How to use Grade Centre in UniLearn 1 2

How to use Grade Centre in UniLearn
University of Huddersfield Staff UniLearn Guides
Make sure the edit mode is
(top right of the screen).
Under the Control Panel, Click
on Grade Centre and then
click on Full Grade Centre.
You will see a screen similar to this. All the people that
are enrolled on your module will be listed. You can
enter grades for the students by simply typing the
marks into the correct cell for the assessment.
Email will allow you to email a
selected user who is on the
You can sort you assessment columns by different
criteria for example categories or due date. You can
also order the columns in ascending or descending
For further information please see or contact your School’s LTA
How to use Grade Centre in UniLearn
University of Huddersfield Staff UniLearn Guides
Columns are added to the grade centre automatically when assessment tools have been
added to the module. You can add new columns to the grade center for the assessments
that are not automatically added by clicking on “Create Column”.
Give the column a name that reflects the
title of the assessment and a description
Choose the primary display from the drop
down list - i.e. whether you are entering a
score, a percentage, or a letter grade.
Select a category for the assessment – i.e.
whether it is an Assignment, Test or a
Discussion Board. This will help you if you
want to sort the columns out later.
Now add the total marks possible (eg. 100).
You must enter a value in this field before
you click on Submit.
For further information please see or contact your School’s LTA
How to use Grade Centre in UniLearn
University of Huddersfield Staff UniLearn Guides
If you would like to add a rubric, Click on the
option to Add Rubric and then from the drop
down choose ‘Select Rubric’.
A new window will appear allowing you to select a
rubric that you want to apply. Select a rubric by
selecting the tick box next to the rubric you require
and then click on submit.
You will then be asked if you would like the
maximum points that you have defined in the
rubric to be entered into the points possible
field within the settings of your column.
Click OK, you can always go back and change
the number of points later.
The rubric will now be attached
to the assessment column for
you to use when marking.
Set the Due Date to the
deadline for the assessment.
The remaining settings can be
left as default.
Click on Submit (Bottom of the
page) once you are happy with
the settings.
For further information please see or contact your School’s LTA
How to use Grade Centre in UniLearn
University of Huddersfield Staff UniLearn Guides
Now the column has been created you can start
adding grades and feedback. Find the name of the
student you are grading. Hover on the
corresponding cell in the column you have just
created; click on the options arrow and select
“View Grade Details” from the menu.
If you have attached a rubric
to the assessment then you
can mark using that rubric. If
you have not attached a
rubric then you can manually
enter the grade.
Type in feedback for the
student here.
You can attach a file (eg. If you
have a standard feedback
sheet) by clicking here.
You can leave notes and files
for other instructors which
the student can’t see (eg. for
Click Save to save the
details you have entered.
For further information please see or contact your School’s LTA