What`s New in ioGAS 6.0

What's New in ioGAS 6.0
The latest ioGAS version contains the following new features:
Attribute Manager Filter Tool
Filter data from within a single ioGAS file, e.g. specific geology or regolith units, sample type,
alteration zone or a group of drillholes. Data displayed in plots, colour, shape or size attributes and
other tools such as summary statistics is restricted to the samples that are part of the selected filter
groups. Filter groups can also be created by directly selecting points manually within plot windows.
Attribute map data based on selected rock type filter groups coloured by Cu values
Downhole Plots
Multiple Trace - Plot up to 8 variables on single vertical line plot. Use selected Attribute Manager
colour groups to display geology, lithology, alteration and other logged information next to line
Single Trace - Display each variable for a single drillhole in a separate line plot for easy comparison.
Overlay mineral and rock trace lines for selected elements or commodities.
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Example of a multiple trace downhole plot and single trace downhole plots for the same drillhole. Note colour
bar showing colour attribute groups alongside trace with rock standard trace lines on single trace plots.
Self Organising Maps (SOM)
Unsupervised training algorithm using neutral networks to rapidly produce classification groups
within a dataset.
SOM Settings dialog, Count Matrix, U-Matrix & Classified SOM with individual gridded SOM Weight maps
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Auto-Domain Classification Diagram
Automatically create a classification diagram from data groups. These groups could be a priori
knowledge or generated from the K-means clustering or Discriminant Projection Analysis tools.
Group boundaries are created using Mahalanobis Distance calculations. Auto-Domain Classification
Diagrams can be saved and used to classify samples from new datasets or new data imported into
the current ioGAS file.
Generated Auto-Domain Classification Diagram created from Discriminant Projection calculated columns and
K-means clustering groups
Open File from Clipboard
Select header and rows from a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel) using Ctrl-C to copy to the Clipboard and use
this menu option to open the selected data directly into ioGAS.
New Classification Diagrams
Rock Classification
Major Elements
TAS Plutonic (Middlemost, 1994)
Trace Elements
Basalt Th/Yb vs Nb/Yb (Pearce, 2014)
Cu Sulphide
S vs Cu Atomic Weight Ratios (REFLEX, 2012)
Iron Ore
Fe Oxide Quartz Kaolinite Plot (REFLEX, 2014)
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Phyllite Ferruginisation Stages (Jeffcoate et al, 2013)
Phyllite Weathering Stages (Jeffcoate et al, 2013)
IOCG Exploration
Selwyn Fe Stone Classification - No Cu-Au (CRC LEME, 2002)
Selwyn Fe Stone Classification (CRC LEME, 2002)
New Spider Plots
C1 Chondrite (Sun and McDonough, 1989) Extended - includes all elements
Primordial Mantle (McDonough et al, 1992) Extended - includes all elements
Normalisation of OREAS and Geostats Certified Reference Material (CRM) standards including
blanks, lithogeochem, soil, copper, copper-gold, iron, nickel, Pb-Zn and uranium standards; some of
which are supplied with REFLEX XRF unit rentals
Other Improvements
Performance Optimisation – Speed, memory and file loading
Separate OREAS & Geostats Rock Standard Tabs - includes standards supplied with REFLEX
XRF unit rentals
Data Doctor – ability to suppress negative values warning (e.g. when using hyperspectral
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