hands&feet May 2013 | Newsletter of Central Presbyterian Church, Downingtown, PA 19335 Dear CPC Family and Friends, The season of Eastertide has been one of true joy and uplifting Spirit. Each resurrection appearance of Jesus affords us another important piece of evidence that our Lord was truly the Son of God and that he offers to all the gift of eternal life. From Mary Magdalene, to the disciples on the road to Emmaus, and to the disciples by the Sea of Galilee – each appearance changed the atmosphere from one of disappointment and despair to one of hope and joy and the determination to spread the good news! Jesus’ presence among us now continues to fuel our passion for the gospel today. Our Sundays together have been wonderful. Our ministry and mission have been steadily growing. We expect this marvelous spirit and determination to continue as we gather during the Sundays of May. Youth Sunday will be celebrated on May 5. We should all be very proud of them. They have endured a lot of challenges during the past year – yet they faithfully continue to be dedicated disciples of Jesus. They are not the future of the church – they are the church today. They deserve our enthusiastic support. Let us covenant to make May 5 an “every member in church” Sunday! Following Youth Sunday we will celebrate Mother’s Day on May 13, Pentecost on May 19 (everyone wear red), and Trinity Sunday and remembering our Veterans on May 27. Each and every Lord’s Day is a celebration of the resurrection. May each service bring hope and healing and harmony to those who gather to worship God. We invite everyone to hold your officers and leaders in your prayers at all times, but particularly during the next two months. It is time for us to explore God’s will for the future staffing model of CPC (with the assistance of Donegal Presbytery) and to address major decisions with respect to our organizational structure and our priorities for mission and ministry in the coming year. CPC is blessed with Elders, Deacons, and Trustees who are displaying deep commitment to Christ in their efforts and a kind and humble attitude toward one another. It has been an honor for me to labor alongside such faithful followers of Christ. As we join our hearts and hands to humbly serve our God, we do so knowing that all good gifts come from God, and our hope is not in ourselves, but in God. With the Apostle Paul we confidently affirm, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13. Yours in Christ, Reverend Bill Hess Greetings to our Central Family and Friends! Many of you know that while I have many passions in ministry, my first loves have always been worship and youth ministry. I attribute most of that to the way that youth ministry touched my own life and shaped my faith, providing a foundation for what it is today. I wanted to take this newsletter to say a few things about youth ministry here at CPC. Thank you all for a wonderful send-off for Colin and Kelsey last month. It was truly a testament to the love and passion for youth ministry Colin demonstrated to our congregation over his four years at Central, as well as your investment in them. Over the last several weeks some of you have approached me asking questions about the transition. Let me answer some of those questions: - Who is leading the youth group now? The Youth Leader Team and I are together leading the youth group and sharing that responsibility as we move forward. Central is beyond blessed with the most fabulous group of volunteer youth leaders I have ever seen. Not only are they spectacular and incredibly gifted in ministry, but they are also here in abundance. The team consists of Bill and Pam Criswell, Andrew Fell, Jeff and Jody Flecken, Amy Lisk, Rod McMillan, Judy Mulhern, Tyler Motel, Melissa Murdock, Ann and Tom Roper, and Margaret Van Guilder. Please thank them for stepping up into this very important role. The program will be fun, relevant, and strong under their leadership. Questions about the ministry can be directed to any of the leaders or directly to Emily. - Is there still a Mission Trip? Yes! Pastor Bill Hess, Judy Mulhern, and Ann Roper will be taking 13 students to participate in Hurricane Sandy Relief in New Jersey in June. There will be several opportunities to support them financially and with prayer. Look for those opportunities in the next several weeks. - What is next for youth ministry at CPC? We will continue to maintain a vibrant ministry for our students through the spring, summer, and into the fall. Our hope is that no student will feel his or her time in youth ministry was less of an experience because of recent transitions. Over the summer we will begin concurrently working on a youth ministry model that is sustainable for this congregation moving forward—which I am incredibly excited to participate in—and over time we will grow into whatever new life that takes on. Watch for the ways the Spirit moves in this process! It will be amazing to see. Over the next several months you will hear me talk more about youth ministry: its theology, why it matters, and what it looks like today. I hope you will participate in the conversations, tell the leader