SLOVAK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY IN BRATISLAVA FACULTY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Reg. No.: SvF-5330- 67547 MONITORING LANDSCAPE CHANGES USING SATELLITE RADAR IMAGERY MASTER'S THESIS 2015 Bc. Jakub Vanko SLOVAK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY IN BRATISLAVA FACULTY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Reg. No.: SvF-5330- 67547 MONITORING LANDSCAPE CHANGES USING SATELLITE RADAR IMAGERY MASTER'S THESIS Study programme: Study field number: Study field: Training workplace: Thesis supervisor: Consultant : Bratislava 2015 Geodesy and Cartography 3636 5.1.3. Geodesy and Cartography Department of Theoretical Geodesy Ing. Juraj Papčo, PhD. Doc. RNDr. Zuzana Krivá, PhD. Bc. Jakub Vanko Affidavit I hereby declare that this master's thesis was written by myself on the basis of theoretical and practical knowledge obtained during my studies. No further sources were used than those explicitly stated. All citations quoted from publications in this thesis are labelled as such. Bratislava 21. May 2015 ..................... Bc. Jakub Vanko Acknowledgements TerraSAR-X radar imagery for this master's thesis was kindly provided by the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) within the project ID LAN1583: Object Recognition Based on High-Resolution Radar Imagery and the project LAN2833: Utilization of the High Spatio-temporal Resolution of TerraSAR-X Observations for Recent Ground Deformation Monitoring and SAR Image Processing. Sentinel-1 dataset was provided by the Sentinel-1 Scientific Data Hub of the European Space Agency. I would like to thank my supervisor and now a fellow colleague from the team Ing. Juraj Papčo, PhD. for introducing me to the beautiful science of SAR, for providing me hints and new insights and steering me on the right track to completing this master's thesis. I also appreciate the help of Doc. RNDr. Zuzana Krivá, PhD. from the Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry SvF STU for answering my beginner questions about image processing, hours of consultations and also for providing the Perona-Malik equation based filter for denoising SAR images which were used in my thesis. I am also very thankful to Ing. Matúš Bakoň for accepting me to the team, for helping me with the final stages of this thesis and mostly for inspiring me to work harder and to seek more and more knowledge. Last but not least I would like to thank my family for supporting me thru all the hard times of my studies. I am forever in your debt and I would like to dedicate this thesis to you. Abstract The general aim of this master's thesis is to test the application of satellite radar imagery on detection of landscape elements and their changes in time. The experiment was conducted in the vicinity of Bratislava, the capital city of Slovak Republic. Radar imagery was provided by the TerraSAR-X mission and by the new European Space Agency initiative, the Sentinel-1 mission. All radar images are inherently degraded by granular noise known as speckle and before application the very first step is to reduce the amount of this effect. For this purpose several speckle reduction filters were quantitatively compared and evaluated on real radar imageries. After speckle reduction, it was possible to perform object detection. The obtained results were compared with in situ measurements using global navigation satellite systems. The results have been presented by filtered images, statistical tables and diagrams. Key words: Synthetic Aperture Radar, speckle noise reduction, spatial filtering, edge detection, TerraSAR-X, Sentinel-1 Abstrakt Hlavným cieľom tejto diplomovej práce je testovanie využitia družicových radarových snímok na detekciu prvkov krajiny a ich zmien v čase. Experiment bol zrealizovaný v okolí Bratislavy, hlavného mesta Slovenskej republiky. Radarové dáta boli poskytnuté z misie TerraSAR-X a novej misie Európskej vesmírnej agentúry, Sentinel-1. Každá radarová snímka je do určitej miery znehodnotená speckle šumom a pred jej použitím musí byť tento efekt zredukovaný. K tomuto účelu práca obsahuje kvantitatívne porovnanie a zhodnotenie viacero speckle filtrov otestovaných na reálnych radarových snímkach. Po redukcii šumu bolo možné vykonať detekciu prvkov krajiny. Pre zhodnotenie presnosti detegovaných prvkov boli výsledky porovnané s in situ meraním pomocou globálnych navigačných satelitných systémov. Výsledky sú prezentované odšumenými snímkami, štatistickými tabuľkami a grafmi. Kľúčové slová: Radar so syntetickou apertúrou, redukcia speckle šumu, filtrácia digitálnych obrazov, detekcia hrán, TerraSAR-X, Sentinel-1 Contents List of Appendices ............................................................................................................... 11 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................... 12 List of Symbols ................................................................................................................... 14 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 15 1. 2. 3. Theoretical Aspects of SAR Technology .................................................................... 16 1.1. SAR Introduction .................................................................................................. 16 1.2. Complex SAR Image ............................................................................................ 17 1.3. Detected SAR Image ............................................................................................. 17 1.4. Commonly Used Radar Frequencies in RS ........................................................... 18 1.5. SAR Polarization................................................................................................... 19 1.6. SAR Viewing Geometry ....................................................................................... 20 Speckle Noise Reduction ............................................................................................. 21 2.1. Speckle Noise Definition ...................................................................................... 21 2.2. Speckle Suppression Techniques .......................................................................... 22 2.3. Tested Filters ......................................................................................................... 22 2.4. Speckle Filters Evaluation..................................................................................... 23 2.4.1. Equivalent Number of Looks ......................................................................... 24 2.4.2. Speckle Suppressions Index........................................................................... 24 2.4.3. Speckle Suppression and Mean Preservation Index ...................................... 24 2.4.4. Edge-Enhancing Index ................................................................................... 25 2.4.5. Feature-Preserving Index ............................................................................... 25 2.5. Testing SAR Dataset ............................................................................................. 26 2.6. Speckle Filter Evaluation Results ......................................................................... 27 Object Detection on SAR Images ................................................................................ 31 3.1. Area of Interest ...................................................................................................... 31 3.2. TSX Imagery ......................................................................................................... 32 3.2.1. TSX Mission Description .............................................................................. 32 9 3.2.2. LAN 1583 Dataset ......................................................................................... 33 3.2.3. LAN 2833 Dataset ......................................................................................... 34 3.3. Sentinel-1 Imagery ................................................................................................ 35 3.3.1. Sentinel-1 Mission Description ..................................................................... 36 3.3.2. Sentinel 1 Dataset .......................................................................................... 37 3.4. Edge Detection ...................................................................................................... 38 3.5. In Situ Measurements ............................................................................................ 43 3.6. Comparison with In Situ Measurements ............................................................... 44 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 52 Resume................................................................................................................................. 53 Bibliography ........................................................................................................................ 56 Appendices........................................................................................................................... 