FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Fashion Revolution Day 2015 Asks “Who Makes My Clothes”? April 8, 2015, Toronto ON – On April 24th, 2015 more than 65 countries will come together in solidarity to raise awareness for the second year anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Dhaka, Bangladesh that killed 1133 garment workers and injured another 2500. This is Fashion Revolution Day. Competition among large western retailers has perpetuated hazardous conditions in the fashion industry. With rock-bottom wages, low workplace standards and almost no environmental protections Bangladesh has become the world’s second-largest garment exporter after China. Fashion Revolution Day says enough is enough. Fashion Revolution is a global coalition of designers, academics, writers, NGOs, business leaders and parliamentarians calling for systemic reform of the fashion supply chain. These groups have joined forces to shed light on the Rana Plaza disaster and to show the world that change is possible. For the second year in a row Toronto based non-profit Fashion Takes Action (FTA) is leading the campaign for Canada, in an attempt to use the power of fashion to inspire change and reconnect the broken links in the supply chain. To symbolize this “chain”, FTA is working with fashion schools across Canada, holding sew-ins with Ontario schools to create a literal fabric chain that will later be displayed in events and a possible museum installation. George Brown, Seneca, Ryerson University and OCAD are participating in the sew-ins, with schools on both coasts lending support through social media. The students have been collecting used clothing and fabric, which they have then cut into squares to sew together and form the chain. Passer-bys, students and faculty from throughout the schools are invited to write a message on a square that represents their connection, question or emotion around the people who make our clothing. Attached are a few images from sew-ins held this week. Not only do the squares represent the supply chain but they double as signatures in a petition. A petition asking brands to be more transparent about how their clothing is made. On April 24th, 2015 Fashion Takes Action is holding a public sew-in at OCAD University from 10am – 2pm. Media is invited to attend this event in order to learn more about this global initiative, the progress that has been made since the tragedy in 2013, what the general public can do to take action, and to also hear first hand from fashion students, designers, faculty and consumers about how the factory collapse and an increased awareness about the apparel industry has personally affected them and the way they consume clothing. For those who cannot participate in the sew-ins, Fashion Revolution Day is asking people to take to social media, targeting the big fashion brands and asking the question: Who Made My Clothes? Consumers worldwide are also asked to wear their clothes inside out to show their support for better connections and transparency. For more information visit the global campaign site: Fashion Takes Action is Canada’s only non-profit fashion industry organization devoted to sustainability. Since inception in 2007 FTA has worked with over 300 members from small independent designers to multinational brands, and has reached thousands of consumers through various events and campaigns, spreading awareness for social and environmental responsibility. Please visit for more information.
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