team and me your ideas and passions, and think about ways in which you, the congregation, are all youth leaders for our teenagers—encouraging them in their faith, modeling what mature Christian discipleship looks like, and loving them as your sons and daughters in this our covenant family. Blessings, Pastor Emily The National Day of Prayer will be observed at CPC on Thursday, May 2, with an opportunity for personal prayer and reflection in the Sanctuary between 11:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Pastors Bill and Emily will close with a communal prayer in the Sanctuary at 3:00. If you are not able to attend, we ask that you stop and pray a silent pray with the nation at 3:00. Child and Youth Protection Training On Tuesday, May 7, at 7:00 p.m., CPC will hold a Training Session for all adults working with our young people in the church. It is especially important that those individuals who plan on volunteering for VBS this summer attend this session. Please let the church office know if you plan to attend. The Deacons and Mission Ministries were very pleased to receive their nearly $4000 payout this spring from the Endowment Committee. These funds are taken annually from the yearly interest gained on Endowment funding and were previously dispersed as competitive grants. The competitive annual dispersal of grants was discontinued in the fall of 2012. The bulk of the annual interest, close to $10,000 last year, will be turned over to outreach programs that are already in place at CPC, with 40% designated to the Mission Ministry, 40% to the Deacon Ministry, 20% for a Student Grant Fund for use within CPC, with10% for a scholarship for youth activities and 10% for a scholarship for higher education needs of CPC youth members who are studying for the ministry. The Deacons Liaison Committee continues to assist both CPC members and individuals from the wider community with financial needs. Through April, the Deacons received 53 requests for assistance (food, utilities, rental assistance, clothing needs, etc.) and had funds to provide assistance to 33 of those in need and were able to refer another 13 to other agencies for assistance. So, if you are experiencing a need, or if you see a neighbor who really needs help in sifting through a financial dilemma, please do consider turning to your Board of Deacons. You can make a request to “your” assigned Deacon, to “any” Deacon, to the church office, or to a member of the Liaison Committee – Dan Beam, Jane Butler, Jan Drury, Pam Dunn, Leah Greenwood, Dey Kyper, Maria Llevat, Dana Purvis, or Kevin Zeeger. Assistance intakes are scheduled on Saturday mornings by appointment, or alternatively Tuesday evening by special arrangement if Saturday morning is not possible. listening, praying, helping CPC'S Got Talent! It's time to share your wonderful talent with our CPC community during our Celebration Weekend, May 31-June 2, by unveiling your artistic and musical gifts! Spring Coffeehouse- Friday, May 31st, 7-9 p.m. Loosen up those vocal chords, pull out those instruments, and perform on the stage in front of your friends and family! The CPC Praise Band will also be performing as one of the evening's acts. Come join in the fun by contributing your musical talent to our Coffeehouse. Contact Jody Flecken, [email protected], if interested in participating. Spring Art Show- Calling all artists in our CPC community…We invite you to display your work throughout our Celebration Weekend. We are presently looking for contributions in oil, pastel, and acrylic painting, as well as photography and textiles. Please contact Jody Flecken, [email protected], if you are interested in assisting with coordination for this art stroll and/ or contributing your work. There’s a BUZZZ in the air, but so far it’s only a BUZZ… A few folks have asked about starting a raised bed container Community Vegetable Garden at Central. Should we, could we??? There will be logistics involved, but we have the land, we certainly have many members with a heart for mission and outreach, we have many folks with an interest in gardening, and there are local individuals and websites that can provide us with a model. We need help to get this “off the ground,” so to speak! You don’t have to be a master gardener to pull weeds and pick tomatoes! (Not that we wouldn’t welcome you with open arms, though!) Think of the fresh produce that could be shared with our local food banks, as well as the lessons we could teach our children about sustainability and where food comes from! If you, your friends, or your organization/ministry would like to further discuss the feasibility of a Raised Bed Container Community Garden at Central, please notify Sue Blevins or the church office. OUR PRAYERS AND SYMPATHY are with: *Dave and Diane Ward on the recent loss of Dave’s mother, Juanita Ward, following a long and courageous battle with cancer. *The Johnston family on the passing of Marian Johnston on April 9 in Silver Spring, Maryland. *Jeff and Priscilla Singleton and with Janet Singleton in the tragic loss of their daughter and granddaughter, Emily Singleton, in New York City. *Sue Millin and her family on the