60 10 List of Appendices Appendix A Speckle Evaluation Results Part 1 Appendix B Speckle Evaluation Results Part 2 Appendix C Speckle Evaluation Results Sorted by ENL Appendix D Speckle Evaluation Results Sorted by SSI Appendix E Speckle Evaluation Results Sorted by SMPI Appendix F Speckle Evaluation Results Sorted by EEI Appendix G Speckle Evaluation Results Sorted by FPI 11 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations AOI Area of Interest ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange C-band Microwave band, frequency 4-8 GHz, wavelength 3.75-7.5 cm CEOS The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites DLR German Aerospace Centre EEI Edge-Enhancing Index EM Electromagnetic ENL Equivalent Number of Looks EPSG European Petroleum Survey Group ESA European Space Agency EU European Union FPI Feature-Preserving Index GMES Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (Copernicus) GMT Greenwich Mean Time GNSS Global Navigation Satellite Systems GNU GNU's not Unix GPL General Public License GUI Graphic User Interface HH SAR polarization, horizontal transmission, horizontal reception HV SAR polarization, horizontal transmission, vertical reception IW Interferometric Wide Swath Mode K-band Microwave band, frequency 18-26.5 GHz, wavelength 11.3-16.7 mm Ka -band Microwave band, frequency 26.5-40 GHz, wavelength 5-11.3 mm Ku-band Microwave band, frequency 12-18 GHz, wavelength 16.7-25 mm L-band Microwave band, frequency 1-2 GHz, wavelength 15-30 cm MAP Maximum a Posteriori NE Northeast NMS Non-maximum Suppression NW Northwest P-band Microwave band, frequency 0.3-1 GHz, wavelength 30-100 cm PGM Portable Graymap Format PGS Payload Ground Segment 12 RADAR Radio Detection and Ranging RAR Real Aperture Radar RS Remote Sensing SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar S-band Microwave band, frequency 2-4 GHz, wavelength 7.5-15 cm SE Southeast STBX Sentinel-1 Toolbox SM StripMap imaging mode of the TerraSAR-X satellite SMPI Speckle Suppression and Mean Preservation Index SSI Speckle Suppression Index ST SpotLight imaging mode of the TerraSAR-X satellite STD Standard Deviation STU Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava SVF Faculty of Civil Engineering SW Southwest TIFF Tagged Image File Format TSX TerraSAR-X VAR Variance VH SAR polarization, vertical transmission, horizontal reception VV SAR polarization, vertical transmission, vertical reception WGS 84 World Geodetic System 1984 X-band Microwave band, frequency 8-12 GHz, wavelength 25-37.5 mm XLS Excel Binary File Format 13 List of Symbols C Number of columns in SAR image f SAR image of true radiometric values g Original image value g1 Original image pixel values on one side of the edge g2 Original image pixel values on the other side of the edge gf1 Filtered image pixel values on one side of the edge gf2 Filtered image pixel values on the other side of the edge gf Filtered amplitude image n Kernel dimension Q SMPI coefficient R Number of rows in SAR image u Speckle noise y Image column coordinate x Image line coordinate β Ration of the standard deviation to the mean of a filtered image σu Speckle noise standard deviation 14 Introduction Currently our planet faces an increased threat of natural disasters due to climate changes caused by either natural processes or human activities. This is the reason why many countries and intergovernmental organizations such as the European Space Agency (ESA) are interested in monitoring the state of the environment, oceans and atmosphere. The goal is to gather accurate and timely information to improve the management of the environment, understand and mitigate the effects of climate changes and ensure civil security. The single location where we can learn the most about our planet is found nowhere on Earth but high up above it (unknown ESA's spokesperson, 2013). A powerful tool for Earth observation is remote sensing (RS). RS is the science and art of obtaining information about an object, area, or phenomenon through the analysis of data acquired by a device that is not in contact with the object, area, or phenomenon under investigation (Lillesand, Kiefer, Chipman, 2004). Based on the wavelength in which the system operates, RS is divided into optical and microwave RS. Microwave RS using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) offers many advantages and new applications over optical RS but it also has its weaknesses. Microwave radiation can penetrate through cloud cover and most weather conditions. Because radar is an active sensor, it can also be used to image the surface at any time, day or night. All SAR images are inherently degraded by granular noise known as radar speckle. Speckle is caused by random constructive and destructive interference from multiple backscatters and causes difficulties for analysis, classification and image interpretation for various RS applications, including object detection. Before using SAR images, the very first step is to reduce the effect of speckle. One of the common methods which are used to reduce speckle noise is spatial filtering. For the purpose of this research, five speckle filters were quantitatively evaluated. The filter showing the best results was latter used to reduce the speckle effect on SAR images used for detection of landscape elements. This thesis is divided into three main chapters. The first chapter contains theoretical aspects of SAR. The second chapter deals with speckle noise and its reduction techniques. The goal of this chapter is to choose the most suitable speckle filter, denoise the SAR images and prepare them for edge detection. Finally, chapter three describes edge detection and edge extraction from despeckled SAR images. The detected edges were then compared with more conventional data collection method, the global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). 15 1. Theoretical Aspects of SAR Technology SAR is an active microwave imaging system. The microwave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum covers the range from approximately 1 cm to 1m in wavelength. These relatively long wavelengths are independent of atmospheric scattering and can penetrate through clouds, dust, fog or heavy rainfall. Active sensor supplies its own source of energy to illuminate the target. The advantage gained from the use of active sensors, is the possibility to acquire data also during the night. 1.1. SAR Introduction The word radar is an acronym for RAdio Detection And Ranging. As its name implies, radar was developed as a means of using radio waves to detect the presence of objects and to determine their distance and sometimes their angular position. The process entails transmitting short bursts, or pulses, of microwave energy in the direction of interest and recording the strength and origin of "echoes" or ''reflections'' received from objects within the system's field of view. Radar systems may or may not produce images, and they may be ground based, or mounted in aircraft or spacecraft (Lillesand, Kiefer, Chipman, 2004). SAR transmits pulses of microwave energy towards the Earth's surface and detects the reflected backscatter from each target. The received backscattered signals are separated into two components which are carrying information about the amplitude and the phase of the returning signal. Amplitude depends on target properties (structure and dielectric properties). Phase is a function of the distance between the sensor and the target as well as target properties. Together they form a complex number. To create an image, the returning signal of a single pulse is sampled and these samples are stored in an image line. As the radar platform moves forward, recording and processing of the backscattered signals build up a two-dimensional image of the surface. SAR systems were developed to overcome the limitations of Real Aperture Radar (RAR) systems. Compared to RAR, SAR synthetically increases the antenna's size to achieve finer resolution in the platform motion direction. RAR systems have their physical limit to the length of the antenna that can be carried on an aircraft or satellite. SAR increases the size of the antenna or aperture electronically. 16 1.2. Complex SAR Image A SAR image is a two-dimensional array of pixels formed by columns and rows where a pixel is associated with a small area of Earth's surface whose size depends only on the SAR system characteristics. Each pixel provides a complex number (amplitude and phase information) associated to the reflectivity of all the scatters contained in SAR resolution cell (Lee, Pottier, 2009). 1.3. Detected SAR Image The detected SAR Image contains a measurement of the amplitude of the radiation backscattered toward the radar by the objects (scatters) contained in each SAR resolution cell (Ferreti et al., 2007). The detected amplitude depends on how the radar energy interacts with the surface, which is a function of several variables or parameters. These parameters include the particular characteristics of the radar system (viewing geometry, frequency, polarization, etc.) as well as characteristics of the surface (land cover type, topography, relief, etc.). Generally the dominant factor in determining the tones in radar images is surface roughness. Exposed rocks and urban areas show strong amplitudes, whereas smooth surfaces like water show low amplitudes, since the radiation is reflected away from the radar. Amplitude images are generally visualised by means of grey scale levels. Assume that a detected SAR image g(x,y) is sampled so that the resulting digital image has R rows and C columns. Figure 1.1 shows the coordinate convention used throughout this thesis. The values of the coordinates (x,y) now become discrete numbers quantities. The origin coordinates are (x,y) = (0,0). The next coordinate value along the first row of the image are represented as (x,y) = (1,0). This knowledge is essential for proper transformation of the detected landscape elements from image coordinates to projected map coordinates. Figure 1.1: Coordinate convention used to represent digital images in this thesis. 17 1.4. Commonly Used Radar Frequencies in RS Similarly to optical RS, even SAR sensors operate with one or more different bands. Radar waves fall under the microwave region of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. The microwave region of the EM spectrum is quite large, relatively to the visible and infrared. There are several wavelength ranges or bands commonly used, which were given code letters during World War II and remained to this day (CCRS, 2014): • Ka, K and Ku bands: very short wavelengths used in early airborne radar systems but uncommon today, • X-band: used extensively on airborne systems for military reconnaissance and terrain mapping, X-band is also used by the TerraSAR-X satellite, whose data is utilized in this thesis, • C-band: common on many airborne (CCRS Convair-580 and NASA AirSAR) and spaceborne systems including ERS-1 and 2, RADARSAT , Sentinel-1, • S-band: used on board of the Russian ALMAZ satellite, • L-band: used on board of the American SEASAT, Japanese JERS-1 satellites, NASA airborne system, ALOS, ALOS-2, L-band will also be used in the planned Tandem-L mission, • P-band: longest radar wavelengths, used on NASA experimental airborne research system and also planned for the ESA Biomass mission. Figure 1.2: Microwave region of the EM spectrum. (Adapted from (CCRS, 2014)) 18 1.5. SAR Polarization The microwave polarization refers to the orientation of the electric field vector of the transmitted beam with respect to the horizontal direction. If the electric field vector oscillates along a direction parallel to the horizontal direction, the beam is said to be horizontally polarized. On the