BACHE ELOR OF DESIGN SPECIALISING IN I FASH HION DES SIGN Inscape Faashion gradu uates are con nfident creattive stylists w who can enteer into a varriety of differrent career paths in th he Fashion In ndustry, both locally and d internation nally. Inscapee equips ourr future fashion leaders with the ccreative and d technical skills s to worrk as clothin ng designerss and stylistss who can d design and manipulate patterns fo or all shapes, sizes, cultures, personaalities and intterests. Our Fashion Graduates can flawlessly follow curreent fashion ttrends but do even better at settingg new ones. Our Fashion n Designers are forwarrd thinkers w who have the ability to iillustrate theeir innovative designs in a variety off Computer Aided Draawing (CAD) programmees, specifically focused on Adobe Photoshop P and Illustrato or. Fashion Design graaduates mayy find themselves in the retail enviro onment as FFashion Mercchandisers, b buyers and planners. These posittions involvee travelling the world, keeping a constant eyye on curreent fashion movementts, locally an nd abroad, while w observving and preedicting pastt and futuree consumer trends. An Inscape Faashion gradu uate will havve the confid dence, abilityy and entrep preneurial kn now how to start their own fashio on business o or study furtther. - 3 year course c Contactt January y Enrolment NQF lev vel 7 GRAMME / COURSE STRUCTURED HOW IS THE PROG ENTAL DESIIGN 1st yea ar – SKILLS S YEAR 01:: FUNDAME • Develop ping fundam mental design skills to o create design savvy critical thin nkers • Develop ping digital image Making, Comm munication, Software and Leadership skills to create well roun nded design ners fit for any a design industry • Develop ping an awa areness of the integra ated nature e of design, advancing g the unique e thinking of our stu udents • Establis shing funda amental buiilding block ks for creative problem m solving. YEAR 02:: DISCIPLIN NE SPECIFIIC 2nd yearr – KNOWL LEDGE • Develo oping Discip pline Specific knowle edge (theories, princiiples and practices) to create confidentt designers fit for a sp pecific desig gn industry • Applyin ng theory to t practice creating designers d that can take a solution from concept to productio on as expec cted by the industry • Advanc cing softwarre skills and d technical knowledge e relevant to t the indus stry • Develo oping an un nderstandin ng of the Business of o Design, Design Innovation and a Social Design. YEAR 03:: SPECIALIS SATION 3rd d year – ST TYLE • Develop ping a signature desig gn style in an area of specialisattion creatin ng designerrs that set new trend ds in the market m • Develo oping advance knowledge and expert sk kills in a field f of spe ecialisation n allowing students to enter a sought afte er niche design marke et • Awaren ness of the e latest des sign techno ologies and d innovation ns preparin ng graduates to add value to tthe industry with glob bal knowled dge of their fields • Develo oping an understand u ing of the e guidelines and prin nciples inv volved in running r a business to give gra aduates the e confidence e and ‘know w-how’ to start their own desig gn initiative es. LOGISTI ICS OF THE PROGRA AMME / CO OURSE 3 yr FT • 8 x 1h4 45 min sess sions per week • 3 hrs ho omework per p 2 hr ses ssion • Consum mable cost (+-R800/m ( month) • Continu uous projec ct based ass sessment • Portfolio o submissio on • Final ye ears gradua ate in December INCLUDE ED: • 1st ye ear Prescrib bed textboo oks • Online e library su ubscription for researc ch purposes s • Study y guides and coursewa are for all three years • 1st ye ear Prelimin nary art equipment • Softw ware license es (Adobe/A AutoDesk software as per progra amme requirements) • Intern net connecttivity • Macbo ook (option nal with exttra fee) • Promo otional item m • Wacom Tablet EXCLUDED: • Consu umables • Sewin ng machine es • Digita al camera
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