recent loss of her husband Lee in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, following his valiant struggle with cancer. Some members may remember the Millins, who were active members of CPC a number of years ago. Kindly contact the church office for the addresses of these families for expressions of love and sympathy. NEW MEMBERS: On Sunday, April 14, we welcomed Allen Arnwine and Margaret Harrison, Chuck and Sue Wilson, Patty Murdoch, and Eleanor (“Ellie”) and Melissa Shannon into our CPC family. Please be sure to greet them warmly when you see them in church. BIRTHS: *Mary Ann and Steve Curtiss announce the birth of their precious grandson Curtiss Russell Berry, born on April 16, the son of Molly Curtis Berry and her husband, Chip. *Anne and Dave Cowburn joyfully welcome their new granddaughter Beatrice Irene Anderson, daughter of Cecily and Bengt Anderson, born April 19. THANK YOU. Wes Pannebaker would like to thank everyone for the thoughts, prayers, and good wishes extended to him regarding his recent surgery. BAPTISED April 21: Luke Whitney Sperling and Samuel Donald Sperling, sons of Mary and Scott Sperling. Welcome! UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN… “Such exciting and inspiring things are happening at Central. It is so neat to see what a vibrant church Central is/has been/will continue to be. It is with a large touch of sadness that we will be officially leaving Central for our new MD church at the end of the month. But we know Central and its wonderful congregation will be thriving in Downingtown and will always be there to welcome us back for visits.” With Christian love, Christine & Mark Kamon DEACON’S CORNER Summer LEGO Opportunity for CPC and Community Kids Your Trustees have entered into a rental agreement with "Bricks 4 Kidz," an educational program providing hands-on summer experiences for elementary and middle school students. The programs are taught by trained teachers and an aide in three-hour blocks (a.m. or p.m.) over the period of one week. B4K will be offering three separate weeks of the Lego-based technology camps from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. during the weeks of June 24-28; July 15-19; and July 22-26. These times do not conflict with CPC activities. It is the view of the Trustees that this effort will provide our community's parents and children, including those of CPC, with worthy experiences during a time of year that children need good activities. The agreement will benefit our church family by increasing our visibility in the community, furnishing rental income that will align with our budgeted goals, providing a benefit for kids and parents, and underscoring the value that we place in education and service. You can visit the B4K website for our area by using the link below. The website will provide the costs, dates, and locations of the full schedule of camps being held in the area, including those at CPC: http://www.bricks4kidz.com/pennsylvania-extonchestercounty/ SPRING LUNCHEON Our annual Spring Luncheon took place Tuesday, April 9th. We served more than 120 for lunch, including residents from seven nursing homes, the Coatesville VA Medical Center Home, and several from Grace Covenant EPC. Centerpieces, created by the Youth Group, included butterfly favors and pots of pansies. Ruth Patterson graciously served as head chef, assisted by members of the CPC Working Guild and Deacons, for a luncheon of chicken tetrazzini, green beans, Jell-O salad, rolls, butter, pie, coffee and tea. Wonderful entertainment was provided by Kevin Pierce. Rumors have it that there was dancing in the aisles! A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who helped to make the Deacons Senior Luncheon such a wonderful success. Special thanks to the pastors and to all of our terrific CPC volunteers. PHOTOS IN FELLOWSHIP HALL Thanks largely to the efforts of CPC Deacon Barbara Leisenring, the church is enjoying some lovely posters of flowers photographed at Longwood Gardens. Barbara says she considers herself very fortunate to work with very talented co-workers and friends in the College of Education at WCU. Gail Habbersett, for one, is the avid photographer who took the colorful photos and so graciously shared them, so that we could beautifully decorate Fellowship Hall for the Deacons’ Spring Luncheon. When Gail saw Dick Dague’s online postings of her photos gracing the walls, she commented that she was so happy to have been able to contribute to the luncheon! Deacons Spring Luncheon EXERCISE IN GRATITUDE An interesting approach to expressing gratitude was launched at the April 21 worship service. After the offering was taken, Pastor Bill explained the details and asked that our congregants take note of our blessings during the following week. Our church then gave an "offering" to those of us in attendance of ten $1 bills, which we were asked to remove from the envelope and put in a separate place. As the week went by and we found ourselves moved to express gratitude for how God has blessed us, he suggested that we might return one or more of the dollars to the envelope in appreciation for God’s gifts to us. We were