other hand, if the electric field vector oscillates along a direction perpendicular to the horizontal direction, the beam is vertically polarized (CRISP, 2001). Using different polarizations and wavelengths, it is possible to collect information that is useful for particular applications, e.g. to classify agricultural fields. In radar system descriptions the reader can come across the following abbreviations (Tempfli et al., 2009): • HH: horizontal transmission and horizontal reception, • VV: vertical transmission and vertical reception, • HV: horizontal transmission and vertical reception, • VH: vertical transmission and horizontal reception. Older SAR sensors were only capable to provide single polarization channel images. Modern SAR sensors are often dual-polarized or even capable of providing full polarization datasets (HH, HV, VV, VH). Figure 1.3: Example of few SAR satellites and their polarization capabilities. (Adapted from (MDA, 2014)) 19 1.6. SAR Viewing Geometry SAR imaging geometry is different from systems employed for optical RS. SAR sensors are side-looking instruments while most optical instruments are nadir-looking. This difference exists because optical sensors are able to distinguish among targets using angular distance from the sensor. SAR can only distinguish the returns from various targets based upon the arrival time of the received signals. A nadir-looking radar could not distinguish between two scatters with equal distances from the sensor because a single incident wave front illuminates both points at the same instant, so the scatter returns from both points arrive at the same receiving antenna simultaneously (Austin Center for Space Research, 2015). SAR viewing geometry is explained in Figure 1.4. The SAR platform (A) travels forward along the flight path or orbit (B) with the nadir directly beneath the platform (C). The projection of the flight path on the surface is called the ground track (D). The microwave beam illuminates an area or swath (E). The along-track dimension parallel to the flight direction refers to azimuth (F), while the cross-track dimension refers to range (G). The portion of the image swath closest to the ground track of the radar platform is called the near range while the portion of the swath farthest from the ground track is called far range. The look angle (H) is the angle at which the radar looks at the surface. The incidence angle (I) of the system is defined as the angle between the radar beam and the local surface vertical. Moving from near range to far range, the incidence angle increases. At all ranges the radar antenna measures the radial line of sight distance between the radar and each target on the surface. This line is called slant range (J). The true horizontal distance along the ground corresponding to each measured point in slant range is called ground range (K). Figure 1.4: SAR viewing geometry. 20 2. Speckle Noise Reduction Unlike optical RS images, characterized by very neat and uniform features, SAR images are affected by speckle noise. Speckle forms a main obstacle to analyse, interpret and classify SAR images for various RS applications. Figure 2.1 displays a subset of a detected SAR image degraded by speckle noise. Figure 2.1: Detected SAR image: the speckle effect on the homogenous fields is clearly visible. 2.1. Speckle Noise Definition Speckle is a direct result of the fact that the incident energy is coherent - that is, it can be assumed to have a single frequency and the wavefront arrives at a pixel with a single phase. If there were a single large dominant scatter in the pixel, such as a corner reflector or a building, then the returned signal would be largely determined by the response of that dominant element, and any scattering from the background would be negligible. More often, though the pixel will be a sample of very large number of incremental scatters; their returns combine to give the resultant received signal for that pixel (Richards, 2009). Such situation is illustrated in Figure 2.2. Figure 2.2: Generation of speckle through the interference of a very large number of rays scattered from within a pixel. (Adapted from (Richards,2009)) 21 Speckle can be statistically characterized by multiplicative noise model. Degraded image with speckle noise is given by the equation (Sarode, Deshmukh, 2011): g ( x , y ) = f ( x, y ) ⋅ u ( x, y ) (2.1) Where, g (x,y) is the observed amplitude image with speckle, f (x,y) is the image of the true radiometric values and u (x,y) is the speckle noise. (x,y) denotes the pixel location. The noise is characterized by a distribution with a unit mean (E[u]=1) and a standard deviation σu. The multiplicative nature of speckle complicates the noise reduction process. 2.2. Speckle Suppression Techniques Generally speaking, speckle noise can be reduced by multi-look processing or spatial filtering (Raney, 1998). Multi-looking or multiple-look processing is usually done during data acquisition and speckle reduction by spatial filtering is performed on the output image in a digital image analysis environment. Spatial filtering is a neighbourhood operation which works with the values of the image pixels in the neighbourhood and the corresponding values of a subimage that has the same dimensions as the neighbourhood. The subimage is called a filter, mask, kernel, template, or window, with the first three terms being the most prevalent terminology. The values in a filter subimage are referred to as coefficients, rather than pixels (Gonzales, 2008). The mask of a few pixels in dimension (e.g. 3x3, 5x5, etc.) is moving over each pixel in the image, applying a mathematical calculation using the pixel values under that mask, and replacing the central pixel with the new value. The kernel is moved along the image one pixel at a time until the entire image has been covered. By applying the filter a smoothing effect can be achieved and the visual appearance of the speckle is reduced. The ideal filter should preserve object edges, textural and radiometric information. This thesis evaluates the effect of Frost, Lee, Refined Lee, Gamma MAP and Perona-Malik equation based filter. 2.3. Tested Filters This subchapter contains basic information about the evaluated speckle filters. For more detailed description and mathematical principles, readers are referred to relevant publications quoted in the text. The Frost filter replaces the pixel of interest with a weighted sum of the values within the n x n moving kernel. It is based on the local statistics and the multiplicative noise model. The weighting factors decrease with distance from the pixel of interest. They 22 increase for the central pixels as variance within the kernel increases with the edge areas to preserve edge structure (Mansourpour, Rajabi, Blais, 2006). Gamma or maximum a posteriori (MAP) filter minimizes the loss of texture information in gamma-distributed scenes which are the images of forested areas, agricultural land and oceans. In this filtering technique, the smoothing process is determined by the coefficient of variation and contrast ratios of probability density functions (Shanthi, Valarmathi, 2013). The Lee filter utilizes the statistical distribution of digital number within the moving kernel to estimate the value of pixel of interest. This filter assumes Gaussian distribution for the noise in image data (Lee, 1981). The Lee filter removes the noise by minimizing either the mean square error or the weighted least square estimation. Refined Lee Filter is based on the Lee filter. It considers a Local Linear Minimum Mean Square Error estimation within edge aligned windows, achieving a better preservation of the image details. Perona-Malik filter was tested with the cooperation of Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Civil Engineering (SVF), Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU). Perona-Malik nonlinear image selective smoothing equation (called anisotropic diffusion in image processing) was proposed in 1990 by Perona and Malik. It usually works well for images disturbed by additive noise, provided that the gradients of noise are smaller than the edge gradients. The multiplicative character of the speckle is changed into additive one by logarithming. The explored algorithm works on an adaptive grid, i.e., for homogenous areas it uses larger elements of the computational grid. This filter does not preserve radiometric properties, its aim is to support edge detection. 2.4. Speckle Filters Evaluation To assess the capability of the tested filters to remove speckle noise, and their effectiveness in successfully preserving the real structure of the scene backscatter, several performance measures were used. The following measures were also used to assess the performance of several iterations of filtering and also different kernel sizes 3x3, 5x5, and 7x7. This doesn't apply to Perona-Malik filter, which works on an adaptive grid. Also Refined Lee filter was unable to set a different kernel size than 7x7 pixels. In addition to these measures visual inspection also provides a good assessment of the speckle filters 23 performance. It was an efficient and easy way to assess the speckle reduction capability and also effectiveness in edge preserving. 2.4.1. Equivalent Number of Looks Equivalent Number of Looks (ENL) for amplitude image is calculated using the following equation (Lee et al. 1994), (Lee, Pottier, 2009): ENL = ( 0.5527 / β ) 2 (2.2) Where 0.5527 is the value of the σu of a 1-look amplitude SAR image. This definition is consistent with the multi-look processing using amplitude averaging of individual looks. According to (Lee et al., 1994) and (Lee, Pottier, 2009) β is the ration of the standard deviation to the mean of the image and it is defined as the coefficient of variance (speckle index): var( g f ) β= E g f (2.3) Where gf is the pixel value of the filtered SAR image. 2.4.2. Speckle Suppressions Index The Speckle Suppression Index (SSI) is the coefficient of variance of the filtered image normalized by that of the original image, which is defined as (Sheng, Xia, 1996): SSI = var( g f ) E g f ⋅ E[g] var( g ) (2.4) Where gf is the filtered value, g is the original value. For most cases SSI < 1.0, which means speckle is suppressed. The lower the SSI is, the stronger suppression ability the filter has. 2.4.3. Speckle Suppression and Mean Preservation Index According to (Shamsoddini, Trinder, 2010) ENL and SSI are not reliable when the filter overestimates the mean value. They have developed an index called Speckle Suppression and Mean Preservation Index (SMPI). The equation of this index is as follow: SMPI = Q ⋅ 24 var( g f ) var( g ) (2.5) And Q is calculated as: Q = 1 + E [ g ] − E [ gˆ 0 ] (2.6) The lower values indicate better performance of the filter in terms of mean preservation and noise reduction. 