l e t ’s m a k e a d i f f e r e n c e Sponsorship Proposal 14th Triennial Conference 5-7 February, 2016 Science City Convention Centre, Kolkata Host: District 329 Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in India SPONSORSHIP PROPOSAL Association of Inner Wheel clubs in India invites you to participate in a wonderful sponsorship opportunity – the 14th Triennial Conference to be held on February 5, 6 and 7, 2016, at Science City. The Conference is being held in Kolkata for the first time ever and will present a large target group of about 2,500 ladies from affluent families from all over the country as well as from abroad. About Inner Wheel Inner Wheel is the world’s 2nd largest women’s organisation, spread over 104 countries, and is particularly strong in India. The ladies who are members of Inner Wheel are spouses or relatives of Rotarians, who are acknowledged leaders in businesses and professions. There are 1104 Inner Wheel clubs in India with a total of 33,000 members, who are socially aware and are engaged in the upliftment of society. Publicity Channels About the event For the very first time, the Triennial Conference of Association of Inner Wheel clubs in India is being held in Kolkata, and is expected to draw about 2,500 delegates from India, South East Asia and also from UK, Europe, Australia, Africa, and many other countries. In addition, there will be over 500 delegates from the host Inner Wheel This large group ofdistrict ladies itself. will be an ideal target audience for exposure of any product or brand. Pre-event printed material such as members’ registration brochure, promotional leaflets and posters, etc. Outdoor promotions: 3 or 4 hoardings at premium sites spread across the city. Gates and banners at the venue, Science City. Venue: Main stage backdrop, standees and banners at strategic points, entrance, foyers, corridors, food court, seminar halls etc. 13th Triennial Conference, Hyderabad Sponsorship CategorieS Platinum Sponsor Silver Sponsor Your brand exclusively will be the main sponsor of the Triennial Conference and will be carried across all properties and channels without exception. A complimentary stall will be provided in the exhibition hall. A short ad film not exceeding 2 minutes will be permitted during recess times on the main stage. Investment: Rs 15 lakh only Brand name and logo on hoardings, invitation cards, banners, standie at the venue and newspaper ads. Investment: Rs 5 lakh only Diamond Sponsor Brand name and logo will be carried on hoardings, invitation cards, banners, posters, newspaper ads, and main stage. Investment: Rs 12 lakh only Gold Sponsor Brand name and logo will be carried on hoardings, invitation cards, banners, newspaper ads, main stage Investment: Rs 10 lakh only Pearl Sponsor Brand name and logo on invitation cards and banners Investment: Rs 3 lakh only Associate Sponsor Brand name and logo on invitation cards and standie at the venue. Investment: Rs 2 lakh only A complimentary four colour page advertisement to all categories will be inserted in the Conference souvenir. To Ms Sumi Agarwal Ms Mamta Agarwal President, 2015-16 Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in India M: +91 98311 70505, 98300 38787 E: [email protected] Chair, Fund Raising 14th Triennial Conference Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in India 52B, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata 700029 M: +91 98300 46621, E: [email protected] Sir/Madam, We would be happy to be associated with the 14th Triennial Conference, In ONEness, of Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in India which will be held from 5-7 February, 2016 at Kolkata as Platinum Gold Silver Pearl Associate Our cheque/draft no.____________________ dated ________________ drawn on_____________ _________________________ in favour of Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in India, 14th Triennial Conference, payable at Kolkata is enclosed. Matter for display is given overleaf/enclosed. Soft copy of the company’s logo/other material in jpeg/ pdf is provided on a CD/is being emailed to you. Date Signature with seal Name & address of organisation ______________________________________________________ Name & designation of contact person _________________________________________________ Tel: ____________________________ email: ____________________________________________ Matter for display Contact details: Ms Mamta Agarwal President, 2015-16 Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in India M: +91 98311 70505, 98300 38787 E: [email protected] Ms Sumi Agarwal Chair, Fund Raising 14th Triennial Conference Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in India 52B, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata 700029 M: +91 98300 46621, E: [email protected]
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