encouraged to journal a comment about what we noticed. There were no requirements for how much or how little we placed in the envelope, but only that we respond to a prayerful consideration of gratitude. The envelopes and comments were returned during worship the next week, providing us with a vehicle to express our thanks to God. Photos by Dick Dague Christian Education Spring has sprung! The weather outside has turned warm, and all of the trees are bursting with new growth! In Christian Education we are planning for the end of the school year and excitedly preparing for next year! As we end the school year, before we get into our summer schedule starting on May 26th, we have many activities planned for the children and young adults here at Central. *We will honor our high school seniors during Senior Sunday on June 2nd, with the Youth leading the service. Our K-5th graders have started to work on a drama that they will perform early in June! Christian Ed also has plans to celebrate the end of the school year at the beginning of June on Pentecost Sunday with a Pentecost Party! More info to follow… *Vacation Bible School registration is in full swing! This ever-popular program will be held July 8-12 at CPC from 9:00 a.m. to Noon, for students Pre-K through 6th grade, with a full day option for students in Grades 2-6 until 4:30 p.m. The fun-filled program this year is entitled “All Year Round!” New this year is an Optional Lunch for all students until 12:45 p.m. We are also looking forward to working with the folks from Camp Donegal during VBS. It is not too late to sign up! *CPC goes to Camp Donegal from July 28th-August 2nd. We invite all students completing Grades 3-9 to join in on the fun: For 3rd-4th Grade: Summer Games Camp; for 5th-6th Grade: Sports Extravaganza Camp; for 7th-9th Grade: Jr. Night Owl Camp. See Emily for more information or visit campdonegal.org. *Please join us for our Christian Education meetings on the 3rd Monday of the month! We are always looking for additional talents and people who are willing to contribute their gifts. Enjoy spring and all of the beauty that comes with the new season! VBS REGISTRATION FORMS continue to be available in the Narthex. Ask at the Welcome Center. We are so excited about this tremendous program. Sign up today! In March, we told you about Church Community Builder and helped you learn how to register and log on. In last month’s CCB Corner, we helped you learn to use CCB to email other members. This month, we will focus on how to update your profile and add your email address and photos of yourself and your family to your profile. First, you must start by logging into CCB. From the “Home” tab of CCB, at the upper right side of the screen, click “Go to my profile.” On the right, under “Actions,” click “Edit Profile.” From this screen, you will be able to add or change your email address, as well as add or update other personal information. To add your photo, click on the “Choose File” tab at the top. This will take you to your computer where you have stored photos. Open the file with the photo and open the photo you would like to add. Be sure to click “save” at the bottom when you are done. If you would like to add a family photo, go to the “Actions” tab and click on “Edit Family Profile.” You will be able to add a family photo by following the steps above. Remember, your email address will not be revealed to people within CCB unless you change your settings or designate people as your friends. We’ll talk more about that in an upcoming CCB Corner! Daughters’ Luncheon May 11 On Saturday, May 11th (Mother's Day Weekend), Presbyterian Women and Lydia Circle are hosting a "Gathering," the annual CPC Daughters’ Luncheon. Daughters of all ages are invited to join us at Central, beginning at 11:00 a.m. Please bring a covered dish to share! There will be a craft project available for the younger girls. We are pleased to have Rev. Dr. Don McCord and his wife Ann as our speakers. Come and hear of their many experiences in providing medical equipment, supplies, and medicines to the people of Kenya. They are currently working with the Kasasule Rural Health and Community Centre that serves a territory with nine remote rural villages. The ambulance at the Centre, which had served the area for 15 years, has finally given out. As a result, the Centre and its supporters are seeking to raise funds to help purchase a new ambulance to serve the area. Without it, many of the patients will have to continue to bring their ill family members in wheelbarrows or on bicycles to get to the Centre! Kindly look for the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board beside the Welcome Center and sign up if you plan to attend. This is sure to be an interesting program! Please join us for this very popular event! Kids Central News “Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you…” Each May we end our preschool year by singing Happy Birthday to our students with summer birthdays; you may remember that we marked our tenth year in 2012. We have just finished our eleventh year of serving preschoolers in our community…Our God is good! May is here and another Preschool