2.4.4. Edge-Enhancing Index The Edge-Enhancing Index (EEI) is an important parameter in assessing the enhancement of step functions in an image. It is often used to evaluate a filters's ability to preserve edges, such as boundaries between water bodies and land. The EEI is defined as (Qiu et al., 2004): EEI = ∑g ∑g f1 1 − gf2 − g2 (2.7) Where g1 and g2 are the original values of the pixels on either side of the edge, whereas gf1 and gf2 are the corresponding filtered values. The numerator is the absolute difference in intensity of the pixels on the two sides of the edge in the filtered image and the denominator is that difference in the original image. Therefore, the EEI is usually smaller than 1.0 and higher EEI values correspond to a better edge preserving capability. 2.4.5. Feature-Preserving Index Feature-Preserving Index is a measure for assessing a filter's ability to preserve linear features and subtle structures. For a one-pixel wide linear feature of n-pixel length, the FPI is given by (Qiu et al., 2004): ∑ (2⋅ g n FPI = 1 f − gf1 − gf 2 ) n ∑ (2 ⋅ g − g 1 − g2 ) (2.8) 1 Where g is the original value of a pixel on the linear feature. g1 and g2 are the original values of the neighbouring pixels on both sides of the feature, and gf , gf1 and gf2 are the filtered values of corresponding pixels. In most cases, the values of FPI measure are also lower than 1. The higher the FPI measure, the better the linear feature. 25 2.5. Testing SAR Dataset The test image is a 4000 x 4000 pixel subset from a detected SAR image. It was selected from the dataset intended for project ID LAN1583: Object Recognition Recogni Based on High-Resolution Resolution Radar Imagery. The dataset was kindly provided by the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The image was acquired by the TerraSAR-X TerraSAR (TSX) mission (X-band, band, 31 mm wavelength) on December 3, 2008 with Spotlight acquisition mode, VV polarization ation and sample spacing 0.75 m. In order to test the particular filters with ENL, SSI SS and SMPI, a homogenous segment was selected from the SAR image. The area is represented with the purple rectangle in Figure 2.3. 2.3 For edge preservation testing with EEI and FPI indices, a cross section of the agricultural field's edge was selected. It is represented in Figure 2.3 with the small yellow line. Figure 2.3: Subset of the TerraSAR-X TerraSAR image from December 3, 2008. 2008 The purple rectangle shows the selected homogeneous area, the yellow line represents the edge cross section. 26 2.6. Speckle Filter Evaluation Results Initial processing and speckle reduction was performed in Sentinel-1 Toolbox (S1TBX). S1TBX was developed under contract to ESA by Array Systems Computing Inc. and contributors. The toolbox and full source code is distributed freely under the GNU GPL license. The S1TBX is consisting of a collection of processing tools, data product readers, writers and a display and analysis applications to support data from ESA SAR missions including Sentinel-1 and third party SAR data from TerraSAR-X (S1TBX Help, 2015). S1TBX is programmed in Java, it provides user friendly graphic user interface (GUI) and supports Windows, Linux and MAC OS X operating systems. S1TBX was used mostly for reading Sentinel-1 and TSX data, creating subsets, speckle filtering, map projection and GeoTiff export. The Perona-Malik filter was a standalone program written in C programming language. The program enables to read ASCII images in Portable Graymap Format (PGM) and set different parameters of the smoothing effect. Manually calculating all parameters for each smoothed image would be time consuming with a greater possibility of calculation errors. A simple MATLAB function was created to overcome this problem. The function is called Speckleeval. This function quickly and easily automates the calculation. Speckleeval reads both the original image and the smoothed image, calculates all evaluation parameters and writes the results into Excel Binary File Format (XLS). Mean values, variations (VAR), standard deviations (STD) and all performance measures mentioned above were computed for 55 smoothed images. Generally increasing the filters kernel size and the number of iterations improved speckle reduction but decreased edge preservation. Numerical results for each filter and variable kernel sizes are presented in Appendix A and Appendix B. For example label 3Frost1 means that the SAR image was smoothed by one iteration of Frost filter using a 3x3 pixel size kernel. Same labelling was used in the following Appendices. After speckle reduction all smoothed SAR images were submitted to edge detection with the Canny Edge Detection Algorithm. The most suitable results from edge detection were achieved on images smoothed by applying a 7x7 pixel size kernel, so only these results were compared including Perona-Malik filter with adaptive grid. All results sorted by each measure are listed in Appendices C to G. Best speckle reduction effect was achieved by Gamma MAP filter according to ENL, SSI and SMPI indices. Lee and Frost 27 filter's ability to reduce speckle after 5 iterations was nearly identical to Gamma MAP filter. Poorest results were achieved by Refined Lee filter and Perona-Malik filter after 5 iterations. Overall, all filters except Perona-Malik are capable of preserving the mean of a homogenous segment well. Emphasis of this thesis is on edge detection, therefore EEI and FPI indices have greater weight. Appendix F shows numerical values of the mean, VAR, STD and all performance measures of all 5 adaptive speckle reduction filters sorted by EEI in descending order. Appendix G shows results sorted by FPI also in descending order. The higher EEI and FPI indices, the better edge preservation. From Appendix F and Appendix G it is clear that best results in preserving edges were obtained by Refined Lee and PeronaMalik filter. Although according to EEI the Perona-Malik filter after 5 iterations performed worse than all other filters, on average it still performs exceptionally well. To demonstrate the smoothing effect of the speckle filters, close-up of the original image and the same image smoothed by 5 iterations of Lee, Frost, Gamma MAP, Refined Lee (with kernel size 7x7 pixels) and by 40 iterations of Perona-Malik filter are displayed in figure 2.4. First of all, it can be clearly seen that speckle noise is significantly reduced in the filtered images. Secondly, although the filtered images appear to be blurry within a land cover segment, differences between neighbouring land covers are visibly enhanced. 28 (b) (a) (c) (d) (e) (f) Figure 2.4: Original image (a) and smoothed images by Lee (b), Gamma MAP (c), Refined Lee (d), Perona-Malik after 40 iterations (e) and Frost filter (f). This thesis focuses on landscape objects detection, so the main criterium is to choose the filter with the best edge preserving capability. It would seem that there are two obvious candidates Refined Lee and Perona-Malik filter. However applying the edge detector and comparing the detected edges revealed some interesting new facts. The situation is shown in Figure 2.5. For example, the detected edge on Gamma MAP filtered image was much smoother than the edge detected on the Perona-Malik smoothed image. 29 (b) (a) (c) (d) Figure 2.5: Smoothed images by Gamma MAP filter (a), Perona-Malik filter (b), and detected edges on Gamma MAP smoothed image (c) and Perona-Malik smoothed image (d). Despite the numerical evaluation of all filters, visual comparison proofed to be the most reliable measure. For this reason, the final decision was made in favour of the Gamma MAP filter. Except the tests presented in this thesis, numerous other test were conducted on different SAR images bringing different results. The conclusion is that there is no single best filter for every possible scenario. The most suitable filter depends on many parameters and variables e. g. SAR viewing geometry, polarization, land cover, prerequisites for certain applications etc.. Also the most reliable and quickest measure for selecting the most suitable filter for images being processed in practical use is visual assessment. 30 3. Object Detection on SAR Images This experiment is focused on edge detection and edge extraction of landscape elements in SAR images. The detection was performed on multiple SAR images including TSX and Sentinel-1 radar satellite missions within the vicinity of Bratislava, the capital city of Slovakia. 3.1. Area of Interest The area of interest (AOI) is situated northeast of the capital city Bratislava next to class II road 503 between the D1 highway and the city of Pezinok. This location was selected due to multiple available SAR images of this area and for its good accessibility via the D1 highway. The study area is located in the Danubian Lowland at the intersection of Danubian Hills and Danubian Flat. The AOI's center geographic coordinates are 48° 14´ 52´´ N and 17° 19´ 20´´ E in World geodetic system 1984 (WGS 84). According to the territorial and administrative system of Slovakia it is situated in Bratislava Region, Pezinok District and it falls under the cadastral areas of Slovenský Grob and Viničné. The AOI (Figure 3.1) consists of an agricultural field with the size of 219 hectares. The field is bounded on the northeast (NE) by an asphalt road, on the northwest (NW) by an alley of trees, on the southwest (SW) by a field road and on the southeast (SE) side it is bounded by various border types such as trees, field roads and more agricultural fields. These different borders are essential for evaluating the SAR's and edge detector's ability to recognize edges of landscape elements. Figure 3.1: Area of interest. (Adapted from Google Earth) 31 3.2. TSX Imagery The TerraSAR-X images analyzed in this experiment were obtained through German Aerospace Center (DLR) project ID LAN1583: Object Recognition Based on High-Resolution Radar Imagery and project ID LAN2833: Utilization of the High SpatioTemporal Resolution of TerraSAR-X Observations for Recent Ground Deformation Monitoring and SAR Image Processing. More information about these projects is available at the TerraSAR-X Science Service System. For the purposes of the experiment one image from project LAN1583 and two images from LAN2833 were selected. 