BOARD MEMBERS WANTED Inland Counties Regional Center, Inc. (IRC) is 1 of 21 regional centers in California mandated through the Lanterman Act to serve individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. IRC is currently seeking to fill two volunteer board member positions. Applicants residing in San Bernardino County, of Hispanic or Asian descent with business knowledge or past board experience preferred. Board members must attend regular monthly Board meetings, scheduled workshops/ trainings and participate in one Board Committee. You may fill out the application below and submit via email. Applications accepted until position is filled. For additional information, contact Sandra Guzman at (909) 890-3402. Inland Regional Center P.O. Box 19037 San Bernardino, CA 92423 Reset Form Board of Trustee Member Application Name_________________________________________________________________________ Please check the BEST number above to reach you □ Home Phone ______________________ □ Cell Phone ______________________ Home Address ________________________________City __________________Zip________ Best email Address______________________________________________________________ I reside in (check one) □Riverside County □ San Bernardino County Ethnic Background (Optional) _____________________________________________________ Occupation ____________________________________________________________________ Hobbies and special interests:_____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ According to the Lanterman Act our Board must try to be equally represented by the area that we serve and the clients of IRC. A minimum of 50 percent of the members of the Board shall be persons with developmental disabilities or their parents or legal guardians. No less than 25 percent of the members of the Board shall be persons with developmental disabilities. The Board shall include persons with legal, management, public relations, and developmental disability program skills. These skills may be shown by persons who have a demonstrated aptitude or experience in Human Resources, administrative, financial, and other executive level positions. The Board shall include representatives of the various categories of disability served by the Corporation. The Board shall reflect the geographic and ethnic characteristics of the area served by the Corporation. Please help us to be diverse and be sure you list any qualifying details. Are you a: (Please check one) □ □ □ Client of Inland Regional Center Parent or Legal Guardian of a Client of Inland Regional Center Representative of the general public ICRC 15 (4/7/15) If you are a client of IRC or a Parent/Legal Guardian of a client please indicate the type of disability (e.g.., intellectual disability, autism, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, other______________________________________________________ Have you ever served on a Board of a nonprofit? _____ What was the name of the nonprofit? _________________________________________How many years did you serve? _____ were you on the Executive committee? __________ if yes, what position or positions did you hold ? __________________________ Have you had memberships in associations, service clubs, social clubs, or Professional organizations? Please list all that may apply:__________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Are you a member of a governing board of any organization providing service to people with developmental disabilities? □yes □no If yes please explain: ______________________________________________________________________________ How did you develop your interest in or knowledge of developmental disabilities? (Describe your employment, education or other activities which demonstrate your interest or knowledge). ___________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Are you currently or (within the past 12 months) employed by any organization providing service to and clients of the Inland Regional Center? □ yes □ no If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Our Board meets monthly, along with that evening meeting there is a commitment to serving on 2 committees and mandatory trainings. Board members are encouraged to attend events and at times are asked to represent the IRC Board at various events along with a willingness to meet with local legislators. I am willing to serve and understand the commitment. □ yes □ no Please fill out completely and hit send. You will be contacted soon. Thank you for your interest. ICRC 15 (4/7/15) Print form Submit by email
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