year is coming to an end. Where does the time go? The month is filled with the excitement of springtime and the fun of all the “end of year” activities. Sadly we say good-bye to some of our kids and wait with anticipation for the arrival of a new group in the fall. I often brag of how wonderful our children and families are at Kids Central. We will welcome back our current Three’s, some returning alumni families, and several new families, as well. Even though the year is winding down, May is very busy at KCP. We have our usual Music and Chapel days, a lovely Mom’s Tea, and our end of year Graduation/Summer Birthday Celebration. We also have our annual Field Day and a visit with Mr. Lucas and his School Bus…we always look forward to these special events. Our 3’s will take their final field trip of the year as we travel to Springton Manor Farm. Once again, I would like to express our thanks to all of the people who have given generously of their time and talents to enrich the programs at Kids Central. Special thanks go to Jim Lucas, Bill Palmer, and Margaret Van Gilder. And of course, thanks to the Pastors and the staff for their continued support…where would we be without all of them! It’s been a great year, and a cooperative effort, from our Preschool Board (Don Bilyew, Susan Farrell, Barbara Hurt-Simmons, Patti Lausch, Jim Price, Samantha Wolf, our session representative, and Jane Chaballa, from Trustees) to our fantastic teachers (Molly Bugbee, Christine Sherner, Amy Chandler, Mary Lee Caggiano, Amy Francella, Lisa Wagner, Debbie Whiting, and Jean Stinson). We are truly blessed by the partnership with CPC in this ministry, and look forward to next year and whatever joys and challenges God has in store for us. We still have several openings for the 2013-2014 school year. If you know of a child who would benefit from the Kids Central experience, please call Robin in the KCP office at 610-269-0297. Kids Central has an opening for a Teacher’s Assistant in one of our Three’s classes. The position begins in September of this year. If you are interested in spending your Monday and Wednesday mornings helping to teach and nurture a group of three-year-olds, please contact Robin Chiavetta at 610-269-0297. **An Update on our Pennies for the Pantry campaign: We will continue to collect coins throughout the remainder of our school year. All proceeds will benefit the Lord’s Pantry right here in Downingtown. Praise God---and let’s keep those pennies coming! (Larger coins and bills also accepted J) In His Service Together, Robin Chiavetta Kids Central Preschool Board PLEASE JOIN US—We welcome you to join the Kids Central Preschool Board and help shape young lives. We are in search of a church member to fill a position whose term begins September 2013. If interested, contact Susan Farrell at [email protected], or Jim Price at [email protected]. Israel Pilgrims Announcement ARCHBISHOP OF GALILEE SPEAKS Six CPC members drove to Washington, D.C., on April 10 to hear Elias Chacour, the Archbishop of Galilee, speak at the National Cathedral. Archbishop Chacour, truly a godly man, has worked his entire life to bring peace to Israel and Palestine against growing odds. He spoke, as he often does when given the opportunity, of his longtime dream of bringing together Arab Christians, Palestinians, and Israelis, “softening one heart at a time,” as James A. Baker, III, U.S. Secretary of State, 1989-1992, expressed it. It was a privilege to hear him speak to the supportive and quite diverse audience at the Cathedral. SAVE THE DATE FOR ISRAEL PILGRIMS’ EVENT Please join CPC’s recent travelers to Israel for an evening of images, conversation, and selected Israeli/Palestinian foods on Saturday, May 18, at 6:00 p.m. at the church. The informal event will be hosted by Sue Blevins, Anne & Dave Cowburn, Margie & Bill Flanagan, and Cathy Hankes. Please join them. All are welcome! Lord’s Pantry Remember that the Lord’s Pantry has an on-going need for food for its cupboards. CPC provides two large wooden boxes inside the West Narthex and the North Narthex for the purpose of collecting donations. Members of the church deliver the food items to the Pantry on a regular basis. Remember that food needs are often greater during the summer months, when schools are out, and children are not able to receive free breakfasts or lunches. Your donations are essential to their healthy diet. CHURCH WOMEN UNITED will be meeting here at CPC on Friday, May 3rd, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. All women of the church are invited to attend a program that includes Bible study and lunch. Founded in 1941, Church Women United (CWU) is a national volunteer Christian ecumenical women’s movement initiated and carried out by women in the United States and Puerto Rico. It is a movement that brings together women of diverse races, cultures and traditions in closer Christian fellowship, prayer, advocacy, and action for peace with justice in the world. CWU engages millions of women representing twenty-six supporting denominations and participating Christian women. Please contact Mae Jean Rosser for more information. His Mission As the