3.2.1. TSX Mission Description TerraSAR-X is a joint project between the DLR and the German industry (ASTRIUM). Operational data acquisition for the TerraSAR-X mission is executed by two satellites TSX-1 (in orbit since June 2007) and TDX-1 (launch in June 2010). Both instruments will also fulfill the TanDEM-X mission in a joint operation. DLR owns and operates the satellites and the payload ground segment (PGS) and holds the rights for the scientific exploitation of the TerraSAR-X mission data (Fritz, Eineder, 2013). The TSX-1 is a side-looking X-band SAR based on active phased array antenna technology. Figure 3.2 illustrates an artist's view of the satellite. Characteristic values of the platform and SAR instrument are summarized in Table 3.1. In June 2010, TSX-1 was supplemented in orbit by its twin, the TanDEM-X instrument. Figure: 3.2: Artist's view of TerraSAR-X. Adapted from (DLR, 2015) 32 Table 3.1: TerraSAR-X technical facts. TerrSAR-X technical facts 5 years, for both satellites (TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X), an extended lifetime of that least Operational life another 5 years (beyond 2018) is expected by the operator DLR (Status: April 2014). Orbit Sun-synchronous repeat orbit Repeat period 11 days Inclination 97.44° Altitude at the equator 514 km (319.8 miles) Centre Frequency 9.65 GHz (X band) Nominal acquisition direction Right side Single, dual - depending on imaging mode Polarization quadruple is available as advanced polarization mode for dedicated acquisition campaigns (Adapted from TerraSAR-X Image Product Guide, 2014) 3.2.2. LAN 1583 Dataset The TSX data was delivered as basic image products. They correspond to the CEOS Level 1b quality. TSX imagery from project LAN 1583 was acquired with the SpotLight (ST) imaging mode. Spotlight imaging modes uses phased array beam steering in azimuth direction to increase the illumination time, i.e. the size of the synthetic aperture. (TerraSAR-X Image Product Guide, 2014). Figure 3.3 shows the image subset of the AOI. and Table 3.2 summarizes the basic metadata of the image. Figure 3.3: Preview of the TSX image of the AOI from December 3, 2008. 33 Table 3.2: Basic metadata of the TSX image acquired on December 3, 2008. Image metadata Product type Acquisition mode Beams Acquisition date Cycle Track Orbit Pass Sample type Polarization Range sample spacing Azimuth sample spacing Pulse repetition frequency Radar frequency Total size Raster height Raster width Average scene height ellipsoid Map projection applied SE_SL_S Spotlight Spot_066 03-Dec-2008 49 146 8162 Ascending Detected VV 0.75 m 0.75 m 3757 Mhz 9650 MHz 922 Mb 23333 lines 20666 samples 268.394 m UTM zone 33N 3.2.3. LAN 2833 Dataset LAN 2833 was acquired with the StripMap (SM) mode. Stripmap is the basic SAR imaging mode known, e.g. ERS-1 and other radar satellites. The ground swath is illuminated with continuous sequence of pulses while the antenna beam is fixed in elevation and azimuth. This results in an image strip with a continuous image quality (in flight direction) (TerraSAR-X Image Product Guide, 2014). Previews of the two images used in the practical experiment are shown in Figure 3.4 and Figure 3.5. Table 3.3 summarizes the basic metadata of the images. The fist image from this dataset was acquired five years after the initial image from LAN1583 and the second image after another three months, both with HH polarization. Figure 3.4: Preview of the TSX image of the AOI from January 21, 2013. 34 Figure 3.5: Preview of the TSX image of the AOI from June 2, 2013. Table 3.3: Basic metadata of the TSX images from the LAN2833 dataset. Image metadata Product type EEC_SE_SM_S Acquisition mode StripMap Beams Strip_007 Acquisition date 21-JAN-2013 Cycle 187 Track 17 Orbit 31079 Pass Descending Sample type Detected Polarization HH Range sample spacing 1.25 m Azimuth sample spacing 1.25 m Pulse repetition frequency 3437 Mhz Radar frequency 9650 MHz Total size 3439 Mb Raster height 52400 lines Raster width 34800 samples Average Scene height ellipsoid 228.715 m Map projection applied UTM zone 33N EEC_SE_SM_S StripMap Strip_007 02-JUN-2013 199 17 33083 Descending Detected HH 1.25 m 1.25 m 3437 Mhz 9650 MHz 3479 Mb 52400 lines 34800 samples 228.728 m UTM zone 33N 3.3. Sentinel-1 Imagery Sentinel 1 data was acquired from the Sentinel-1 Scientific Data Hub. The Sentinel 1 Scientific data Hub provides free and open access to a Rolling Archive of Sentinel-1 Level-0 and Level-1 use products. Access to the data hub is granted after free one time registration. 35 3.3.1. Sentinel-1 Mission Description Sentinel-1 is a polar-orbiting satellite for operational SAR applications. The constellation of two C-band radar satellites will provide continuous all weather day/night imagery for user services, especially those identified in ESA's GMES (Copernicus) service elements programme and on projects funded by the European Union (EU) (ESA Bulletin, 2007). Sentinel-1 satellites are being built by an industrial consortium led by Thales Alenia Space (Italy) as the prime Contractor, while ASTRIUM (Germany) is responsible for the C-band SAR payload. Figure 3.6 illustrates an artist's view of the Sentinel-1 satellite. Technical parameters of the satellite are summarized in Table 3.4. Figure: 3.6: Artist's view of Sentinel-1. Adapted from (, 2015) Table 3.4: Sentinel-1 technical facts. Sentinel-1 technical facts Operational life Orbit 7 years with consumables for 12 years Near-polar, Sun-synchronous, circular 12 days repeat cycle (1 satellite), 6 days Repeat period (constellation) Inclination 98.18° Altitude at the equator 698 km (433.7 miles) Centre Frequency 5.405 GHz (C band) Nominal acquisition direction Right side Polarization Single and dual polarization for all modes (Adapted from Sentinel-1 User Handbook, 2014) 36 3.3.2. Sentinel 1 Dataset The downloaded product specification is Level-1 Ground Range Detected (GRD) acquired by the Interferometric Wide Swath Mode (IW). The product consists of focused SAR data that has been detected, multi-looked and projected to ground range. Ground range coordinates are the slant range coordinates projected onto the ellipsoid of the Earth. Pixel values represent detected amplitude. Phase information is lost. The resulting product has approximately square resolution pixels and square pixel spacing with reduced speckle at a cost of reduced geometric resolution. (Sentinel Online, 2015). Tested data vas available in both VV (Figure 3.7) and VH (Figure 3.8) polarization with 10 m spacing. The data was acquired on March 7, 2015. Figure 3.7: Sentinel-1 image of the AOI from March 7, 2015, VV polarization. Figure 3.8: Sentinel-1 image of the AOI from March 7, 2015, VH polarization. 37 Table 3.5: Basic Metadata of the Sentinel-1 images acquired on March 7, 2015. Image metadata Product type Acquisition mode Beams Processed time Cycle Track Orbit Pass Sample type Polarization Range sample spacing Azimuth sample spacing Pulse repetition frequency Radar frequency Total size Raster height Raster width Average scene height ellipsoid Map projection applied GRD IW 07-MAR-2015 42 124 4921 Descending Detected VH, VV 10 m 9.996 m 5.40500045433435E9 MHz 3285 Mb 16697 lines 25764 samples 268.394 m - 3.4. Edge Detection Edge detection refers to operation or multiple operations performed on an image to detect edges. Edges are significant local changes of intensity in an image. Usually they characterize boundaries between two different regions and are therefore a problem of fundamental importance in image processing. Since edge detection has been studied, several techniques for edge enhancement were proposed. Robust edge detection techniques are essentially based on the following two steps: edge enhancement and decision. Unlike optical images, in SAR data, which is highly heterogeneous, a robust edge enhancement phase is critical in providing acceptable detection rates. This phase is usually performed through techniques that are related to derivation, namely simple differences, Sobel filter (Pratt, 1978), Roberts filter, Prewitt filter (Prewitt, 1970), morphological gradients etc., possibly combined with smoothing. However there are three problems by the use of derivative as an edge detector (Prasad, Rao, Chandrasekhar, 2013): • False edges produced by noise are enhanced, • ramp edges produce lower derivative magnitude, • the location of the ramp edges are not accurate. 38 Canny edge detection algorithm (Canny, 1986) provides tools to overcome these edge detection problems by applying the derivative to edge detection. Edge detection and edge extraction was achieved by MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox. For the purpose of edge detection and extraction from georeferenced SAR images in GeoTiff format a simple MATLAB function was proposed. The function is called Saredge. This function enables reading images in GeoTiff format (both optical and SAR), perform edge detection on greyscale images and export map coordinates of every single pixel belonging to the detected edge in text file format. The function stores both image data and a spatial referencing object. Edge detection is executed by the built-in MATLAB Canny Edge Detection Algorithm. The Canny edge detector first applies Gaussian smoothing on the image to eliminate remaining noise. Secondly it computes the squared gradient magnitude. Then it applies nonmaximum suppression (NMS) to get rid of spurious response to edge detection. After NMS it applies double thresholding to determine potential edges. Local maxima above the first threshold are identified as weak edges and local maxima above the second threshold are identified as strong edges. It finalizes the detection by hysteresis. Edges that are weak and not connected to strong edges are suppressed. Edge detection returns a binary image containing ''1'' where the function finds edges in the input image and ''0'' elsewhere. Image coordinates of every pixel containing ''1'' are then transformed to map coordinates using the stored reference object. Saredge was gradually applied to all test SAR images previously smoothed by Gamma MAP filter. The criterion was to detect maximum number of true edges while detecting minimum number of false edges. Every image required a different threshold setting to achieve the best possible results. The best results for each SAR image are shown in figures 3.9 - 3.13. 