Inmans Primary School Mathematics Medium Term Planning Year 4 Autumn Term Year 4 Autumn Term Big Maths Counting Progress Steps Drive Place Value 4. I can Squigglewort partition a h 2dp number Ordering Numbers Counting Multiples Count Fourways Counting Along 4. I can order numbers with 3 decimal places 7. I can count in 6s 7. I can count in 25s, 250s, 2.5s, 1/4 3. I can count along for all of Count Fourways challenges Learn its Multiplicati on 6 x table Progress Drive Adding in different contexts. Pim Halving Number bonds X10/100/ 1000 ÷10/100/ 1000 Smile Multiplication It’s nothing new Steps 3.I can add thousands 3000+4000 5.I can halve any 2 digit number 4. I know the missing piece to 1000 346+?=1000 2. I can multiply whole numbers by 100 13X100 2. I can divide whole numbers by 10 or 100. 279÷10 346÷100 2.I can write smile multiplications times tables. 1x50 2x50 3x50 3.I can write smile multiplication fact families. 30x7=210 7x30=210 210÷30=7 210÷7=30 Calculation Addition Mental 32. I can I can solve 1 dp add 1 dp. 0.4+0.3 Subtraction Written 33. I can solve 3 digit subtract 3 digit as money. £6.28-£2.35 Multiplication Written 11. I can solve 2 digit times 1 digit (x2,3,4,5). 4x23 2x23 Division (x2,3,4 or 5) Written 19.I can combine 2 or more tables facts to Coin Multiplication 3. I can complete a full coin card 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100. 1x32 2x32 5x32 10x32 20x32 50x32 100x32 solve division with reminders. 69÷5 Outline of main topics Week Main Topic Title Objectives 1 Number (Link with Big Maths Objectives) Count in multiples of 6, 25 and 1000 Count Fourways 1, 7 Find 1000 more or less than a given number Recognise the place value of each digit in a four-digit number (thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones) Place value 3 Locate 3- and 4-digit numbers on land-marked lines, 100s or 1000s labelled, and on empty number lines Counting along 1-2 Order and compare numbers beyond 1000. Ordering numbers 3 Compare using < and > Solve number and practical problems that involve all of the above and with increasingly large positive numbers Read Roman numerals to 100 (I to C) and know that over time, the numeral system changed to include the concept of zero and place value. (Linked to topic) 2 and 3 Addition and Subtraction Revise mental calculation strategies for addition and subtraction Adding pairs of two digits Addition22-25 Complements to 10 Jigsaw Numbers 1-2 Addition and subtraction facts to 20 Add numbers with 3 digits using the informal written methods (expanded) of addition Addition 26-29 Links with strategy, unit plans and Hamilton Hamilton Trust Week 1 NNS Unit Plans Unit 1 Unit Plans Unit 2 and Unit 3 and unit 12 Hamilton Trust Week 2 and 3 Subtract three digit numbers using a number line (finding the difference) Subtraction 29-32 Estimate and use inverse operations to check answers to a calculation Solve addition and subtraction two-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why. Calculation Policy Addition - Children use informal pencil and paper methods (jottings) to support, record and explain partial mental methods building on existing mental strategies. They begin to use an expanded layout that underpins the standard written method Subtraction Children will continue to use empty number lines with increasingly large numbers. Counting on – finding a difference Children continue to count on to find the difference but move onto making jumps to the nearest multiple of 10 4 Measurement (Measures and money) 5 Fractions Convert between different units of measure (e.g. kilometre to metre; ) Link this to multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 ITS NOTHING NEW. Only do measures that link to these calculations at this stage no x1000. X10, 100, 100, -1-2. ÷10, 100, 100, -1-2 Measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear figure including squares) in centimetres and metres (straight lines) Estimate, compare and calculate different measures, including money in pounds and pence Solve word problems involving money. Hamilton Trust Week 9 Unit Plans Unit 5 Unit 6 perimeter ( coordinates next term) Unit 10 measures Recognise and show, using diagrams, families of common equivalent fractions Count Fourways 1-8 Solve problems involving increasingly harder fractions to calculate NNS Unit Plan Unit 11 Hamilton Trust quantities, and fractions to divide quantities, Quantities involved – ½ ¼ 1/10 1/5 Of shapes and quantities 1 Week 11 1 3 Recognise and write decimal equivalents to /4; /2; /4 Count Fourways 1-8 Find the effect of dividing a whole number by 10 and 100 with a whole number answer. X10, 100, 