weather turns nicer, we are doing a Spring Barbecue menu for His Mission. On May 19th, the third Sunday of the month, please bring to Central hamburger patties, hot dogs, buns, tomatoes, lettuce, onions, mustard, mayo, corn on the cob, frozen French fries, 100% fruit juice, and fruit pies. Donations of coffee, tea, milk, and creamer are always needed, as well. The Sturgis family will deliver the food to His Mission later that day. As Sherri Sturgis reminds us, “The Valentine family is always so grateful for the food we are able to donate." MUSIC NOTES RAISING VOICES!! Our All Church Choir is growing with singers of all ages, but we still need you! On June 2, we will join together to sing Robert Ray's Gospel Mass - easy to learn and exciting to sing. We have made multiple CD's of it so that you can listen and catch on, and we are rehearsing on Thursday evenings at 8:15 and Sunday mornings at 11:30. Come whenever you can, and bring family members. If you like to sing, you will love singing this together. We will worship from 9:30-10:30 a.m. that Sunday (summer worship time), head to Fellowship Hall for an All-Church Brunch, and then join in singing the Gospel Mass right in Fellowship Hall, celebrating our faith in music! It will be incredible if most of us are singing to culminate Central's Celebration Weekend! Call Anne Cowburn, or just come to the Sanctuary at rehearsal time to participate. CPC Hand Bell Choir The Celebration Ringers have been busy practicing and making preparations for our trip to England this June! In addition, the choir has continued to participate in worship, a highlight was a collaboration with some CPC brass players on Easter Sunday! This past month we also enjoyed hearing chimes played in worship by our youngest ringers here at CPC. The youth in Worship Workshop (2nd-5th grades) have been learning chimes over the past few months and shared a lovely rendition of "Amazing Grace" with the congregation on April 21st. The choir would like to thank the congregation for all of its support over the past few months; it has been much appreciated. Please be on the lookout for an opportunity to "Send a bell to England"...more information to follow! We also hope that everyone comes out to the Celebration Ringers Concert on May 19th at 3:00 p.m., where we will play our England program for our church family! Stephen Ministry “I AM WHO (THAT) I AM,” said the Lord. (Exodus 3:14) You are who you are. You are unique, one of a kind, like your fingerprints or your DNA. You are irreplaceable. God knew you before you were born, knows you now in this life and in the afterlife, and yes, also on Judgment Day. We are like a grain of sand in the desert on our short time on earth. God offers us a fulfilling life with all its goodies. Even with our best efforts we fall short, sometimes due to our own sins or the sins of others. We do the best we can, but at times we don't handle very well some of our life events and find God holding us up, carrying us until we, hopefully, regain our whole self. Stephen Ministry can help you walk spiritually through rough times in your life with a confidential, loving, caring relationship, while God does the healing. Think about it, pray on it, act on it. You can call Pat Wayne at 484-237-8354 or contact our Pastors for referral. RED CROSS Blood Drive Did you know that the Penn-Jersey Blood Services Region immediately rushed 100 units of blood products to the Boston area in the wake of the recent Boston Marathon bombings? Some of those units may have been collected right here in our own Fellowship Hall in the previous CPC American Red Cross Blood Drive! Less than 38 percent of the US population is eligible to give blood. If you are a part of that 38 in 100 Americans, consider the precious gift that you could give to persons in critical need. Remember, a single donation can save up to three lives! Make an appointment today to donate blood at our next ARC drive at CPC on Friday, May 2, from 2:00 to 7:00 pm. Call the church office at 610-269-1576 to select a time. Thank you. Follow-Up: The latest news from Red Cross says that our region has sent over 450 pints to aid victims of the bombings in Boston and has also sent blood products to West, Texas! Dynamic Youth Ministry at CPC! CPC is in for a treat on May 5; it is YOUTH SUNDAY!! Our youth in grades 6-12 will be leading in worship. Come support them as they lead us. We will celebrate their leadership at Hi Def on May 5. Come at 5:00 p.m. for pizza, followed by mini-golf at Rossi's and ice cream at Rita's. Back to church at 8:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome! Bring friends! Calling for all high school seniors!! If you are graduating from high school this year, please let the church office know by May 29. We would like to recognize you in worship on June 2 with a gift. We will be having a celebration of our seniors and their parents, as well as all our youth and adult leaders, on June 2 at 5 p.m. at the Fleckens. More information to come!! May/June Schedule Summary: May 5- Youth Sunday at morning worship service. Pizza, Rossi's, and Rita's at 5 p.m.! May 12- NO Hi Def, Mother's Day May 19- Regular Hi