39 Figure 3.9: Detected edges on the TSX image from December 3, 2008. Figure 3.10: Detected edges on the TSX image from January 21, 2013. 40 Figure 3.11: Detected edges on the TSX image from June 2, 2013. Figure 3.12: Detected edges on the Sentinel-1 image with VV polarization from March 7, 2015. 41 Figure 3.13: Detected edges on the Sentinel-1 image with VH polarization from March 7, 2015. Edge detection on the TSX SAR image from December 2008 brought the best results. All desired edges were identified correctly with a small number of false edges identified in the homogenous areas due to remaining speckle noise. Detection on the TSX image from January 2013 did not bring such effective results. During the sensing period in January 2013 the AOI was apparently covered with snow. Snow cover is a smooth surface and therefore most of the radiation was reflected away from the SAR sensor. Because of this the image appears with dark tones and dull edges, which were not recognisable by Saredge. On the other hand edges detected on the TSX image from June 2013 are comparable with results obtained from December 2008. By comparing figures 3.9 and 3.11 it is clearly visible that the original single agricultural field is now divided into two new agricultural fields. The attempt to detect edges in Sentinel-1 imagery met with the poorest results and the edges were incomparable with the TSX dataset. The main drawback of the Sentinel-1 imagery was the lower resolution then the TSX imagery resolution. Also it is clearly visible that the VH polarised image contains lower amplitudes. The best and only usable results were achieved on the TSX SAR images from December 2008 and June 2013. 42 3.5. In Situ Measurements For evaluation of edge detection accuracy it was necessary to perform in situ measurements in the AOI. The borders of the AOI were mapped with Real Time Kinematic (RTK) GNSS method on March 20, 2015 with three TOPCON GNSS receivers. Two receivers TOPCON Hiper GD were used in base/rover setup and the receiver TOPCON Hiper II was connected to the Slovakian Spatial Observation Service (SKPOS) which represents active geodetic controls in Slovakia. The border was mapped with approximately 50 meter step. Single types of borders are shown in Figure 3.14 and Figure 3.15 from (a) to (d). The point coordinates were observed in the geographic coordinate system WGS 84 (EPSG: 4326). The provided SAR products were projected in the coordinate system UTM zone 33N (EPSG: 32633). Projection of the observed points was carried out in Arcmap. The observed points are displayed on the background of the TSX image in Figure 3.15. (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 3.14: Representative images of the NW border (a), SW border (b), SE border (c), NE border (d). 43 Figure 3.15:: Points observed with Real-Time Real Time Kinematic method displayed on the background of the TSX SAR image. 3.6. Comparison with In Situ Measurements The points observed by GNSS served as a flawless reference for the detected edges. The detected edges consist of many single points. These points represent pixels that were identified as edges. The nearest detected points to the in situ observed points were we selected and the differences between them were computed. Note that the SAR images image were acquired in 2008 and 2013 while the in situ measurements took place in 2015. Since 2008 20 the boundaries of the AOI may have slightly changed due to agricultural activity. The differences between GNSS observations and edges detected on the TSX imageries are displayed in i figures 3.16 3.23. Overlay of the differences from both images is displayed in figures 3.24 3.2 - 3.27. During the results analysis of the northeast border,, a slight systematic shift was recorded in both SAR images. Five Fiv meter shift in image from 2008 and 6 meter shift in image from 2013. The shift may have been caused by the SAR imaging geometry and by the microwave's physical nature. The main road is surrounded by trees and ditches on both sides. side One possible explanation is that the detected amplitude may have been detected from the treetops. These systematic shifts were eliminated and the results are shown in figures 3.16 3.1 and 3.17. 44 A slight shift can be also observed on the northwest border shown in figures 3.18 and 3.19. This border consists from alley of trees and this shift may have been caused by the subjective determination of the border during in situ measurements. The southeast and southwest borders consisted of different land cover types varying from field roads, trees and agricultural fields. The larger differences on the southeast and southwest may have been caused by information loss durinng speckle reduction. We can not also exclude that the agricultural fileds were differently plowed, however it is highly unlikely that the differences were so significant. The results imply that edge detection on SAR images can't compete with automatic detection on optical remote sensing images due to the distortive effect of the speckle noise. However it can still find its use in aplications that don't require fine accuracy such as agriculture or forestry. Such an example can be provided by figures 3.9 and 3.11. The first image from December 2008 shows an uncultivated single large field. The second image from June 2013 shows that the field was divided into two sepperated fields. By utilizing multi polarised datasets in radar polarimetry it is also possible to identify the crops. Another possible application that doesn't require fine accuracy is monitoring river banks, floads, icerberg shifts or even pre-earthquake and post-earthquake evaulation. Also very commonly are detected SAR images utilized in oil spill detection or ship detection. NE Border, December 2008 1.5 Difference (m) 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 Point ID Figure 3.16: Differences between observed points and detected edges of the NE border from December 2008, Mean = 0.00 m, STD = 0.75 m. 45 NE Border, June 2013 5 4 Difference (m) 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 Point ID Figure 3.17: Differences between observed points and detected edges of the NE border from June 2013, Mean = 0.00 m, STD = 2.46 m. NW Border, December 2008 10 Difference (m) 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 Point ID Figure 3.18: Differences between observed points and detected edges of the NW border from December 2008, Mean = 3.62 m, STD = 1.98 m. 46 NW Border, June 2013 20 Difference (m) 15 10 5 0 -5 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 Point ID Figure 3.19: Differences between observed points and detected edges of the NW border from June 2013, Mean = 5.65 m, STD = 4.36 m. SE Border, December 2008 8 Difference (m) 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 Point ID Figure 3.20: Differences between observed points and detected edges of the SE border from December 2008, Mean = -1.61 m, STD = 3.48 m. 47 SE Border, June 2013 20 15 Difference (m) 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 Point ID Figure 3.21: Differences between observed points and detected edges of the SE border from June 2013, Mean = -4.30 m, STD = 9.39 m. SW Border, December 2008 6 5 Difference (m) 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 Point ID Figure 3.22: Differences between observed points and detected edges of the SW border from December 2008, Mean = 1.45 m, STD = 1.77 m. 48 SW Border, June 2013 15 Difference (m) 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 Point ID Figure 3.23: Differences between observed points and detected edges of the SW border from June 2013, Mean = -1.60 m, STD = 4.94 m. NE Border TSX December 3, 2008 TSX June 2, 2013 5 4 3 Difference (m) 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 Point ID Figure 3.24: Overlay of the differences between observed points and detected edges of the NE border. 49 27 29 NW Border TSX December 3, 2008 TSX June 2, 2013 20 Difference (m) 15 10 5 0 -5 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 Point ID Figure 3.25: Overlay of the differences between observed points and detected edges of the NW border. SE Border TSX December 3, 2008 TSX June 2, 2013 20 15 Difference (m) 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 Point ID Figure 3.26: Overlay of the differences between observed points and detected edges of the SE border. 50 SW Border TSX December 3, 2008 TSX June 2, 2013 15 10 Difference (m) 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 Point ID Figure 3.27: Overlay of the differences between observed points and detected edges of the SW border. 51 31 33 Conclusion The goal of this thesis was to test object detection on SAR images. Due to the physical nature of microwave radiation and SAR imaging properties all radar images are inherently degraded by speckle noise. Five adaptive speckle filters were explored to find the most acceptable one for denoising speckle and preparing SAR images for edge detection. The main criterium was to reduce speckle noise and to preserve sharpness of the edges as much as possible. Quantitative assessment showed interesting results. According to ENL, SSI and SMPI measures the best speckle reduction was achieved by Gamma MAP filter, note that the differences between Gamma MAP, Frost and Lee filter where negligible. The filters with the best edge preservation ability according to EEI and FPI were Refined Lee and Perona-Malik. Practical edge detection questioned these results. Best edge detection results were achieved on images that have been previously smoothed by Gamma MAP filter however results on different SAR datasets may vary. The best filter depends on many parameters and variables of the SAR system and the observed surface. A simple MATLAB function for extracting edges from images in GeoTiff format was proposed. The function was tested on TSX and Sentinel-1 datasets. The results have shown that the main prerequisite for edge detection is an effective speckle reduction filter and high resolution of the SAR images. While the TSX datasets were available in 0.75 m and 1.25 m sample spacing, the freely available Sentinel-1 dataset had only 10 m sample spacing. The results of the edge detection between TSX and Sentinel-1 were incomparable. The detected edges from TSX images were compared with edges mapped by GNSS. The obtained results can't compete with automatic detection on optical images, however due to the SAR image degradation by speckle noise, but the results are still acceptable for certain applications like agriculture or forestry, monitoring large scale events such as earthquakes, floods or oil spill. In addition SAR imagery carries more information that can be utilized besides object detection in different applications such as radar interferometry or radar polarimetry. 