100, -1-2. ÷10, 100, 100, -1-2 Solve simple measure and money problems involving fractions and decimals to one decimal places. Adding with Pim 1-4 6 Statistics and Time Interpret and present discrete and continuous data using appropriate graphical methods, including bar charts and time graphs Solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in bar charts, pictograms, tables and other graphs Hamilton Trust Week 9 NNS Unit Plans Unit 13 Read and write time between analogue and digital 12 and 24-hour clocks Solve problems involving converting from hours to minutes; minutes to seconds; years to months; weeks to days. Ongoing teacher assessments during the half term. Weekly Big Maths “BeatThat” tests. Problems and puzzles set linked to work covered during the half term. Half Term 1 Number (link with Big Maths Objectives) Count in multiples of 6, 25 and 1000 Count Fourways 1, 7 Find 1000 more or less than a given number Recognise the place value of each digit in a four-digit number (thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones) Place value 3 Place value additions and subtractions in 4 digit numbers Adding and Subtracting from a four digit number Adding with Hamilton Trust Week 6 NNS Unit Plans Unit 1 Pim 3. Order and compare numbers beyond 1000. Ordering numbers 3-4 Compare using < and > Solve number and practical problems that involve all of the above and with increasingly large positive numbers Read Roman numerals to 100 (I to C) and know that over time, the numeral system changed to include the concept of zero and place value. (Linked to topic) 2 and 3 Multiplication and Recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12 Autumn Term – 2,3,4,5,6,9,10,11 Division Look at patterns, investigate general statements Use place value to multiply and divide by 10 and 100. X10, 100, 100, -1-2. ÷10, 100, 100, -1-2 Multiply two-digit by a one-digit number using formal written layout (grid multiplication – see calculation policy. Multiplication 11-12. Smile Multiplication 1-2 Solve problems involving multiplying and adding. Begin to decide whether to round up or down after division Calculation Policy TU x U (Short multiplication – multiplication by a single digit) 23 x 8 Children will approximate first 23 x 8 is approximately 25 x 8 = 200 x 8 20 160 3 24 160 + 24 184 Choose appropriate number operations and calculation methods to solve money and ‘real life’ word problems with one or more steps. Explain and record methods. Check with equivalent calculation Hamilton Trust Week 5 and 10 NNS Unit Plan Unit 9 4 Problem Solving / Number Sequences Recognise and extend number sequences formed by counting from any number in steps of constant size extending beyond zero when counting back e.g. count on in steps of 25 to 500 and then back to, say, –100. Count Fourways 1-7 NNS Unit Plan unit 8 Recognise odd and even numbers up to 1000 and some of their properties, including the outcome of sums or differences of pairs or odd/even numbers. Solve mathematical problems or puzzles, recognise and explain patterns and relationships, generalise and predict. Make and investigate a general statement about familiar numbers, by finding examples that satisfy it. 5 Fractions Recognise and show, using diagrams, families of common equivalent fractions Solve problems involving increasingly harder fractions to calculate quantities, and fractions to divide quantities, Begin to relate finding unit fractions to division and use to find ½, 1/3, ¼, 1/5 or 1/10 of multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10 moving onto non unit fractions of the fractions above with whole number answers. Of shapes and quantities Recognise and write decimal equivalents to 1/4; 1/2; 3/4 Recognise and write decimal equivalents to tenths or hundredths Find the effect of dividing a whole number by 10 and 100 with a whole number answer. X10, 100, 100, -1-2. ÷10, 100, 100, -1-2 Solve simple measure and money problems involving fractions and decimals to one decimal places 6 Geometry Compare and classify geometric shapes, including quadrilaterals and triangles, based on their properties and sizes Identify acute and obtuse angles and compare and order angles up to two right angles by size Hamilton Trust Week 11 NNS Unit Plans Unit 11 Hamilton Trust Week 4 Unit Plans Unit 4 7 Assess and Review Ongoing teacher assessments during the half term. Weekly Big Maths “BeatThat” tests. Problems and puzzles set linked to work covered during the half term. Rigby Star test completed to assess children and support future planning and pupil’s needs. Big Maths Rigby Star
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