Def, Choir at 5 p.m., Youth Group 5:45-8:00 May 26- NO Hi Def, Memorial Day. Enjoy your family! June 2- Senior Sunday. Party at Flecken's at 5 p.m.! June 9-15- Youth Mission Trip to NJ to do Hurricane Sandy relief work. Members of CPC: If you would be willing to be a Prayer Partner for any of our youth or leaders the week of the Youth Mission Trip, to pray for them each day, please let Ann Roper know. Come Join the Young Adult Ministry! LumberVikings is an exciting and energetic Bible study for high school students held on Wednesday evenings at CPC from 6:30-8:30 p.m. The group gives students a chance to develop their own leadership and teaching skills by providing them an environment in which they can lead their peers on topics that Christian teenagers relate to. New members are always encouraged and welcome to join. The Gathering is a college and young adult ministry based in the church. It is an opportunity to hang out, reconnect with some old friends, and get to know some new people. Coupling great events with fellowship, the group offers open discussion and fun that is focused on growing the group, so that we can grow together. Find us on Facebook or contact Andrew Fell. Photo Directory We have a goal to create a picture directory of our current church family, but we need your help! If you have a current family and/or personal photo you would like to use in a future directory, please send an electronic version of your photo to our resident photographer, Dick Dague, at [email protected]. Make sure to include the full names of all members/regular attendees and family pictured. Please note that these pictures will be loaded to CCB, which will help members recognize each other when interacting through the electronic system! Notice: The staff of CPC’s Hands and Feet Newsletter will publish a combined June/July edition. Kindly be aware that any activities that you would like to publicize during June and July will need to be submitted promptly by the 15th of May. Sue Blevins, editor, will be traveling in England with the Celebration Ringers Hand Bell choir for a week and a half at the end of June. Thus, deadlines will have to be closely observed. In August, we will resume our regular monthly publications. CPC Men’s Group CPC Men’s Group meets every other week on Thursday afternoons from 1:30-3:00 p.m. If you are interested in joining this growing group, please notify Nancy Hilton at the church office (610-269-1576 or [email protected] ) and she will contact you with details. Please join us! PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN AT CENTRAL WOMEN’S RETREAT PROVES MEANINGFUL-On April 13, twenty-six women from Central enjoyed a day of reflection, prayer, and fellowship led by Pastor Emily Chudy. We met at St. John's Presbyterian Church in Devon, where we began with a light breakfast. If you have never been to St. John’s, you will find it to be a lovely small church in Devon where our Emily worshipped as a young girl. We were inspired to get to know each other better as we shared the stories behind the cups we brought from home. We studied about what it means to be a "Container of God's Presence.” After delicious lunches provided by Panera Bread, we had time for a fabulous, fun craft. We made mosaic crosses filled with broken pieces of pottery, which challenged our creativity and provided many laughs. (And, yes, anyone can do it!) We plan to have other retreats and hope that you will consider joining us in the future! HEALTHY WOMEN, HEALTHY FAMILIES-This year PW is supporting the Healthy Women Healthy Families Mother's Day project. This project, formerly known as the Net Workers Malaria Prevention Program, has been expanded to assist a variety of programs that improve the health of women and children. As a gesture of appreciation, we will have Mother's Day cards provided at no cost on May 5th and May 12th. Please take a card to give to your loved one on Mother’s Day to show that you have made a donation in her honor. The donation is usually $10. This is a wonderful way to honor your mother or loved one, as you help support women in Africa who are trying to care for their children against many odds. Look for our tables outside both Sanctuary doors following the worship services on May 5 & 12. MEMORIES FROM THE PAST Just wondering…Do any of you have memories of worshipping at the old church, presently Dane Décor? I overheard a conversation after worship on a recent Sunday, where one of our respected senior couples was telling the story of their children ringing the big bell way up in the belfry tower of the old church, hopefully as a call to worship! (That big bell, by the way, presently holds an honored position at our Welcome Center.) I wanted to learn more! Out of this came the idea to gather as many memories as possible and compile them into a Memory Book. Our memories and our traditions helped hold us together during the difficult times of last year. Please share your memories, no matter how small, so that we can pass them down to the next generation, a firm foundation for the future. Be specific; name names if you wish… all the more fun! Email Sue Blevins or jot down your memories and