52 Resume V súčasnosti náš svet čelí zvýšenej hrozbe prírodných katastrof zapríčinených klimatickými zmenami. Tieto zmeny sú podmienené prirodzeným alebo antropogénnym pôvodom. Z toho dôvodu je v záujme mnohých svetových organizácií, ako je napr. Európska vesmírna agentúra (ESA), monitorovať stav životného prostredia na pevnine, v oceánoch a v atmosfére. Cieľom je zaistiť dáta pre zistenie aktuálneho stavu životného prostredia, predikciu vývoja klimatických zmien a tiež poskytnúť dáta pre krízový manažment za účelom zvýšenia bezpečnosti obyvateľstva. Účinným nástrojom na monitorovanie životného prostredia Zeme sa stal diaľkový prieskum Zeme s využitím radaru so syntetickou apertúrou (SAR). Radar na rozdiel od optických senzorov je aktívny senzor vybavený vlastným zdrojom mikrovlnného žiarenia. Radar ožaruje oblasť záujmu a po interakcii žiarenia s cieľom zaznamenáva odrazené žiarenie. Produktom spracovania tohto odrazeného signálu je 2D obraz snímanej oblasti. Vlastný zdroj žiarenia a použitie vĺn z mikrovlnnej časti spektra umožňuje radaru snímkovať zemský povrch cez deň, v noci a bez závislosti od počasia. Jediná radarová snímka má tak potenciál zachytiť aktuálny stav ľadovcov alebo škody napáchané zemetrasením, či lesnými požiarmi na území väčšom ako je 1000 km2. Dlhodobé kontinuálne snímkovanie umožňuje sledovanie environmentálnych zmien a porovnaním aktuálnych snímok s archivovanými snímkami sa dá zistiť napr. rozsah výrubu pralesov alebo nárast hladiny oceánov. Hlavným cieľom tejto práce je testovanie využitia družicových radarových snímok na detekciu prvkov krajiny a ich zmien v čase. Hlavnou prekážkou je, že všetky radarové snímky sú znehodnotené tzv. speckle šumom, ktorý vzniká interferenciou odrazeného radarového signálu. Tento šum sťažuje akúkoľvek interpretáciu radarových snímok vrátane detekcie objektov. Z tohto dôvodu musia byť pred extrakciou nových informácií radarové snímky odšumené. K tomuto účelu práca obsahuje kvantitatívne porovnanie a zhodnotenie účinnosti Frostovho filtra, Leeho filtra, vylepšeného Leeho filtra, Gamma MAP filtra a vyhladzovacieho filtra založeného na Perona-Malikovej rovnici. Okrem jednotlivých filtrov boli testované aj rôzne veľkosti másk filtrov a tiež aj viacero iterácií filtrovania. Na posúdenie účinnosti filtrov bolo vybratých päť testovacích kritérií: ENL, SSI, SMPI, EEI a FPI. ENL, SSI a SMPI indexy slúžili na zhodnotenie schopnosti redukovať speckle šum na veľkých homogénnych oblastiach a pritom zachovávať rádiometrické vlastnosti radarových snímok. EEI a FPI indexy slúžili na porovnanie schopnosti zachovávať 53 hrany. Manuálny výpočet pre každú snímku by bol zdĺhavý a s väčšou pravdepodobnosťou omylu, preto bola navrhnutá jednoduchú funkciu Speckleeval, ktorá dokázala načítať spolu s originálnou snímkou aj vyhladenú snímku, vypočítať všetky testovacie parametre a zapísať ich do súboru XLS. V zásade platilo, že s pribúdajúcim množstvom iterácií sa zlepšovala redukcia speckle šumu, ale zhoršovala sa schopnosť zachovávania hrán. Najlepšie výsledky v redukcii speckle šumu boli dosiahnuté Gamma MAP filtrom. Zároveň treba spomenúť, že po piatich iteráciách filtrovania, boli výsledky Leeho a Frostovho filtra takmer totožné. Najlepšie zachovávanie hrán podľa EEI a FPI indexov dosiahli Leeho vylepšený filter a Perona-Malikov filter. Aplikovanie hranového detektora na vyhladené snímky prinieslo ďalšie výsledky. Detegované hrany na snímkach vyhladených Gamma MAP filtrom boli oveľa hladšie a neprerušované ako napr. pri Perona-Malikovom filtri. Z tohto dôvodu bol na odšumenie a pripravenie snímok na detekciu hrán v záujmovom území zvolený Gamma MAP filter. Záujmové územie je situované severovýchodne od hlavného mesta Slovenskej republiky, Bratislavy. Záujmovú oblasť tvorí poľnohospodárske pole s rozlohou 219 hektárov. Toto pole je na severovýchode ohraničené asfaltovou cestou, na severozápade stromoradím, na juhozápade poľnou cestou a juhovýchodnú hranicu poľa tvorí stromoradie, poľná cesta a ďalšie poľnohospodárske polia. Táto lokalita bola vybratá z dôvodu dobrého prístupu, vhodným rôznorodým typom ohraničenia a zároveň veľkého množstva radarových snímok z tohto územia. Radarové dáta poskytnuté k experimentu pochádzali z misie TerraSAR-X (TSX) a novej misie ESA, Sentinel-1. Snímky TerraSAR-X boli poskytnuté v rámci projektov LAN1583 a LAN2833. Z projektu LAN1583 bola vybratá radarová snímka záujmového územia zachytená 3. decembra 2008 s VV polarizáciou a so štvorcovým rozlíšením pixla s rozmerom 0.75 m. Zo snímok určených pre projekt LAN 2833 boli vybraté dve snímky z 21. januára 2013 a 2. júna 2013 s HH polarizáciou a rozlíšením pixla 1.25m Dáta z družice Sentinel-1 sú voľne k dispozícií na portáli Sentinel-1 Scientific Data Hub. Použitý produkt vo formáte GRD bol dostupný vo VV aj VH polarizácii so štvorcovým rozlíšením pixla 10 m. Snímky boli zachytené 7. marca 2015. Pre účel detekcie a extrakcie hrán bola vytvorená funkcia s názvom Saredge. Funkcia dokáže načítať radarovú (alebo aj optickú) snímku vo formáte GeoTiff, vykonať detekciu hrán s nastavením rôznych prahov, pretransformovať obrazové súradnice na mapové súradnice za pomoci referencie uloženej v pôvodnej snímke a výsledok zapísať do textového súboru. Detekcia hrán prebehla na všetkých uvedených radarových snímkach. Kritériom 54 bolo zaznamenať čo najviac skutočných hrán s súčasne minimalizovať detegované falošné hrany. Najlepšie výsledky boli dosiahnuté na snímke TSX z decembra 2008. Všetky dôležité hrany boli zaznamenané s minimálnym počtom falošných hrán. Snímka z januára 2013 nepriniesla tak dobré výsledky. V dobe snímkovania bola záujmová oblasť zrejme pod snehovou pokrývkou. Sneh je hladký povrch, preto sa väčšina žiarenia odrazila smerom od radaru. Z toho dôvodu snímka obsahuje nízke amplitúdy (tmavé pixle) a nevýrazné hrany. Detekcia hrán na snímke TSX z júna 2013 priniesla porovnateľné výsledky so snímkou z decembra 2012. Porovnaním snímok bol zistené, že pôvodne jedno veľké poľnohospodárske pole bolo rozdelené na dve menšie. Pokus detekcie na snímkach Sentinel-1 priniesol najslabšie výsledky, ktoré nie sú porovnateľné so snímkami z družice TSX. Hlavným dôvodom tohto neúspechu bolo nižšie rozlíšenie snímok. Kvôli porovnaniu presnosti detegovaných hrán bolo v záujmovom území vykonané meranie prístrojmi GNSS kinematickou metódou v reálnom čase. Jednotlivé hrany pozostávali s veľkého množstva bodov. Body hrán, ktoré boli najbližšie k odmeraným bodom prístrojmi GNSS boli vybraté a ich rozdiely medzi odmeranými bodmi boli vypočítané. Rozdiely medzi GNSS meraním a detegovanými hranami boli prezentované vo forme grafov. 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(2015-04-23). 59 Appendices 60 Appendix A Speckle Evaluation Results Part 1 Frost filter evaluation results NAME MEAN STD VAR ENL SSI SMPI EEI FPI 3Frost1 155.6345 47.8899 2293.4438 3.2263 0.6837 1.0052 0.8224 0.8988 3Frost2 155.5941 38.8406 1508.5917 4.9022 0.5546 0.8376 0.7014 0.8232 3Frost3 155.5833 33.5823 1127.7728 6.5567 0.4796 0.7294 0.6175 0.7713 3Frost4 155.5798 30.0370 902.2218 8.1954 0.4289 0.6538 0.5548 0.7130 3Frost5 155.5772 27.4432 753.1301 9.8175 0.3919 0.5984 0.5113 0.6675 5Frost1 155.4685 34.3807 1182.0294 6.2465 0.4913 0.8029 0.6214 0.7826 5Frost2 155.4273 25.6567 658.2652 11.2107 0.3668 0.6142 0.4756 0.6417 5Frost3 155.4191 21.4931 461.9534 15.9731 0.3073 0.5170 0.3956 0.5499 5Frost4 155.4156 18.9233 358.0923 20.6050 0.2705 0.4562 0.3476 0.4824 5Frost5 155.4123 17.1365 293.6583 25.1251 0.2450 0.4139 0.3242 0.4373 7Frost1 155.6699 27.0595 732.2166 10.1099 0.3862 0.5544 0.5040 0.7074 7Frost2 155.6372 19.2665 371.1975 19.9343 0.2750 0.4037 0.3557 0.5053 7Frost3 155.6294 15.9727 255.1257 29.0007 0.2280 0.3364 0.3195 0.4136 7Frost4 155.6248 14.0116 196.3238 37.6846 0.2000 0.2960 0.3095 0.3670 7Frost5 155.6221 12.6711 160.5576 46.0777 0.1809 0.2682 0.3064 0.3433 Lee filter evaluation results NAME MEAN STD VAR ENL SSI SMPI EEI FPI 3Lee1 156.0630 47.0906 2217.5234 3.3551 0.6704 0.7012 0.8180 0.9010 3Lee2 156.0611 38.3620 1471.6450 5.0555 0.5461 0.5723 0.6964 0.8267 3Lee3 156.0599 33.2633 1106.4455 6.7241 0.4736 0.4968 0.6139 0.7661 3Lee4 156.0575 29.8075 888.4841 8.3733 0.4244 0.4462 0.5520 0.7077 3Lee5 156.0562 27.2668 743.4802 10.0063 0.3882 0.4087 0.5077 0.6614 5Lee1 156.1017 32.4273 1051.5328 7.0790 0.4615 0.4650 0.5949 0.7610 5Lee2 156.0967 24.7935 614.7196 12.1085 0.3529 0.3573 0.4569 0.6167 5Lee3 156.0956 23.3398 544.7467 13.6636 0.3322 0.3367 0.4330 0.5821 5Lee4 156.0922 20.1087 404.3604 18.4066 0.2862 0.2911 0.3705 0.5127 5Lee5 156.0886 17.9803 323.2927 23.0211 0.2559 0.2612 0.3348 0.4556 7Lee1 156.0987 24.5578 603.0831 12.3424 0.3495 0.3532 0.4371 0.6141 7Lee2 156.0931 18.3072 335.1531 22.2077 0.2606 0.2648 0.3348 0.4572 7Lee3 156.0882 15.4482 238.6475 31.1862 0.2199 0.2245 0.3122 0.3954 7Lee4 156.0851 13.6735 186.9637 39.8056 0.1946 0.1993 0.3064 0.3615 7Lee5 156.0827 12.4316 154.5449 48.1541 0.1770 0.1816 0.3036 0.3282 61 Appendix B Speckle Evaluation Results Part 1 Refined Lee filter evaluation results NAME MEAN STD VAR ENL SSI SMPI EEI FPI RefLee1 157.3106 43.6266 1903.2788 3.9718 0.6162 1.3668 0.6844 0.8410 RefLee2 157.5995 34.6859 1203.1088 6.3064 0.4890 1.2293 0.5682 0.7688 RefLee3 157.5961 27.1274 735.8940 10.3099 0.3824 0.9601 0.4536 0.6847 RefLee4 157.5578 25.0301 626.5037 12.1042 0.3530 0.8722 0.4212 0.6486 RefLee5 157.5211 23.4333 549.1184 13.8035 0.3305 0.8043 0.3978 0.6228 ENL SSI EEI FPI Gamma MAP filter evaluation results NAME MEAN STD VAR SMPI 3Gamma1 156.0265 47.1540 2223.4971 3.3446 0.6715 0.7267 0.8180 0.9010 3Gamma2 156.0201 38.4182 1475.9576 5.0381 0.5471 0.5956 0.6964 0.8267 3Gamma3 156.0171 33.3139 1109.8189 6.6999 0.4744 0.5179 0.6139 0.7661 3Gamma4 156.0132 29.8555 891.3493 8.3417 0.4252 0.4657 0.5520 0.7077 3Gamma5 156.0103 27.3142 746.0678 9.9657 0.3890 0.4272 0.5077 0.6614 5Gamma1 156.0998 32.4315 1051.8019 7.0770 0.4616 0.4660 0.5949 0.7610 5Gamma2 156.0946 24.7967 614.8767 12.1051 0.3529 0.3581 0.4569 0.6167 5Gamma3 156.0913 20.9949 440.7865 