Certificate in fire safety – 1 year. Diploma (ND) in Nutrition – 2 years Diploma in Public Health Administration & Management Diploma in food Hygiene HND Public Health Administration and Management SCHOOL OF GENERAL STUDIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma (ND) in Medical Sociology 2 years (ND) in Medical Psychology 2 years (ND) in Health Mathematics and Statistics in Chemistry – 2 years in Biology 2 years. in Health Sciences – 2 years in Physics – 2 years. SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diploma (ND) in Social Work – 2 years. Diploma (ND) in Sociology 2 years Diploma (ND) in Psychology – 2 years Diploma (ND) in Social Studies & Services 2 years Certificate for Nanny Assistants 1 year Certificate Nursery Assistants – 1 year Certificate for Health Assistants (Science Laboratory) 1 year Certificate for Health Assistants (Health Records) Certificate for Health Assistants (Dispensary) SCHOOL OF COMMUNITY HEALTH SCIENCES - PROGRAMMES The School runs the following programmes 1. National Diploma (ND)/ Higher National Diploma (HND) in Community Health 4 years SCHOOL OF PHARMACY The school runs the following programmes 1 Pharmacy technicians programme 3 years 2 Conversion programme for pharmacy assistant 2 years SCHOOL OF PHARMACY TECHNOLGY 1. Diploma (ND) in Pharmacy Technology 2. Higher National Diploma (HND) in pharmacy Technology SCHOOL OF HEALTH MANAGEMENT SCIENCES 1. Diploma (ND) in Health & Hospital Administration 2 years. 2. Diploma in Health Services Administration 2 years 3. Diploma in Health and Safety Management – 2 years 4. Diploma in Health Insurance Management and Administration 5. Diploma in Road Safety & Management 6. Higher Diploma in Health Insurance Management & Administration 2 years 7. Diploma in Vehicle Driving, Maintenance & Safety – 2 years. 8. Diploma (ND) in Health Management and Planning 9. Diploma (ND) in market/Motor park Master studies – 2 years 10.Diploma in Health Economics – 2 years 11.Higher Diploma in Market/Motor park Superintendent studies 12.Diploma in Health Planning & Project Management – 2 years 13.Diploma in Health Financing & Management 2 years. SCHOOL OF HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENTY PROGRAMMES The school runs the following programmes 1. National Diploma (ND/Higher National Diploma (HND) in Health Information Management 4 years. 2. Health Information Technicians Course 3 years. SCHOOL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 1 2 3 4 5 Diploma (ND) in Computer Science – 2 years Diploma (ND) in General Health Studies – 2 years Certificate in General/Health statistics – 1 year Diploma (ND) in General & Health Computer Sciences 2 years Diploma (ND) in Statics 2 years. SCHOOLF OF MEDICAL LABORARTORY SCIENCES The school runs the following courses 1 2 Medical Laboratory Technicians Medical Laboratory Assistance SCHOOL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 1. Diploma in Biology 2 years 2. Diploma in Microbiology 2 years 3. Diploma in Biochemistry 2 years SCHOOL OF DENTAL SERVIES 1 Certificate in Dental Hygiene 2 Diploma in Epidemiology and periodontal Diseases 3 School of Dental Hygiene 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SCHOO OF PHYSCIAL AND HELTH EDUCATION Diploma (ND) in Sports ADMINSITRATION AND Management 2 years Certificate in Sports Administration and Management 1 year Diploma a (ND) in Physical and Health Education 2 years. Diploma (ND) in Health Education 2 years Certificate in Adult Education Organizer Studies 1 year Diploma (ND) in Adult Education Studies – 2 years Higher National Diploma in Adult Education Studies – 2 years Higher National Diploma in Health Education NATIONAL DIPLOMA, HIGHER NATIONAL DIPLOMA & CERTIFICATE COURSE IN THE FOLLOWITNG AREAS 1 School of Information Management 2 Social Services 3 School of General |Studies ENTRY QUALIFICATIONS School of Heath Information Management and School of Health Management Sciences. 5 Credits in not more than 2 sittings including English, Mathematics any 2 science subjects (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) and any one of management courses (Govt. Economics, Commerce or Geography) The above programmes are for Regular. Evening and Weekends Studies. Applicants with NCE, Diploma in Management and Public Administration, certificate/Diploma in Social Sciences or Social Work are free Higher National Diploma in related Health Programmes. Other Schools: Diploma /Higher National Diploma – 5 Credits including English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics in not more than sittings Certificate courses. Credit in English, and Maths and 3 passes in science subjects. VOCATIONAL COURSE AREAS: JSS 3, S75, attempt (WAEC, NECO, NABTEB and standard Six, FSLC, i/c Motor park Mgt. Motor Vehicle Driving and Maintenance
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