put a note in Sue’s mailbox in the office. This could be the start of an enjoyable walk down Memory Lane! CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN'S CIRCLES Deborah Circle meets on Thursday, May 16, at 7:00 p.m. All of the Deborah Circle meetings are held at CPC. Chapter 10 of Setting a Trap For God is to be discussed. Call Gay Pryor for answers to any questions. Lydia Circle will meet at Central Presbyterian Church at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 7. Chapter 5 of The Girl's Still Got It will be discussed. Call Denise McMillan for information. Ruth Circle will meet on Monday, May 6, at 1:00 p.m. at CPC. Ruth Circle is seeking new members. Would you like to join us? Please call Jan Stockhoff with inquiries. Sarah Circle will be meeting on May 20, Monday, at the home of Joanne Bilyew at 7:30 p.m. Call Tina Bandoian or Sue Blevins for questions. Note: A few ladies have suggested that they might like to create a new circle at Central, one that might more easily accommodate the needs of mothers with children still at home. If you are interested in talking more about this idea, feel free to contact Joanne Bilyew, Mary Ann Lukens, or Ann Roper. Circles create a supportive environment for women as they travel their life journeys. Please consider joining one! Our May Volunteer Spotlight focuses on John Yurkutat, who has brought significant organizational skills to the ministry at CPC. Having served several times as an Elder, he has continued to chair the Mission Ministry, serving as a tireless advocate for Central’s Mission focus. John’s dedicated efforts to create a long-distance relationship with a small church in Merida, Mexico, has resulted in several CPC mission trips to assist the Christian community in that area and an on-going personal friendship with mission worker Rev. Don Wehmeyer. Other mission trips organized by John, including “Rhino” following the devastating effects of Katrina and “Chat,” a ministry to inner-city youth in Richmond with Chris Whiting, have raised awareness of the spiritual growth and worldwide fellowship which characterize the Mission Committee Out-Reach Program here at Central. We have also benefitted from the strong voice of John Yurkutat in CPC’s Music Ministry, an involvement reaching back to 1975! A dedicated member of the Chancel Choir and Celebration Ringers, in which he sings and rings the lowest of notes, John has championed the power of music in our worship together at Central Presbyterian Church. On special occasions, he adds a jubilant trumpet to our worship service. If we are especially fortunate, his son Bobby will be visiting from out of town and join him in a duet. We give thanks for the gifts that John shares with us most generously, often in full view, but also behind the scenes at our church. Photos by Dick Dague When I was growing up in the 1950's, Memorial Day was the "unofficial" beginning of summer and Labor Day was the "unofficial" end of summer. During Memorial Day weekend, my parents took all of us (five boys) with them to the cemetery to clean the family tombstones and plant flowers at the graves of our loved ones. Then there was the community parade in which our scout troop marched. There was a respectful service at the cemetery, where we remembered those service members who had given their lives in defense of our country. Those services were very meaningful in those days so soon after the Second World War. Everyone knew someone who had lost his life during the war. I confess that as a young lad the 21 gun salute was more exciting than the speeches. But I learned respect and gratitude for our veterans. This Memorial Day let us all give thanks for those who have gone this way before us and have offered their gifts and talents in making this world a better place. Let us also remember those service members who paid the ultimate price to secure the freedoms we so cherish. Blessings to all our veterans! Bill Hess As a special Thank You to the CPC congregation and the local community for such great support this year, the Working Guild would like to share one of its most popular recipes with you. J CPC APPLE CRISP (A favorite from the Recipe Files of the Central Working Guild) 5 lbs. APPLES, sliced 1/2 cup granulated SUGAR 1 Tbsp. LEMON JUICE Mix sugar and lemon juice with the sliced apples. Arrange in a greased 9 x 13 baking dish. 1 1/2 stick BUTTER 1 cup FLOUR 1 1/2 cups quick cooking, uncooked OATS 1 1/2 cups BROWN SUGAR Add cinnamon or nutmeg as desired. Combine above ingredients and mix until crumbly. Spread evenly over apples. BAKE AT 350 degrees FOR 45-50 MINUTES. Serve with ice cream, whipped cream, or cheese. Serves 12 to 16. Note: fresh, frozen, or canned apples may be used. Central Presbyterian Church 100 W. Uwchlan Ave., Downingtown, PA 19335 Phone: 610-269-1576 Fax: 610-269-9842 www.cpcdowningtown.org Rev. Dr. Bill Hess, Co-Pastor, Head of Staff Rev. Emily Chudy, Co-Pastor, Family Ministry Newsletter Editor-in-Chief: Sue Blevins Layout Editor: Leah Greenwood Photographer: Dick Dague Contact Newsletter Staff: [email protected] Where Christ Is Central
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