16.8853 0.2988 0.3042 0.3881 0.5345 5Gamma4 156.0892 18.5933 345.7098 21.5284 0.2647 0.2700 0.3426 0.4679 5Gamma5 156.0874 16.8969 285.5053 26.0676 0.2405 0.2457 0.3226 0.4325 7Gamma1 156.0987 24.5578 603.0842 12.3424 0.3495 0.3532 0.4371 0.6141 7Gamma2 156.0931 18.3072 335.1548 22.2075 0.2606 0.2648 0.3348 0.4572 7Gamma3 156.0882 15.4482 238.6478 31.1862 0.2199 0.2245 0.3122 0.3954 7Gamma4 156.0851 13.6735 186.9640 39.8055 0.1946 0.1993 0.3064 0.3615 7Gamma5 156.0827 12.4316 154.5449 48.1541 0.1770 0.1816 0.3036 0.3282 Perona-Malik filter evaluation results NAME MEAN STD VAR ENL SSI SMPI EEI FPI PM_1 153.3511 52.3490 2740.4207 2.6214 0.7584 2.8000 0.7140 0.8638 PM_2 151.7369 37.9394 1439.3985 4.8863 0.5555 2.9009 0.5489 0.6711 PM_3 150.8968 27.5230 757.5182 9.1822 0.4052 2.4335 0.4123 0.5443 PM_4 150.5074 20.8780 435.8890 15.8752 0.3082 1.9617 0.3357 0.4635 PM_5 150.3294 16.9216 286.3391 24.1094 0.2501 1.6328 0.3005 0.4045 62 Appendix C Speckle Evaluation Results Sorted by ENL NAME MEAN STD VAR ENL SSI SMPI EEI FPI 7Gamma5 156.0827 12.4316 154.5449 48.1541 0.1770 0.1816 0.3036 0.3282 7Lee5 156.0827 12.4316 154.5449 48.1541 0.1770 0.1816 0.3036 0.3282 7Frost5 155.6221 12.6711 160.5576 46.0777 0.1809 0.2682 0.3064 0.3433 7Lee4 156.0851 13.6735 186.9637 39.8056 0.1946 0.1993 0.3064 0.3615 7Gamma4 156.0851 13.6735 186.9640 39.8055 0.1946 0.1993 0.3064 0.3615 7Frost4 155.6248 14.0116 196.3238 37.6846 0.2000 0.2960 0.3095 0.3670 7Lee3 156.0882 15.4482 238.6475 31.1862 0.2199 0.2245 0.3122 0.3954 7Gamma3 156.0882 15.4482 238.6478 31.1862 0.2199 0.2245 0.3122 0.3954 7Frost3 155.6294 15.9727 255.1257 29.0007 0.2280 0.3364 0.3195 0.4136 PM_5 150.3294 16.9216 286.3391 24.1094 0.2501 1.6328 0.3005 0.4045 7Lee2 156.0931 18.3072 335.1531 22.2077 0.2606 0.2648 0.3348 0.4572 7Gamma2 156.0931 18.3072 335.1548 22.2075 0.2606 0.2648 0.3348 0.4572 7Frost2 155.6372 19.2665 371.1975 19.9343 0.2750 0.4037 0.3557 0.5053 PM_4 150.5074 20.8780 435.8890 15.8752 0.3082 1.9617 0.3357 0.4635 RefLee5 157.5211 23.4333 549.1184 13.8035 0.3305 0.8043 0.3978 0.6228 7Lee1 156.0987 24.5578 603.0831 12.3424 0.3495 0.3532 0.4371 0.6141 7Gamma1 156.0987 24.5578 603.0842 12.3424 0.3495 0.3532 0.4371 0.6141 RefLee4 157.5578 25.0301 626.5037 12.1042 0.3530 0.8722 0.4212 0.6486 RefLee3 157.5961 27.1274 735.8940 10.3099 0.3824 0.9601 0.4536 0.6847 7Frost1 155.6699 27.0595 732.2166 10.1099 0.3862 0.5544 0.5040 0.7074 PM_3 150.8968 27.5230 757.5182 9.1822 0.4052 2.4335 0.4123 0.5443 RefLee2 157.5995 34.6859 1203.1088 6.3064 0.4890 1.2293 0.5682 0.7688 PM_2 151.7369 37.9394 1439.3985 4.8863 0.5555 2.9009 0.5489 0.6711 RefLee1 157.3106 43.6266 1903.2788 3.9718 0.6162 1.3668 0.6844 0.8410 PM_1 153.3511 52.3490 2740.4207 2.6214 0.7584 2.8000 0.7140 0.8638 original 156.1093 70.2631 4936.9075 1.5079 - - - - The higher ENL, the better speckle reduction. 63 Appendix D Speckle Evaluation Results Sorted by SSI NAME MEAN STD VAR ENL SSI SMPI EEI FPI original 156.1093 70.2631 4936.9075 1.5079 - - - - 7Gamma5 156.0827 12.4316 154.5449 48.1541 0.1770 0.1816 0.3036 0.3282 7Lee5 156.0827 12.4316 154.5449 48.1541 0.1770 0.1816 0.3036 0.3282 7Frost5 155.6221 12.6711 160.5576 46.0777 0.1809 0.2682 0.3064 0.3433 7Lee4 156.0851 13.6735 186.9637 39.8056 0.1946 0.1993 0.3064 0.3615 7Gamma4 156.0851 13.6735 186.9640 39.8055 0.1946 0.1993 0.3064 0.3615 7Frost4 155.6248 14.0116 196.3238 37.6846 0.2000 0.2960 0.3095 0.3670 7Lee3 156.0882 15.4482 238.6475 31.1862 0.2199 0.2245 0.3122 0.3954 7Gamma3 156.0882 15.4482 238.6478 31.1862 0.2199 0.2245 0.3122 0.3954 7Frost3 155.6294 15.9727 255.1257 29.0007 0.2280 0.3364 0.3195 0.4136 PM_5 150.3294 16.9216 286.3391 24.1094 0.2501 1.6328 0.3005 0.4045 7Lee2 156.0931 18.3072 335.1531 22.2077 0.2606 0.2648 0.3348 0.4572 7Gamma2 156.0931 18.3072 335.1548 22.2075 0.2606 0.2648 0.3348 0.4572 7Frost2 155.6372 19.2665 371.1975 19.9343 0.2750 0.4037 0.3557 0.5053 PM_4 150.5074 20.8780 435.8890 15.8752 0.3082 1.9617 0.3357 0.4635 RefLee5 157.5211 23.4333 549.1184 13.8035 0.3305 0.8043 0.3978 0.6228 7Lee1 156.0987 24.5578 603.0831 12.3424 0.3495 0.3532 0.4371 0.6141 7Gamma1 156.0987 24.5578 603.0842 12.3424 0.3495 0.3532 0.4371 0.6141 RefLee4 157.5578 25.0301 626.5037 12.1042 0.3530 0.8722 0.4212 0.6486 RefLee3 157.5961 27.1274 735.8940 10.3099 0.3824 0.9601 0.4536 0.6847 7Frost1 155.6699 27.0595 732.2166 10.1099 0.3862 0.5544 0.5040 0.7074 PM_3 150.8968 27.5230 757.5182 9.1822 0.4052 2.4335 0.4123 0.5443 RefLee2 157.5995 34.6859 1203.1088 6.3064 0.4890 1.2293 0.5682 0.7688 PM_2 151.7369 37.9394 1439.3985 4.8863 0.5555 2.9009 0.5489 0.6711 RefLee1 157.3106 43.6266 1903.2788 3.9718 0.6162 1.3668 0.6844 0.8410 PM_1 153.3511 52.3490 2740.4207 2.6214 0.7584 2.8000 0.7140 0.8638 The lower SSI, the better speckle reduction. 64 Appendix E Speckle Evaluation Results Sorted by SMPI NAME MEAN STD VAR ENL SSI SMPI EEI FPI original 156.1093 70.2631 4936.9075 1.5079 - - - - 7Gamma5 156.0827 12.4316 154.5449 48.1541 0.1770 0.1816 0.3036 0.3282 7Lee5 156.0827 12.4316 154.5449 48.1541 0.1770 0.1816 0.3036 0.3282 7Lee4 156.0851 13.6735 186.9637 39.8056 0.1946 0.1993 0.3064 0.3615 7Gamma4 156.0851 13.6735 186.9640 39.8055 0.1946 0.1993 0.3064 0.3615 7Lee3 156.0882 15.4482 238.6475 31.1862 0.2199 0.2245 0.3122 0.3954 7Gamma3 156.0882 15.4482 238.6478 31.1862 0.2199 0.2245 0.3122 0.3954 7Lee2 156.0931 18.3072 335.1531 22.2077 0.2606 0.2648 0.3348 0.4572 7Gamma2 156.0931 18.3072 335.1548 22.2075 0.2606 0.2648 0.3348 0.4572 7Frost5 155.6221 12.6711 160.5576 46.0777 0.1809 0.2682 0.3064 0.3433 7Frost4 155.6248 14.0116 196.3238 37.6846 0.2000 0.2960 0.3095 0.3670 7Frost3 155.6294 15.9727 255.1257 29.0007 0.2280 0.3364 0.3195 0.4136 7Lee1 156.0987 24.5578 603.0831 12.3424 0.3495 0.3532 0.4371 0.6141 7Gamma1 156.0987 24.5578 603.0842 12.3424 0.3495 0.3532 0.4371 0.6141 7Frost2 155.6372 19.2665 371.1975 19.9343 0.2750 0.4037 0.3557 0.5053 7Frost1 155.6699 27.0595 732.2166 10.1099 0.3862 0.5544 0.5040 0.7074 RefLee5 157.5211 23.4333 549.1184 13.8035 0.3305 0.8043 0.3978 0.6228 RefLee4 157.5578 25.0301 626.5037 12.1042 0.3530 0.8722 0.4212 0.6486 RefLee3 157.5961 27.1274 735.8940 10.3099 0.3824 0.9601 0.4536 0.6847 RefLee2 157.5995 34.6859 1203.1088 6.3064 0.4890 1.2293 0.5682 0.7688 RefLee1 157.3106 43.6266 1903.2788 3.9718 0.6162 1.3668 0.6844 0.8410 PM_5 150.3294 16.9216 286.3391 24.1094 0.2501 1.6328 0.3005 0.4045 PM_4 150.5074 20.8780 435.8890 15.8752 0.3082 1.9617 0.3357 0.4635 PM_3 150.8968 27.5230 757.5182 9.1822 0.4052 2.4335 0.4123 0.5443 PM_1 153.3511 52.3490 2740.4207 2.6214 0.7584 2.8000 0.7140 0.8638 PM_2 151.7369 37.9394 1439.3985 4.8863 0.5555 2.9009 0.5489 0.6711 The lower SMPI, the better speckle reduction. 65 Appendix F Speckle Evaluation Results Sorted by EEI NAME MEAN STD VAR ENL SSI SMPI EEI FPI PM_1 153.3511 52.3490 2740.4207 2.6214 0.7584 2.8000 0.7140 0.8638 RefLee1 157.3106 43.6266 1903.2788 3.9718 0.6162 1.3668 0.6844 0.8410 RefLee2 157.5995 34.6859 1203.1088 6.3064 0.4890 1.2293 0.5682 0.7688 PM_2 151.7369 37.9394 1439.3985 4.8863 0.5555 2.9009 0.5489 0.6711 7Frost1 155.6699 27.0595 732.2166 10.1099 0.3862 0.5544 0.5040 0.7074 RefLee3 157.5961 27.1274 735.8940 10.3099 0.3824 0.9601 0.4536 0.6847 7Lee1 156.0987 24.5578 603.0831 12.3424 0.3495 0.3532 0.4371 0.6141 7Gamma1 156.0987 24.5578 603.0842 12.3424 0.3495 0.3532 0.4371 0.6141 RefLee4 157.5578 25.0301 626.5037 12.1042 0.3530 0.8722 0.4212 0.6486 PM_3 150.8968 27.5230 757.5182 9.1822 0.4052 2.4335 0.4123 0.5443 RefLee5 157.5211 23.4333 549.1184 13.8035 0.3305 0.8043 0.3978 0.6228 7Frost2 155.6372 19.2665 371.1975 19.9343 0.2750 0.4037 0.3557 0.5053 PM_4 150.5074 20.8780 435.8890 15.8752 0.3082 1.9617 0.3357 0.4635 7Lee2 156.0931 18.3072 335.1531 22.2077 0.2606 0.2648 0.3348 0.4572 7Gamma2 156.0931 18.3072 335.1548 22.2075 0.2606 0.2648 0.3348 0.4572 7Frost3 155.6294 15.9727 255.1257 29.0007 0.2280 0.3364 0.3195 0.4136 7Lee3 156.0882 15.4482 238.6475 31.1862 0.2199 0.2245 0.3122 0.3954 7Gamma3 156.0882 15.4482 238.6478 31.1862 0.2199 0.2245 0.3122 0.3954 7Frost4 155.6248 14.0116 196.3238 37.6846 0.2000 0.2960 0.3095 0.3670 7Frost5 155.6221 12.6711 160.5576 46.0777 0.1809 0.2682 0.3064 0.3433 7Lee4 156.0851 13.6735 186.9637 39.8056 0.1946 0.1993 0.3064 0.3615 7Gamma4 156.0851 13.6735 186.9640 39.8055 0.1946 0.1993 0.3064 0.3615 7Gamma5 156.0827 12.4316 154.5449 48.1541 0.1770 0.1816 0.3036 0.3282 7Lee5 156.0827 12.4316 154.5449 48.1541 0.1770 0.1816 0.3036 0.3282 PM_5 150.3294 16.9216 286.3391 24.1094 0.2501 1.6328 0.3005 0.4045 original 156.1093 70.2631 4936.9075 1.5079 - - - - The higher EEI, the better edge preservation. 66 Appendix G Speckle Evaluation Results Sorted by FPI NAME MEAN STD VAR ENL SSI SMPI EEI FPI PM_1 153.3511 52.3490 2740.4207 2.6214 0.7584 2.8000 0.7140 0.8638 RefLee1 157.3106 43.6266 1903.2788 3.9718 0.6162 1.3668 0.6844 0.8410 RefLee2 157.5995 34.6859 1203.1088 6.3064 0.4890 1.2293 0.5682 0.7688 7Frost1 155.6699 27.0595 732.2166 10.1099 0.3862 0.5544 0.5040 0.7074 RefLee3 157.5961 27.1274 735.8940 10.3099 0.3824 0.9601 0.4536 0.6847 PM_2 151.7369 37.9394 1439.3985 4.8863 0.5555 2.9009 0.5489 0.6711 RefLee4 157.5578 25.0301 626.5037 12.1042 0.3530 0.8722 0.4212 0.6486 RefLee5 157.5211 23.4333 549.1184 13.8035 0.3305 0.8043 0.3978 0.6228 7Lee1 156.0987 24.5578 603.0831 12.3424 0.3495 0.3532 0.4371 0.6141 7Gamma1 156.0987 24.5578 603.0842 12.3424 0.3495 0.3532 0.4371 0.6141 PM_3 150.8968 27.5230 757.5182 9.1822 0.4052 2.4335 0.4123 0.5443 7Frost2 155.6372 19.2665 371.1975 19.9343 0.2750 0.4037 0.3557 0.5053 PM_4 150.5074 20.8780 435.8890 15.8752 0.3082 1.9617 0.3357 0.4635 7Lee2 156.0931 18.3072 335.1531 22.2077 0.2606 0.2648 0.3348 0.4572 7Gamma2 156.0931 18.3072 335.1548 22.2075 0.2606 0.2648 0.3348 0.4572 7Frost3 155.6294 15.9727 255.1257 29.0007 0.2280 0.3364 0.3195 0.4136 PM_5 150.3294 16.9216 286.3391 24.1094 0.2501 1.6328 0.3005 0.4045 7Lee3 156.0882 15.4482 238.6475 31.1862 0.2199 0.2245 0.3122 0.3954 7Gamma3 156.0882 15.4482 238.6478 31.1862 0.2199 0.2245 0.3122 0.3954 7Frost4 155.6248 14.0116 196.3238 37.6846 0.2000 0.2960 0.3095 0.3670 7Lee4 156.0851 13.6735 186.9637 39.8056 0.1946 0.1993 0.3064 0.3615 7Gamma4 156.0851 13.6735 186.9640 39.8055 0.1946 0.1993 0.3064 0.3615 7Frost5 155.6221 12.6711 160.5576 46.0777 0.1809 0.2682 0.3064 0.3433 7Gamma5 156.0827 12.4316 154.5449 48.1541 0.1770 0.1816 0.3036 0.3282 7Lee5 156.0827 12.4316 154.5449 48.1541 0.1770 0.1816 0.3036 0.3282 The higher FPI, the better edge preservation. 67
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